Somewhere, over the rainbow #1 (Members Only) - Page 43


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Sneha.Love thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 10 years ago

Originally posted by: SEETHA.K

On July 23rd 2010 ...a great actress made her debut in the Indian Television Serial BV, as the grown up Anandi ! With her innocent looks ,with her chirpy and bubbly nature, she portrayed the new and adolescent Anandi with great ease and efficiency !

23. Jula 2010 godine...velika glumica je debitirala u seriji indijske televizije, pod nazivom Mala Nevesta, glumeci odraslu Anandi ! Svojim nevinim izgledom i svojom cvrkutavom i veselom naravi, glumila je novu, odraslu Anandi sa velikom lakocom i efikasnoscu !

Really she is the queen of expressions!!

Ona je stvarno kraljica izrazajnosti !!

She was never bogged by the expectations of her character and instead proud to be associated with a social message .. social cause.! She expressed it in one of her interviews! Her presence influenced other actors' acting abilities and total a great performance by all !

Nikada se nije opterecivala likom koji je glumila, vec je bila ponosna sto je povezana sa socijalnim porukama...socijalnim slucajem! To je i rekla u jednom od svojih intervjua. Njeno je prisutstvo uticalo i na glumacke sposobnosti ostalih glumaca...i sve u svemu, izuzetna gluma od svih !

Complex situations...complexities of relationships ...a phase ...very difficult to handle ...for any great she established herself ...deserves accolades...but the main challenge for her is...without even touching with finger tips...shown a great connectivity...ever great chemistry ...with emoting eyes...built a bridge between their locks...written a beautiful classic ...romantic poetry---longing to see...deprived to have that privilege...honour...what a pure love ...with her musical voice ...with her dancing like movements ... in a subtle manner with such demanding situations...a feeling if we are witnessing an Angels' Opera ...for me it is just impossible to imagine anybody in her place !Thank you Pratyusha for that pure and beautiful love saga!!

Slozenost situacija...zamrsenost u odnosima...razlicite faze...s kojima je bilo tesko izaci na kraj...i za mnogo iskusnije i vece glumice...i ovde se ona pokazala..i zasluzila priznanja...ali glavni izazov za nju je bio...da bez i da dotakne vrhovima prstiju...pokaze veliku povezanost, cak i veliku ocima koje su izrazavale emocije, sagradila je most izmedju njihovih bica...pogledi puni ljubavi...kao da ih je pisao neki dobar klasik...romanticna poezija...ceznja da ga vidi...uskracena za tu privilegiju...tu cast..kakva cista ljubav...svojim muzikalnim svojim poput plesa elegantnim pokretima...suptilnog ponasanja sa strpljenjem...u takvim zahtevnim situacijama...osecaji...kao da smo prisustvovali Andjeoskoj mene je potpuno nemoguce da zamislim bilo koga drugoga na njenom mestu ! Hvala ti Pratyusha za tu cistu i predivnu ljubavnu pricu !!

Here we are celebrating your entry and presence in the BalikaVadhu ...that phase was remarkable for it's fan following world wide and draw great applaud and applause ..for your performance and your presence !

Mi ovde sada slavimo tvoj ulazak i tvoje prisutstvo u Maloj Nevesti...ta je faza znacajna zbog velikog broja fanova sirom celog sveta, i izazvala je veliko odusevljenje i aplauze...zbog tvoje glume i tvoga izvodjenja (prisutstva) !

My strong feeling is that ...on so many occasions ...beyond the expectations of the d/p... or even of the writer... on her own ,she has given a new dimension to the character ... the way she carried herself through out! For eg., on one occasion... fully bloomed mehandi on her hands... the thick red crimson colour reflecting in her dreamy eyes ..gleaming with love for Shiv...fondly swinging the beaded-anklets [payal] ...looking into new horizons... with a soft..sweet cooing of a Koel.. she said 'Rang poora chadgaya Gulli '...who holds the mobile for Anandi ... taking care that, her love for Shiv is not explicitly obvious to that little girl! She coaxes Shiv not to reveal their love-- intimate feelings... secrets ... in front of Gulli...whith that inherent angelical glow is intact--- That level of action is rarest of the rare !!

Moje cvrsto osecanje je da...u mnogo situacija...prevazisavsi ocekivanja d/p pa cak i samog pisca...sama od sebe, dala je novu dimenziju svome liku (karakteru)...nacinom na koji se ponasala i kretala ! Na primer ...u jednoj situaciji...potpuno iscrtan mehendi na njenim rukama...tamno crvene, grimizne boje, koja se oslikavala u njenim sanjivim ocima...koje su sijale ljubavlju prema Shivu...razdragano ljuljuskajuci i zveckajuci nanogicama (payal)...gledajuci u nove horizonte...mekim ..slatkim glasom je rekla "Rang poora chadgaya Gulli '...koja je drzala mobilni za Anandi...brinuci se da njena ljubav prema Shivu ne bude toliko ocigledna za tu mladu devojku...Prenela je Shivu da ne otkrije njihovu ljubav...njihove intimne osecaje...tajne...pred Gulli...i sa time je njen andjeoski sjaj ostao netaknut...taj nacin glume je redji od retkog !!

The art of acting consists in keeping people from moving.. ! She is such a performer that in every scene she acted, she put her special talent in it!

Umetnost glume se ocitava u tome da ucinis da se ljudi ne pomaknu dok te gledaju ! Ona jeste takva glumica, koja je u svakoj sceni u kojoj je glumila, davala sve od sebe.

Pratyusha your beauty is present in all seasons !

Pratyusha, tvoja je lepota prisutna u svim godisnjim dobima !

Your beauty extends into the heavens...
it goes on forever and never lessens...
Even when the clouds heighten in the blue sky
You are here and the world brightens...for us ...forever !

Tvoja lepota doseze do nebesa (raja)...

Ide u beskonacnost i nikada se ne umanjuje...

Cak i kada se oblaci pojave na plavom nebu

Ti si tu i svet se nas...zauvek !

Where ever you are--- loveliness is sure to follow.
You shine so bright you cast your own shadow !!
A beauty that others would love to borrow. ...
But try as they might your beauty--- they will never catch !
Because something like you they could never match!!

Gde god da si...ljupkost ce sigurno da te prati.

Sijas tolikom svetloscu da bacas u senku i svoju senu !!

Lepota koju bi drugi voleli posuditi...

Ali bez obzira koliko pokusavali---tvoju lepotu nece nikada uhvatiti !

Jer sa nekim kao sto si ti oni ne mogu nikada da se porede !!

A rhythmically organised musical voice of yours ...sounds to my ears

like a great song singing by the Spring itself !!

Tvoj ritmicki muzikalan glas...odzvanja u mojim usima

poput velike pesme koju peva samo Prolece !!

Evo, prevela sam vam ovo sto je Seetha napisala o Prats i njenom ulasku u BV.
I pesmu koju je posvetila Prats.😊
Sneha.Love thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 10 years ago

Originally posted by: Nataly

Sta je ovo?! 😕 Nema mame... Ili je opet nestalo struje ili je mamin Misko definitivno stupio u generalni strajk...😆

Cao Baby, moj Misko je dobro, izdrzo je zestoke strujne udare i prezivio. Ovo vreme nije normalno, majke mi. Svako vece udaraju gromovi da se stepes od straha. Veceras za divno cudo ne grmi, valjda jer se popodne iztutnjalo. Te tako, tu sam.😊
riya_ss9 thumbnail
Anniversary 14 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail Commentator 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 10 years ago
  • Good Morning Hello animated GIF
Sneha.Love thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 10 years ago

Good Morning Riyu🤗, have you found a piece of puzzle that is missing??😉Rapunzel disney gifs Maybe a friend could help?😆

Have a nice day sweetie Rapunzel disney gifs Enjoy it!!😊
vibraj thumbnail
Visit Streak 500 0 Thumbnail Anniversary 12 Thumbnail + 6
Posted: 10 years ago
Good morning friends!

Branka, no one can fit the puzzle together because life is a puzzle in that aging show and planet and everyone looks so puzzled there, just a single expression of being puzzled🤣, okay, bye friends before I turn balmy n crazy at the happening around! Have a great day all!
riya_ss9 thumbnail
Anniversary 14 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail Commentator 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 10 years ago

Originally posted by: loveansh

Good Morning Riyu🤗, have you found a piece of puzzle that is missing??😉Rapunzel disney gifs Maybe a friend could help?😆

Have a nice day sweetie Rapunzel disney gifs Enjoy it!!😊

Haila Di. you got the puzzle solved, then you should help the CV'S of BV , they need it. 🤣

How are you Di?
I am not feeling well but your love always brings me back here,

At present I am having love hate relationship with Doc.

  • Doctor job graphics

seetha74 thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail
Posted: 10 years ago

Originally posted by: vibraj

Good morning friends!

Branka, no one can fit the puzzle together because life is a puzzle in that aging show and planet and everyone looks so puzzled there, just a single expression of being puzzled🤣, okay, bye friends before I turn balmy n crazy at the happening around! Have a great day all!

The greatest puzzle in life is life itself !
The Puzzle of life

The puzzle of life is there for you,
ancient texts, part of the larger view,
the Karma view of sow and you reap,
vengeance for his murdered sheep,
thoughts of the Master-mind for you.

The spirit bank holds seven billion souls,
Where else from, babies join the fold,
To get it right, to fit the mold,
To rise up the 7 levels,
To finally get to heaven,
Or so I'm being told.

Different places, different rules,
Monogamy, Mormon or solitary fool,
Flexible to fit a Hill Billy old mate,
To get em lined up at the judgement gate,
To stop the murderous duels.

First born of our God was he,
Adam, Christ and Budda see,
Many times returned to us ,
Many times more he must,
Our just Lord of eternity.

Don Johnson

Sarica thumbnail
Anniversary 10 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail Commentator 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 10 years ago
Dobar dan dragi moji prijatelji❤️
Evo jedne sjajne vesti👍🏼.Colors propada.Reliance industries limited
takes over viacom 18 colors channel.
ahilajkula thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail Commentator 3 Thumbnail
Posted: 10 years ago

Word Count: 0

ahilajkula thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail Commentator 3 Thumbnail
Posted: 10 years ago

Originally posted by: Sarica

Dobar dan dragi moji prijatelji❤️

Evo jedne sjajne vesti👍🏼.Colors propada.Reliance industries limited
takes over viacom 18 colors channel.

👏To je predivna vijest !😃
