~Episode Highlights~ Isha LOVES Neil

A_for_Arpita thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Visit Streak 180 0 Thumbnail + 5
Posted: 1 months ago

Vanshaj WRITERS certainly knows my TASTE smiley14

They knows how to pull me back to the show when I am losing interest that's why I kinda love them smiley36 

Ohhhhhh definitely not more than how much I love my Ishaaaa babyyyyy smiley15 

ISHA is realistic, sorted, flawed but beautifully layered character and for me definitely a DARLING SHE IS smiley31 and Kanchan has adapted all experiments of writers regarding Isha so perfectly on screen smiley32


I remember writing on NeiVika AT how Isha-Yuvika needs to have a conversation about Neil and they actually showed it today smiley32 


Finally a show on ITV where both Sisters so maturely TALKED about falling for the same Guy smiley36 smiley32 

The conversation was beautiful on so many levels smiley27



"NEVER regret developing feelings for anyone" - Yuvika to Isha smiley27

How many times we say THIS to someone? We always blame those feelings or try to deny them, whereas those feelings are absolutely normal, healthy, beautiful as long as U aren't choosing to cross a boundary that can break a H.O.M.E 

THEY Normalised two girls developing feelings for same guy in the most non toxic way smiley32

Also they actually validated Isha's feelings, the way she talked about Neil today it wasn't a mere infatuation, she actually fell for Neil, it was actually love from her side perhaps that's why she could sacrifice her one sided feelings for her Neil and Yuvika Dismiley28 

Flying kisses to WRITERS today for this sequence smiley31 

Isha always had a soft corner and care for Neil, her falling for Neil and Neil clearly conveying a NO to her with an apology, Isha's confession to Yuvika about Neil and Yuvika respecting her feelings EVERYTHING about this Isha-Neil-Yuvika triangle was very raw and absolutely well written smiley20 Kudos to Writers smiley32

Thanks for reading smiley9

Edited by A_for_Arpita - 1 months ago


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Pete15rogmourey thumbnail

Team Bhidur

Posted: 1 months ago


Will post after reading the thread tomorrow 

Edit ; Isha is finally back to normal smiley1

Edited by Pete15rogmourey - 1 months ago
Effervescent_R thumbnail
Anniversary 17 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 1 months ago

Yes! This! 

This show may do a lot of things wrong but when it comes to family ties , simple family bonds 

The clarity each character has in their mind 

Earlier too I had loved how Neil had been so straight forward and clear in his intentions towards Isha and again today , Isha and Yuvika , the way both understood not only each other's perspective but also bonded over it was magical ❤️

A_for_Arpita thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Visit Streak 180 0 Thumbnail + 5
Posted: 1 months ago

Originally posted by: Effervescent_R

Yes! This! 

This show may do a lot of things wrong but when it comes to family ties , simple family bonds 

The clarity each character has in their mind 

Earlier too I had loved how Neil had been so straight forward and clear in his intentions towards Isha and again today , Isha and Yuvika , the way both understood not only each other's perspective but also bonded over it was magical ❤️

Hey how are you? smiley31

Yes the whole NeilSha track was handled well.

None of us expected ISHA to fall for Neil but now when I look back, I see ISHA always had a soft caring side for Neil which eventually developed into feelings in absence of Yuvika/Bhoomi/Prem in her life THATS so organic smiley32 No wonder I never mind her falling for Neil. Also the way Neil was so straightforward about his NO and more than that I am just amazed by the RAW WRITING that Neil knew Isha has started seeing him in a different light and actually behaved like how a caring man will without crossing his line and keeping Isha in check too. smiley32 

BEAUTIFUL on so many levels smiley42

Edited by A_for_Arpita - 1 months ago
A_for_Arpita thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Visit Streak 180 0 Thumbnail + 5
Posted: 1 months ago

Originally posted by: Pete15rogmourey


Will post after reading the thread tomorrow 

Edit ; Isha is finally back to normal smiley1

Beta woh pehle bhi normally thi smiley37 

She just got possessive about Neil which was NORMAL smiley36

Pete15rogmourey thumbnail

Team Bhidur

Posted: 1 months ago

Originally posted by: A_for_Arpita

Beta woh pehle bhi normally thi smiley37 

She just got possessive about Neil which was NORMAL smiley36

Normal as in she is back to shipping NeiVika smiley14

A_for_Arpita thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Visit Streak 180 0 Thumbnail + 5
Posted: 1 months ago

Originally posted by: Pete15rogmourey

Normal as in she is back to shipping NeiVika smiley14

Well technically now she will never be able to ship NeiVika LIKE BEFORE smiley36 She may do it happily but deep down she will feel a void that she may not show it for NeiVika's happiness. 

Her infatuation, care, feelings for Neil will always be there deep down and that's perfectly alright actually smiley9
