Somewhere Over the Rainbow #24 With Prats in Our Hearts - Page 32


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Sneha.Love thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 6 years ago

Originally posted by: Viswasruti

Dragica our dear friend,πŸ€—, very happy to see you back with such beautiful gifs . This picture --
Natural beauty comes in many forms, and it is always fascinating, breathtaking, rain is the greatest facilitator of life. It could be a touch of a raindrop, a smiling river for that touch of the ticklish sheet of rain , or the twinkle of that leaf where a small raindrop stored and moving slowly with glee for the touch of that tender breeze! It could be an untainted landscape or the change of the seasons. It could even be in an act of pure unselfishness. Beauty comes in many forms, often unexpected forms, but it does not always announce itself!πŸ˜ƒ Sometimes you have to search for it, but when you find it, you will know it was worth it!!πŸ˜ƒ

Dragice, draga nasa prijateljice πŸ€—, jako sam sretna sto te vidim ponovo ovde sa tako lijepim gifovima. Ova slika gore je (prekrasna)
Prirodne ljepote dolaze u mnogo oblika, koje su uvijek fascinantne, i oduzimaju dah, kisa je najveci pomagac zivota (omogucuje zivot na planeti). Moze to biti samo dodir jedne kapi, nasmesena reka, nastala dodirom golicavim dodirom kise koja pada, ili sjaj na onom listu, gdje malena kapljica kise, tu pohranjena, pocinje polako da se pomice s radoscu dotaknuta dodirom njeznog povjetarca! Moze to biti jednolican pejzaz, ili promjena godisnjih doba. Moze to cak biti i cin ciste nesebicnosti...Ljepota dolazi u raznim oblicima, cesto neocekivanim oblicima, ali cesto ne najavljuje sebe! πŸ˜ƒ Ponekad moras da je potrazis, ali kada je pronadjes, znat ces da je bilo vrijedno traziti je !!πŸ˜ƒ

I love Beauty !

I love the sound the wind makes when it's blowing through the trees!

I love the way the sky looks on a cloudy and overcast day,
and even when it's rainy, I love the shades of gray!!

I love the smell of the rivers and ocean, the sound of waves upon the sand!
I love the feel of seashells and how they look in my hand!!πŸ˜ƒ

And when the clouds and rain is gone, I love the moon that shines so bright,
I love the sounds of rustling trees and bustling waves at night!!

The rain has an art that I love to watch
So I stand still here and get soaking wet!!

Volim ljepotu!

Volim zvuk koji vletar proizvodi kada puse kroz drvece!

Volim kako izgleda nebo u tmurnom i oblacnom danu,

cak i onda kada pada kisa, volim nijanse sive boje !!

Volim mirise rijeka i oceana, zvuk valova na pijesku!

Volim osjecaj skoljki na mom dlanu, i to kako izgledaju u mojoj ruci!!

A kada oblaci i kisa odu, volim mjesec koji tako bljestece sjaji,

Volim zvuk treperenja lisca na drvecu i udaranje valova nocu!

Kisa koristi umjetnost koju ja volim da posmatram

I zato mirno stojim ovde i kisnem do gole koze!!

Written by DraMa!!πŸ€— Dragice--Feeling is yours and language is mine ! The smile is yours and the flash behind it is mine !!😊 Dragice , this is DraMa poem !πŸ˜ƒ

Napisano od strane DraMa!! πŸ€— Dragice-- osjecaji su tvoji, reci i jezik su moji! Osmjeh je tvoj, a bljesak u pozadini je moj!! 😊 Dragice, ovo je DraMa poema ! πŸ˜ƒ

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Ojla...awweee, we got a new duet of poetesses πŸ‘β­οΈβ­οΈ a DraMa Poetesses ...jer kao sto kaze Madi, ova je pesma/poema nastala kombinacijom Dragicinih osecaja i Madinih reci...idem sada da prevedem cijeli post koji je Madi napisala Dragici...

Beautiful poem DraMa girls πŸ‘πŸ‘ Love it ⭐️⭐️

Remember playing with dolls all the time. Miss those days

nn027 thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Group Promotion 8 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 6 years ago

Originally posted by: Sneha...Love

Ojla...awweee, we got a new duet of poetesses πŸ‘β­οΈβ­οΈ a DraMa Poetesses ...jer kao sto kaze Madi, ova je pesma/poema nastala kombinacijom Dragicinih osecaja i Madinih reci...idem sada da prevedem cijeli post koji je Madi napisala Dragici...

Beautiful poem DraMa girls πŸ‘πŸ‘ Love it ⭐️⭐️

Remember playing with dolls all the time. Miss those days

Beautiful. Our DraMa πŸ€—
Madi, you are wonderful poet. Thank you . Dragica pictures and your verses, it is amazing.
Thank you Branka for translete. Googl translator can not give such a good translation.

Kim Anderson
Sneha.Love thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 6 years ago

Originally posted by: nn027

I apologize to friends, Branka will translate.

Prats je bila posebna. Bila je nesebicna, sirokog srca i duse. Volela je ljude. Sigurna sam da, bez obzira na sve, nije mrzela Toral. Ona nije umela da mrzi. Ljubavlju cuvamo secanje na nju. Ljubavlju a ne mrznjom. Da nas se ona, bez obzira gde je, nikad ne postidi.
Ako to znaci biti koza ja cu biti koza. Nije me sramota. Samoproglaseni "najveci obozavaoci" imaju nacin da sve vide, sve izmere i da nas, "s punim pravom", izvredjaju. Stavljaju Pratsine slike i pored njih pisu uvrede i gadosti i to u nasoj kuci. "Bravo!" To je "vrhunac obozavanja".
Vidim da je tu i "dokazni" materijal. Hvala i za to. Sad sam shvatila, prvi uslov da budete "pravi" Pratsin fan je, da bezuslovno i bezrezrervno, svuda i na svakom mestu, mrzite Toral i tu mrznju i iskazujete. Svi ostali uslovi su do duse nepoznati ali ako ih prekrsite, naravno, bicete strogo upozoreni i usput i propisno izvredjani.
Sve sto pisemo, bilo o kome ili o cemu, je nasa slika o nama samima. A kako nas drugi vide? Pa ... "lepota je u oku posmatraca." ( Nisam razmisljala nikad o tome kako koze "vide". Moram se dodatno informisati. )
Nadam se da sve ovo vredno Vaseg policijskog intervenisanja i da, srecno i zadovljno. zatvarate vrata naseg CC . Ako je tako, zadovoljstvo je obostrano ( eto ipak se u necem slazemo).
Dodatno me je sramota sto neko ko govori mojim jezikom, na najprizemniji nacin, vredja ljude koji to nicim nisu zasluzili.

PS gospodja Ljuba-55 , sigurna sam , ume sama da zatrazi da joj se obrise clanstvo u ovom CC. Verujem da joj nikakav advokat nije potreban. Usput, zelim joj lep provod na moru. Grcka je divna zemlja. πŸ˜ƒ
Dragicino odsustvo apsolutno nema nikakve veze sa Toral. Mi to znamo al' nije lose da to znaju i drugi.

U potpisu : "Posrnuli" fan 😳

OK, I saw that Madi translated what Nada wrote, so I searched for original tekst to translate it...Here is translation of what Nada said...

Prats was special. She was unselfish person with a big heart and soul. She loved people.I am sure that, regardles to everything, she did not hate Toral. She was not able to hate. With love we keep our memories of her. With love, not with hate. So, that she would never be ashamed of us, wherever she is.

If that means to be a goat, I will be a goat. I am not ashamed of it. Selfproclaimed "the biggest admirers" have a way to see it all, to measure all , and insult all of us "with all rights". They are placing Prats pictures, and by their side they are writing insults and disgusting things, and that too, in our own home. "Bravo!" That is the peak of "admiration" I can see that there are "proofs" here as well..Thank you for that, too. Now I understand, the first condition to be a "true" Prats fan is to hate Toral, without any condition or reserve, everywhere and on every place, and by all means you should show that hatred. All other conditions are not known, but if you violate them, of course, you will be severely punished, and, by the way, properly insulted.

Everything that we write, no matter about whom or what, is our picture of ourselves. And how the other people see us? Well..."The beauty is in the eye of observer" (I never thought about do the "goats" see. I have to inform myself about that additionally.)

I hope that all this is worth your police intervention, and that you are happy and content as you close the door of our CC. If that is the case, the pleasure is mutual (there, still we agree upon something) Additionaly I feel ashamed, that someone who speak my language, is ofending, on the lowest level, people who did not deserve it.

PS.Mrs. Ljuba-55 is, I am sure of it, capable to ask by herself for her name to be erased from a member list of this CC. I believe that she does not need any lawyer. BTW, I wish her a nice holiday on the seaside. Greece is a beautiful country.πŸ˜ƒ

The absence of Dragica has absolutelly nothing to do with Toral. We know it, but it is not bad that other people know that too.

In signature "The stumbling " fan 😳

U potpisu : "Posrnuli" fan 😳

Draga moja "Posrnula" fan-ice kiss51, nema potrebe da se izvinjavas...ovde svatko ima pravo da iznese svoje misljenje, sve dok ne krene da vredja clanove ovog CC-a ili javne licnosti, tj. glumce i glumice (to pise i u pravilima IF), a ti nisi nikoga uvrijedila... lijepo si to srocila...idem sada da vidim sta je prouzrokovalo ovaj tvoj , nadasve nadahnut, odgovorπŸ˜ƒ...Jako mi se svidja pocetak. (bold)..To je tako istinito, prelepo si to napisala πŸ‘

Translation: My dear "Stumbling" fankiss51 , there is no need to apologize, here everybody has a right to say your own opinion, as long as you are not insulting members of this CC or some of those public figures, ie...actors or actresses (that is written in the IF's rules, as well) ...and you did not insult no wrote it so nicely...I am going now to see what make you wrote this, above all, very inspired reply πŸ˜ƒ...I love the begining (bold) very is so true, and you wrote it so beautifully...πŸ‘

Love the Picture of Prats...⭐️

nn027 thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Group Promotion 8 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 6 years ago

Thank you for translate, Branka ❀️

Imas pice od mene (I pay for a drink) πŸ€—

Edited by nn027 - 6 years ago
Sneha.Love thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 6 years ago
So, I am going to see now what happened when I was away...I will write my reply here in one post...😊
I went 10 pages back and first pictures I saw was Nada with full tray of cookies...what a beautiful way to start a reading...Thank you Nada...srce
Jenn Tuttle [Loveographer]
I almost choked on a cookie as I saw Sid's Picture πŸ˜† OMG...what happened to him? lup

I agree with Padmaja, "not all character suits every actor" For sure, this is not a character I was thinking I will see Sid in, but than, maybe it was some comic gig...have no clue...

Love the Quote you posted Padmaja..." "The best things in life are free like: Love, Respect, Patience and Kindness"."

😲😲😲 OK...we are not planing to change our name...we love it very much, thank you...
I am here to please people and fulfil their wishes...if someone does not like to be a member here in our CC, for whatever reasons (no need to explode all over the page), he/she can just write a PM to me, or write it in the CC, and I will remove the name from Member's list on the first page, whenever I will find a little free time...And, yes, everybody have to talk for if Ljuba55 want to leave this CC, she can can stop praying and send me a PM, or write it in the CC, on whichever language she likes...

We can adore whomever we like here, and everybody know whom we adore, and love and remember fondly It is also written in the name of the CC, ...which does not mean that we can not write about other actors/ actresses if we like, this is a chat club and we can chat about whomever we like... naughty.gif

Thank you for the second link...I went there to see what is it about and read comments...such an interesting read and eye opener...I mean I could not believe my eyes as I read one comment...😲 krsta I mean from my OL daughter...I thought that she left IF for good, that is what she told me...talking about double now we got new name, here...I am speachless...and so disappointed...

Agree with everything that Vibha, Madi, Padmaja and Nada wrote..

No one has right to question any of our choices...what is wrong with enjoying in someone's acting...whatever the name of actress is...and what that has to do with our love for Prats...are we eleven turning twelf? 😲

My dear Padmaja πŸ€— I hope that all this did not upset you...I understood very well what you wanted to say, and I see nothing wrong in did not offend any one, so please do not mention it. πŸ€—Those who are abusing you, for teling your opinion, and all of us for supporting the right to say what you think, are talking more about themselves than anything else...I am so sorry that you were hurt, for no reason at all...You for sure did not deserve those words...remember that all of us here love you and care about you ...and as for those others, to whom you always said only nice words, just do not think about no attention...

Life is kind of like a party. People come, others bail. People contribute, others mooch. But as the night comes to an end, after all is said and done, there are still those people who will help you clean up the mess- the mess they never created. Those are the good friends who really matter.

Sneha.Love thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 6 years ago
OK, I continue here...had doggy allert πŸ˜† we all run down the stairs and in the garden, and enjoyed the starry sky a little...all those clouds from before dissapear...😊

I decided to read all the remaining pages tonight...knjiga

So sorry to hear about death of Riya's brother.I know how she is feeling now. My heartfelt condolences to you, my sweet Didi and to your family.πŸ€— I hope that you know that all of us are thinking of you and are praying for you...May your brother's soul rest in peace...

I said a prayer for you today, that God would touch you with His healing hand and give you the comfort and peace you need to get through.

I am so sorry for your loss, my dear Padmaja πŸ€— My sincere condolences to you and your family. May her gentle soul rest in peace...I know how Aunts are important, my two Aunts are really special to me...

Praying for you and you family comfort, strength and peace to endure during this difficult time

Agree with you Vibha...100%...Here is what you said πŸ‘thumbup.gif :

"No need to be upset, Padma, it's only we seven girls running this CC and keeping Prats alive and this is a place of freedom and love, we allow everyone to express their views on any topic, so whether you are praising Toral in passing for some serial, you are not undermining our Prats, our muse, and we all understand that. We are not narrow, biased, convoluted or blind in our thinking and thank God for that. Let others say what they want to, it is their karma, let us continue to enjoy here. πŸ€— "

I also wanted to add that this group here (seven of us) never called anybody by names of animals.. I know for sure that I did not do it. .If I ever did that, that could only be if I translated some post of my OL daughter on her request, because she was the one who frequently used those names,,,And the point is...those days when Prats was out from BV we were all mad and angry...lots of things were written in anger...but that was a while ago...we decide to remember only good and nice things from the past...we do not carry hatred in our hearts...only for Prats, and each others, and we show it here, this is our place, and we are happy here,,,😊

Now I really have to go to sleep, I'm too tired...So, tomorrow is a new day...And I am happy that in that new day I will see again your happy haces...So grateful to have you in my life...Love you all ❀️


Edited by Sneha...Love - 6 years ago
vibraj thumbnail
Visit Streak 500 0 Thumbnail Anniversary 12 Thumbnail + 6
Posted: 6 years ago
Good morning!
So, so wonderful to see Branka and read her wise, common sensical and compassionate words! Agree with all that you say, in fact, must share with you, that a past member of Prats Fc, Ishani, recently told me how proud she was that we few girls have still kept Prats' memory alive! This is a chat club and we can chat about anything and we all do so out of the goodness of our hearts, without running down anyone. Do not want to comment on those who abuse us, it reflects their personality, their basic insecure nature, we need to pray for them, let us not get sullied by it.

Dragice, IF is not letting me like your posts, but simply love all the beautiful gifs and images you post, only a pure and beautiful person can reflect so much beauty!πŸ€—

Madi, your combination with Dragice, DraMa, is magical!⭐️Simply loved your poem and writing on Janmashtami, you are so talented!πŸ‘πŸΌ

Nado, adore all the beauty and love you bring to our Cc, let beauty hurt, but that is the only path!πŸ˜†

I am exhausted with all the festivities and look to relax today. Last night we had guests and served them traditional festive food on banana leaf, they relished the experience.

Have a good day everyone!

Mary Engelbreit
Beautiful the colors.

We had meals like this yesterday!

Edited by vibraj - 6 years ago
Avyakta thumbnail
Anniversary 10 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail Commentator 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 6 years ago
Hello, ❀️ my lovely colourful Rainbow friendsπŸ€— I am a bit late , but we are still on 3rd Sept πŸ˜ƒ..
Happy Sri Krishna Janmashtami wishes to all my Rainbow members.πŸ˜ƒ
Thanks a lot to our dear Vimaa, Branka , Nado , Padmaja Dragica ,Madhu Didi for the Krishnashtami wishes and blessings. Sending across our prayers and good wishes to you all , thanks from me and your Abhi . ❀️ πŸ€—
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Edited by Avyakta - 6 years ago
Avyakta thumbnail
Anniversary 10 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail Commentator 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 6 years ago

Originally posted by: nn027

Thank you for translate, Branka ❀️

Imas pice od mene (I pay for a drink) πŸ€—


Very happy reading the friendly conversation between Nado and Branka .❀️
With respect, accepting and agreeing with all the views and opinions expressed by our Vimaa, Nado , Padmaja Madhu and finally the wise words as a conclusion to this controversy from our compassionate friend Branka .πŸ€—. Love is the ruling word here and respect is the friendly sharing feeling over this Rainbow , our love and respect towards each and every member is clearly visible to each and every one . Agree with you Vimaa on that specific point -- many viewers who are descending over this Rainbow to read our convos with interest because , love towards Prats and respect and love towards each other is the guiding force here . Insulting our Branka or any member of this place will hurt us . It is an honor for me to be here with all the friends of mine . ⭐️ Love you all .
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Ivone12 thumbnail
Anniversary 10 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail
Posted: 6 years ago
Edited by Ivone12 - 6 years ago