The Devil in the Dark Thread 2||Chapter 59 & 60 pg 12||Updated 30/06 - Page 13

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Kkiran thumbnail
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Posted: a day ago

Both updates were delightful and a bit better in terms of mood. It is nice to see that Geet is seeing more of a undiscovered side of Maan. I feel like in general in life people have different dynamics and presentations of self be it on personal or professional front. It was fire seeing Geet telling Maan her business is opening and she isn't going to allow some sissies mess that up for her. She threw some valid punches in there where he knew he could not back down. Are  you foreshadowing Antara's marriage? You are bringing it up a bit more?!!?!?!?! Geet knows her little sister is a firecracker and she will fight the fight despite her innocence. I just hope she don't get killed. 

The successful beginning of Geet's venture is truly momentous and a nice change for the women. Its nice to see that the women are finding benefit to it and that the trainers are exceptional! Its cute to see Antara cheer for joy for her sisters success. My heart goes out to Siya and Vivaan its not a easy situation to be in! I feel they are both so hurt and traumatized, but that realization that there is more to duty is key on moving on. ALSO, does Palak not love her life telling the Capo's wife her husband saw her going into a lounge. Like girl you both could be dead!

chloebear thumbnail
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Posted: a day ago

Wow great to see Geet doing wonders with dark queen..loving the way MG relationship has turned where just them being together means everything to them, hope this time they manage to get away for few days, yes Vivan does seems to care more than he shows, but the demons still seems to be behind his back, poor siga though, Vivaan needs to understand he has to be physically be there for Sia

MA1970 thumbnail
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Posted: a day ago

Lovely part. Geets concern for the wives she wants to open the fitness centre as quickly as possible and start the same as she wants them to protect themselves till such tome the help comes. She does not want them to be fully dependent on them. Maan team is still not able to find the main suspect in Geet kidnapping.

MA1970 thumbnail
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Posted: a day ago

Interesting update.Siya feeling lonely. Palak comes to visit her and informs her that her husband visited the place where some of the husband's cheat on their wife. This creates a storm and Siya is continously sobbing and feeling betrayed.  Vivaan sees her in this condition and confronted her she informs him what Palak said and confirmed he did not cheat her he had gone for some investigation. He realized that he needs to work on this relationship.

Pranb thumbnail
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Posted: a day ago

Very lively update and Geet tend to see the other side of maan ….its not easy to be so free being capo and looking after his love …. Loved the way defended her stand in front of maan for dark queens purpose and she’s not going to backoff …. Even though maan was not happy but he wanted to make his Geet as his strength rather than his weakness so he has to accept her demand …. Oh Geet is planning to protect his sister but hope she be alert and keep maan in the loop to give whatever anthara wanted …. Oh dark queen is rocking and I’m loving that all the women are utilising for their benefits …one day definitely it will come in hand for them to protect themselves…. Oh I loved the way Siya expressed her frustration and for a change even Vivaan also understood Siya’s feelings towards him even though they were not too close to each other romantically….hope they will be happy in future….

GuruDd thumbnail
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Posted: a day ago

part 59 

nice one I liked it

well i am also surprised to see the devil cooking himself 😧 amazing 

well i was having my mouth watered with the thought of omelette 🤣 

geet wants to talk about opening of her fitness centre 

well i was thinking 🤔 too its been long since this fitness centre has to be opened 

I am thinking where its leading of maan delaying of opening centre its pretty obvious his some idiot men are upset with the thought of fitness centre 

well they are busy with their mistresses its being good but their wives preparing themselves to fight the morons due to their revenge game is ok no way just bring it on

well i am happy to see maan realising his feelings for geet and confessing it too and finally knowing the importance of his wife as he is ready to betray his family for the sake of his wife interesting 

GuruDd thumbnail
Visit Streak 365 0 Thumbnail Visit Streak 180 0 Thumbnail + 4
Posted: a day ago

part 60 

well I am glad its already been weeks since geet has opened her FC and its been rocking and the cafe too 

well I can imagine that how good it may be to have such things in real life 

girls need to be trained more than men well the are week i bet they can defeated by the normal man beside of practicing because God gifted men more physical strength then we women 

well the steamy scenes of maan geet can make my day and I am happy maan geet are not bickering and arguing like Vivian and siya

omg siya was doubting vivian and I am relief that siya trusted vivian for not cheating on her their relation will take time 

taahir004 thumbnail
Posted: a day ago

Chapter 59

Fantastic Chapter 

The fact that Maan is in love with Geet and would do 

anything for her makes their marriage a better one than all other marriages around them

Geet is eager to open her fitness center and she truly has valid points too

hopefully Antara gets the correct man to marry

taahir004 thumbnail
Posted: a day ago

Chapter 60

Emotional and so Fabulous Chapter 

Maan and Geet understand each other  and their love for each other

is growing deeper and deeper

while I'm glad that Siya finally spoke her heart out to Vivaan

and he too realized that he has been taking his wife for granted 

while at the same time he was been over protective as he did not want 

what had happened to him previously 

aparna3011 thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 3
Posted: a day ago


superb update

emotional too

vivan decide to give siya emotional support 

