'Vedaa' actor Kapil Nirmal on his film debut after Television: "Shah Rukh Khan started off from TV so......."

Recently India Forums engaged in an exclusive interview with the actor Kapil Nirmal who made his Bollywood debut with the film Vedaa.

Kapil Nirmal
Souurce: Kapil Nirmal Instagram

The film 'Vedda' which hit the screens this 15th August garnered miz reactions from the audiences. While they loved the theme and the performances of each actor, they found the film a bit slow. Recently India Forums engaged in an exclusive interview with the actor Kapil Nirmal who made his Bollywood debut with the film. The actor shared his experience, his bond with his co-stars, his shift from TV to the film industry and a lot more. 

Q Congratulations on your Bollywood debut, Kapil! Your portrayal of Bheem Sen Parohit in Vedaa has been widely appreciated. How was your overall experience with this film, especially working with Nikkhil Advani?

Kapil Nirmal: Thank you! My experience working on Vedaa has been truly memorable. Nikkhil Advani is an inspiring director. He’s someone who, at first glance, might seem very reserved and focused, but he genuinely cares for his actors. He has this unique way of ensuring that everyone on set feels comfortable and supported. There’s a particular zone he works within, and as long as you respect that and focus on your job, he will appreciate and push you to do your best. Working with him has been a rewarding experience, both professionally and personally.

Q The action sequences in Vedaa were particularly well-crafted. Did you undergo any special training for these scenes?

Kapil Nirmal: Yes, the action sequences were quite demanding and required specific preparation. All the actors involved in action scenes, including myself, were given extensive training on handling weapons and performing stunts. We were trained for about 15 days, which helped us understand how to move and react authentically in front of the camera. The training was essential to execute the action scenes effectively and safely.

Q: You've worked with notable actors like Sharvari Wagh, Abhishek Banerjee, and John Abraham in this film. How would you describe their off-screen personalities, especially during the downtime on set?

Kapil NirmalEveryone on set was highly professional. Each actor was focused on their work, and while we did interact and bond during breaks, the atmosphere was mostly about respecting each other’s space and craft. We would greet our seniors respectfully, which is customary and important. On set, you naturally gel with some people more than others, but overall, the environment was very light and friendly, making it a great experience to work with such talented individuals.

Q: Since this was your Bollywood debut after a successful television career, how important was the concept of "gelling" with your co-actors?

Kapil Nirmal: Gelling with co-actors is crucial, but it’s more about professionalism. When you're acting in a scene, it's your duty to ensure that the scene is performed well, and the same goes for your co-actors. Off-screen bonding is not necessarily a requirement for on-screen chemistry. I tend to keep to myself, focusing on my work, whether it's on television or in films. So, while gelling is important, it's the professional commitment that really matters.


Q: Were you worried about Vedaa releasing alongside other major films?

Kapil NirmalNot at all. In fact, I think it's a good thing. It’s like healthy competition. Back in the day, when we used to train, our coach would always tell us that if someone faster comes along, it just means you need to step up your game. Similarly, I believe the simultaneous release of multiple films isn't a disadvantage; it actually motivates everyone to perform better. It’s all about thriving under pressure.

Q: After making your Bollywood debut, do you see yourself continuing in films and OTT platforms, or would you consider returning to television if the right role comes along?

Kapil NirmalThat’s a tough question for any actor. I’ve seen people make grand statements about moving on to bigger things, only to return to where they started. I believe in growth but also in going with the flow. I aspire to do good work, no matter the medium. So, if a good role comes my way, whether in films, OTT, or television, I wouldn’t hesitate to take it up. For me, it’s all about the quality of work, not the platform. And even Shah Rukh Khan who is currently the biggest Bollywood star started his journey from TV, so it's all about your fate and hard work at the end. 

Q: Was there any particular challenge you faced while transitioning from television to Bollywood?

Challenges are a part of any actor’s journey. When you decide to become an actor, you’re signing up for a career full of challenges. The biggest one, I believe, is earning respect in an industry where everyone is constantly judged. As an actor, your work is always under scrutiny, and not everyone is going to like you. But that’s something you learn to deal with. I always say that as long as you have God’s blessings and keep your sanity intact, you can navigate through these challenges.

- Kapil Nirmal

Q: Finally, how would you sum up your experience working with such a seasoned director like Nikkhil Advani?

Kapil NirmalWorking with Nikkhil Advani was incredibly challenging but equally inspiring. He’s a meticulous director who keeps an eye on every detail. His experience shines through in the way he handles his actors and crew. He ensures that everyone on set is in the right mindset to deliver their best. Nikkhil is someone who respects his craft deeply, and as long as you’re committed to your role, he’ll always have your back. It was a privilege to work under his direction.

Kapil Nirmal’s journey from television to Bollywood marks a significant step in his career, reflecting his dedication to his craft and his ability to adapt and grow in the ever-evolving world of entertainment. As he continues to explore new opportunities, his fans eagerly await to see what he will bring to the screen next.

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John Abraham Thumbnail

John Abraham

Nikkhil Advani Thumbnail

Nikkhil Advani

Kapil Nirmal Thumbnail

Kapil Nirmal

Abhishek Banerjee Thumbnail

Abhishek Banerjee

Sharvari Wagh Thumbnail

Sharvari Wagh

Vedaa poster


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22 days ago

Hi India forums, please also interview Ketaki Kadam who is set to debut in a Marathi Film Vajaav Re

23 days ago

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