Somewhere Over the Rainbow #7 -Remembering Pratyusha (Members Only) - Page 113


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nn027 thumbnail
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Posted: 8 years ago

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Sneha.Love thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 8 years ago

Originally posted by: Sneha...Love

Hello Kety 🤗

Love all the pictures that you posted, but this one the most. That was such a beautiful friendship, Smita and Prats somewhere an article where Smita was talking about Prats, remembering those days...will find it and post it here and translated as well...
You are most welcome for translations...Love you dearly ❤️...volim stare uzrecice...mudar smo mi narod. 😊

OK, I found that interview that Smita gave on 4th of April...She and Prats were such a good friends so I wanted to have it here in Rainbow...I tried to post it , but IF said it was too I will try to post it without pictures...If you read it already, sorry for repeating...Here it is...

Pratyusha Banerjee's on-screen mother-in-law Smita Bansal remembers her laado

Sumitra and Anandi were inseparable on Balika Vadhu, on screen as well as off it. Smita Bansal opens up about the Pratyusha Banerjee she knew in an exclusive interview.

Televizijska svekrva Pratyushe Banerjee, Smita Bansal seca se svoje srecice <laado>

Sumitra i Anandi su bile nerazdvojne u seriji BV i izvan nje. Smita Bansal je otvorila dusu i dala intervju, u kojemu prica o Pratyushi koju je ona poznavala...

She called her laado, and portrayed one of the most loving mothers-in-law we have ever come across on-screen. Sumitra and Anandi were inseparable on Balika Vadhu, on screen as well as off it.

Smita Bansal, who played Sumitra--Pratyusha Banerjee's doting mother-in-law on Colors' popular show Balika Vadhu, is shell-shocked with the news of her suicide, as she remembers her as a "happy and loving girl" who adored life. "It's beyond me; what could have lead her to take such a drastic step," she tells us in an exclusive telephonic conversation, as she struggles to come to terms with her sudden departure. "We were good friends. We (Pratyusha, Neha Marda and I) used to spend every minute with each other, while being on the sets and even used to go out together," she says, adding, "Pratyusha never showed any signs of depression at that time."

"Pratyusha liked being happy. She wanted happiness in her life. She didn't like being low. She would snap out of it even if she felt low at times," says Smita. In an exclusive conversation with India Today online, Smita Bansal opens up about the Anandi she knew.

Pratyusha literally grew up in front of us
Pratyusha was absolutely new when she joined Balika Vadhu. She literally grew up in front of us. . It was her first major show; she had come from a small town. She was very loving. For us (Balika Vadhu team) the transition was a little tough, with new Anandi coming in, after Avika Gor's exit. Avika was very popular and the expectations were very high from the new Anandi. But she met all the expectations and in fact rose above all of them. She was a good performer, she made herself Anandi which was commendable. We spent a lot of time together in all these years. We had a nice on-screen chemistry. And naturally so because we were very good friends off screen also.

Ona ju je zvala laado <duso, srecice>, i odglumila je jednu od najomiljenijih svekrva koja se ikada pojavila na televizijskim ekranima. Sumitra i Anandi su bile nerazdvojne u seriji BV, tokom snimanja i u stvarnom zivotu.

Smita Bansal, koja je glumila Sumitru"svekrvu Pratyushe Banerjee u popularnoj seriji BV koja se prikazivala na Colors-u, potpuno je sokirana vestima o Pratsinom samoubistvu, posto je se seca kao srecne I ljupke devojke koja je obozavala zivot. " Potpuno mi je neshvatljivo; sta ju je moglo navesti na ovako drastican korak, " rekla nam je u telefonskom intervjuu, dok se borila da izadje na kraj sa vestima o Pratsinom iznenadnom odlasku. "Bile smo dobre prijateljice. Mi (Pratyusha, Neha Marda I ja) smo znale da provedemo svaki trenutak zajedno na snimanju, I cak smo I izlazile zajedno." Rekla je, " Pratyusha nikada nije pokazivala bilo kakve znakove depresije u to vreme."

"Pratyusha je volela da bude srecna. Zelela je srecu u svom zivotu. Nije volela da bude neraspolozena, Ona bi se trgnula iz takvog raspolozenja, cak i kada bi se ponekad osecala neraspolozeno." Rekla je Smita. Ona je dala ekskluzivni intervju za India Today Online I ispricala sve sto je znala o Anandi koju je tako dobro poznavala.

Pratyusha je bukvalno odrasla tu pred nama

Pratyusha je bila potpuno nepoznata (novo lice) kada se pridruzila ekipi BV. Ona je bukvalno odrasla tu pred svima nama. To je bio njen prvi veliki show, a ona je dosla iz malog grada. Bila je mnogo voljena. Za nas ( Tim BV) prelazak je bio malo tezi, sa novom Anandi koja je dosla posle Avike. Avika je bila jako popularna, i ocekivanja su bila vrlo visoka za novu Anandi. Ali ona se suocila sa svim ocekivanjima i u stvari se izdigla iznad njih. Ona je bila dobra glumica, ona je od sebe stvorila Anandi, sto je bilo za svaku pohvalu. Mi smo provele mnogo vremena zajedno tih godina. Imale smo lepu hemiju na ekranu, a naravno to je bio rezultat toga jer smo i privatno bile jako dobre prijateljice.

Pratyusha liked being happy
She was a very happy and loving child. And when you are happy and loving, you attract happiness also. We were working together for 20 hours in a month and spent so much time in the make-up room. Neha Marda (who played Gehna), Pratyusha and I particularly shared a very good bonding. I was the senior-most, but they never made me feel like a senior. Pratyusha used to say--let's go out together, and all three of us hung out a lot of times.

Pratyusha liked being happy. She wanted happiness in her life. She didn't like being low. She would snap out of it even if she felt low at times. People are saying, she had depression, but when she was working with me, I could not see any signs of depression. She couldn't have hidden it. She used to discuss all the details with us. She wasn't the kind of person who would hide her woes. Even if she had a small argument with somebody, she used to discuss it and get her out of the system. It is difficult to believe that she had depression. But as they say, anybody could get a depression. It could be possible agar usey suddenly ho gaya ho. But she wasn't depressed at all and a happy person when she was working with me.

Pratyusha je volela da bude srecna
Ona je bila vrlo srecno i voljeno dete. A kada si srecan i voljen ti onda privlacis k sebi srecu i ljubav. Mi smo radile zajedno 20 sati mesecno, i provodile smo toliko mnogo vremena zajedno u sminkarnici. Neha Marda(koja je glumila Gehna) Pratyusha I ja smo posebno imale vrlo dobar odnos ...Ja sam bila najstarija, ali one me nikada nisu cinile da se tako osecam. Pratyusha je znala reci: Hajde da izadjemo zajedno, I nas tri smo izlazile zajedno mnogo puta...

Pratyusha je voljela da bude srecna, zelela je srecu u svom zivotu. Nije volela da bude raspolozena, i ono nekoliko puta kada je bila neraspolozena, brzo se trgnula iz tog raspolozenja...Ljudi govore da je bila depresivna, ali kada smo nas dvije zajedno radile, ja nisam videla nikakve znakove depresije. Ona to nije mogla da sakrije. Ona je obicno sve delila sa nama, svaki i najmanji detalj. Ona nije bila takva osoba koja bi skrivala svoju nesrecu/tugu...Cak i kada je imala neku manju raspravu sa nekim, ona bi o tome znala da se raspravlja, sve dok to nije izbacila iz svog sistema. Tesko je poverovati da je imala depresiju. Ali, kako kazu, svatko moze da ima depresiju... Mozda je moguce...hindi...iznenada, ali dok je radila samnom ona nije bila depresivna osoba.

She loved life
I never thought she would do something like this. I would not like to comment whether she could or could not have committed suicide. Because I have come to believe that anybody can do anything. But there has to be some reason behind it. She loved life. She was the kind of person who used to start singing out of the blue. She was always updated about the latest movies and songs.

I left Balika Vadhu two years back, and Prayusha left the show way before. We were in touch on and off, but not constantly. In our industry, as we move on to other soaps, we don't have much time to hang out with friends. Even when we talk, we don't really discuss our lives in detail. I don't know how her nature has changed in all these years.

Maybe it was a moment

I considered her a very good friend of mine. She didn't give me any hint about it. If she would have made that one call to any of her good friends who could have put some sense into her. Maybe it was a moment and later she also must have thought--what the hell I am doing.

I knew Kuljeet Randhawa (another TV actress who committed suicide) and I had also worked with her. I had done a show with her and had spent a lot of time with her also. It wasn't the same like Pratyusha, but we shared a good equation. I never felt that she could commit suicide. But as we see in the past two-three cases, it comes from the most unexpected people.

Don't think there was any financial trouble

I don't think she had monetary trouble. I have been in the industry for 20 years. Paisa to aata hi rahta hai. She was constantly working. She did so many shows. After Balika Vadhu, she did Bigg Boss, Sasural Simar Ka, Jhalak Dikhhla Jaa etc. She used to do events also. How could she have no money? Even if you are doing one event in a month, there's enough money for a month. She was a very big name, she wasn't a nobody.

Pratyusha was excited about her wedding

She was offered a lead role in &TV's show by Vikas Gupta, but she rejected it. You don't refuse work, if you have financial trouble. She wanted to take a break, get married and that's the reason why she didn't want to do another show probably. The last time I spoke to her, she was discussing what she wanted to wear on her wedding. Kahan par karenge..kaise karenge..wo bhi Jamshedpur ka hai, main bhi Jamshedpur ki hoon and all that. She wasn't the type who would get depressed about work. She wasn't insecure. And why would she be? She saw the heights of success. She became a star overnight.

Volela je zivot
Nikada ne bih poverovala da bi ona mogla da ucini nesto ovako. Ne zelim da komentiram da li je ona mogla ili ne, da izvrsi samoubistvo. Jer ja sam pocela da verujem da svatko moze da ucini bilo sta. Ali mora da postoji neki razlog iza svega toga. Ona je volela zivot. Ona je bila takva vrsta osobe koja bi pocela tek tako, iznenada, da peva. Ona je uvek znala sve o najnovijim filmovima i pesmama.

Ja sam napustila BV pre dve godine, a Pratyusha mnogo pre toga. Bile smo ponekad u kontaktu, ali ne konstantno. U nasoj bransi, kada predjemo u druge serije, nemamo mnogo vremena da se druzimo sa prijateljima. Cak i kada pricamo, mi ne raspravljamo u detalje o nasim zivotima. Ja ne znam koliko se njena narav promenila sve ove godine.

Mozda je to bio samo trenutak

Ja nju smatram svojom jako dragom prijateljicom. Ona mi nije nicime nagovestila sve ovo. Da je pozvala maker jednom bilo koga od svojih dobrih prijatelja, koji bi mogli da je urazume. Mozda je to bio samo bio trenutak"a posle je i sama pomislila- Sta to dodjavola radim.

Poznavala sam Kuljeet Randhawa (druga TV glumca koja je izvrsila samoubistvo) i takodjer sam radila sa njom. Radila sam sa njom u seriji, i takodjer smo provodile mnogo vremena zajedno. Nije bilo kao sa Pratyushom, ali smo se dobro sl*gale. Nikada nisam osecala da bi ona mogla da izvrsi samoubistvo, ali kao sto mozemo vidjeti u poslednja dva-tri slucaja, to se desava sa ljudima od kojih to najmanje ocekujemo.

Ne verujem da je bila u bilo kakvim financijskim poteskocama

Ne verujem da je imala problema sa novcem. Ja sam u industriji 20 godina...hindi...Ona je konstantno radila. Uradila je tako mnogo serija. Poslije BV bila je u BB, SSK, JDJ i drugima. Takodjer je radila i razna desavanja. Kako je moguce da nije imala novaca? Cak i ako uradis jedno desavanje, tu ima dovoljno novca da traje ceo mesec. Ona je bila vrlo poznata /veliko ime, ona nije bila nitko (ko ona mrcina, on je bio nitko i nista dok nije nju sreo)

Pratyusha je bila uzbudjena zbog svoga vencanja

Bila joj je ponudjena glavna uloga u seriji na &TV's , seriji koju je producirao Vikas Gupta, ali, ona je to odbila.Ljudi ne odbijaju posao ako imaju financijske poteskoce.Zelela je da napravi pauzu, da se uda, i to je verovatno bio razlog sto nije zelela da radi drugi show.Poslednji puta kada sam razgovarala sa njom, pricala mi je sta zeli da nosi na svome vencanju...hindi...Ona nije bila vrsta osobe koja bi pala u depresiju zbog posla. Ona nije bila nesigurna. i zasto bi bila? Ona je bila na vrhuncu uspeha i videla kako je to...Postala je zvezda preko noci.

Pratyusha was very close to her mother
She was loved by her mother. I have seen them together. She was so close to her mother. And she didn't even call her before she took that step. I find it very strange. What mental condition she must have been, is beyond me.

Message for actors: it is most important to be sane in life
But there is a message I want to give to the new breed of actors. Work is important, money is important. But it is most important to be sane in life. A family keeps you grounded and bounded. I am saying this because I feel sad. Our families are very important. I have been married for 14 years and even then if I have the slightest of problem, I call my mother. In Pratyusha's case, I never saw it coming. I have spent so much time with that girl.

Only if she had been with the right people...
I read in a paper that Sara Khan said she tried to commit suicide two times earlier too. If somebody knew about it, somebody should have done something about it. If she had been with the right people, this day wouldn't have come.

She was cut off from the world when she was dating Rahul
A lot of my industry friends were telling me that after Rahul came into her life, she was cut off from the world. Though I understand that when somebody is in love, it happens, you tend to distance yourself from others.

Need for a proper investigation

There should be a proper investigation in her case. There was no suicide note, nor any last messages found. In cases of suicide, generally there is at least one last message, in her case there was nothing, no message, no note."

Pratyusha je bila vrlo bliska sa svojom majkom
Bila je voljena od svoje majke. Videla sam ih zajedno. Bila je toliko bliska sa svojom majkom.A nije ju ni pozvala pre nego sto je poduzela taj korak. Ja mislim da je to vrlo cudno.U kakvom je psihickom stanju morala biti, je za mene potpuno nepojmljivo.

Poruka za glumce: Najvaznije je da budeterazumni u zivotu
Zelim da posaljem poruku mladim glumcima. Rad je vazan , novac je vazan.Ali najvaznije je biti zdrav psihicki/pametan u zivotu. Porodica vas cini prizemljenima i povezanim . Govorim ovo jer se osecam tuznom. Nase porodice su jako vazne. Ja sam udata 14 godina, ali cak i onda, kada imam i najmanji problem, ja pozovem moju majku. U Pratyushinom slucaju, ja ovako nesto nisam mogla ni da zamislim. A provela sam toliko mnogo vremena sa tom devojkom.

Da je samo bila sa pravim ljudima...
Procitala sam u novinama da je Sara Khan rekla da je Prats pokusala dva puta pre ovoga sada, da se ubije. Ako je netko znao o tome, taj netko je morao da preduzme nesto po tom pitanju. Da je bila sa pravim ljudima, ovaj dan se ne bi desio...

Ona je bila odsecena od sveta kada je pocela da izlazi sa Rahulom
Mnogi moji prijatelji iz TV industrije su mi govorili da nakon sto je Rahul usao u njen zivot, ona je bila odsecena od sveta. Iako ja razumem da tako nesto moze da se desi, kada je netko zaljubljen, tada imas obicaj da se distanciras od ostalih...

Potreba za merodavnom istragom

Trebalo bi da se sprovede pravilna/detaljna istraga u njenom slucaju. Nije nadjena oprostajna poruka, ili bilo kakva posledja poruka. U slucajevima samoubistva, obicno postoji makar jedna poslednja poruka. U njenom slucaju nije bilo nicega, ni oprostajno pismo niti poruka.

Sneha.Love thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 8 years ago
Here is picture from that interview, so I post it separately...

Sneha.Love thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 8 years ago
They were such a good friends...If only...

Sneha.Love thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 8 years ago
Prats wanted so much to be a bride, she had a dreams that every young girl has...If only she met somebody else..not that slimy leech...

Prats was the most beautiful bride ever...❤️

Sneha.Love thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 8 years ago

Thank you Nado for all this new pictures from Prats ❤️ Looks like you found a treasure box with photos that we never saw before...Thank you for sharing 🤗
nn027 thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Group Promotion 8 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 8 years ago

Originally posted by: Sneha...Love

OK, I found that interview that Smita gave on 4th of April...She and Prats were such a good friends so I wanted to have it here in Rainbow...I tried to post it , but IF said it was too I will try to post it without pictures...If you read it already, sorry for repeating...Here it is...

Pratyusha Banerjee's on-screen mother-in-law Smita Bansal remembers her laado

Sumitra and Anandi were inseparable on Balika Vadhu, on screen as well as off it. Smita Bansal opens up about the Pratyusha Banerjee she knew in an exclusive interview.

Televizijska svekrva Pratyushe Banerjee, Smita Bansal seca se svoje srecice <laado>

Sumitra i Anandi su bile nerazdvojne u seriji BV i izvan nje. Smita Bansal je otvorila dusu i dala intervju, u kojemu prica o Pratyushi koju je ona poznavala...

She called her laado, and portrayed one of the most loving mothers-in-law we have ever come across on-screen. Sumitra and Anandi were inseparable on Balika Vadhu, on screen as well as off it.

Smita Bansal, who played Sumitra--Pratyusha Banerjee's doting mother-in-law on Colors' popular show Balika Vadhu, is shell-shocked with the news of her suicide, as she remembers her as a "happy and loving girl" who adored life. "It's beyond me; what could have lead her to take such a drastic step," she tells us in an exclusive telephonic conversation, as she struggles to come to terms with her sudden departure. "We were good friends. We (Pratyusha, Neha Marda and I) used to spend every minute with each other, while being on the sets and even used to go out together," she says, adding, "Pratyusha never showed any signs of depression at that time."

"Pratyusha liked being happy. She wanted happiness in her life. She didn't like being low. She would snap out of it even if she felt low at times," says Smita. In an exclusive conversation with India Today online, Smita Bansal opens up about the Anandi she knew.

Pratyusha literally grew up in front of us
Pratyusha was absolutely new when she joined Balika Vadhu. She literally grew up in front of us. . It was her first major show; she had come from a small town. She was very loving. For us (Balika Vadhu team) the transition was a little tough, with new Anandi coming in, after Avika Gor's exit. Avika was very popular and the expectations were very high from the new Anandi. But she met all the expectations and in fact rose above all of them. She was a good performer, she made herself Anandi which was commendable. We spent a lot of time together in all these years. We had a nice on-screen chemistry. And naturally so because we were very good friends off screen also.

Ona ju je zvala laado <duso, srecice>, i odglumila je jednu od najomiljenijih svekrva koja se ikada pojavila na televizijskim ekranima. Sumitra i Anandi su bile nerazdvojne u seriji BV, tokom snimanja i u stvarnom zivotu.

Smita Bansal, koja je glumila Sumitru"svekrvu Pratyushe Banerjee u popularnoj seriji BV koja se prikazivala na Colors-u, potpuno je sokirana vestima o Pratsinom samoubistvu, posto je se seca kao srecne I ljupke devojke koja je obozavala zivot. " Potpuno mi je neshvatljivo; sta ju je moglo navesti na ovako drastican korak, " rekla nam je u telefonskom intervjuu, dok se borila da izadje na kraj sa vestima o Pratsinom iznenadnom odlasku. "Bile smo dobre prijateljice. Mi (Pratyusha, Neha Marda I ja) smo znale da provedemo svaki trenutak zajedno na snimanju, I cak smo I izlazile zajedno." Rekla je, " Pratyusha nikada nije pokazivala bilo kakve znakove depresije u to vreme."

"Pratyusha je volela da bude srecna. Zelela je srecu u svom zivotu. Nije volela da bude neraspolozena, Ona bi se trgnula iz takvog raspolozenja, cak i kada bi se ponekad osecala neraspolozeno." Rekla je Smita. Ona je dala ekskluzivni intervju za India Today Online I ispricala sve sto je znala o Anandi koju je tako dobro poznavala.

Pratyusha je bukvalno odrasla tu pred nama

Pratyusha je bila potpuno nepoznata (novo lice) kada se pridruzila ekipi BV. Ona je bukvalno odrasla tu pred svima nama. To je bio njen prvi veliki show, a ona je dosla iz malog grada. Bila je mnogo voljena. Za nas ( Tim BV) prelazak je bio malo tezi, sa novom Anandi koja je dosla posle Avike. Avika je bila jako popularna, i ocekivanja su bila vrlo visoka za novu Anandi. Ali ona se suocila sa svim ocekivanjima i u stvari se izdigla iznad njih. Ona je bila dobra glumica, ona je od sebe stvorila Anandi, sto je bilo za svaku pohvalu. Mi smo provele mnogo vremena zajedno tih godina. Imale smo lepu hemiju na ekranu, a naravno to je bio rezultat toga jer smo i privatno bile jako dobre prijateljice.

Pratyusha liked being happy
She was a very happy and loving child. And when you are happy and loving, you attract happiness also. We were working together for 20 hours in a month and spent so much time in the make-up room. Neha Marda (who played Gehna), Pratyusha and I particularly shared a very good bonding. I was the senior-most, but they never made me feel like a senior. Pratyusha used to say--let's go out together, and all three of us hung out a lot of times.

Pratyusha liked being happy. She wanted happiness in her life. She didn't like being low. She would snap out of it even if she felt low at times. People are saying, she had depression, but when she was working with me, I could not see any signs of depression. She couldn't have hidden it. She used to discuss all the details with us. She wasn't the kind of person who would hide her woes. Even if she had a small argument with somebody, she used to discuss it and get her out of the system. It is difficult to believe that she had depression. But as they say, anybody could get a depression. It could be possible agar usey suddenly ho gaya ho. But she wasn't depressed at all and a happy person when she was working with me.

Pratyusha je volela da bude srecna
Ona je bila vrlo srecno i voljeno dete. A kada si srecan i voljen ti onda privlacis k sebi srecu i ljubav. Mi smo radile zajedno 20 sati mesecno, i provodile smo toliko mnogo vremena zajedno u sminkarnici. Neha Marda(koja je glumila Gehna) Pratyusha I ja smo posebno imale vrlo dobar odnos ...Ja sam bila najstarija, ali one me nikada nisu cinile da se tako osecam. Pratyusha je znala reci: Hajde da izadjemo zajedno, I nas tri smo izlazile zajedno mnogo puta...

Pratyusha je voljela da bude srecna, zelela je srecu u svom zivotu. Nije volela da bude raspolozena, i ono nekoliko puta kada je bila neraspolozena, brzo se trgnula iz tog raspolozenja...Ljudi govore da je bila depresivna, ali kada smo nas dvije zajedno radile, ja nisam videla nikakve znakove depresije. Ona to nije mogla da sakrije. Ona je obicno sve delila sa nama, svaki i najmanji detalj. Ona nije bila takva osoba koja bi skrivala svoju nesrecu/tugu...Cak i kada je imala neku manju raspravu sa nekim, ona bi o tome znala da se raspravlja, sve dok to nije izbacila iz svog sistema. Tesko je poverovati da je imala depresiju. Ali, kako kazu, svatko moze da ima depresiju... Mozda je moguce...hindi...iznenada, ali dok je radila samnom ona nije bila depresivna osoba.

She loved life
I never thought she would do something like this. I would not like to comment whether she could or could not have committed suicide. Because I have come to believe that anybody can do anything. But there has to be some reason behind it. She loved life. She was the kind of person who used to start singing out of the blue. She was always updated about the latest movies and songs.

I left Balika Vadhu two years back, and Prayusha left the show way before. We were in touch on and off, but not constantly. In our industry, as we move on to other soaps, we don't have much time to hang out with friends. Even when we talk, we don't really discuss our lives in detail. I don't know how her nature has changed in all these years.

Maybe it was a moment

I considered her a very good friend of mine. She didn't give me any hint about it. If she would have made that one call to any of her good friends who could have put some sense into her. Maybe it was a moment and later she also must have thought--what the hell I am doing.

I knew Kuljeet Randhawa (another TV actress who committed suicide) and I had also worked with her. I had done a show with her and had spent a lot of time with her also. It wasn't the same like Pratyusha, but we shared a good equation. I never felt that she could commit suicide. But as we see in the past two-three cases, it comes from the most unexpected people.

Don't think there was any financial trouble

I don't think she had monetary trouble. I have been in the industry for 20 years. Paisa to aata hi rahta hai. She was constantly working. She did so many shows. After Balika Vadhu, she did Bigg Boss, Sasural Simar Ka, Jhalak Dikhhla Jaa etc. She used to do events also. How could she have no money? Even if you are doing one event in a month, there's enough money for a month. She was a very big name, she wasn't a nobody.

Pratyusha was excited about her wedding

She was offered a lead role in &TV's show by Vikas Gupta, but she rejected it. You don't refuse work, if you have financial trouble. She wanted to take a break, get married and that's the reason why she didn't want to do another show probably. The last time I spoke to her, she was discussing what she wanted to wear on her wedding. Kahan par karenge..kaise karenge..wo bhi Jamshedpur ka hai, main bhi Jamshedpur ki hoon and all that. She wasn't the type who would get depressed about work. She wasn't insecure. And why would she be? She saw the heights of success. She became a star overnight.

Volela je zivot
Nikada ne bih poverovala da bi ona mogla da ucini nesto ovako. Ne zelim da komentiram da li je ona mogla ili ne, da izvrsi samoubistvo. Jer ja sam pocela da verujem da svatko moze da ucini bilo sta. Ali mora da postoji neki razlog iza svega toga. Ona je volela zivot. Ona je bila takva vrsta osobe koja bi pocela tek tako, iznenada, da peva. Ona je uvek znala sve o najnovijim filmovima i pesmama.

Ja sam napustila BV pre dve godine, a Pratyusha mnogo pre toga. Bile smo ponekad u kontaktu, ali ne konstantno. U nasoj bransi, kada predjemo u druge serije, nemamo mnogo vremena da se druzimo sa prijateljima. Cak i kada pricamo, mi ne raspravljamo u detalje o nasim zivotima. Ja ne znam koliko se njena narav promenila sve ove godine.

Mozda je to bio samo trenutak

Ja nju smatram svojom jako dragom prijateljicom. Ona mi nije nicime nagovestila sve ovo. Da je pozvala maker jednom bilo koga od svojih dobrih prijatelja, koji bi mogli da je urazume. Mozda je to bio samo bio trenutak"a posle je i sama pomislila- Sta to dodjavola radim.

Poznavala sam Kuljeet Randhawa (druga TV glumca koja je izvrsila samoubistvo) i takodjer sam radila sa njom. Radila sam sa njom u seriji, i takodjer smo provodile mnogo vremena zajedno. Nije bilo kao sa Pratyushom, ali smo se dobro sl*gale. Nikada nisam osecala da bi ona mogla da izvrsi samoubistvo, ali kao sto mozemo vidjeti u poslednja dva-tri slucaja, to se desava sa ljudima od kojih to najmanje ocekujemo.

Ne verujem da je bila u bilo kakvim financijskim poteskocama

Ne verujem da je imala problema sa novcem. Ja sam u industriji 20 godina...hindi...Ona je konstantno radila. Uradila je tako mnogo serija. Poslije BV bila je u BB, SSK, JDJ i drugima. Takodjer je radila i razna desavanja. Kako je moguce da nije imala novaca? Cak i ako uradis jedno desavanje, tu ima dovoljno novca da traje ceo mesec. Ona je bila vrlo poznata /veliko ime, ona nije bila nitko (ko ona mrcina, on je bio nitko i nista dok nije nju sreo)

Pratyusha je bila uzbudjena zbog svoga vencanja

Bila joj je ponudjena glavna uloga u seriji na &TV's , seriji koju je producirao Vikas Gupta, ali, ona je to odbila.Ljudi ne odbijaju posao ako imaju financijske poteskoce.Zelela je da napravi pauzu, da se uda, i to je verovatno bio razlog sto nije zelela da radi drugi show.Poslednji puta kada sam razgovarala sa njom, pricala mi je sta zeli da nosi na svome vencanju...hindi...Ona nije bila vrsta osobe koja bi pala u depresiju zbog posla. Ona nije bila nesigurna. i zasto bi bila? Ona je bila na vrhuncu uspeha i videla kako je to...Postala je zvezda preko noci.

Pratyusha was very close to her mother
She was loved by her mother. I have seen them together. She was so close to her mother. And she didn't even call her before she took that step. I find it very strange. What mental condition she must have been, is beyond me.

Message for actors: it is most important to be sane in life
But there is a message I want to give to the new breed of actors. Work is important, money is important. But it is most important to be sane in life. A family keeps you grounded and bounded. I am saying this because I feel sad. Our families are very important. I have been married for 14 years and even then if I have the slightest of problem, I call my mother. In Pratyusha's case, I never saw it coming. I have spent so much time with that girl.

Only if she had been with the right people...
I read in a paper that Sara Khan said she tried to commit suicide two times earlier too. If somebody knew about it, somebody should have done something about it. If she had been with the right people, this day wouldn't have come.

She was cut off from the world when she was dating Rahul
A lot of my industry friends were telling me that after Rahul came into her life, she was cut off from the world. Though I understand that when somebody is in love, it happens, you tend to distance yourself from others.

Need for a proper investigation

There should be a proper investigation in her case. There was no suicide note, nor any last messages found. In cases of suicide, generally there is at least one last message, in her case there was nothing, no message, no note."

Pratyusha je bila vrlo bliska sa svojom majkom
Bila je voljena od svoje majke. Videla sam ih zajedno. Bila je toliko bliska sa svojom majkom.A nije ju ni pozvala pre nego sto je poduzela taj korak. Ja mislim da je to vrlo cudno.U kakvom je psihickom stanju morala biti, je za mene potpuno nepojmljivo.

Poruka za glumce: Najvaznije je da budeterazumni u zivotu
Zelim da posaljem poruku mladim glumcima. Rad je vazan , novac je vazan.Ali najvaznije je biti zdrav psihicki/pametan u zivotu. Porodica vas cini prizemljenima i povezanim . Govorim ovo jer se osecam tuznom. Nase porodice su jako vazne. Ja sam udata 14 godina, ali cak i onda, kada imam i najmanji problem, ja pozovem moju majku. U Pratyushinom slucaju, ja ovako nesto nisam mogla ni da zamislim. A provela sam toliko mnogo vremena sa tom devojkom.

Da je samo bila sa pravim ljudima...
Procitala sam u novinama da je Sara Khan rekla da je Prats pokusala dva puta pre ovoga sada, da se ubije. Ako je netko znao o tome, taj netko je morao da preduzme nesto po tom pitanju. Da je bila sa pravim ljudima, ovaj dan se ne bi desio...

Ona je bila odsecena od sveta kada je pocela da izlazi sa Rahulom
Mnogi moji prijatelji iz TV industrije su mi govorili da nakon sto je Rahul usao u njen zivot, ona je bila odsecena od sveta. Iako ja razumem da tako nesto moze da se desi, kada je netko zaljubljen, tada imas obicaj da se distanciras od ostalih...

Potreba za merodavnom istragom

Trebalo bi da se sprovede pravilna/detaljna istraga u njenom slucaju. Nije nadjena oprostajna poruka, ili bilo kakva posledja poruka. U slucajevima samoubistva, obicno postoji makar jedna poslednja poruka. U njenom slucaju nije bilo nicega, ni oprostajno pismo niti poruka.

Thank you Branka. ❤️
This good chemistry between Smith, Nehe Prats i saw on the screen. All three were fantastic, each in its own way.
Sneha.Love thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 8 years ago

Originally posted by: nn027

Branka 🤗
Thank you. ❤️
We can finish?

Off course we can finish 😃 Draga moja Nado ❤️

nn027 thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Group Promotion 8 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 8 years ago

Originally posted by: Sneha...Love

Thank you Nado for all this new pictures from Prats ❤️ Looks like you found a treasure box with photos that we never saw before...Thank you for sharing 🤗

I had some earlier and some me Bikica ❤️ forwarded.
nn027 thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Group Promotion 8 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 8 years ago
Thanks Biki for link ❤️

Cen WU maybe ?