MG FF-Enchanted #2 - Chapter 49 PG 126 Jun 7 - Page 131

Romance FF


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Mariam-athman3 thumbnail
Group Promotion 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 15 days ago
Beautiful update Geet is so excited arranging everything to welcome her family ,maan is letting her do what she likes while drooling over her . Geet is uncomfortable around dadima glad dadima breaks the ice btwn them and geet let go of her hurt for the sake of her husband but dadima ruined her happiness with her taunts breaking geet naive heart again .maan has understand the talk btwn the two didn't end well and he has to play safe to protect his wife
ranisujatha thumbnail
Visit Streak 30 0 Thumbnail
Posted: 8 days ago
Pw please i have posted my reply for part 48 it is fantastic
jeyanthi123 thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Visit Streak 180 0 Thumbnail + 5
Posted: 4 days ago

Lovely update 

Loved it .

Geet s preparing grandly to welcome dadima and sibling ... Maan s admiring geet and how she s arranging everything .. 

There is still some ackwardness between geet and dadima .. 

Annie s feeling very emotional by seeing her Maan Bhai at airport .. 

Maan has threaten Vicky not to work ..

Sibling are enjoying their time and dadima wanna to spend time with geet .. 

Geet being innocent she s not understanding dadima words .. 

Geet wanna to enjoy with sibling but dadima s not allowing .. 

Geet s feeling hurt the way dadima s speaking.. 

Geet s trying to hide her pain from Maan but Maan s able to understand dadima has told something .. 

He s thinking he will handle both without any hurt ..

Continue soon 

