Somewhere, over the rainbow #1 (Members Only) - Page 45


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Posted: 10 years ago

The Felicitation With Romantic Interludes ! ANSH SS PART 2

Sreca sa romanticnim predasima ANSH SS PART 2

Here VM !

The Felicitation With Romantic Interludes !

Sreca sa romanticnim predasima ANSH SS PART 2

Saab ..shall I wait ..or make a move?' Makhan's voice behind them ...

Anandi left Shiv's hand and turned back !' You can go back Makhan ! We will go in my car and tell Dadiji ..We will be back by evening !' said Shiv. Before he left ...Anandi took out her bag and the tiffin box from the Jeep! With a bowand a nod Makhan left that place.

Anandi ..since morning I am on duty ...first came to you to give a surprise to you ...and yes a prize from my beautiful wife , who with great difficulty and shyness wrote'' I love you ' for me, but ... she is yet to say that with her sweet voice !''--He searched for her reaction and consent in her eyes ...but before he could recognise it , she looked down and escaped with a smile !

"Gospodine, da li da cekam ili da podjem?" cuo se Makanov glas iza njih...

Anandi je pustila Shivovu ruku i okrenula se Mozes da se vratis kuci, Makhan! Mi cemo nastaviti u mojim kolima, i kazi Dadiji da cemo se vratiti do veceri!" rekao je Shiv. Pre nego sto je otisao, Anandi je izvadila iz kola svoju torbu i posude sa hranom! Naklonivsi se i klimnuvsi glavom, Makhan je napustio to mesto.

Anandi, od jutros sam na poslu, prvo sam dosao kod tebe da te iznenadim...i, da..dobio sam nagradu od moje prekrasne zene, koja mi je sa velikom poteskocom i tako stidljivo napisala Volim te", ali...jos uvek mi to nije rekla svojim slatkim glasom!" - rekao je, trazeci pogledom njenu reakciju i potvrdu u njenim ocima...ali, pre nego sto je uspeo da to prepozna i pronadje, ona je spustila pogled i za dlaku mu pobegla, smeseci se !

A host of lovely feelings were rushing through her eyes that turned heavy with shyness .. her mind said say!' but her heart said hold!'. She gathered courage and was preparing herself to express her love ... when his words interrupted .. Anandi I am hungry the morning I came running to you ...then went to office ..from there without going home ..came over here ! Let us go to a good Dhaba [ road side hotel ]..have some thing fast and then proceed to Baroli by 4 pm! Let us go is already 1 o clock !

From here it will take only 1 hour to that village Shiv...we have enough time ..meanwhile let us eat something ...Chotima has given some food for me ..let us share it beautiful this place is' ...she happily looked around and smiled !

Anandi ... that means you are going to lose a big part of your food to me ... think again, really I am very hungry!' Shiv ...I want to lose myself completely to you my dear !' ...she told to herself !

I know your level of hunger Shiv ! First you eat ..I can wait till evening !' She said .

No way ..let us share .. before he sat ..she spread a kerchief on the ground ...he looked at her with raised eyebrows and sat there under the tree on the bank of that pond and looked at her with adoration !

Mnostvo predivnih osecaja se izmenjivalo u njenim ocima, koje su iznenada postale stidljive...njen joj je um govorio "Reci mu!" ali joj je srce reklo:"Sacekaj!" Sakupljala je hrabrost, spremajuci se da mu prizna svoju ljubav...kada su je prekinule njegove reci:" Anandi, gladan sam...u jutro sam dosao, zureci, do tebe...posle sam isao u ured, a odatle sam, bez da sam svratio kuci, dosao pravo ovde! Hajde da svratimo u neku dobru kafanu pored puta i pojedemo nesto na brzinu, a posle toga da nastavimo put za Baroli oko 4 po podne! Hajde da podjemo... vec je jedan sat!

Odavde do tog sela nam treba samo sat vremena, Shiv. Imamo dovoljno vremena...u medjuvremenu mozemo nesto da prezalogajimo ovde...Chotima mi je spremila nesto hrane za put, mozemo to sada da podelimo...ovde...kako je prekrasno ovo mesto...srecno je gledala oko sebe, smeseci se. znaci da ces izgubiti puno hrane (ostat ces gladna) zbog mene ...razmisli ponovo, jer ja sam stvarno jako gladan. Shiv, ja zelim u potpunosti da izgubim sebe u tebi!" pomislila je u sebi.

Ja znam koliko ti mozes da pojedes kada si gladan, Shiv! Prvo ti jedi, ja mogu da sacekam do veceri!" rekla je.

Nema sanse...hajde da podelimo!" pre nego sto je seo, rasirila je novine na zemlji...pogledao ju je podignutih obrva, i seo pored nje ispod drveta na obali jezera, gledajuci je sa obozavanjem.

Her hair locks were dancing on her forehead as a mild breeze was blowing across ! She sat beside him and opened the lunch box . Suddenly he got up and went near the pond and washed his hands and splashed some water on his face ...before he took out his hand kerchief, she offered her Pallu to him to mop his face ... deliberately he dried his face for long was carrying Anandi's special fragrance! ...slowly she pulled back her Pallu, suppressing her smile .. tried to hide her beauty from his glares !

Intensely looking at each other, lost in imagination, they shared the food ..''Chotima always prepares food with love and affection ...that's why it's always so tasty !''-- He indulged in eating while she was serving him .. she was watching him with awe!...he was occasionally reminding her to eat have some for herself ; but he was lost in watching her new behaviour ...recognized the change ...and noted the positive vibes from her ...but still some hesitation ..'if he showed any eagerness ..she may retreat' ...he is too possessive about her love ...don't want to lose it at any cost he was controlling himself from any hasty action and expression !

Uvojci njene kose leprsali su joj po celu, dok je nezni povetarac blago carlijao! Ona je sela pored njega i otvorila kutije sa hranom. Iznenada je on ustao i otisao do jezera da opere ruke i poprskao je malo vode po licu, da se osvezi, i pre nego sto je uspeo da izvadi maramicu da obrise lice, ona mu je ponudila svoj Pallu, da njime obrise lice...namerno je susio lice dugo...dugo...uzivajuci u njenom specijalnom mirisu koji se tu zadrzao...polako, izvukla je Paalu iz njegovih ruku, suzdrzavajuci da se ne nasmeje...pokusavajuci da sakrije svoju lepotu od njegovih pogleda!

Intenzivno se posmatrajuci, izgubljeni potpuno u svojim mastanjima, delili su hranu..."Chotima uvek sprema hranu sa puno ljubavi i osecaja...zato je uvek ovako ukusna!" uzivao je jeduci, dok ga je ona sluzila...gledala ga je sa odusevljenjem!..dok bi je on povremeno podsecao da i ona nesto pojede...da uzme i ona nesto; ali je u isto vreme bio potpuno izgubljen posmatrajuci nov nacin na koji se ponasala...prepoznao je promenu u njoj...i uocio pozitivne vibracije koje su od nje isle prema njemu...uocivsi da i dalje postoji neka mala neodlucnost..."Ako pokazem i malo nestrpljenja..mogla bi da se povuce"..on je previse posesivan kada je njena ljubav u zeli da je izgubi, ni po koju cenu...i zato je kontrolisao sebe od bilo kakve nagle akcije ili izrazaja.

Suddenly Shiv said ...since a long time I am thinking about that perfume which you sprayed on yourself now ...isn't it the one Ashima sent ...with that pink night gown ? He asked her with a kind of amused expression, in his typical style of smiling from the corners of the mouth , partly exposing his sparkling teeth!

She expressed her surprise which surpassed her shyness at that moment ...and she felt as if he caught her red handed and looked away smilingly, as she remembered about the previous night ...

Iznenada je Shiv rekao..vec dugo razmisljam o tom parfemu koji u zadnje vreme koristis...zar nije to onaj koji ti je Ashima poslala... zajedno sa onom roze spavacicom?Upitao ju je sa cudnim, pomalo zabavnim, izrazom na licu, sa onim njegovim tipicnim osmehom koji krece iz kraja usana, delomicno pokazujuci njegove bljestavo bele zube!

Ona je pokazala svoje iznenadjenje, koje je premasilo njenu stidljivost u tom trenutku...i osetivsi se kao da ju je uhvatio u necem nedozvoljenom, skrenula je pogled,.smeseci se...i setivsi se prethodne noci...

-----she recollected yesterday night's incident ...while taking out the night gown ...she saw the perfume and smelled it and remembered the words of Shiv on the day he opened the parcel and took out the gifts one by one ...when he saw the perfume ...his eyes were brightened with a flash of happiness ..and as an answer to Anandi's questioning eyes he said''you know Anandi when I went with Ashima for shopping when we visited Paris from London ...that day Ashima asked me about the best suited perfume to her ...I smelled a whole lot of fragrances and finally selected this perfume Serge Lutens A La Nuit' ,which exudes the beauty and aroma of jasmine perfectly, .Ashi ..I like this scent... its sweet smell is unique and special !'' ... that means .. Ashima still remembers my likes ... so she selected this for you ''"he said that day !

-----setila se sta se desilo prethodne noci...dok je vadila napolje spavacicu...ugledala je parfem, pomirisala ga i setila se reci koje je Shiv izgovorio onoga dana kada je otvorio paket, i vadio iz njega poklone, jedan po jedan...kada je ugledao parfem...njegove su oci srecno zasjale, i kao odgovor na Anandin upitni pogled, rekao je:"Znas, Anandi, kada sam isao sa Ashimom u kupovinu, kada smo posetili Pariz iz Londona, toga dana me je Ashima zamolila da izaberem parfem koji joj najbolje odgovara...Pomirisao sam toliko mnogo mirisa, i konacno odabrao taj parfem Serge Lutens A La Nuit', koji u sebisavrseno sjedinjuje lepotu I miris jasmine "Ashi, svidja mi se ovaj miris...njegov slatki miris je jedinstven I poseban!" znaci...Ashima se I dalje seca sta mi se svidja..i zato je izabrala ovaj miris za tebe" rekao je toga dana !

Anandi while looking at that bottle, with a mischievous smile on her face .she thought.." with the best melange of perfume and revelation ...what will happen to him at that moment...facing a blend of tender love with strong passions !...tomorrow I will wear the night gown and yes ...this fragrance too ...which he loves most !" She kept it on the dressing table. Today, in the morning while coming out after getting ready ...suddenly she thought let me spray this a bit least I will feel the presence of my Shiv close to me ...this sweet smell makes me feel his presence nearer to me throughout the day.. will give some solace to me in his absence! Now, while wiping his face he remembered it and asked her !

Anandi je, dok je sa vragolastim pogledom posmatrala tu bocu, pomislila sa najboljom mesavinom parfema i spoznaje sta osecam za njega...sta ce da mu se desi toga trenutka...kada se bude suocio sa mesavinom nezne ljubavi i jake strasti!...sutra cu obuci roze spavacicu... i da staviti cu ovaj miris takodjer...ovaj koji on najvise voli! Ostavila je bocicu na toaletnom stocicu...Danas u jutro, nakon sto je izasla iz kupatila i spremila se...iznenadna ju je pomisao obuzela...hajde da poprskam malo ovog mirisa..makar cu tako da osecam prisutstvo mog Shiva blizu uz mene...taj slatki miris ucinit ce da osecam njegovo prisutstvo uz mene u toku celoga dana...utesit ce me za vreme njegovog odsuustva! I sada, dok je brisao lice, on se setio toga i pitao je!

Anandi thought that this is the right time to express ...but how ...wanted to hug him and whisper in his ear ...''but ...but this is an open space .. feels as if all the Nature is watching her with thousand eyes can't be here ...while coming back ..may be in the car ..I will be able to express '' --she was lost in her thoughts and Shiv repeated the question isn't it the same?' and she nodded her head looking in to his eyes !

He realised the change it is visible ...he missed some heartbeats with excitement and went nearer to her ...held her delicate hand with his strong one, said in a tender voice ...'Anandi within one hour we will reach that village Baroli!' They started walking towards the car ..the Rover Ranger !

Anandi je pomislila da je sada pravo vreme da prizna svoje osecaje...ali kako..zelela je da ga zagrli I dam u prosapce to u uvo..ali...ali...ovo je javno mesto...osecala se kao da je cela Priroda posmatra sa svojih tisucu ovde...kad se budu vracali kuci...mozda u kolima..mozda cu tada moci dam u kazem...bila je izgubljena u svojim mislima, dok je Shivponavljao pitanje: "Zar to nije isti?" I ona je klimnula glavom, gledajuci ga u oci.

On je shvatio promenu...sada je bila potpuno vidljiva...srce mu je preskocilo nekoliko otkucaja od uzbudjenja I srece I on joj se priblizio...uhvatio je njenu neznu ruku u svoju snaznu, I rekao neznim glasom "Anandi, za jedan sat cemo stici u to selo Baroli!"...krenuli su zajedno prema kolima Rover Ranger!

Suddenly she stopped and said ...''Shiv ...look, how beautiful that tree is, laden with flowers a young heart's gush of love ...a rapid shower of a lover's complex expressions , as the spring's signature on the cheeks of the earth , an exodus of longing to meet the beloved! ...see the divine beauty of all those heaps of flowers adorning the branches and the trunk of that you know ...we call it as Shiv Kamal flower, or Mallikarjun flower ...looks as if a Lord Shiva statue is being guarded by a serpent's hood ...come, I will show you" a child she ran there ...and plucked one flower from the trunk and gave it to him ..!

Iznenada je stala i rekla..."Shiv, pogledaj, kako je prekrasno ovo drvo, krcato cvetovima...poput mladog srca ispunjenog ljubavlju...nepregledni vodopad slozenih ljubavnihi osecanja...poput potpisa proleca na obrazima Zemlje, neizdrziva potreba, zudnja, da se sretne sa onim koga voli!...Vidis li bozanstvenu lepotu svih ovih gomila cvetova koji ukrasavaju grane i deblo ovog drveta...da li znas? Mi zovemo to drvo... Shiv Kamal cvet ili Mallikarjun cvet...zato sto izgleda poput kipa boga Shive koga stiti zmija...dodji, pokazat cu ti...i poput deteta je otrcala tamo i ubrala jedan cvet sa drveta i ptruzila ga njemu...!

While he was closely observing it .. she explained,.'' see these are the petals thick a serpent's hood.. see the purple red and other colours ...almost contains all the rainbow shades ...see , sweet smell ...''with a childlike happiness she started telling ..she almost lifted his hand and made him smell that flower ,

Wow ...very true ...Amazing! , Nature has gifted so much beauty to mankind and in a way educating us on the life's triumphs and joys' --- he gave a sigh of bliss and joy and kept that flower in his shirt pocket , it is his first flower as a romantic gesture from his wife !

She gazed in awe at that tree and clasped his hand as a love smitten lady and started moving forward ..and dreaming with an intense feeling of love !

I dok je on poblize posmatrao cvet...ona mu je objasnila.."Vidis, ovo su latice..vidi kako su debele, poput glave zmije..vidis ovu grimiznu boju i ostale boje..sadrzi u sebi skoro sve nijanse duge...pomirisi ovaj slatki miris" sa detinjastom srecom pocela je da mu objasnjava, skoro da je podigla njegovu ruku i navela ga da pomirise taj cvet...

Wow, stvarno je istina, Anandi...fenomenalno! Priroda je poklonila toliko mnogo lepote covecanstvu, i na neki nas nacin uci zivotnim pobedama i radosti"..srecno je uzdahnuo, i stavio cvet u djep svoje kosulje, kao prvi cvet koji je dobio od svoje zene kao romanticni poklon !

Pogledala je sa zaviscu u to drvo i uhvatila njegovu ruku, bas poput ljubavlju obuzete zene, i krenula sa njim napred, sanjareci ..ispunjena intenzivnim osecanjem ljubavi !

They reached Baroli in time and met Anandi's mentor Teacherji' They exchanged pleasantries ,she shared some childhood stories of Anandi with him ! He is a DC ,so she tried to follow the protocol and requested him to share the dias with Anandi ...but he declined politely ..and said ' Madam .please I am not a collector now ,I am here as her husband to witness the achievements of my wife . So let me sit in the audience'' --and he sat in the front row !

After the formal felicitation of Anandi, speeches, praise, and inauguration of a library by Anandi her concluding lines Teacherji said ..''.I am proud of my pupil Anandi for her zeal in learning, I adore her perseverance towards difficulties in life , I acknowledge her thrust towards knowledge , her continuous plunge towards education and emancipation of girls and women in the society ! She made many of my ideological dreams come true like a real crusader !''

Stigli su u Baroli na vreme, i sreli se sa Uciteljicom, Anandinim mentorom. Izmenili su uctivosti, i ona je podelila sa njim neke price iz Anandinog detinjstva. Posto je on DC, pokusala je da sledi protokol i trazila je od njega da podeli pocasti sa Anandi...ali je on to uctivo odbio...i rekao:Gospodjo, molim vas...ja ovde sada nisam kao Collector, ja sam ovde kao suprug koji zeli da uziva u dostignucima svoje zene. I zato me pustite da sedim u publici" i seo je u prvi red.

Nakon pocetnih cestitanja i Anandinog govora, Anandi je pohvalila i otvorila Biblioteku u tom selu. U svom zavrsnom govoru, Uciteljica je rekla:" Ponosna sam na moju ucenicu Anandi, na njenu zelju za ucenjem, postujem njenu upo*nost i odlucnost da se izbori sa svim poteskocama u svom zivotu, nagradjujem njenu potrebu za stalnim ucenjem, njenu stalnu potrebu da pomaze naobrazbi i emancipaciji devojcica i zena u nasemn drustvu! Ona je ispunila mnoge od mojih snova, poput pravog borca!"

They took leave from teacherji and the children who were standing there witnessing Anandi's dignified way of conducting herself and made her their role model !

Their journey towards their destination commenced again !

He was in the process of realisation ...and she was in a mood of revelation a way intense romantic breeze... with a delicate fragrance was travelling along with them all through the journey !! Deep emotional connect had been established on that fateful day of celebrations when Jaitsar was declared as a District and that bond is continuing till now !

Oprostili su se od Uciteljice i od dece koja su prisustvovala tamo,i uzivala u ponosnom drzanju Anandi, koja je postala njihov uzor!

Njihovo putovanje prema krajnjem cilju je ponovo otpocelo!

On je bio u toku procesa shvatanja...a ona je bila raspolozena da otkrije svoje neki nacin, intenzivni romanticni povetarac, obavijen delikatnim mirisom..putovao je zajedno sa njima, kroz celo njihovo putovanje!! Uspostavili su duboku emocionalnu povezanost onog sudbonosnog dana, kada je Jaitsar postao opstina, i ta se povezanost nastavila sve do danas !

Her heart started singing some sweet melodies while watching her charming husband from the corner of her eyes, ...he was inhaling and assimilating the sweet fragrance of the Paris perfume, weaving magic so near to him and was engulfed by it , immersed in it ... and dreaming about the romantic rendezvous for which he was waiting patiently since long.. to lose himself to her...!

She was watching the fast moving terrain .. suddenly he took out one rose from the bouquet she got from the girls which was in her lap till now ...and said ---Anandi please accept this as my regard and respect to you and your achievements !' She laughed loudly with her musical voice and said ...'Shiv...rose is not a flower for expressing respect is for an expression of love ...I have seen it in many stories , the prince charming always expresses his love with a lovely Red Rose ...but now you are saying some other words' ... with her teasing voice she said.

Njeno je srce pevalo neke slatke melodije, dok je krajickom oka posmatrala svog sarmantnog supruga...On je udisao i upijao u sebe slatki miris pariskog parfema, osecajuci kako se oko njega ispreplece magija, i potpino ga obavija... utopio se u njoj, sanjareci o romanticnim susretima, na koje je toliko dugo strpljivo cekao...da joj se konacno potpuno preda...!

Ona je posmatrala krajolik koji je brzo promicao pored njih...iznenada je on izvukao jednu ruzu iz buketa koje je dobila od devojcica u skoli, i drzala ga u svom krilu do sada..i rekao: Anandi, molim te prihvati ovo kao znak moga postovanja za sve sto si postigla do sada! Ona se glasno nasmejala svojim muzikalnim glasom i rekla: Shiv...ruza nije cvet kojim se iskazuje postovanje...njome se iskazuje ljubav...videla sam to u mnogim pricama, sarmantni princ uvek iskazuje svoju ljubav prekrasnom crvenom ruzom...ali sada, ti govoris nesto sasvim drugo...rekla je zadirkujuci ga.

With a sudden jerk the Rover stopped ...Shiv with his usual charming smile ..caught her hand and , bowed his head in a romantic way and said---'please accept my love my dear princess'' ...she accepted the flower from him ... dreamy feelings were dripping from the corner of her eyes ...and lovely stories were being scripted by his lips on her cheeks the dew drops descending from the sky were precipitating on the rose buds !! The passionate clasp of their palms extended its expression up to their finger tips reflecting the quiver of the hearts !

A horn from the road disturbed them and woke them up from their dream .. she realised that their clasped hands were in her lap and he was looking at her with desire! ...she smiled and said..'let us go Shiv ...before night darkens we have to reach Jaitsar !'

Again their journey started towards their destination ...accompanied by a fleet of suppressed emotions, floating in dreams !

Let us await and see !---

Uz iznenadni trzaj, djip se zaustavio pored puta...Shiv je sa svojim ubicajenim sarmantnim osmehom uhvatio njenu rukui romanticno joj se naklonio, sagnuvsi glavu pred njom, rekavsi..."Molim te prihvati moju ljubav draga moja princezo" ...ona je prihvatila ruzu od njega...gledajuci ga ocima u kojima su se oslikavali svi njeni snovi...prekrasne su se price ispredale dok su njegove usne dotakle njen obraz..poput kapljica rose koje silaze sa neba i doticu nezne ruzine pupoljke!! Strastveni stisak njihovih dlanova prosirio se sve do vrhova prstiju,preslikavajuci drhtaje njihovih srca!

Truba iz automobila na putu ih je vratila u stvarnost, i probudila iz njihovih snova...shvatila je da su njihove isprepletene ruke u njenom krilu i da je on posmatra sa neopisivom zudnjom! Nasmesila se i rekla: Hajdemo Shiv..trebamo stici do Jaitsara, pre nego sto padne noc!"

Njihov put prema krajnjem cilju je ponovo otpoceo...pracen bujicom potisnutih emocija..lebdeci u snovima !

Hajde da sacekamo i vidimo sta ce dalje biti...!

Edited by SEETHA.K - 10 years ago
NatalyMusketeer thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail Commentator 3 Thumbnail
Posted: 10 years ago
Seetha πŸ€— , beautiful story dear...❀️
NatalyMusketeer thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail Commentator 3 Thumbnail
Posted: 10 years ago

A very good morning Riyu my sweetheart...

Edited by Nataly - 10 years ago
seetha74 thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail
Posted: 10 years ago
A very good morning friends ! Have a nice day !
How are you my dear friend Riyu ... get well soon .
Thanks Nats for good words and appreciation !
vibraj thumbnail
Visit Streak 500 0 Thumbnail Anniversary 12 Thumbnail + 6
Posted: 10 years ago
Hi friends, hope all well with everyone!

Seetha, lovely update, yeh dil maange more(the heart seeks more)! nice pics of Audrey Hepburn and beautiful quotes!
Sneha.Love thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 10 years ago

Originally posted by: vibraj

Good morning friends!

Branka, no one can fit the puzzle together because life is a puzzle in that aging show and planet and everyone looks so puzzled there, just a single expression of being puzzled🀣, okay, bye friends before I turn balmy n crazy at the happening around! Have a great day all!

Now, look what I missed because of this storms πŸ˜‘πŸ˜† Rainbow avatars
But I learned my lessons, so I just enjoy my day OL, and during the stormy nights I sleep

So Vibha dear, glad to make you laugh 😊, of course they can not solve a puzzle on that dying Planet where everybody looked so puzzled 😳 🀣, because they took away a small piece and want to push big one inside (not to say that that small piece was a pure gem, and that big one is just a fake stone that can never shine as the original piece 😊)

Don't worry to turn balmy and crazy, Vibha, my darling, we all are a bit
Alice in wonderland avatars hereπŸ˜ƒ

Rainbow avatarsRainbow avatars Have a nice day Vibha, don't forget umbrella 😊
Sneha.Love thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 10 years ago

Originally posted by: riya_ss9

Haila Di. you got the puzzle solved, then you should help the CV'S of BV , they need it. 🀣

How are you Di?
I am not feeling well but your love always brings me back here,

At present I am having love hate relationship with Doc.

  • Doctor job graphics

Hello Riyu, my sweet Didi Alice in wonderland avatars Hope you are better today. Fun and humor avatars

Nobody can help those BV CVs dear , they are completely lost
They forgot from where they are coming, and have no idea where they are going

Sorry to hear that you are not well. Take care about your health sweetie ❀️

Get well soon graphics

And listen to your doctor, dear, they are very serious people Get well soon graphics Get well soon graphics

Get well soon graphics Get well soon graphicshmmm...

Sneha.Love thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 10 years ago

Originally posted by: SEETHA.K

The greatest puzzle in life is life itself !

The Puzzle of life

The puzzle of life is there for you,
ancient texts, part of the larger view,
the Karma view of sow and you reap,
vengeance for his murdered sheep,
thoughts of the Master-mind for you.

The spirit bank holds seven billion souls,
Where else from, babies join the fold,
To get it right, to fit the mold,
To rise up the 7 levels,
To finally get to heaven,
Or so I'm being told.

Different places, different rules,
Monogamy, Mormon or solitary fool,
Flexible to fit a Hill Billy old mate,
To get em lined up at the judgement gate,
To stop the murderous duels.

First born of our God was he,
Adam, Christ and Budda see,
Many times returned to us ,
Many times more he must,
Our just Lord of eternity.

Don Johnson

Thank you SeethaπŸ€— for this Poem, Life is really a Puzzle... we should just try the best we can, to put some of the pieces together, and leave the rest to God...Here are some Quotes about LIFE ...

Accept responsibility for your life...

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Posted: 10 years ago

Originally posted by: Sarica

Dobar dan dragi moji prijatelji❀️

Evo jedne sjajne vestiπŸ‘πŸΌ.Colors propada.Reliance industries limited
takes over viacom 18 colors channel.

Hvala ti Sara, na ovoj stvarno sjajnoj vesti. Ono sto je zasluzeno , to je i dobiveno, ili ko sto zakon Karme kaze, kako posejes tako i zanjesπŸ˜ƒ. Sada jos i celni ljudi da popiju otkaze i da se konacno zavrse serije koje se razvlace godinama a nemaju sjajnu gledanost πŸ˜‰πŸ˜†
Ma milina jedna

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Sneha.Love thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 10 years ago

Prelijepa ti je i ova kreacija Duska. πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘ SidYusha u nasim srcima, zauvijek