~ Episode Highlights ~ The Twisted Honour Killing - Page 2


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Posted: 19 days ago

Originally posted by: A_for_Arpita

Uff! Have never seen such a sadistic show before! smiley8

Honestly when NiRaya were getting married on one hand and Neil got attacked on the other hand WRITING wise I really appreciated the IRONY 




While my heart went out for Vidur Uncle when he tried to stop Neil from going outside, I knew this show preaches Karma so this whole IRONY will come back to Mahajans only and eventually NeiVika will be the ONLY Couple to live a happy married life! 



Ghhhhhoshhhhhhhhhh! Such a TWISTED and BRUTAL HONOUR KILLING I never ever wished for NiRaya smiley28 While all of us expected them to kill off Nikhil but NOT like this smiley3


I mean they let MIRAYA Marry him only to KILL him on that very day before her eyes? Whaaaaat a sadistic writing smiley11


I am sorry, I will never ever ask NeiVika Marriage Writers MAAF karoooo mujhe 🙏🏻 

I know NeiVika are the lead couple still I don't trust Writers at all. Stay away from My NeiVika Babies smiley7

At least Yuvika's MAN is breathing somewhere 


Unlike Miraya's Husband 


Unlike Bhoomi's Husband 


All these COLD Blooded MURDERS for WHAT? 



It was a Goosebumps moment when Gargi walked towards Bhoomi with that WILL and the background music of VANSHAJ 🎲 Played behind smiley32


VANSHAJ is all about, to whaaaaat extent some people can go for PROPERTY and POWER! 


Congratulations to the Team for hitting 300 Episode smiley20

That's all, thanks for reading smiley1

I have never been a regular viewer of this show myself however after watching the new promo of Yuvika returning as Yuvika Multani centering around the power battle of the Mahajan dynasty evoked my interest.

I watched some of the episodes and really Yukti Multani was DJ's perfect match.Her rescue of the elder Dada Mahajan or her perfect plans of exposing DJ and driving a wedge between DJ and her mom Gargi Mahajan were perfect and executed quite brilliantly.

In short Yukti was quite the lady Mastermind which Yuvika was not.She was clever firm and capable but her mom Bhoomi spoiled the plans and made Yukti into that dull simple Yuvika Nagar again just when she was gonna expose DJ's fiancee and her mom.

Even I don't understand why the senior Yuvraj Multani Yuvika's own mentor including the assistant Rose betrayed her and collaborated with DJ in sending Yuvika to jail to pay for the crimes which she never did in the first place.

If DJ was gonna win the game anyway why change Yuvika into some Yukti Multani then and the same Multanis ditched Yuvika and threw her to the wolves.Neil was right regarding the actions of Yuvraj Multani.

Yuvraj perhaps wanted revenge on the Mahajans but more than that he perhaps  wanted a good business deal with the growing Mahajans thus trained and financed Yuvika.

Since Yukti or let's say Yuvika won't use under handed means to defeat a cunning adversary like DJ he decided to betray her and join hands with DJ.

This only proves that Yuvika won't be able to ever defeat the clever DJ.She can quote many inspiring lines she wants but without resorting to underhanded means she cannot defeat DJ.

Durga of Ek Hasina thi or Shivangi were able to complete their revenge because they had to get their hands dirty in order to take down their adversaries Shaurya and Yamini.

Yuvika's biggest mistake was exposing her identity and listening to her fearful mom Bhoomi before completing her revenge mission.Yuvraj did warn her many times not to get emotional or sentimental but Yuvika being Yuvika made those crucial mistakes like a rookie.
