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Tej0707 thumbnail
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Posted: 12 days ago
I don't see the issue with her being posted in a rural area.She is not the only one who faces challenges working there.Many women work and live there.Rarely,1-2 cases might face problems in a medical emergency if it's a very remote area.If needed,she can take maternity leave
Vaidehi49 thumbnail
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Posted: 12 days ago

Originally posted by: Tej0707

I don't see the issue with her being posted in a rural area.She is not the only one who faces challenges working there.Many women work and live there.Rarely,1-2 cases might face problems in a medical emergency if it's a very remote area.If needed,she can take maternity leave

Yes it's not at all an issue. But if we see the show since the pregnancy track she was hiding the truth from adi or decided to tell him later and climbing and risking her life and baby's and not eating on time has actually made adi scared and worried.

He is worried if she requires help then what.

Pregnancy mai mood swings all & she is in the 1 semester of the pregnancy and she is already stressed due to fighting.

rakeshopg thumbnail
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Posted: 11 days ago

True, but there should have been a discussion between the two and understand each other's concern and find a favorable solution.

For eg, why not visit the medical center and improve the facilities or get some doctors and make things better to live there. Both have power and capabilities to improve things.

OR (even after Adi bribed the DM to stop the transfer and Kavya understood his concern) may be Kavya speaking to the DM and explaining her condition and seeking any alternative arrangement, even if unsuccessful. May be Shubh would have exposed here.

(not advocating Adi here, he was completely wrong to bribe to stop the transfer here)

OR discuss if both can stay at a nearby common place, with better medical facilities/better access to basic necessities instead in the remote village itself, and travel to work (may be Adi travel more distance than Kavya).

There should be something thought of definitely. In reality, a couple would do all this (irrespective of their powers).

In the end, it looked like a forced drama, obviously missing the key points here. It looked like they were trying to force their thinking/opinion upon each other.

The worse was the lack of proper advise here, may be the mothers would have been better in this situation than the fathers did.

Edited by rakeshopg - 11 days ago
Tej0707 thumbnail
Group Promotion 2 Thumbnail
Posted: 11 days ago
That's the problem they are not discussing at least adi could have tone down instead of always screaming and shouting in the name of care and concern. Not only medicine and food is important for pregnant lady but the stress free environment is also important. Kavya is saying she is managing adi can have trust and believe her instead of always stressing her Anyways just for transfer, it's forced drama 😔
rakeshopg thumbnail
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Posted: 11 days ago

Yes, it looked like both went wrong here. Adi's mistake was more prominent here though.

Kavya assumed that Adi was ok to let her do on her own and Adi assumed that Kavya will forgive him and they can discuss and work things out mutually.

The assumption made things worse and probably that showed the trust between them already shaken up. Sadly it looked like they needed guidance here even after spending so much time together and worse was no guidance either.

Anyway, it all looks forced now, as until a few days back they used to communicate everything clearly, even if they fought/argue a bit and suddenly it went missing.

rakeshopg thumbnail
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Posted: 11 days ago

(Keeping aside the transfer situation here, need to understand the core personality of Adi here, also not about whether its good/bad)

I think, besides his care and concern of her health, Adi is more terrified about living without Kavya.

Its quite evident that, he has none except her in his life, who trusts/understands him/his pains, probably its attributed to his childhood trauma. 

From the time, he found Kavya/fallen for her, he has been living in this constant fear, and also he expressed it a few times.

Its that fear of losing her is more prominent in these situations where she stands against him and he desperately try to convince her and thats when his tone/gestures all go wrong. I think, Kavya understands this very well, and also mentioned a few times that he should not fear of losing her and must have faith in her and she will definitely not leave him.

Sadly, this time she failed to understand his fear/tension here, even after he mentioned that, how could she assume that he can live far away from her. May be she thought he will understand and will live without her, but he definitely cannot.

Thats his weakness, and must correct himself. But, its definitely there and it comes out quite often and clearly visible and thats when his tone/gestures change and he sounds desperate. I think, Malini also knows about quite well. Earlier, in such situations Kavya used to ask him to calm down and make him understand that she will be there with him, but this time the situation was different and she was determined to go as well.

Edited by rakeshopg - 11 days ago
Tej0707 thumbnail
Group Promotion 2 Thumbnail
Posted: 11 days ago
But he should learn from his past mistakes right even if has fear of losing her daily saying kuch hojayega....kuch ho gaya toh ... atleast try for once to say I am with you in all your decision trusting her. Helping her to to sort out things rather than shouting and screaming 😭
rakeshopg thumbnail
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Posted: 11 days ago

Correct, thats where it looks forced drama or quite unreal. It was looking quite good and corrected and he looked quite confident from the time he started working as MLA.

Now, in this track (which looks forced and only to expose Shubh) not only Adi, even Kavya looks quite unreal.

The shouting/screaming may showing him a wrong/bad person but it indicates something else and if not anyone, at least Kavya knows it very well.

They know each other's intentions quite well, and can defend as well, but accusing exactly the opposite on each other's face.

Now, the shouting and screaming happening on both sides, both need to calm down a bit. Yes Adi is definitely going overboard, due to his fear/trying to convince her somehow. He definitely needs to correct that.

Besides, I think its some of those harsh words from Kavya, which triggers him and of course they are meant to be not exactly that and he tries to desperately invalidate that.

For eg, first when she accused him that he is trying to control her career, he knew she misunderstood him (in fact she also knew she made a mistake and confessed that in front of Rajiv), at that time, if he would have let things go, even if she would have hated him for that, it would have been ok later. But, he thought she understood him wrongly and he will lose her and he went on to explain.

Then he realized his mistake and went to apologize and convince her. Again he should have let things go when he found that she already decided and made plans with her father, without involving him but he wanted to take a decision mutually or work things out together. Even if he was hurt, he should have let things go that time. 

Most importantly, he is unable to come to the terms that, he should be ready to sacrifice his child but not let her go from his life (as he has none except her). And he should not try to convince her, especially after she takes one decision. Because Kavya is not that kind of a person, who will change her mind, and eventually one has to give up against her once she decides something. Her father/mother/even Adi himself has given up a few times. And rightfully, eventually he gave up and let her go, and he knows that well, but he still repeats that mistake, all because of his fear of losing her. Its very clearly visible if one tries to analyze his character.

So the shouting/screaming happens when he doesn't give up and try to convince her/prove himself. Its very clear that his fear of losing her takes over (exactly same happened when Giriraj recommended and posted her in Lucknow first time, and she wanted to go anywhere else. He was terrified to stay without her, and went onto argue with her).

So, he should convince himself that he should give up and not try to convince her, after once she takes a decision. Then things will change even the shouting/screaming will stop, and exactly what happens eventually always.

Rajiv, Anjali, all do that. Rajiv also gave up and never suggested to discuss with Adi and even mentioned that when she already decided, why she came to him.

(very importantly, its not to prove Kavya wrong here, its her personality)

Edited by rakeshopg - 11 days ago