Somewhere, over the rainbow #1 (Members Only) - Page 34


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Sneha.Love thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 10 years ago

Originally posted by: vibraj

So happy to know of your India connection, apart from us and SY! Indian food, colors, fabrics, ornaments are a craze world over, wish you could come over, most welcome!

Thank you Vibha, I wish the same, it would be a fulfillment of my dreams😳...well, you never know, who knows what a future brings 😊 And as incurable SY dreamer I strongly believe that our dreams will be true one day...hence...😃
Sneha.Love thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 10 years ago

Originally posted by: SEETHA.K

Good Morning /Evening dreamy Sidyushians !
A large drop of sun lingered on the horizon and then dripped over and was gone... and the sky was brilliant over the spot where it had gone,... and a torn cloud, like a dropped flower ...looking in to the sky and telling the stories of it's youth and it's colourful path, it's songs spread like fragrances , and the teasing breeze's winking desires ...yes Sidyusha are watching those floral murmurings and musical musings !!
And dusk crept over the sky from the eastern horizon, and darkness crept over the land from the east.---spreading the moonlight all over and inviting the lovers for a feast of sweet nothings !

Good Morning to you my dear Seetha, my sweet twin sister 🤗(well, it will be morning when you will read it, since now you are sleeping like angel)...wishing you a beautiful day ahead of you...😊

Yes, SidYusha is living in our dreams, in our memories, such a special couple they are...keeping so many people in dreamy state...waiting for them to come together again, never doubt for a moment that all that magic they used to weave will still be there, the same as before, touching our hearts and souls...the same you weave your words into the sentences full with colors, music and us just that what we need the most...SY covered in moonlight, whispering sweet nothings to each other...what else do one need to start dreaming SY dreams...did I ever told you that I believe in here is a Quote for you...

"Friends are quiet angels who lift us to our feet when our wings have trouble remembering how to fly." ANON

Baby angels

riya_ss9 thumbnail
Anniversary 14 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail Commentator 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 10 years ago
Good Morning

Word Count: 0

Sneha.Love thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 10 years ago

Originally posted by: Sarica

Draga Branka,veliko mi je zadovoljstvo sto delimo lepe uspomene na nase jedine AnSh.Hvala ti od srca na lepim recima.Ja sam samo kod njih videla tako magicnu hemiju,ljubav i govor ocima,kao i emocije pogledimaOpcinili su me od prvog dana.Sada ove epizode gledam sa setom,uz obavezne suze.Samo se nadam da cemo ih uskoro ponovo videti skupa u novoj seriji.
Dobro vece svim dragim prijateljima❤️
SidYusha zauvek zajedno u mom srcu i dusi.❤️🤗❤️

Dobro vece draga Saro 🤗

Potpuno se slazem sa tobom, svi smo mi ovde a i puno, puno sire bili opcinjeni, i mnogi od nas su to jos uvek, sa SY-om. Sid i Prats su jedinstveni i neponovljivi po tome sto njima reci nisu bile potrebne, izmedju njih je postojao takav magicni fluid...ta hemija koju su svi koji su gledali seriju mogli da osete, pa smo cak i mi koji nismo razumeli ono sto su govorili, razumeli sve sta se desavalo, bez da smo citali prevode. Verujem da pripadam vecini kojoj se tako nesto prvi puta desilo, potpuno neplanirano...uvukli su se u moje srce i dan danas su tamo, sa istim intenzitetom. Covek bi pomislio da ce s vremenom sve te emocije koje su oni tako lako budili u nama da splasnu i da se smanje, ali jednostavno nije tako...kada sada gledam ove njihove epizode, potpuno se osecam isto kao i kada sam ih prvi puta gledala, jedino sto je sada tu i ona doza sete zbog toga sto znam da cu kraj njihove price morati sama da odsanjam (a nije mi tesko 😉)

I ja se nadam kao i ti i svi uostalom i ovde i u SY FC-u da ce jednoga dana, (nadam se uskoro) SY ponovo da bude zajedno u nekoj seriji, i da ce nastaviti da sire scoju caroliju i magiju na sve oko sebe, a do tada ja sanjam svoje bajke i pisem ih u raznim verzijama, isarane Bikicinim slicicama, mnoge sam davno uradila i odlucih da vam u ovu kisnu noc, koja je ko stvorena za sanjanje, postavim ovde jednu takvu pricicu koju sam pisala pre dosta vremena, sanjajuci moje SY snove...
Sneha.Love thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 10 years ago

Good Morning my sweet Riyu In this part of the world roosters are still sleeping, only dogs are barking in their yards, which makes my dog that keep me company, (and suspiciously watch if I will soon be over so he can go to sleep) very nervous...he would like to run out and shoo them away...Hope that you are fine, my sweet Didi.😊 It is raining outside, just soft, summer rain...perfect to dream SY dreams 😳

NatalyMusketeer thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail Commentator 3 Thumbnail
Posted: 10 years ago

I'm off to sleep...good night all...have a sweet dreams...

Bikica_Biki thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail Commentator 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 10 years ago
Dobro vece divnom drustvu prelepe "Duge"
Doleteh i ja malo da se javim u ove kasne nocne sate.
Zelim sve toplo da pozdravim ,nadajuci se da cu uskoro moci cesce dolaziti na ovo divno mesto, posto jos uvek nisam u stanju da boravim vise🥺

-------------------------------------O tome...
Mozda ne danas.. Ni sutra.. Ali jednom ce sve biti bas onako kako treba da bude.😉
Neznost ostavlja najdublje tragove.
Poverenje obavezuje vise nego pretnja.
Ljubav se najduze pamti
Jedna pesma koju rado slusam...

Volecu te zauvek, i kada sveca goreti prestane, i kise na prozoru vise nebude volecu te zauvek, i kada ruzin miris nestane, i plamteci oganj ugasne.
Za lepe snove noci ove❤️
Puno pozdrava i toplih zagrljaja svima vama romanticarima,sanjarima i dragim drugarima od mene😳

Edited by Bikica - 10 years ago
vibraj thumbnail
Visit Streak 500 0 Thumbnail Anniversary 12 Thumbnail + 6
Posted: 10 years ago

Originally posted by: loveansh

Hello Vibha 🤗

So good to have you back I was out all day so we missed each other, but hope to catch you tomorrow morning...😊 I am sure you had a great journey and enjoyed it.

I love that earrings even more now , anyway always love turquoise stones, that color remind me on the color of Adriatic sea around the island where my Mom was born...

Did you know that turquoise has many properties in the healing area? It can be used for bringing calm into a situation, and it can revitalize the blood and bring about tissue regeneration in the body. It's also a color of the thymus chakra, which is found between the heart and the throat chakra. The Thymus is about unconditional love and the ability to speak up in humanitarian manner in order to help those who are unable to help themselves.

So, hold your turquoise crystal in your hand, or wear it close to your throat, when you find yourself in situations of chaos, anger or fear (I keep today my turquoise crystal in my hand to calm me down when I read that article about 6 years of that fake show, in which they never mention a name of a girl who was there 3 years, making that lead character so famous, loved and close to the hearts of so many people all around the world)

Here, look what I found, Biki made this capture in January really looks like we locked SY in one corner of our stay there forever ❤️


Here is one Quote for you:

Love Orkut Scraps, love quotes graphics and comments

Thanks for the lovely quote and enlightening me about the properties of turquoise, never knew! What to tell about Bv write-up, they are very thick-skinned and too arrogant to admit Prats' contribution! But if they hide the diamond, does not mean it loses its sparkle! It will remain priceless always!
vibraj thumbnail
Visit Streak 500 0 Thumbnail Anniversary 12 Thumbnail + 6
Posted: 10 years ago
Good morning friends, the rains caused net problems!

Have a great day all, love Prats, love SY!
ahilajkula thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail Commentator 3 Thumbnail
Posted: 10 years ago

Dear friends, it was nice to hang out with you... good night ...

Dragi prijatelji, bilo je lijepo druziti se s vama ... laku noc ...

Edited by ahilajkula - 10 years ago