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CherryKavya thumbnail
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Posted: 5 days ago

In this case not one Doc available n nurses turned into parlour assistants looks sad. They r still using mid wives to treat pregnant women is even worse. Patients are being collected on one particular at Doctor's convenience is luxury to Dr. Kavya to stay in pregnant condition with having initial bleeding problem doesn't sound safe for her 

rakeshopg thumbnail
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Posted: 5 days ago

(may be out of context)

Its not only in rural areas, there are certain cities (even district headquarters) do practice the same even today.

A specialist is arranged to visit once in a month (or every 15days) to attend the patients for a few hrs, all the patients are advised to come on the same day.

Also, its not only govt. hospitals, it happens in private hospitals/clinics too. 

This is not only about corruption, it is also about lack of doctors. Its also because most of the students prefer to study Engineering as compared to MBBS (not sure, whats the ratio of of the 2 exactly though).

The lack of enough medical colleges/professors/the fees/awareness of necessity..etc are also the reason.

Most of the doctors prefer to go abroad, than to stay in India as well.

The people living in 4 metro cities may not experience this, but every other city have scarcity doctors.

Edited by rakeshopg - 5 days ago
rakeshopg thumbnail
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Posted: 5 days ago

It was definitely not safe for her to stay in that village considering her health conditions and whatever she had already gone through.

But, the point here was, Adi took decisions assuming Kavya will agree considering his care/concern. Kavya understood he wants to control her life in the name of care/concern.

(this point was very clearly mentioned in the scene before she left for the village/previous night).

It was very clear, both failed miserably here. It should have been resolved through a proper communication and address both their concerns carefully.

Any normal couple would do that, this fight/arguments was a forced drama by the makers, no logic here.

Edited by rakeshopg - 5 days ago
CherryKavya thumbnail
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Posted: 3 days ago

Yes when you are work, we need to keep our n ears open to be attentive of what's happening around you. That's what Kavya has been doing regardless of her pain 

CherryKavya thumbnail
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Posted: 3 days ago

The anger of the villagers was seen in Basant khedi too of expiry medication given n death of children, similar case lack of medicine n medical facilities led to death of a child 

CherryKavya thumbnail
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Posted: 3 days ago

Point,  lack of communication, prior discussion  before taking actions has led to so much of misunderstandings between Adi n Kavya. Adi is trying to save his wife n child after Kavya got slapped by the woman overall there was no medical facilities to immediately attend upon Kavya, he is right as a protective husband and father, in reality of life, protection of one's family comes 1st

CherryKavya thumbnail
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Posted: 3 days ago

I agree noticed recently as compared to small towns n cities. Have also noticed people travelling from one state to metro cities to get proper treatment in big hospitals tells the condition of medical treatment in small cities lack of highly professional doctors requirements. 

rakeshopg thumbnail
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Posted: 3 days ago

Yes, the anger was seen in BK villagers too, but the situation was different then.

Kavya was correct, willing to stay back in the village to face the challenge and support the villagers and expose the corruption, instead of run away from there. Adi was correct to protect his wife and child.

The issue here was lack of communication. The entire track/sequence looked unexpected and forced drama, nothing else. No couple would go to this far, after establishing a strong understanding and practicing sharing/discussing everything everyday.

I think, the makers/writers failed here miserably, not sure what they wanted to show/prove here (may be something to be revealed later), but they have literally ruined both the characters here.

The worst was the 3rd character/Rajiv here. Any father would try to calm down his daughter in that situation and would also be concerned about her safety. But, sadly there was sign of that in Rajiv. He looked completely clueless and helpless all the while (since reached to hospital to returned back to office). And that was all after he himself witnessed everything.

He did not even try to speak to Adi, to at least find some solution for Kavya's safety, instead of return back. May be could have asked him to stay back with them for some time until the villagers gain faith in Kavya and her intentions to help them.

Edited by rakeshopg - 3 days ago