Ananya is a better actress than Sara and Janhvi!

mintyblue thumbnail
Anniversary 16 Thumbnail Visit Streak 180 0 Thumbnail + 4
Posted: 3 years ago

Ananya is pretty and she has potential. I saw Khaali Peeli and she was good in it. She's quite expressive, modulates her voice well and given the right script and director, has potential to shine in future.

Sara's performance in Kedarnath was decent, but after that she has deteriorated so much she's hardly recognisable. Janhavi is a p**s-poor actress. Her face muscles are so stiff she can barely emote.

My ranking:




The best actress out of the nepotism products is Alaya F, though. She's extremely, extremely good in her debut film Jaawani jaaneman.



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Sharpener thumbnail
Anniversary 10 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 3 years ago

Started loving Ananya after Pati Patni aur woh, she was surprisingly good and her screen presence is great! 

Let’s see if that was a fluke or if she actually continues doing good in the future. 

mintyblue thumbnail
Anniversary 16 Thumbnail Visit Streak 180 0 Thumbnail + 4
Posted: 3 years ago

Originally posted by: Sharpener

Started loving Ananya after Pati Patni aur woh, she was surprisingly good and her screen presence is great! 

Let’s see if that was a fluke or if she actually continues doing good in the future. 

I'm rooting for her❤️

hotchoco thumbnail
Visit Streak 180 0 Thumbnail Visit Streak 90 0 Thumbnail + 4
Posted: 3 years ago

They've all done very little work so far so it's hard to judge. 

I think Ananya is better than people give her credit for. It's like now that people have learned the word nepotism, everything has to be bashed for no reason to prove a point. 

Sara sucks but it's probably because her films are really bad. That's been her strategy to go after the launde lafade mass audience by being part of trashy content. It's worked because she's pretty popular.

Jahnvi will have her career curated for her by KJo so she's eventually going to get better by default. She was horrible in her debut movie but made a miraculous improvement in Gunjan. She needs speech therapy though. I can't stand the way she talks. It's like she has marbles in her mouth at all times.

Alaya had a good role so she was able to shine but nobody saw that movie. Most people don't even know who she is. That's why Sara is doing garbage movies because that's what the desi audience actually watches. 

mintyblue thumbnail
Anniversary 16 Thumbnail Visit Streak 180 0 Thumbnail + 4
Posted: 3 years ago

At the beginning Ananya delivers her dialogue so well!

mintyblue thumbnail
Anniversary 16 Thumbnail Visit Streak 180 0 Thumbnail + 4
Posted: 3 years ago

Originally posted by: hotchoco

They've all done very little work so far so it's hard to judge. 

I think Ananya is better than people give her credit for. It's like now that people have learned the word nepotism, everything has to be bashed for no reason to prove a point. 

Sara sucks but it's probably because her films are really bad. That's been her strategy to go after the launde lafade mass audience by being part of trashy content. It's worked because she's pretty popular.

Jahnvi will have her career curated for her by KJo so she's eventually going to get better by default. She was horrible in her debut movie but made a miraculous improvement in Gunjan. She needs speech therapy though. I can't stand the way she talks. It's like she has marbles in her mouth at all times.

Alaya had a good role so she was able to shine but nobody saw that movie. Most people don't even know who she is. That's why Sara is doing garbage movies because that's what the desi audience actually watches. 

Yeah I get what you are saying, but nowadays content and commerce have to blend together for an actress to reach the top. Case in point is Alia. She reached where she is by doing content films, and the massy films also gave her popularity, but it was. blend of the two which made her reach where she is.

So Sara's strategy will backfire unless she improves her selection of films.

cougarTown thumbnail
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Posted: 3 years ago

Ananya for sure can act circles around these two but that should hardly be any accomplishment considering the other two are complete non-actors..sara is the worst for LAK gave a run to nargis fakhri in rockstar..cannot decide who was worse that too in an imtiaz ali movie who has given us stellar performances from kareena in JWM..alia in highway and deepika in Tamasha

Ananya will shine for sure..that was evident from SOTY trailer itself..she is one of those who commands your interest when on screen..even if she is bad you won't get bored..which is a won't get bored seeing her something which always happens with janhvi even if she is not as atrocious as sara in terms of acting

Edited by cougarTown - 3 years ago
BornWithASmirk thumbnail
Anniversary 9 Thumbnail Group Promotion 3 Thumbnail Engager 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 3 years ago

Originally posted by: cougarTown

Ananya for sure can act circles around these two but that should hardly be any accomplishment considering the other two are complete non-actors..sara is the worst for LAK gave a run to nargis fakhri in rockstar..cannot decide who was worse that too in an imtiaz ali movie who has given us stellar performances from kareena in JWM..alia in highway and deepika in Tamasha

Ananya will shine for sure..that was evident from SOTY trailer itself..she is one of those who commands your interest when on screen..even if she is bad you won't get bored..which is a won't get bored seeing her something which always happens with janhvi even if she is not as atrocious as sara in terms of acting

Ananya though a bad actor is easy to watch on screen when compared to other two. Jahnvi looks scared and Sara hyper. 

I would prefer Ananya's acting over other two anyday.

BornWithASmirk thumbnail
Anniversary 9 Thumbnail Group Promotion 3 Thumbnail Engager 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 3 years ago

Ananya might surprise all in Shakun's next

Shaitan-Haiwan thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Visit Streak 365 0 Thumbnail + 7

Critique Crusaders

Posted: 3 years ago

I think they are all really bad, but yes...Ananya is the least worst out of them.

Sara is the new ham queen and unless she does a Chameli/Jab We Met fast, I dont see her turning her career around the way Kareena did. 
