Our Little Secret #ReadersChoiceAwards Thumbnail

Our Little Secret #ReadersChoiceAwards
Ongoing G

Tuesday,Mar 01, 2022 21:24 PM GMT-07:00

virangna2005 Thumbnail



Summary: shiva and raavi, arc-enemy, lands up loving each other. But raavi's insistence they kept their relatipnship a secret since 3 months. both family still things that these too are no. 1 enemy. but truth has to be unveil one day or another. slowly and gradually, one by one family members came to know about this. thye were happy but the main problem was maami and maa. how would shivi cross the hurdle of enemity and biterness b/w maa and maami?
Author's Note: this story is a alternate version of real shivi story from the show. All possible scenes are been recreated in new way.

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