Ineffable - Maaneet FF - Chapter 15 page 23 - 2/7/24 - Page 23

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SillySoni thumbnail
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Posted: 2 days ago

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aparna3011 thumbnail
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Posted: 2 days ago


maan ask sorry from geet n family for torcher brij face in jail 

brij ask compensation which ashem geet n her mother 

rano make geet confess her love for maan seeing her quite n dull 

here daadi can see old detach maan n shock with the reason maan told her that he is black shadow so he is maintaining distance from geet 



taahir004 thumbnail
Posted: 2 days ago

Chapter 15

Emotional and so Fabulous Chapter

Maan was so sure that Brij did harm Annie 

but the moment Annie tells the police it is Armaan Malik

Maan becomes the bigger person once again by apologizing to Brij

and though Brij was just after money 

but Maan gave him while he also stayed away from Geet

as Maan did not want any harm coming to Geet 

hopefully somehow Maan and Geet can get together 

Dadima on the other hand got her answer as Maan was busy in the world of Geet

and she realizes that Maan has fallen for Geet

while Geet also tells her mother she has fallen in love with Maan

khwaishfan thumbnail
Anniversary 16 Thumbnail Visit Streak 500 0 Thumbnail + 7
Posted: a day ago

Chapter 15

Emotional update… remarkably written 

Maan was really angry with Brij

he wants Brij punished at any cost

finally Annie revealed that Armaan raped her

Maan was indeed shocked

great that Armaan was arrested

so Brij has been released

well Maan went to see Brij and apologised to him

of cos Brij demanded compensation

Geet and Rano were clearly astounded

as expected Geet intervened

hate that Brij insulted Geet

Maan was furious seeing this

Rano was certainly ashamed with Brij's behavior

glad that Annie and Arjun got engaged

oh Brij is spending money like water

sad that Geet is no longer studying

good that Rano noticed Geet's tears and confronted

at least Geet was direct with Rano regarding her feelings for Maan

Gosh Geet knows she has to live without Maan

pleased that dadima questioned Maan about Geet

nice that Maan admitted that he loves Geet

not surprised why Maan is staying away from Geet

loved that dadima assured him

dismayed that he feels he is a bad omen

can understand his fears

now Maan vows to stay away from Geet

update soon 
