I am still with sameer - Page 6


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Anjali33 thumbnail
Anniversary 7 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 4
Posted: 5 years ago

And about "Naina should've kept quiet"...She wasn't out to irritate him! She wanted him to open up! That is not wrong! And how can we even expect a woman to just back off when her husband is frustrated and she knows something is bothering him.
Why should have Naina kept quiet? They're equals in everything, so she had to give it back!
Edited by Anjali33 - 5 years ago
Deepanand thumbnail
Anniversary 5 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail
Posted: 5 years ago

Originally posted by: myprimechicago

All the folks supporting sameer's action in the name of anger frustration...will never tolerate such act from their hubby in any circumstances.. even if they are the reason for hubby's anger...
Then why to defend the same on a tv show just coz you love the ML... what's wrong is wrong

Hey I am not saying that what sameer did is correct. I am supporting him because he did it in frustration and naina also gave it back to him. She didn't take the slap and started crying. They are equals in everything and she shows him. He didn't do it on purpose it agitated him when she held his collar and said the things that touched his nerve. Any guy will do it when you go hold his collar

Also you have also seen me supporting naina so many times I am not supporting just sameer it just naina.Edited by Deepanand - 5 years ago
RangnRia thumbnail
Anniversary 5 Thumbnail Group Promotion 2 Thumbnail
Posted: 5 years ago

Originally posted by: truptishree

This is completely my POV no offence to anyone.

  When I watched the episode again and then I realised that why he slapped her?

You know but it strangely reminded me a movie of Aishwarya Rai. I don't remember much details but only some of it.

Situations are completely different here but state of mind is so similar of these characters.

She gets charged for her husbands murder and she was in an abusive relationship for so long.

Nandita Das's character is in her defending team. They want to save her and gets the custody of her kid.

There was one line by Nandita  about a situation that one day she just snapped by this abuse and she took a step for herself and she did this act to free herself because she couldn't take it anymore abuse that was her breaking point.

Aishwarya's breaking point to that abuse at that time  and the act she did they use for her defence.

If you see Sameer also had listened to this taunts  from his childhood that everybody just leave him nobody wants to stay with him he doesn't deserve to be loved.

He listened to those taunts from Somani,his own Mom  Dadi that time he didn't care for it but when Naina said all those things to him a girl he loved more than anyone,fought with everyone to marry her he just couldn't take it and that was the breaking point for him to all those taunts people putting him down all the time and that he is good for nothing and can't do anything.

It's like all his fears,his insecurities from childhood,fear of that abandonment from loved ones rose in front of eyes. She hurt him where it hurts the most his fear of abandonment and he raised his hand on her.

See everyone has their breaking point. How much anyone can tolerate?

He always tolerated those taunts but he couldn't tolerate when Naina said this. He expected that anyone can say this  to him and I don't even care but she will never say this that I am not worthy of love. She loves me despite my flaws.

When a girl you love with your whole being says this that you are not worthy of love and no one can stay with you. What he  would've done?

I am not at all justifying this act but I am just trying to understand his state of mind here.

Sameer Maheshwari we know he will never raise his hand on any girl here His Naina we are talking about and he did this to her.

A girl whom he can't even dared to hurt her in his dreams but he hurt her why?

TBH my Heart went to him. We can clearly see he was not at all present there with Naina. He was just there physically but his mind was somewhere lost in his fears,insecurities and anger towards Mama.

The human side in me says it's ok forgive him for the mistake as the saying To Err is Human To Forgive is Divine but the wife in me says no let him suffer little bit.

The movie is PROVOKED based on the real life-story of Kiranjit Ahluwalia from Punjab who was married of in Canada.Trust me anyone's blood would boil on just watching whatever this lady had to go through,,,Nandita's character was so right in pointing out that she did it just to free herself from that oppression...Probably that night was her breaking point cause he had involved the kids in it.But the best statement was the one made by Aishwarya when she stepped out of the jail "Lets teach our sons to respect women."It had been derived from Kiranjit's speech after her acquittal.
The beauty of Sameer's character is even though he has been abandoned by his own mother ,yet he has learnt to respect women a fair share of which has been told in the show so far.
I completely agree with you that Sameer's breaking point came when he heard Naina mouth the same words as others.And yes we humans are conditioned so as to expect our loved ones to accept us as we are...Probably thats what he wanted when he had said "yeh mera aur Naina ka ghar hai".
To err is human and to forgive is divine...what a statement Trupti.But still I would wish WIFE Naina forgives Sam this time cause for such a huge change in someone the reason also has to be equally immense...
truptishree thumbnail
Anniversary 14 Thumbnail Group Promotion 3 Thumbnail
Posted: 5 years ago

Originally posted by: RangnRia

The movie is PROVOKED based on the real life-story of Kiranjit Ahluwalia from Punjab who was married of in Canada.Trust me anyone's blood would boil on just watching whatever this lady had to go through,,,Nandita's character was so right in pointing out that she did it just to free herself from that oppression...Probably that night was her breaking point cause he had involved the kids in it.But the best statement was the one made by Aishwarya when she stepped out of the jail "Lets teach our sons to respect women."It had been derived from Kiranjit's speech after her acquittal.
The beauty of Sameer's character is even though he has been abandoned by his own mother ,yet he has learnt to respect women a fair share of which has been told in the show so far.
I completely agree with you that Sameer's breaking point came when he heard Naina mouth the same words as others.And yes we humans are conditioned so as to expect our loved ones to accept us as we are...Probably thats what he wanted when he had said "yeh mera aur Naina ka ghar hai".
To err is human and to forgive is divine...what a statement Trupti.But still I would wish WIFE Naina forgives Sam this time cause for such a huge change in someone the reason also has to be equally immense...

Hey Ria
Thanks for telling me movie name I forgot.
Yes this movie was so heart wrenching yaar. Can't imagine Kiranjit's struggle!
What we saw in movie it was cringeworthy but that poor soul had to go through it in real.
 When I watched the episode that was my first thought a breaking point indeed.
Because the Sameer we know he will never do that  to Naina.
He was just trapped in that moment when Naina mouthed the same words as others and something must've snapped inside him hence his extreme reaction by slapping her.
But anyways whatever happened situation was more to blame here but TBH I can't bring myself to justify his slap that's why I said I do want him to suffer not much but little bit because he hasn't done it intentionally.
Yes even I want Naina the Wife to understand him but I also want him to regret his actions and say sorry to her because she was not at fault in a way.

rituriyaakhil thumbnail
Anniversary 5 Thumbnail Group Promotion 2 Thumbnail
Posted: 5 years ago

Originally posted by: myprimechicago

All the folks supporting sameer's action in the name of anger frustration...will never tolerate such act from their hubby in any circumstances.. even if they are the reason for hubby's anger...

I will not tolerate my spouse roughing me up or slapping me either.  

I saw people are saying yanking the collar isn't as bad as slap but to me it is because it still means roughing up your partner physically. The impact of Sameer's slap was greater because it is a male slapping a female and socially it is looked down upon.  Sometime spouses hurl household items in anger and if by chance it hits your partner, even if it was by accident, it still is domestic violence. Also I want to add that women's equality does not mean if your partner hits you & you hit him/her back. If that is women's equality, I don't want it. By the way, what kind of resolution is that?  Eye for an eye make both parties blind there is nothing sensible about it.

 If you ask me both need to go to anger management classes and marriage counselling if possible.  It is not about Naina versus Sameer, it is about spouses resorting to physical altercation as means to settle scores whether in spur of the moment or by premeditation, which I feel is pathetic by both male & female standards and extremely disrespectful of towards ones' spouse. 

 I loved the emotions in today's episode but yesterday's physical altercation was completely omitted, as if it is it never happened.  That is how pathetic ITV is which has sensitized the viewers to think minor roughing up and slapping is part of all marital spats because it is not. 

By the way, while in college I had interned in Domestic Violence Shelter.  95 percent of battered women in the shelter were under 25. Domestic violence and age factor actually correlate.  Whatever CVs are showing is factual but it was not necessary to shown it on Sameer & Naina could have just kept it to verbal accusation, which I think is just as toxic, but by viewership purposes would have been more bearable.    


Edited by rituriyaakhil - 5 years ago
soniadutta thumbnail
Posted: 5 years ago
I am totally against this pysical abuse from any of one 
Naina slapping sameer during exams or holding his collar 
And same sameer slapping naina
Its the najna who told about leaving the house and warned not to called or picked her from there and these things affect on his mind she could leave him anytime
He just repeated her words again .

She was not talking to him till the morning and when he came back  from office had been ,expected her tounderstadnd his situation even without telling as she guessed so many times before too
But what happened instead ?

She trying to cheered him  up with the song and teasing him Where some words could been done the better impact .

He told that please leave him alone as not in mood to talk but she didnt moved  ans then this all happened. 

This was definately not her fault but the timing was wrong
And the words which everytime used for him 
"Isliye sab tumko chod ke chale jaate hai " was actually the reason for him to loose his temper finally 
He never expected the person whom he love the most also telling the same thing 

I really wants him to regret for this slap .
But naina was also not right as well .
myprimechicago thumbnail
Anniversary 5 Thumbnail Group Promotion 3 Thumbnail
Posted: 5 years ago

Originally posted by: Deepanand

Hey I am not saying that what sameer did is correct. I am supporting him because he did it in frustration and naina also gave it back to him. She didn't take the slap and started crying. They are equals in everything and she shows him. He didn't do it on purpose it agitated him when she held his collar and said the things that touched his nerve. Any guy will do it when you go hold his collar

Also you have also seen me supporting naina so many times I am not supporting just sameer it just naina.

Just because Naina dint take the slap and gave him back does not justify his act... many a times in physical abuse after certain point wife starts beating the husband back... why do u think even after that law accuses only the husband because he initialed it which is breaching the boundary...

Sameer slapping Naina while she tried cigarette or Naina slapping Sameer while he lost his year were to bring them back to their senses when they were at the verge of spoiling their life...
Sameer slapping Naina because he had office tension... was like treating her as a boxing pad... all abuses are out of anger and frustration and once the rage is gone husbands realize it should not have been done,,, but if the wife does not retaliate it's easily repeated in the next such instance 

Again just because Naina dint cry at that very instance and gave it back does not justify his act. 
CVs might take it lightly and I think as per promo they are doing it but as a married couple... crossing this boundary is very big deal and this episode has NO FAULT OF NAINA 
Edited by myprimechicago - 5 years ago
Pooja1973 thumbnail
Anniversary 5 Thumbnail Visit Streak 30 0 Thumbnail Group Promotion 2 Thumbnail
Posted: 5 years ago

Originally posted by: myprimechicago

All the folks supporting sameer's action in the name of anger frustration...will never tolerate such act from their hubby in any circumstances.. even if they are the reason for hubby's anger...
Then why to defend the same on a tv show just coz you love the ML... what's wrong is wrong

Totally agree..whatever be the reason a slap is not justified...we women are also working n at times bogged down by home and work place responsibilities...do we take out our frustration by hitting our spouse??

Cant identify with sameer character any more...earlier it was naina who was butchered by CVS and now sameer for the sake of ott drama...no feel of old yudkbh anymore😭

soniadutta thumbnail
Posted: 5 years ago
in my point of view ,If smaeer slapping is wrong same goes with naina too 
Here all the time told for the equality?
But never gets followed. 

Both were wrong 
Even when u are in anger no right to physically torture to ur bf /gf or spouse 
I never supported when naina slapped him during exams 
He did all for her and in return 
U slapped him back?

So both naina and sameer are wrong for hurting physically to each others 
This act can't be get defended 

Edited by soniadutta - 5 years ago
Sakhile thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail
Posted: 5 years ago
In all the discussion we seem to be looking for reasons why they behaved as they did. Sameer slapped out of frustration, Naina justified in slapping back etc...However, I just remembered the reason why Naina slapped back. Naina slapped Sameer back because that is what her beloved Chachaji had taught her. Remember when he had taken her to Sharad's house and she slapped Sharad? There's the real culprit: Chachaji!😃