ArHi FF: Yeh Saali Zindagi #5 link to next thread @ pg.1 - Page 41


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tuli_jayee thumbnail
Anniversary 10 Thumbnail Group Promotion 3 Thumbnail + 3
Posted: 9 years ago
Hey, first of all really really sorry for commenting late. I manage to read the update on Sunday & was able to comment on it now. Please don't get angry.
!st of all great news - just is going to get replaced. So, just hope, thsi judge is a better one.

2 nd good news- Vikrant's secretary & her family is safe now.

Now, coming to upcoming updates - there are few possibilities

1) if Aman was not ready to appear in the court (as he is still unconscious), he have to give his written consent that Khushi can fight the case on his behalf. 

2) It might happen that Anuj is safe, may be he was able to fled or maybe somebody already helped him & hide him in a secured place

3) Lets just hope Anjali to recover soon.

4) & plzzz don't hurt Arnav. We all needed this victory, because, it's time, Arshi & their team should hit Vikrant back. He cannot be spared this time. * no , I don't want an easy death punishment for him. After all his deed, I seriously want him to rot but not in hell , rather in this earth.
phillips_2909 thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail Networker 3 Thumbnail
Posted: 9 years ago
waiting for action
nice update
ShiningHearts thumbnail
Posted: 9 years ago
Awesome n interesting update!
Loved it..
-afsha- thumbnail
Anniversary 16 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 3
Posted: 9 years ago
I hope nthg happens to Arnav n they do get victory 
AnupamaJY thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 9 years ago
Loved it

All are living in a uncertainity in the moment

I just hope that their plan to nab vikrant will succeed.

Khushi has already started her plan. And arnav is planning something really big. I just hope he wont get hurt in the process

Thank god at least manyatha is safe.

Will be waiting for the next update
uv-crazyfan thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Group Promotion 3 Thumbnail + 4
Posted: 9 years ago

ArHi FF: Yeh Saali Zindagi

Chapter 34-B



Grinning madly as his ears picked up on the whispered discussion going inside the conference room, Arnav stood outside the door for a moment, waiting to hear what all the twelve people gathered inside had to say about him. He smirked catching few curses aimed at him, few idle threats of what should happen to him and his family.

"Sir..." Raising a hand to stop his secretary, Arnav turned to face her and motioned for her to lead the way, glancing as she walked past him. Watching her hand hover over the doorknob, he straightened, wiping any animated expression from his face quickly, switching to his arrogant, business-like posture at once.

As the door was pushed open, a sudden silence fell inside the room, anticipation mixed with fear rising in the air. Following his secretary just inside the room where she stopped abruptly, Arnav strolled ahead, not giving anyone present in the room his attention as his eyes fell on the vacant chair at the head of the table for him and sat gracefully, steepling his fingers together under his chin as he rested his elbows on the table. Staring at the file lying in front of him, he ordered his secretary "You may start..."

Making a show of picking up that file and flicking the pages of it, he listened attentively as his secretary started speaking professionally "Good morning everyone. I know that my boss, Mr Raizada here, has invited you all for a meeting all of a sudden and I thank you for coming here on such a short notice. The topic that he wants to discuss is rather a political one. What my boss here wants to discuss is the fact that of all the CEO's of the real estate companies present in the market, has been called here, a major portion of it supports Vikrant Chaudhary's party." Pausing for a moment for the dramatic effect, she announced firmly "Mr Raizada wants you all to stop providing funds for his party."

A stunned silence followed her announcement, to be broken only by the raised voices speaking together as a response to it.

"This is insane..."

"Why the hell he thinks that he can order us around like dogs..."

"The cause of this meeting is bullshit..."

"He wants to start a war here..."

"Everyone please stop. I am ready to answer all your questions if you all just act professionally and speak one by one." His secretary hollered, her voice full of alarm as she waved her hands in the air to gesture for everyone who has stood up, to sit down.

Dropping his act altogether, Arnav sent a text from his phone, his eyes catching every reaction and word directed at him before the doors were pushed open once again, a dozen men dressed in black suits stumbling inside, taking their position at the door, around the both ends of the table and behind every chair where businessmen dressed in their best-tailored suits were seated. Protests dying inside their throat as their eyes followed the strange arrangement, their expressions turned curious riveting silently to man sitting at the head of the table.

Leaning back in his chair, Arnav murmured to his secretary "Your work is done here. Now you can go..."

Acknowledging his words, she smiled gratefully before fleeing from the room, aware of the eyes focused on her retreat. As soon as the door closed behind her, Arnav stood up, slipping his hands inside the pockets of his trousers before he drawled lazily "Now, can we discuss this topic like the businessmen we all are?"

Not waiting for an answer, he started speaking, meeting everyone's eyes confidently "Now I know that the CEO's of five companies present here actually support him, provide funds for every activity of Vikrant's party. But I also know the reason behind it. I know how he influenced the government contracts in the past, giving them to you as an act of mutual benefit while all he did was writing everything down on the papers about how illegally your company has managed to beg it. And now, he is blackmailing you five into providing funds for his party, threatening to reveal all and have your license revoked if you refuse to act like his puppets. Am I right here concluding that none of you willing support him?"

As everyone turned to look at each other in astonishment, a businessman sitting on the right side leaned forward, clearing his throat loudly before speaking "You are right."

His lips curling in a smile, Arnav announced triumphantly "Well, you don't need to fear him at all. I have those evidences in my possession now."


Chucking darkly, Arnav moved to walk around the table, looking amused "You all don't need to look so frightened about it. I will return them back to you eventually. But first we all have a deal to discuss."

As everyone raised an eyebrow at it, Arnav returned to his chair, picking up the file he was looking at earlier "This is the file which contains something very important to you all. It includes all the papers that might have triggered you all to support any party except Anuj Raizada's party. Thankfully, my father isn't one of the politicians to sink down to this level. My company was enough for him."

Throwing it in front of them, he let them read the papers inside it, watching their eyes darken in frustration and fear before passing it to the others. The moment everyone was done reading it, Arnav rubbed his hands together in anticipation, announcing rather loudly, standing at the head of the table authoritatively "I propose you all stop supporting Vikrant Chaudhary's party and in return, I will allow one of you to collaborate with me at every major contract my company gets in next 2 years as payment to it along with a minimum amount of 80 lakhs being delivered to you now as an advance payment in your personal account. I will give the original evidence back to you at the end of the meeting once you all agree to it..."

"And what if we don't agree to it?" One businessman braved to ask.

Arnav smirked wickedly as he proceeded to answer "Then I will be the one blackmailing you for the same reason. Look, I don't want a fight here. I just want you all to stop funding Vikrant Chaudhary's party and by agreeing to it, I am ready to compensate you in case anyone of you continues to associate with him only for the purpose of advertising your company to the people."

When no one chose to respond to it, he looked at his watch and announced dryly "You all have 30 minutes to sign on the dotted lines before I move the matter to the blackmail phase..."

Looking around, he nodded at everyone meaningfully as his men standing behind them bent forward, placed the document to sign in front of them, a legal contract drawn for everyone separately.

Towering over them, Arnav watched in satisfaction as everyone hurried to sign the papers, hiding his satisfied smile behind the hand covering his mouth.

The first phase of his plan was already complete, with the financial support Vikrant Chaudhary thrived on being broken completely with one clever move, and gaining more power.

Arnav thrived on the feeling, reveled in it, knowing it was exactly what he feared someday he will come to as a kid. He never wanted to be powerful, knowing how much destruction he would bring along with it.







"Do not tell me what you think. Just inform me what the Council has decided." Getting out of her car, Khushi growled, dressed in turquoise zaree saree, stalking confidently towards the hospital entrance. Deciding against it suddenly, she stopped, leaning against her car to conclude the conversation first.

As the person on the other end started replying heatedly, she smirked, clucking her tongue in mock sympathy. Rolling her eyes, she commented dryly "I just said the truth alright. I pay you to give me the inside information not what the opinions you have in your mind regarding the matter.  So have they decided who is going to supervise Nia Sharma's case yet?"

Narrowing her eyes as the answer came negative, Khushi asked curtly "But why? What is stopping them from assigning a new judge to the case?"

Hearing the explanation to her question, she laughed, looking up at the sky. Still laughing, she asked "So no judge is ready to take the case because they fear that I will ruin them if they ruled the case in favor of the defending party and Vikrant will do the same if they announced him guilty of the charges against him. Is it about right?"

Not waiting for an answer, Khushi said excitedly "Oh this is good. So good. According to what I know, if all judges refuse taking any case, the Council will assign the case to anyone if they volunteer for it willingly right?"

Smiling at the affirmative reply, she said cheerfully "Thanks for the information. You will get your money."

Disconnecting the call quickly, Khushi resumed walking with a sudden bounce in her steps, giddy at the news she has just received. The fact that the Council of the Supreme Court is facing difficulty in assigning a new judge to the case, she knew that the hearing will be delayed for few days more. And if luck favored her, she already knew who is going to be the new judge.

It pleased her very much. Because she knew that they are going to win the case if the judge she thought of, is going to supervise the hearings.

The moment she walked out of the parking lot to look at the entrance gate, her smile fell quickly as a curse escaped past her lips "Hell!!"

Watching as the reporters crowding the front area of the hospital spotted her the exact moment, Khushi quickly donned her sunglasses, wiping her face clean of any emotion, realizing that all of them are running towards her and will corner her soon. Not waiting for another moment, she dashed to the fire escape nearby, picking up her heels in one hand to climb the steps hurriedly, bursting past the first door she spotted to enter inside the hospital.

Smiling grimly, she quickly wore her sandals before moving towards the ICU, anxious to see her best friend. If only Aman was conscious, they would have laughed at the current situation of the court. But he was not.

But he will wake up soon. Assuring herself, Khushi entered inside his ward, her eyes softening in affection and love for her friend.





Roaring inside his house, Vikrant turned to look at the men standing in front of him, their head hung low in shame. Placing his hands on his hips, he prompted heatedly "Well?"

A man standing to the right, looked up fearfully and answered "We don't know, Sir. We kept a watch on her house since the morning but when no one came out till afternoon, I went inside to see that it was empty. She was gone along with her family."

Cursing under his breath, he demanded arrogantly "WHEN???"

"Considering that we all keep strict watch on her house till midnight, she must have escaped before sunrise. They left everything behind, otherwise we would have realized the moment they were planning to run." His hired man answered apprehensively.

Whirling around, Vikrant kicked a chair, toppling it over with the force behind it before throwing his head up, staring at the ceiling "THAT BITCH TOOK EVERY IMPORTANT PAPER KEPT IN MY LOCKER. YOU ALL DIDN'T NOTICE THAT EITHER?"

Flinching at the volume of his shout, all three of them shook their head collectively, shame burning in their eyes and face. Striding over to his desk, Vikrant threw a single wad of cash at them separately before issuing his final order "FIND THAT BITCH."

The moment they ran out of his sight, Vikrant leaned against his desk, closing his tired eyes at once, pressing his fingers against it instinctively. He groaned softly "Arnav, you still haven't learned your lesson, have you?"

Falling silent, he contemplated over his failed plan grimly, knowing that it was his biggest mistake to have missed killing Arnav Raizada yesterday itself and was paying for it now. Anjali and Anuj sure were major threat to him and his party but not the way Arnav is capable of ruining him.

Smiling darkly, Vikrant murmured slyly "Well, I guess I have to make my next plan with caution. Right, Mr Arnav Singh Raizada?"





"Doctor, how is my sister doing?" Surging to his feet the moment he saw the doctor existing his sister's ward, Akash asked anxiously. Watching from the corner of his eyes as Shyam chose to stand beside him quickly, he focused back on the man.

Placing the stethoscope around his neck, the doctor sighed "Nothing has changed in the last two hours since my previous checkup, Mr Raizada. I told you that cases like these take time in showing any improvement in the patient's condition. Just calm down."

Nodding, Akash questioned hesitantly "So can we see her now?"

Shaking his head with pity in his eyes, the doctor murmured his answer "I am sorry but I cannot allow you to enter inside the ward. We don't think that any visit from the family will be good for her."

His face falling in disappointment, Akash turned to sit in the chair outside the ward again when he heard Shyam's furious question "But why? It's not like we are going to do anything. We just want to see her."

Looking over his shoulder in surprise, Akash witnessed the doctor fidget with his white coat under Shyam's intense gaze before repeating his answer "I cannot allow you to see her. I am sorry."

Staring up at the ceiling in exasperation for a moment, Shyam snapped "But why? What is it that you aren't telling us?"

Taking a step back, the doctor looked around helplessly watching as Akash turned back to stare at him, his expression mirroring the frustrated yet curious ones of the man questioning him. Grappling at the last straws, he stammered "I just think. .."

"Let them visit her." A familiar feminine yet strong voice ordered grabbing everyone's attention. Looking behind their backs together, they watched as Khushi Raizada strode toward them, her stern gaze fixed on the man wearing the white medical coat.

Crossing her arms under her breasts the moment she stopped in front of them, Khushi commented dryly "You really don't want me to complain about you to the administration now, do you?"

Raising his hands, the doctor backed away from them as he hastened to rectify his statement "All right, one of you can visit her but you shouldn't say anything to her at all."

Flashing them a triumphant smile, Khushi turned to Shyam "Go now. What are you waiting for?"

Smiling gratefully at her, Shyam hurried behind the doctor to follow him to Anjali's room while Akash stared at his sister-in-law in admiration and awe.

The moment Shyam disappeared inside the room, Khushi met his gaze, firing her question at him instantly "Did you talk to my sister? How is she doing?"

"They all are fine. I instructed them to keep out of everyone's view for few days. I intended to talk to her everyday but then Arnav asked me to not call them again in case someone is tapping my phone so I won't talk to her again." Akash explained, meeting her eyes.

Nodding her head, Khushi commented dryly "He is right. Their safety is our main concern for now."

"So has Arnav told you anything about what he is planning?" Akash asked hopefully.

Khushi scowled "Not a damn thing. Do you think that he might risk his life while implementing this plan?"

Ignoring the doubts in his mind, Akash answered "I don't think so."

About to voice her own concerns, Khushi stopped abruptly as a Police officer walked towards them nervously. Nudging Akash in the same direction, they watched him bridge the distance in between before standing stiffly in front of them.

Clearing his throat loudly, he started speaking "Mr Raizada, we have conducted the DNA test of the dead body we had discovered yesterday."

Akash prompted nervously "And?"

Stiffening further as Khushi scrutinized his face, the officer answered warily "It's not Anuj Raizada's body, Sir."

Leaning against the wall, Akash breathed in relief while Khushi thanked the officer profusely, her tone curt and polite as ever. Watching as she called Arnav to inform him about the same, another question popped in his mind.

If it wasn't Bade Sahab, then where is he?

As much as he wanted to be happy about the news, his instincts raised red flags in his mind urgently, making him conclude to the main question. Anuj Raizada had never been the person to run away or hide from the whole world no matter what problem or situation his life tossed at him. Until now.

It was not like him to just disappear one day suddenly. At all. Then, what exactly is it that made him do the same?

And why?




Staring down at the cup of tea in her hands blankly, Divya sadly thought of the way her husband's behavior had changed over the last week. She thought of the way he had started paying attention to her, her opinions and her likes or dislikes. She thought of the way he was beginning to care for their children like she always wished for.

She thought of every change that she had encountered in his behavior recently. But then, Divya frowned, why he had to go and undo everything? Why whenever she thought about yesterday, she felt like she is missing something important?

Everything was going so well, why when Anuj came back after a meeting, did he cancel the party arrangements abruptly and instructed her to not inform anyone about the change? Why did he said that if anyone asked about the party, she should tell that it is supposed to happen today, when she didn't even send invitations to anyone?

She knew there wasn't going to be a party, then why the pretense? And why didn't her husband come back yesterday night after leaving in the evening abruptly?

Everyone was hiding something from her. She didn't like that fact even a bit.

Snapping out of her thoughts as someone rang the doorbell, Divya placed the cup down before getting up gracefully, calmly pulling the front door open to see Shashi and Garima standing in front of her, their faces grim yet full of apprehension.

Despite her calm, composed state of mind, she suddenly felt afraid, knowing that something was very serious if they had come to visit her without any prior notice when Anuj wasn't even at home.

Garima tried to smile "Hi Divya, can we come in?"

Stepping back, Divya nodded slowly, letting them walk inside before exchanging the usual greeting with each other. After seating them in the living room, she instinctively asked what they would prefer to drink when Shashi leaned forward, cutting her usual role of perfect hostess short.

Meeting her eyes hesitantly, Shashi whispered "Divya we are here because you were calling Akash again and again to ask about Anuj and everyone else. We thought to explain everything to you personally."

Leaning back, Divya smiled gratefully "Thank god, you both are here then. I take it you know where is Anuj then? I was so worried about him since he left the house last evening and didn't come back? Even the crowd of reporters outside the house is more than usual. I was so scared, thinking something must have happened. Is everything alright?"

Closing his eyes for a moment, Shashi shook his head in denial "No Divya, everything is not alright. I don't know anything about where Anuj is right now. He is not taking anyone's call and his security detail is missing along with him. But that's not it Divya. There's something else that happened yesterday..."

Divya froze, her heart thudding loudly in dread, choking a single word out "What?"

Placing a hand around her shoulders, Garima sat beside her and murmured softly in her ears "Anjali was shot yesterday, Divya. She is in coma."

Her face crumbling at the news, Divya broke down, clutching Garima tightly as her friend patted her back in support, lending her shoulder for her to cry on.



Staring out through the window, Arnav smiled, resting his forehead against the glass as his car continued racing ahead, giving him a fleeting glance of the shining lights through the night, darkness consuming about everything.

Having broken through the first powerful support of Vikrant Chaudhary, he felt euphoric, his lips curling in a deathly smile at what he has planned for tomorrow. After signing the contract with every businessman he had called and met this morning, he instructed them to not reveal the new developments to anyone just right now. He asked them to wait for his message before declaring their withdrawal of monetary support from Vikrant Chaudhary's party.

No it wasn't the right time, he knew. First he needed to break through all his supports and funds before Vikrant even realized what he was doing. And then...

Chuckling at the thought, Arnav took his phone out, pressing the call button as he glanced at his wife's smiling face. Waiting patiently as the dialer tone rang four times, he closed his eyes the moment Khushi's sleepy voice reached his ears "Arnav?"

"Congratulate me." He said gruffly, smiling as he imagined the frown that must have appeared on her face at his words.

"For what?" She questioned, saying the words he already knew she would utter.

Rolling his eyes, Arnav answered enthusiastically "For winning. You will know what I mean by this soon."

Huffing loudly, Khushi replied, her voice full of sarcasm "Still being vague about everything, I see. What did you do?"

Arnav chuckled  "What he deserves as payment."

Falling silent for a moment, Khushi asked softly "You won't leave me alone here. Would you Arnav?"

Closing his eyes, Arnav groaned silently.

Realizing that he isn't going to answer, Khushi whispered "I love you, Arnav."

Sighing deeply, Arnav whispered back eventually, knowing that he was fighting a lost cause "I love you too, Khushi."

Edited by uv-crazyfan - 9 years ago
varsha2KD thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail Networker 2 Thumbnail
Posted: 9 years ago
Amazing update
Hope arnav succeeds in his plan...
rulama thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 8
Posted: 9 years ago
What an update! 
Vikrant has now started to see his victory turn to ashes...
Still he is yet to know the impact of his deeds boomerang!
Loved thee update...
What a way for Arnav to pull the rug right under Vikrant's feet!
Unknowingly he has been made to float in the air, float to oblivion...
Khushi too has done her bit and now Anuj going missing... Has he added to Vikrant's kitty of woes?
jessjazz thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail Networker 2 Thumbnail
Posted: 9 years ago
Thanks for the update!
Things seem to have started picking up with Arnav making his move.  Hoping that this means it is the beginning of the end of Vikrant.  Will this also mean the end of Arnav?  Seeing that Vikrant is a vindictive soul.

So it is confirmed that the elder Raizada is not the body in the morgue. Vikrant has him hidden somewhere?
Downhill thumbnail
Posted: 9 years ago
simply brilliant
loved it,