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msbhattacharya thumbnail
Anniversary 10 Thumbnail Group Promotion 2 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 6 years ago
Thanks for your comment dear . I will try to make the update as soon as possible😛😛
msbhattacharya thumbnail
Anniversary 10 Thumbnail Group Promotion 2 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 6 years ago

Originally posted by: aswinmaja

nice chapter eagerly waiting for next chapter

msbhattacharya thumbnail
Anniversary 10 Thumbnail Group Promotion 2 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 6 years ago

Originally posted by: -Kavya_P-

Amazing chappy
Loved it
Wish all problems r cleared
Update soon

msbhattacharya thumbnail
Anniversary 10 Thumbnail Group Promotion 2 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 6 years ago
I am here with the next chapter . I am sorry for being so late . O have been busy for a while . So I am here with the next update. Do read it let me know what you think and also have a great sunday😛


Panchana came back with a heavy heart this was it he will never meet Hira again . panchana was packing his things as he has to leave Agra now , He will just meet Vishakha for he last time o give her the picture of Sharif udddin. Vishakha came to meet Panchana when she came she saw that Panchana is packing his bags , so she assumed that he is going to leave with Hira Vishakha stood near panchana she had a smile on her face she started helping Panchanan =

Panchana- Oh it's you thank god you came I have something to give you, I am leaving .

Vishakaha- Yes I can see that . So finally Hira agreed to go with you , I told you she only loved you all her life.

Panchana- I have made the painting which you ordered , The picture is kept against the right wall of this room.

VishakhaThank you thanks a lot , how much do you charge , please tell me I will pay .

Pancahana- You don't have to pay anything, because of you I have got the biggest lesson of my life, it has changed my life forever.

Vishakha- But I want to give you something , just tell me what do you want .

Panchanan If you really want to give me anything then pray for me as I am going to start a new journey in my life .

Vishakh_ Ok I will do that but I will give you something and you have to take it. Vishakha removed a set of bangles from her hand and gave it to Panchana

Pabcahan- Vishkha trust me I don't need it , I don't want to charge anything for this work.

Vishkakha_ I know I herd you but please don't refuse this as this was gifted to me by your Hira. It belonged to her . Panchana looked at the bangles it was very expensive made of gold. He took them in his hands tears came into his eyes but he controlled himself, he kept the bangles in his bags .Panchana turned to Vishakha and said-

Panchana+ Vishkaha as I am leaving Agra I am quite sure that this is our last meeting, I want to give you an advice . The person you love does not deserv your love , he is a cheat he will never give you your rue honor .

Vshakha- What are you talking about, I am not in any relationship, I am Dasi , whn you leave with Hira I may have to work for Rukayiya Begum or some other begum of Sehensha .

Pancahan- Vishkaha I know you are not telling me the truth I know that you are having a relationship with Sharif Uddin Sahab.

Vishkha turned her back to Panchana- What are you saying? He is an officer I don't even belong to his class. Panchana took his one Thaila on his Shoulder and another to his hand and started walking . If you want to deny it you can but it was my duty to inform you. He is not kind of a man who deserves your love I will take your leave now, Panchana left is room and reached the main door of the fort he looked back he thought he can see Hira for the last time but he could not see her , he waited for some time and then he left the fort , anchana came out and saw that Lalita is standing outside the main gate of se will fort .

Pancahana Lalita what are tou doing here? It is not safe to stay here go inside.

Lalaita I saw ypou when you was leaving so I have came here to meet you. You are leaving?

panchana- Yes and I will never come back to Agra again .

Lalaita I am glad you understood that HIra can not run away with you , she

Panchana- I know I have realized that she loves Sehensha and she belongs to Sehensha . I wish her all the happiness in her life.

Lalita _ I have came here to tell you something, please will you listen to me?

Panchana- Tell me what you have to say, as may be it is our last meeting also.

Lalita_ I know it is irrelevant to talk about but HIra married Sehensha because of you .

Pancana- What are you saying? I don't get what you are saying, how am I related to this marriage ?

Lalita- Hira never wanted to marry Sehensha she wanted to rum away with you , but you mother . She insisted that she goes way from your life and also she took a Vaxhana from her so that she does not t. tell you anything .

Pancahan_ How do you know all of this? As this is very shocking .

Lalita- Hira told me once , she told me not to say a word about this about anyone, but I had to tell you because I don't want that you misunderstand her . She took this step for you. Theses words by Lalita made Pancahana happ as well as sad , he never thought that his mother will be involved in all of this, he will talk to his mother then he will talk to his mother about all of this, but first he has to leve Agra before sun rise . Panchana hold Lalaita's hand and said you shown me the right ath like a little sister. Thank you if we ever meet again I will try topay back this gesture o you. Just one request never tell Hira that I know all about this nd ake cae of her. Lalita had teares in her eyes .

Lalita- Bhai sa I will never forget you and I will take care of Hira till the last breath of my life .

Panchana- Don't cry sister go inside before someone sees you. Pancahan turned his back but lalita stood in her place till Pancahan Vanished in the Dark forest and she prayed to Kanha. " Please Kanha ji please end all the sufferings of my brother and please let him reach safely to Amber " Laita went inside the fort. After Laita went inside the fort Visakha came out from the dark . She had listened the conversation she stood there for a moment and then went inside after few munities.

Whe Laita reached Hira's room to tell her that Panchana has left the fort she found that lalita was talking to a Lady spy. Hira saw Lalita and she instructed the Lady spy to leave, when the lady spy left Lalita ran to Hira

Hira _ What happened Lalita why do you look so tensed ?

Lalita _ I am tensed because bad times are knocking at the door and I don't know what to do about it .

Hira_ I don't know what you are taking about .

Lalita- Hira dpo you know that Panchanan Bhai sa has left Agra? HIra looked at Lalita she had fear in her eyes.

HIra_ I know Sehensha has ordered him to leave Agra , as far as I know he must be out from the fort now .

Lalita- Yes . I met him when he was leaving the fort , I am not getting a good feeling I feel that I may not see him again , after saying this Lalita sat on Hira's feet and started crying. I have called him Bhai saa . You know I don't hav anyone in this world, I dn't want to loose my brother . Rani sa I beg you please save his life please send someone to look after him .

Hira hold Lalita from her sholder and made her stand in front f her Ok ok don't cry but I have to talk to Sehensha about this . I can not send anyone without his consent I will talk to him, Lalita you go to your Hojra and I will talk to Sehensh about this , I have many things which I have to discus with him. I assure you nothing will happen to Panchanan.

Lalita- But have you thought that if you talk about him to Sehensha how he will react to it?

Hira- AS far as I know him he already knows everything about this. Lalita had fear in her eyes .

Lalita- What will happen to you now?

Hira- I have to ace it. I am married to Sehensha for two years now if he can not trust me then I have nothing to say , but I have to face this, I knew this day will come so I can not ran away from it , you go to your room .

Lalita left Hira and Hira went to meet Jalal she knew lot of questions will be asked to her and she is prepared for them . Hira eneterd Jalal's Hojra , Jalal was seating alone in his room Jalal saw Hira coming Jalal looked at her but before she could say anything Jalal told her

Jalal-You have leave the fort along with other Begums I am shifting you along with other Ladies of the Haram .

Hira Why? what? what are you saying Sehensha? I don't get it.

Jalal- You don't have to know anything Rukayiya Begum Salima Begum and Rahim has left for shifting they hav taken they are important things , I was just waiting for you . If you want to take anything with you , you can but just don't stay here anymore .

Hira- Sehensha I have many things to say just listen to me for once .

Jalal Hira begum I know what you want to talk about but this is not the right tiem to talk. Trust me I will listen to everything what you have to say, but not now, please Hira Begum it is my order that you leave in an hour if you want to take your Dasi's with you tell them to be ready. I have ordered Lalita and Vishakha to get ready . Just do as I say

Hira coyld not understand what was the matter but she can feel that Jalal was not in a mood to talk right now and has to obey his orders , she looked at Jalal and said Sehensha I will not ask you anything but I will pray to Kanha that everything get solved soon .

Jalal- I promise you Hra Begum everything will be solved this time , just I want you to stay protected Hira looked at Jalal for once and she left .

The night was one of it's kind Hira had to travel throw the secret roots of the Agra fort, before she left Agra she instructed two solders to follow Panchanan . She did not had the time to ask Jalal about it so she had to take the decision on her own. She had to walk through the tunnel and she reached to her destination in the morning . She slept all day and in the evening after meeting Rukayiya Begum and Salima Begum she called Visgakha and instructed other Dasi's to leave. Vishakha came to meet her .

Hira_ Sit down Vishakha , I have a lot to say to you. It has been a while that I did not had a girl talk with you .

Vishakha- I know after you came back From Amber lot of things have changed , your duties have changed.

Hira- You are right after I came back from Amber lot of things have changed and did not got the time to have a brief chat with you . So tell me I hear that you also have a new development in your life. You have a relationship

Vishakha- No no these are rumours.

Hira- Oh really <ay be there are so many rumours around us, I wonder who are spreading them . Someone told me that you are in a relationship with Sharif Uddin .

Vishakha- No no it is not true , how can be in a relationship with him. Someone has given you a wrong information. She was lying and it was showing on her face

Hira- I was thinking the same, because I know you will never want to be someone's mistress , as Sharif Uddin is married to Sehensha's sister if he has to take another wife he have to look for a girl from elite family . Plus he have to ask Sehensha also.

Vishakha was very angry she said in a controlled but farm voice, why he have to ask him? As far as I know he is allowd to have multiple wives.

Hira- yes he is but right no he is connected to Sehensha , he can not stop him to do another Nikah , but that Nikah should have a benefit , but I onder he will think about taking another wife now.

Vishakha- How can you be so sure? He may marry another girl .

Hira- I am sure because Bakshi is with child . And if he marries another girl now Sehensha will not be very happy and you know no one wants to get into bad books of Sehensha . Vishakha was shocked to here this, she never thought that this can happen she said

Vishakha- I am not feeling very well if you excuse me I want to leave.

Hira- Oh if you are not feeling well I can call Vaidya for you.

Vishakha- No I will be fine. I think I am just tired, please excuse me .

Hira- Ok go and take rest, and if you want anything don't hesitate to ask .Vishakha did a pranam to Hira and left her Hojra .

Vishkha could not believe what she heared she did not knew anything about this . After Vishakha left Lalita came to meet Hira

Lalita_ I have just screen Vishkha she was running towards her Hojra and she was crying , what happened Hira?

Hira- She has chosen these tears because of her Karma, anyways I called you because I wanted you tell you that I have sent two men to protect Panchana .

Lalita- Thanks a lot I hope Panchana Bhai sa stay safe , I was thinking of something. Why Sehensha has sent you and all the other Ladies of Haram here??

Hira- I also don't know why Sehensha took this step but I am sure something is going on, I can feel it .

On the other side Panchana has walked all night it has been walking for almost a day, he stopped in a village in the afternoon he had some food their and took rest and again he started walking. In evening time he feeling very tired he reached near a cave he though he will take rest in the cave , as it is a forest and it is not safe to stay outside . Pancahana walked towards the cave and he reached the cave. Panchana entered the cave and he looked around it was a dark place. So pancahan decided to light thus place, so he thought that he will collect some woods and light the cave. Pancahana went to look for woods for nearby , after few munities Pancahan came back and saw that a man was riding on a horse, and he has a fire lamp in his left hand. Panchan would have not bothered if he did not saw his face . Pancahana put the dried streams his cave and then he followed the man , the man entered the cve. Panchanan follow his silently .

The cave was very different the man walked a narrow lane first Panchana followed him, and then the man entered a big hall . Panchana followed him . Panchanan was in for a surprise the hall was filled with pictures , pictures which were drawn in the cave's walls and Panchana was very familiar with the faces of this picture , theses were the pictures of Hira . Sharif uddin put the fire lamp in a stand and then walked towards a picture of Hira and started talking .

Sharif uddin- Just few more days Hira begum, then you and I will be one. I will be the new king of Hindustan and you will be my begum. I can not wait for the day when I will marry you , I will keep you very happy. I have liked you from the very first day I saw you , I wanted to marry you , but Jalal got lucky . But not anymore when I will become the new Sehensha I will make you my Queen. You will be the next queen of Hindustan, after you I will never marry another girl , I may have mistresses but I will never marry another girl. I know I am waiting for you for many years, but not any more. Just few more days my Jaan then we will be together. You don't know how much I have to bear for you. I have to bear your stupid Khadima Vishakha . But I am not complaining as she is the ladder to get closer to you . I have been talking to your pictures but few days more then I will remove Jalal and I will be the next Sehensha of Hindustan . I know you never agree that I should not use Vishakha , but when I saw her in Amber I knew she can be the way to get into your heart.

When you left Agra I followed you and reached Amber, then I met Vishakha, after first meeting I realized that she is a greedy girl, so it was easy to use her. Poor stupid girl she thinks that she can be my wife, I will never marry a girl like her , I will remove her when my work is done , I am going to reach Agra tomorrow and then I will kidnap you. I can't wait anymore you was looking so beautiful in that Sharara which I gifted to you. I saw you in the Mughal garden with Sehensha, I felt like killing him, I saw him when he kissed you . I can't take it anymore .

I love you from the day when you came in DIwan-E- Khas without any ghunghat, everyone was looking at you and I come to know why Jalal made changes in his rules. Your beauty, your innocence everything has attracted me towards you . I have loved you from the day I saw you . Just few more days my Jaan that stupid Pancahan will elope with you tonight and my men will kidnap you on the way of amber, then they will kill Pancahan. Sehensha will never come to know that I kidnapped you then I will kill Sehensha also . Everything will be fine, just two more days . Panchana heard everything he was shocked but he knew what he had to do. Pancahan Ran fast back to his cave and did not lit the cave until Sharif Uddin left the place and then Panchana waited for some time and then he lit the cave and wrote a letter to Jalal, where he explained everything in the leter. But Pancahan did not knew how he can send this letter to Jalal . Panchana spent the whole night in the cave.

Next morning Panchanan woke up and thought that no matter what he will give this letter to Jalal , so he started walking back to Agra but he would have walked for munities when he found two Mughal Solders , Panchana was stooped by them.

Panchana- Who are you what are you doing here? Why are you stopping me ?

The solders looked at each other and then gave a letter to Jalal . Pancahan read the letter and put the letter in his Jhola thn Panchana gave his letter to his solder and said-

Pncahan- Please make it fast and give this letter to Sehensha . Another solder took Pancahan on his horse and started riding towards amber .

By the end of afternoon the horse rider reached Agra he gave the letter to Jalal . Jalal read the letter and he is was in for a shock , but he controlled himself and then he called Todarmal and Maan singh, Jalal made a plan and he started working on it. Jalal, Maan singh, and todar mal had a hours long meeting. Then Maan singh left Agra and started his journey for Amber.

Pancahan reached Amber and he is in his home now he was reading the letter which he got form Hira- f

Pancahan thses are te solders of m Sehensha they will accompany you to mber. I hope you have a safe journey, you can order them anything , I hope you reach home safely . One more thing never write to me again , I am aware of Sehensha ji's order, if you try to try to me again I will not be able to save your life. I hope Kanha gives you a healthy and long life . Start a new life have a family . I wish you all the luck in your life . Good bye. Panchana folded the letter and saw that his mother has eneterd his room.

Panchana- Maas a you are here how was your visit to the temple .

Maa- it was very good beta. I had a very peaceful darshan of Maa Kali .

Panchan- Yes peace is very important in life , maa sa I was waiting for you .

Maa- I know you must have been hungry . When I came back the Dasi told me told me that you are back home .

Panchana- I will have the dinner later but I have to talk to you about something .

Maa- Ok I will talk with you, we did not had a conversation for a long time ,

Panchana- Maas a do you think I should get married?

Maa- yes I always wanted that you should get married. Have a family and be happy.

Panchana- Do you agree maa sa that honesty is important for any relationship?

Maa- yes it is in any relationship honesty is important. Dom't worry I will find agirl who will never leave you like that girl.SHARIF UDDIN WILL COME TO AGRA TO KIDNAP HIRA

Panchana- But maa sa I think honesty is important in every relationship. Maa saa if I ask you a question will you reply me honestly . I promise if you give a honest answer I will marry the girl of your choice. Maa had tears of happiness in her eyes .

Maa- I will answer your questions just ask me. Panchana folded he letter and out it inside his Kurta's pocket and said-

Panchana- Maa saa did you emotionally blackmailed Hira to go away from my life ?

Do let me know what you think about this update . I will try to make the next update as soon as possible .

link to next chapter


Edited by msbhattacharya - 5 years ago
aswinmaja thumbnail
Anniversary 9 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail Networker 3 Thumbnail
Posted: 6 years ago
Thanks for update very beautiful one
Kavya_P thumbnail
Anniversary 9 Thumbnail Group Promotion 7 Thumbnail + 3
Posted: 6 years ago
Awesome chappy
Update soon
Hope they will live happily with any problems
Kavya_P thumbnail
Anniversary 9 Thumbnail Group Promotion 7 Thumbnail + 3
Posted: 6 years ago

Originally posted by: -Kavya_P-

Awesome chappy
Update soon
Hope they will live happily with any problems

Thanks for pm
konica.arora.92 thumbnail
Anniversary 9 Thumbnail Group Promotion 2 Thumbnail
Posted: 6 years ago
Thanks for pm
Waiting for next update soon dear
Sharif evil plans
Vish a dumb women
Jajo knows of sharif plan
Waiting for their reaction
old_charm thumbnail
Anniversary 14 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail Networker 2 Thumbnail
Posted: 6 years ago
what will happen now ?
how will jalal solve it all...😒

msbhattacharya thumbnail
Anniversary 10 Thumbnail Group Promotion 2 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 5 years ago
next part...?[
/QUOTE] I am a bit busy so sorry guys so it is taking time😭 but I will try to update soon till then pllease bear with me and don't get angry love you all