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msbhattacharya thumbnail
Anniversary 10 Thumbnail Group Promotion 2 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 5 years ago
Tryingtoupdateassoon aspossible
msbhattacharya thumbnail
Anniversary 10 Thumbnail Group Promotion 2 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 5 years ago

SO after a really long delay I am here with the next chapter . I hope all the people who have lost hope on any new update will forgive me for this delay 😊 Have a great week end 👍🏼


The environment of Agra has completely changed . In the fort outside as well, No one is allowed to go outside the Pales andif you want to go out they have to ask for permission from Rukayiya sulatam orMalika – E – Aliya . Milka has wined up her trip and she has came back. Hirakept in touch with her through letters , so she was informed that something bigwas about to happen. In pales Hira is taking care of Rukayia and Rkayiya istaking care of the Haram. Rukayiya is almost 8 months pregnant now, but she is doing her duty quite well . Outside the pales no outsider was allowed to come inside the fort also no one isallowed to go outside . Prices of foodis really high , and common people arenot really happy about it . The security around the fort has been increased .

The basic problem is with water ,this is summer time and the Level of Yamuna River has really gone low. So missuse of water has to be restricted to do this an awareness campaign has beenissued from the Royal family . Today Hira has to take matter in her hands , sRukayiya is not feeling well so she could not help her . Hira had to sat behindthe parda , as some people have came to meet her. Two people have came to meether one is a crop trader the secondperson is a customer . Hira sat behind the Parda , and Todar mal stood in frontof him –

Todarmal – Hira begum thesespeople have came to meet you. This customer has complain . according to him his has been cheated by this crop trader .

Hira- Why he thinks that he hasbeen cheated ? The customer fold hishand and said-

Customer- Begam Sahiba my name isGafur Qureshi I have came to the market to buy wheat , rice and other basicthings . But when I came here I saw that the prices are really high. Among all theother venders he seemed that someonewith some reasonable rates, so I eneterd his shop . Before I started my shopping I asked him manytimes what the prices of the things I needs, he kept respiting that once I amdone with my shopping he will tell me about the rates , in fact if I buy cropsin large quantity they will give me discount . So I shopped for whatever Iwanted , and when the time came for payment the grand total was really high. Iconfronted the shop owner so he said that he has coated this price afterdiscount . After a long argument when I said refused to buy the crops . Theshop owner threatened me that I have to take everything otherwise he willcomplain here and no one will listen to me because right now the administrationis in a hand of a Hindu queen and she will only fever the shop owner as he is ahindu . Both Hira and Todar Mal was shocked to here this , Hira could notbelieve that outside the fort people talk like this about her . Hira looked at the Vender and said-

Hira- I hared what he has to say, but now I would like to here it from the Vender , the shop kipper said that his name isGajendra Vadya we should here his side of story to . The vender respited the same story , but he saidthat he did not coat a high price , and he also refused that he has threatenedGafur . Hira wait for a moment and said–

Hira- This matter needs anelaborate discussion , as for now. My order is that this man gafur shoud get everything in old prices and after that the head of thebusiness association should be presented here . Some solders will accompanyboth of these people. So that they can handle the matter peacefully . The shopkipper was going to say something but Hira did not listen to him and left theroom. After both the people left the room . After an Hour Hira called todar malin her room . They had a meeting together. But Hira sat behind the Parda . Hirawas really worried she said to Todarmal-

Hira- Today whatever has happenedis really upsetting . Sehensha ji try so heard to provide equal justice to everyone and people behind his back have thisperception about him and me.

Todarmal said- Forgive me HiraBegum, but from the day both of you have been married, there is a section ofpeople who are not pleased with this decision , they are spreading theses rumours about you .

Hira- I can guess who thesepeople are, it is fine that some people may not like the idea of ourmatrimonial alliance but this kind of agenda this effecting the common people’slives and that is not acceptable . I want you meet the head of the treadingassociation and fix a meeting with him day after tomorrow .

Todarmal- It is very wise of youto think about that day, because market is suppose to be closed on that day .But forgive me Begum Sahiba what do you plan to say to them in the meeting.

Hira- First of all I will notattend the meeting you will attend it on my behalf but you will give me the details about themeeting after the meeting is over. Ihave some Ideas which can be implemented , but I will discuss about them latter, but as for now it is your responsibility to arrange the meeting . You may gonow .. Todar did a pranam and left Hira’s Chamber . Hira stood up and went tomeet Rukayiya Begum, Hira have to keep an eye on her as she is in a delicatecondition right now . Hira went straight to Rukayiya Begum, When Rukayiya Begumwas informed that Hira Begum is coming to meet her, she watching the dance of aKaneez( Female slave) along with some music , Hira eneterd Rukayiya’s part of the Haram with a smile on her face. Rukayiya stood upand Hugged Hira Begum. Both Hira Begumand Rukayiya Begum started watching the dance together . While watching thedance Rukayiya noticed that Hira was unmindful . Afte looking at her for a wileRukayiya Begum told the Kaniz to leave. After the dancer and the Musicians left. Rukayiya Begum asked Hira Begum

Rukayiya- What happened HiraBegum? You look a little lost . Don’t you like the music. I know it is slightlydifferent from your music, so it is possible that you may not like it. HiraBegum Bite her tung in her teeh and say–

Hira- this is not the matter, thematter is that I was thinking about something else , the situation outside thepales in getting out of hands. Then Hira told about what has happened thismorning . Rukayiya heraed everything and said-

Rukayiya- I am glad that you havedecided to take this matter in your hand, tis matter deserver specialattention. All of us don’t know how long this war will continue , so we have tocontrol our resources for us and for or people as well. I think I also havetake some steps to control the resources of the Haram as well. But I wouldadvice you to have a word with Malika- E= Aliya before the meeting. Share your thoughts with her aswell . I am sure she will show you a guiding light . Hira gave a nod ofapproval on this proposal. Just then a Bandi came and did Salam to both theBegums. Rukayiya was irritated that shehas been interrupted in her important conversation , so she got really angry othe Bandi. She got so angry that she threw a silver glass at her, the Bandi wasflexible so she was able to save herself , but she got scared. To keep things under control Hira had to jump into the situation. She asked the Bandi what is the matter. The bandi told herthat , for some reason Bakshi Bano is not eating any food. She has stoppedtalking to others an restricted herself to her room, she has not taken hermedicines as well . Hira was shocked to here this, she immediately took a leavefrom Rukayiya and Ran to Bakshi Bano .

Everyone was standing in tensionaround the bakshi’s door, when Hira reached there she asked why no one hastried to convince her. A Bandi toldHirathat she has threatened that If anyone tries to enter her room ,she willharm herself . Hira took a sigh and ordered everyone to leave- after everyoneleft Hira stood near the door and said- Bakshi no one is here now, everyone has left . I thought that I ill share my thoughts with you, my worries , my sorrowsbut now when you don’t want to talk to anyone then I have no one to share mythoughts with. Anyways I am also going . Hira turned and she have hardlytaken step to walk when Bakshi came near the door and said-

Bahi jaan tell me what is themtter. I am ready to listen. Hira turned and looked t her –

Hira- Ok but if I have to open myheart to you, you also have to listen to me . You have to eat something. Bakshilooked at Hira and understood that it was a trap . but she agreed Hira eneterdBkshi’s room and then Hira sat on theSofa with Bakshi . Hira looked at her and said-

Hira- what happened why you aredoing this with yourself. Don’t you know that you hold responsible for the baby. Bakshi could nothold it anymore and she broke down, she started weeping like a little child .She hugged Hira and kept crying. Hira felt very bad for her , even Hira hadtears in her eyes .

Bakshi- I can’t bear it anymore ,what is my fault in all of this . I don’t understand why Aaalsh is testing melike this. What have I done? I have never did anything wrong to anyone then whyme?

Hira kept consoling hr and askedher- Did anyone said anything to you? You just tell me . I promise I will try my best to fix things up .Bakshi broke her hug and said –

Bakshi- What will you do Bhabijaan. Everyone in the Haram is talking about my husband in the Haram . They saythat I should die is shame as my husband is a tarter. They don’t understand how can I live here?Hira relay got angry when she heard tis, but she controlled herself and said-

Hira- Whatever has happened youare not responsible for that. No one has the right to insult you . If they canremember that you are Sharif Udin Ji’s wife then they should remember that youar Sehena ji’s sister as well . You are a princess and they have no right toinsult you . Your insult means Sehenshaji’s insult do you want that to happen? Bakshi looked at Hira and said-

Bakshi- I have always beenunlucky, just after my birth my father has died . Then I got married and myhusband died, I remarried and tried to start a new life . But husband neverloved me but I loved him. But now I amgoing to be a widow again . It really scares me when I think about the futureof my child and me . Hira did not knew how to console Bakshi because whatevershe was saying everything is true . Hira tooka sigh and said-

Hira- I will try to convinceSehensha so that he does not put SharifUUdin ji to death. Bakshi gave a sad smile and said-

Bakshi- You know this is notpossible , you know it very well that Bhai jaan is very possessive about you. Notonly Bhai jaan the Mughal’s have always been extremists when it came to theirwomen. You are a Rajpoot I thought you will be able to understand. Even in yourfamily people are very protective about there women. Hira looked at Bakshi and said-

Hira _ I know everything that’swhy I am not promising you anything . Iwill try my best to convince Sehensha . Now you have to eat something you haveto think about the baby. When Sehensha will come back he will be very angrythat I did not look after his nephew ormay be a niece . You wantSehensha to criticise me . Bakshi holdHira’s hand and said-

Bakshi- You are doing a lot forall of us. I know you are also going through a lot . Bhai jaan is also in thebattle field and you have to take care of Rukayiya Bhbai jaan as well . Hira lookedat Bakshi and said-

Hira- I am not scared aboutSehensha I know that he will be fine. He is a great worrier , he has spent alarge part of his life on the battle field my main concern is Rukayiya Begum .As the delivery date is coming close I am getting more anxious . Bakshi looked at Hira nd hold her face withher hand-

Bakshi- You are doing a greatjob. It is not easy to handle Rukayiya Bhabi jaan. Look at me instead ofhelping you I am creating trouble or you. Hira looked at Bakshi and said-

Hira- I need your help to handle all of this , you know Salima bgeumhas took to writing and she is always busy with either Rahim or the literature. I am loosing control , you have to guide me .

Bakshi- But Bhai Jaan that no onewill listen to me. Everyone just hates me . Hira stood up and said-

Hira- You leave it to me , it’stime that I have to behave like a queen. I remember once Ammi Jaan told me thatthat nice to be kind , but don’t let anyone step on your head.


Jalal and Maan Singh are making a fieldstrategy with the help of the map. Jalal has examined the Rajppot solders andhe quite impressed with there war skills . He is quite confident that he willwin the battle . Suddenly a solder came and told Sehensha that the spy is here and he hassomething important to say . Jala tookabreak and went out of the camp . Jala entered the camp and the spy did Salam to him . Jalal asked himw hat isthe information –

The spy told Jalal that ShariffUddin has got a backing from the King of Bikaner. He is supporting Sharif Uddinbecause he was and still is against the marriage of Shensha and Hira . jalallooked at The spy in anger and he looked down. But then Jalal cool down becausehe knows that he is just giving information he has nothing to do with this.Jalal ordered him to continue . The spyspy said- that this alliance was assured much before the war has started, infact this is the alliance which gave Sharif Uddin the confidence to standagainst Sehensha . Jalal listen to everything and order the Spy to leave .Jalal is really furious about this alliance of Bikaner and Sharif Uddin, butright now he have to think wisely . So Jala decided to have word with hisexperts . All of these people have been with jala and bairm Khan while he wasgrowing up . So these people have real experience about war and war strategy soJalal decideds to have a meeting with them.

After having several discussionsand arguments , it was decided that as the war has not started yet. A letter offriendship will be sent to the king of Bikner. The letter will be a friendship proposal between Bikaner and Mughal’s.The main condition of this friendship will be that Bikaner will not supportSharif Uddin and they will hand him over to Sehensha . In return Jalal willprotect Bikaner and provide them with army force if they ever need it in future, The letter was personally written by abul- Fazal, who later wrote kbar Namathe Biography of Akbar . After the letter was written it was sent to Bikaner by a messenger .


Hira is really angry with thebehaviour of the ladies in Haram , she had a word about it with Rukayiya Begumand Malkia- E – Aliya thes three ladies have formed a comity. To decide theguide lines on how to behave in Haram until Jala comes. Ccording to Rukayiya’ssources. The main planner of this anti- Bakshi camp in Saha Taj Begum. She is adaughter of a landlord from Kabul. Jalala saw her and got attracted to herbeauty and married her. But when jala was bringing her hera he realised thatshe is dumb as well was rude . So first Jala wanted to divorce her but thenhe didn’t because of some politicalreason( which I will mention later) Jalal did not saw her face ever since hemarried her. Then after her he married Hira. Hira never got to meet herformally but she has heard a lot about her . Infact some people to hira that she is not really very fond of Hira.

Sahataj sat in front of RukayiyaMalika-E – Aliya and Rukayiya . First Malkia-E- Aliya said – It seems that lotof people have issues with Bakshi Bano some of them are quite clear about theirthoughts and some of them are talking behind her back , but whatever they arebut I want to know what are there thoughts and they have to be open about it . But before that we have to deal with youSaha- taj e have to deal with you.Because you are the leader of the propaganda which is running against Bakshin. So first we want to know why you aredoing this –

Saha- Taj looked at Three of themand started talking. But hen she started talking no one thought thatshe will talk like this. SahaTaj looked up she looked at Malika- E – Aliya andsaid-

Saha-Taj- Malika- E – Aliya. first of all I would like to clear thefact that I m not running any propaganda , I have always been vocal about what I feel and ifsome people agree with me and support me then what can I do about it? people in the Haram are not happy about manyissues but they are scared . Rukaiya looked at her and said-

Rukayiya- Forget about othermatters , let’s talk about the matters wgicg gas been in our attention today. You are spreading words against bakshi . Do you have any idea what you aredoing ? Do you know who Bakshi is?

Saha-Taj- I know she isSehensha’s sister, she was a Mughal princes before she go married toSharif_uddin Sahab. Her husband is a tretor . Then how she can expect to be treated well . Rukayiya felt like she should throw something. Rukayiya was about to picksomething but Hira hold her hand andsaid-

Hira- Forget about who was herbrother and who is her husband. First tell me do you think as a women you aredoing a right thing? She is with a child now, you know her emotions are not incontrol are you are hurting her . This is what you should do with her?

Saha- Taj- I don’t understand what have I done wrong? She should know sheshould have to face all of that , all her life and her child also have to faceall of this. People will talk about it . Already people are talking about it , I am getting targeted because I am open about my thoughts?

Malika _E- Alya looked at her andsaid- don’t talk about other people’sopinion talk about yourself, and if you are talking about honest opinion do youhave any idea what people think about you? If you come to know then I am sureyou know but you want to ignore .Anyways I don’t want to say anything about it . But I want make a thing veryclear , that according to the law of Mughal Dynasty if a person is accused fortreason that person should be enquired and punished if he is found guilty afterinvestigation , but no one has the right to accuse the person’s family fortreason. If anyone is found to do that that person will be punished . So we have to work according the law . So fromnow until Sehensha - E- Hind comes back fromthe war, you will be in a house arrest also all of your allowance will becancelled. All your Jewelleries and cloths will be sealed and you will lead alife of a commoner . Now you may go. Saha Taj kept looking at Hira and Rukayiyaand then did Salam to Malika – E Aliya and left the place. When this case was goingon other Begum and Bandi’s was lso there . Malika- E- Aliya looked around andsaid – I am making it clear that irrespective of the result of the war, no onewill have the right to accuse bakshi or my future grandchild for something theyare not a part of . If I find anyonetalking or even whispering something regarding this matter they will bepunished like Saha- Taj begum . Alsoanyone is prohibited to meet her until the final judgment comes about her .Malika- E- Aliya left the discussion and Hira and Rukayiya followed her .

On the other side the massagerhas reached the Bikaner pales with massage from Jalala. The assistant of Kingof Bikaner he read the letter then explained him that what is written in theletter . King of Bikaner said- that he will not go for any negotiation withJalal and he will not bow down in front of the Mughal Army . N matter howpowerful it is . But he also said that he will give his statement in written,so he told the massager to wait and take some rest and after that he can leave . The massagerdida salam and left the court . King ofBikaner called his prime Minister and told him to inform Sharif Uddin about thisdevelopment . Prime Minister send a man to inform Sharif Udn also he said thatthe king want to have discussion withhim.

Pancahan kept himself busy withhis work. His current assignment s to make a oil of King of Bikaner. Pancahan was going to his studio for hissession with the king. When he heared two people talking. They both werestanding on the right turn and Panchana stopped, because there behaviour wasvery suspicious so Panchana tried to listen what they are trying to say . Thetwo people were talking . One of themwas hardly 16- 18 years old and the person was bit older than him .The younerone was saying – Are you sure we should do ot? Because it is against our ethicsand if King comes to know about it he may be sentence us to death. The olderone put his right hand on the younger once left shoulder and said- That willhappen if anyone tells him anything about it . Before he comes to know about it, we will bedone with our work and also we will be gone .

The younger one- But it is noteasy to reach the massanger , he has a lot of security and if we have murder him, We have to get ridof his security , The older once took out the knife and said –

Older one- Don’t think about it.I have fixed up everything with the security. We just have to reach to him after he is done with his lunch.

Younger once- That means we don’t have much time. We have to move fast.Both of them left the place and Pancahan got shocked. He did not knew what hehas to do, he took a pause thought for some time and then he came with an idea, He immediately ran to the Prime minister he have to see him before it getstoo late . Pancahan went to the Prime minister ‘s room and me his secretory andtold him that he have to meet him urgently . If he does not meet him . Thingswill go out of hand and everyone will be answerable for it . The secretory wentto the minister and told him everything . The Prime minister agreed to meethim. Panchana went to the Prime Minister and toldhim everything from start. The primeMinister understood that he does not have much time in hand so he collected fewguirds and left the room. Panchanawanted to be with them but Prime Minister said it is not a very good idea .

IN Amber Raja Bharmal is reallytensed he has been informed about the alliance of King of Bikaner and SharifUddin. Raja Bharmal is quite scared about the future consequences which his kigdom have to face after the war .Bikaner is really a powerful state also it has been on good terms with Mewar .Raja Bharmal is quite sure that Mewar will help Bikaner because Maharana Pratapdoes not share a very good relationship with Sehensha , and right now no one in Rajppotana would like to help RajaBharmal . Raja Bharmal was waiting for his Senapa to come and meet him, as heis going to lead the force in battle felid . The Senpati cme and di a Pranam toRaja Bharmal and they started talking bout the strategy .

IN Agra Hira has no idea how shewill be able to handle this. She knows that putting Saha Taj begum on housearrest is not a solution , people in the Haram is going to talk about Bakshiand her child, It is not possible to punish everyone , there should be apractical solution to it . Hira was thinking about all of this when Lalita came to her and asked her what is shethinking about. Hira cleared her thoughts to her . Lalita sat near to her andsaid-

Lalita- your doubts re absolutelycorrect, something permanent have to bedone, but I guess only Sehensha can do something about it , when he comes back,Hira have you heard anything from Sehensha since he left for battle ?

Hira- No since then we don’t havebeen in touch. I did not got a letter from him, I hope he is fine .

Lalita- Nothing will happen tohim don’t worry, I am thinking about something else, actually ……

Hira- You are worried aboutVishakha right? I know I am also worried about her. I can not meet her everydayas this will upset my close once including Sehesha , but I am keeping an eye onher so don’t worry .

lalita- This war has became a bigissue. Not only politically but also personally . Someone telling me other day that people arereally scared because they here rumours about Sehensha’s death every day.

Hira- I know nd this rumours arespreading like fire because we are not residing in Agra , if we were therepeople would have felt protected.

Lalaita- I am sure Sehensha havehis own reasons to shift you and others here , don’ doubt his judgement . Theremust be a valid reason behind this arrangement .

Hira- Talking about arrangementsit reminds me have you made the arrangements I told you to make .? Lalita looked at her and could not ssayanything except an yes. Hira said- I know you are not happy with this idea ofmine but I have to make arrangements for it. Last time I had no choice , butthis time no matter what I will not let this happen.


The Prime Minister was smartenough he helped the massager toescape with the letter and in his placehe placed some pillows so that it looks like a sleeping person. When The killeralong with his partner entered the room and stabbed the pillow with knife hegot shocked and caught at the same time. The killer and his partner in crimegot arrested they are scheduled to be present in front of the king ‘s courttomorrow . Prime minister thanked {ancahan and left to inform the king .Panchana was not really very happy with it. He was feeling that something wrongis going to happen but he cannot sensewhat is that going to be.

The messenger came back to Jalaland told him everything about what has happened in Bikaner. Jalla is quiteconfused about the situation. He can not understand why anyone would like tokill the massanger, and if they want to kill him, why theywould save him in the first place. Jaalal called for a meeting with Maan singh he thought may be this hasto do something with Rajpoot traditions . Maan singh came in and Jalal and Maansinh was having a conversation.

From the Conversation jaal learnedthat In Rajpoot’s when a massager goes to convey a massage no matter what themassage is heis treated with respect and sent back safely because he is not tobe hold responsible for the massage. Also he does not have the right to conveyhis private thoughts regarding the massage. In fact he does not get to see themassage as it is sealed and well protected . Jalal orederd Maan singh to leave andlook after the battle field . It means there only one person who can do it . jalal now realities that how dangers his enemy can be.

Kavya_P thumbnail
Anniversary 9 Thumbnail Group Promotion 7 Thumbnail + 3
Posted: 5 years ago

Awesome chappy

When this war going to end

Update soon

Thanks for pm

old_charm thumbnail
Anniversary 14 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail Networker 2 Thumbnail
Posted: 5 years ago

more understanding & warmth between two favorite begums of shehenshah .

they r handling matters very well , looks like jalal has been away from them for months .

while at jalal's side it is becoming complicating , lots of schemes on the go , hope jalal will emerge out as a victor .

Saiyaa thumbnail
Visit Streak 365 0 Thumbnail Visit Streak 180 0 Thumbnail + 4
Posted: 5 years ago

please post the next part soon.......😃

msbhattacharya thumbnail
Anniversary 10 Thumbnail Group Promotion 2 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 5 years ago


Saiyaa thumbnail
Visit Streak 365 0 Thumbnail Visit Streak 180 0 Thumbnail + 4
Posted: 5 years ago

Originally posted by: msbhattacharya


waiting plz post the next part soon .

dellaakdha thumbnail
Anniversary 8 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail
Posted: 5 years ago

Very intriguing..Hira is upto some plan..waiting for that.. She is managing both rukaiya helath and the harem.. Jalal is trying to avoid war..nice update..thanks for pm..

Saiyaa thumbnail
Visit Streak 365 0 Thumbnail Visit Streak 180 0 Thumbnail + 4
Posted: 5 years ago

plz update the next part soon .

msbhattacharya thumbnail
Anniversary 10 Thumbnail Group Promotion 2 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 5 years ago

I am trying my best to nupdate the next part but can't make out the time to write it , I will try to do it as soon as possible sorry for the delay
