vijay thumbnail
Posted: 4 days ago


We are excited to announce the launch of our new forum ranking system, designed to recognize and celebrate the most active and engaging forums in our community. This initiative aims to foster a healthy competition among forums and highlight those that are thriving with new discussions, posts, and interactions.

Screenshot 2024-06-27 at 6.43.04 PM.png

How It Works:

Our ranking system takes into account the activity from the last 7 days, focusing on the following key metrics:

  1. New Topic Count: The number of new topics created in the last 7 days.
  2. New Posts: The number of new posts made in the last 7 days.
  3. New Reactions: The number of reactions received in the last 7 days.
  4. Followers Count: The total number of followers each forum has.

Who Is Eligible:

All active forums that are not locked are eligible to be ranked. This ensures that the most vibrant and engaging forums get the recognition they deserve.

Why This Matters:

The new ranking system will help us identify the forums that are contributing significantly to our community. By spotlighting these forums, we hope to encourage more participation and engagement across all topics. It's also a great way to bring a little friendly competition into our community, motivating everyone to contribute even more.

Screenshot 2024-06-27 at 6.44.10 PM.png

Healthy Competition:

We believe that a bit of competition can be a good thing! It can inspire forum members to be more active, start new discussions, and engage more with each other’s posts. We encourage all members to get involved, support their favorite forums, and help them climb the ranks.

How to Improve Your Forum’s Rank:

  • Start New Topics: Keep the discussions fresh by creating new topics.
  • Engage Actively: Reply to posts and encourage others to join the conversation.
  • React and Interact: Show your appreciation for good posts by reacting to them.
  • Grow Your Community: Invite new members to follow your favorite forums.

Important Note:

This new ranking system is separate from our ChaskaMeter, which is specifically designed for active TV shows. While the ChaskaMeter focuses on tracking and ranking the popularity of TV shows, our new forum ranking system is aimed at highlighting the overall activity and engagement within all forums, regardless of the specific content.

Stay Updated:

We will be updating the rankings daily, so be sure to check back regularly to see how your favorite forums are performing. Look out for special badges and highlights for the top-ranked forums each week.

Thank you for being a part of our community. Let’s make our forums more dynamic and engaging together!

Happy Posting!

Best Regards,

Edited by vijay - 4 days ago


Last reply









Frequent Posters

Sutapasima thumbnail
Posted: 4 days ago

Forum ranking solely based on the activities of our dear forum members !! This is something we wanted for a very long time . The calculations are all so transparent. 
its so  exciting to see our activities show their effect on the forum ranking . 
Thank you dear Vijay and the entire technical team working tirelessly behind the scenes . 

Minionite thumbnail
Posted: 4 days ago

Lol let the competition begin. smiley37

Viswasruti thumbnail
Posted: 4 days ago

This is an interesting introduction. The good thing about ranks is that they give us something to strive towards and a little more motivation! Gaining a higher rank will also pique our curiosity and motivate us to continue with a little bit of good effort.

Rankings in forums are very important, it's take into account a wide range of factors, including popularity, members' participation and most importantly a sort of competitive spirit, that adds fun factor!  

Thank you, Vijay, for this interesting feature.smiley10

Edited by Viswasruti - 4 days ago
Sutapasima thumbnail
Posted: 3 days ago

Members will now be motivated to discuss more , react to more comments and create more topics . I like this . smiley20

Naya_31 thumbnail
Posted: 3 days ago

I’m back to being a sizzler lol just when this forum couldn’t get any worse it surprises me with something worst than before lol smiley37smiley37smiley37smiley39

vijay thumbnail
Posted: 3 days ago

Originally posted by: Naya_31

I’m back to being a sizzler lol just when this forum couldn’t get any worse it surprises me with something worst than before lol smiley37smiley37smiley37smiley39

I understand your frustration, but please know that this happens when we're clearing out trashed topics, posts, or removing chatty or +1 posts to keep the forum clean and organized. Your contributions are still very much appreciated, and we value your active participation in the community.

Thanks for your understanding!

Sneha.Narayanan thumbnail
Visit Streak 180 0 Thumbnail Anniversary 7 Thumbnail + 6
Posted: 3 days ago

Arey new ranking system smiley36

Lostin90s thumbnail
Posted: 3 days ago

I will be off from next week so don’t care. smiley24

Sneha.Narayanan thumbnail
Visit Streak 180 0 Thumbnail Anniversary 7 Thumbnail + 6
Posted: 3 days ago

Originally posted by: Lostin90s

I will be off from next week so don’t care. smiley24

You are leaving IF? smiley3
