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Team Kavya

Posted: 12 days ago

The episode start Rajivi n Kavya talk rajivi say he ask Anjali to go with you. kavya doesn't agree with this idea n say Anjali join a NGO n teach there kids.she ask rajivi that he come with her he agreed.he say it's late I drop u home.she say no rajivi say okay you take rest here.

kavya go to sleep n thinks about AdYa room Adi miss Kavya. Adi came to kavya house n throw a stone on Kavya bedroom window.kavya wake up n see Adi. Adi signal her come to him n say he can't sleep without her.

Kavya think Adi comes here to apologize to her Adi apologize to fighting with her n say he can't live without her.

Kavya say she also can't live without him n hug him n say I m happy that you realize your mistake. she n rajivi plan everything. she say to Adi that whenever you free meetwith me n when I get holidays I come to you.

Adi satirically say wow you plan everything without talk to me n also your father never want us together.n this decision make both of them unhappy.adi say that whatever she wants to do do he will do whatever he thinks right. kavya tries to talk to Adi but he leaves. call someone.

shub come to DM office n steal a paper from a file. Dm Ripu came shub ask what happened sir he say that he select to replace Kavya a relative of division officer. shub say that sir you call n tell Adi that he could not replace Kavya n your son admission I handle it. DM agree.

DM call Adi n tell him that he can't stop Kavya transfer order Adi say don't worried I think an way.adi take kavya fake medical certificate say she needs bed rest for 4 month she will not able to take transfer order. kavya doctor see this n inform kavya that Adi make a fake medical report to stop her transfer. kavya thanks her.

Malini see kavya report n ask Adi that he take away kavya rights to make her own decision.adi say he could not do that.he say that he make this certificate but never use it against Kavya. Kavya come to Malini n reveal that her transfer is finalized

Malini asked Kavya about her living arrangements Adi say there is no facility. kavya say that My father come with me also when after 6 months pregnancy I come back take 3 month holiday.malini say if that not work Kavya says to Adi then you use this fake certificate.

Thanks 4 reading sorry 4 mistake.

Do comment guys for forum rating.


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Spykie thumbnail
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Posted: 12 days ago

I am deeply seated for the clash of ideologies

Spykie thumbnail
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Posted: 12 days ago

For me neither Adhi is wrong neither Kavya.. but to be honest.. Adhi's reaction is much more relatable of a normal real life human

Spykie thumbnail
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Posted: 12 days ago

Loving the way show is serving us 😘

rakeshopg thumbnail
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Posted: 12 days ago

Thank you for your efforts and regular updates.

rakeshopg thumbnail
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Posted: 12 days ago

Good episode. It looks like the story is quite same as the academy/BK track. Kavya accusing Adi being same as his father, trusting Shubh again and Adi even if not trusting his father, still falling into his trap/ideas. 

Also, Malini back to correct Adi/making him realize his mistakes and Rajiv standing against Adi/Pradhans and more worried about Kavya's career, it all looks same old story again.

rakeshopg thumbnail
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Posted: 12 days ago

So expected to see Rajiv suggesting Kavya to speak to Adi and discuss every aspect/her plans and find a favorable solution together and assuring her as he will stand by her. Sadly, there was no sign of it. 

May be that was the difference between mother and father. A small effort to give her strength and correct her relationship/trust would have been a great help.

Probably he understood Kavya already fed up with Adi and also because she wanted to stay back the night OR may be he thought Kavya can handle her problem herself. It looks like Rajiv may eventually suggest Kavya to get separated from Adi (already an indication of that through Adi's words).

rakeshopg thumbnail
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Posted: 12 days ago

So good to see, the efforts taken by Adi to restore their bond and meet Kavya in the night and also apologize. Kavya used to take efforts always, but Adi doing it this time was a refreshing change. That shows they will not spoil their relationship even if they have enough differences.

Even though, they ended up fighting again but it showed how much they valued their relationship in the end.

rakeshopg thumbnail
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Posted: 12 days ago

Adi's constant fear for Kavya/child's health and ready to go any extreme for it, looks quite illogical now. He wants to do everything possible to protect Kavya and the child, but taking wrong steps creating more difficulties for him than solving anything.

On the other hand, though Kavya understands Adi's intentions quite well, but constant blaming him for wrong steps and comparing him with Giriraj creating more problems for her than solving anything.

Both should talk about how to solve the problem of their fear/health issues/any other here, which is so important, besides the work. Instead of that, they talk/fight about mostly everything else.

rakeshopg thumbnail
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Posted: 12 days ago

Now, it looks so wrong on Kavya's part (may be the makers want the drama and hence its being done purposely). Kavya keeps defending Adi in front of Shubh/Rajiv/everyone saying he is not like his father and his intentions are not wrong. But, keep saying Adi that he has become like his father.

Even if he is taking all wrong steps to protect her/child or extremely worried about her/child, she knows very well he is definitely not like his father and will never become like him.

Now it sounds like, she has been lying to him that she has faith in him more than herself and everytime he had self-doubts of him and noone believes him/thinks of him all because of his father only, she always said he is wrong and she believes him otherwise.
