Analysis: Who is Arnav Singh Raizada?

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Posted: 12 years ago

Bear with me. I realize that this is a long analysis, but I had a lot on my mind πŸ˜†

In the past few days, there have been innumerous posts based on his character. People started one thread after another, glorifying him or condemning him. The latter has been done to such an extreme that there have been actual discussions on him being a rapist and/or committing domestic violence. I've decided to share my own personal viewpoint, my personal analysis of his character. You're free to read, respond, and/or simply ignore.
Members start so many threads in one day that my analysis will probably drown amidst them all. But I will try to bump this post a few times in order to give ya'll a chance to read. Please keep an open mind when you read this. There's no intention of offending anyone.
Please restrict your responses in this thread to only discuss/analyze Arnav's character (you may do that in relation to other characters, but no bashing, thank you).
1) Who is Arnav Singh Raizada?
I think that this is a question that people have tried to answer based on each their own observations of his character. Let's take a look at the facts for starters.
Arnav is a complex man with deeply rooted psychological issues that date back to his teens when he and his sister experienced their parents' death. He's a man who has been betrayed by his own (his father's brother who kicked him and Anjali out on the street). He's a man who (at a young age) became responsible for his disabled sister and had to provide for her, a man raised by his sister (who, as we all know, is zealously paranoid and sees bad signs everywhere), a man who lost faith in a god, in trusting people, in good, in relationships. He's a man who believes that money and power is all that matters. That relationships don't last. That people always have ulterior motives. He has the most cynical outlook on life and it's what helped him survive so far.
He needs control over people around him, over his own life. And he deals with people at times as one might deal with inanimate objects. He understands that people are tempted - they always consider the disadvantages/advantages and what they can get out of a situation. It's how he relates to them. He assesses a problem/solution from a viewpoint that basically goes "what can I get out of this?"
This is Arnav's reality. It has shaped his mindset. Cost/benefit. Don't allow people to see/know your weaknesses. Watch your own back.
2) How does/did Arnav deal with his past?
People deal with trauma in dissimilar ways. You'll find people such as Khushi. Inspiring. The way that she manages to stay positive and proactive, no matter what life throws at her. It is an uncanny and absolutely unique ability to always be able to turn bad things around, battle them, and come out smiling. To endure without victimizing yourself.
You'll find people such as Arnav. People who don't manage to move past the scars their past has inflicted upon them. People who become emotionally detached and downright cold. Naturally, there are external factors in their circumstances that played a part in the way they've been shaped. For instance, in Khushi's case, she lost her parents, but then she was taken in by her mother's sister who provided her with love, safety, and a family. Khushi didn't need anything - emotionally and physically (looking at the bigger picture). The traumatic loss became easier to bear with the support of a loving family and a positive outlook on life.
But Arnav (and Anjali), on the other hand, ended up on the street. Betrayed by their family members. We don't know exactly when they were taken in or how Mamiji came into the picture with her jewels - but regardless, Arnav and Anjali only had each other to rely on. They shared an understanding, a traumatic event, and a bond. Arnav, for one, didn't feel that he could depend on anyone but his sister. Not even Mamiji. Indeed she sold her jewels to help him make a career for himself, but Arnav treats it much like a business deal. She sold her jewels, and now he buys her whatever jewels she desires - they don't interact much besides from this. There's a mutual understanding there.
Arnav's past and present is intricately connected which is why he can't move past it as of now. He isn't dealing very well at all.
3) What does the psychologically rooted issues mean for Arnav's persona?
In real life, I personally can't stand it when people continue to victimize themselves rather than stand up and move forward. In real life, I believe in being proactive - no matter how damaged your past is. There aren't any excuses for doing unto others what has been done to you.
However, I do understand that there are people who fight an internal battle with themselves all the time. I understand that, in a human, there's the potential to do bad. I understand that not everyone knows or understands how to deal with pain in a proactive way. In the right way. I understand that some psychological issues can be so deeply rooted in a mind/soul that it eliminates the ability to consider the consequences of one's actions and how it impacts the people around you.
In stories, I do have a soft spot for the tormented soul. I wish to see him rise from the dark - I wish to see him realize all the bad things that he has done, understand/recognize it, and feel remorse. I want to see his struggle to make amends and experience the beautiful moment of redemption with him.
The thing about real life is that man is essentially alone. The world can be a cruel place to the one who is alone. This is mirrored in Arnav and Anjali and it helps me relate to them. It gives me a bad taste in my mouth, but it also depicts a cruel reality, because not everyone is able to fight their way out of the darkness - 18 or 28. I know 35-year olds who still lie in their bitter darkness, unable to change. So even the smallest changes in Arnav gives me a boost, a hope. He may have taken one step back by blackmailing Khushi - but he has taken several small steps forward in the past several months that show the potential to do good, to be kind and caring, and move past some scars. This isn't easy - especially for a man who has had a very specific mentality since his teen years.
He might make more mistakes yet, but it's important that he realizes his mistakes, feels remorse, corrects them, and redeems himself (something that he has been able to do in the past couple of months in relation to Khushi).
4) Khushi has experienced loss as well. So what makes it harder for Arnav?
People aren't the same. Their mentality, personality, and nature are not the same. They deal with trauma in their own ways - some in destructive ways. Khushi's aunt took her in, gave her love and morals and values, and raised her like a daughter. She was given the love and safety of a balanced home. She was taught right from wrong.
Arnav has issues with his mother abandoning him, and the flashbacks show him screaming for his mother on his sister's wedding day. Arnav and Anjali didn't have the love and safety of a balanced home. When Nani and the others stepped into the picture, it was too late. They had walled themselves up, closed the door to their private relationship - they trusted only each other. They're more mentally fragile. They are more damaged, psychologically.
Considering all the issues Arnav has (trust issues, abandonment issues, mother issues, etc., etc.,), it shouldn't surprise us that he reacts a certain way or makes a choice that has fatal consequences for everyone involved, yet he doesn't care as long as it protects his sister. She's all he has. Even with Nani and everyone else around, Arnav has never depended on them for support or love or trust. He can't. Because if his father's brother could betray him, then anyone can. Anyone, except Anjali.
Personally, I like Khushi's way of handling life much better than Arnav's, on a practical level. It's more ideal. But I understand Arnav's side as well because I can understand that people's mentalities, pain thresholds, etc., aren't the same. It takes more for some people to fight the darkness - perhaps because they're more affected by the past. Maybe because their fears are greater. Their ability to take obstacles with a grain of salt lesser. Arnav has very rational mind, but sometimes he isn't able to think in proactive solutions. Instead he causes more hurt and pain for himself and people around him. He needs a guide. Someone to show him the right way. Khushi brought tiny changes in him, and he even admired Shyam, but now that both characters seemed to have betrayed him - he has lost the foundation on which he was building those changes.
It's back to square one. Because his theories are confirmed about people and the world. He doesn't understand that just because some people betray you, have bad intentions, doesn't mean that everyone is the same. That you should stop trusting and caring. The reason he doesn't understand this is because he hasn't been taught it.
Being raised by a zealous sister who is so paranoid that she sees bad signs everywhere, that is bound to leave a mark on you. Either you lose complete faith or you become overly sensitive about everything. And if you lose faith, you start to make your own rules and guidelines for what is right and wrong. But man wasn't made to legislate. And Arnav Sing Raizada is not God. So what he deems right can essentially be wrong because he has no rules/guidelines to follow but his own.
This is why I don't condemn Arnav's character, because deep down I see him as a lost boy who has had no one to guide him throughout his life, who was shaped by the circumstances that were (essentially) bad for him and his sister - and as a man, a shaped man, he has made choices so wrong and cold and self-destructive that he can't even see it himself unless someone points it out to him. And even then, it'll take more than that to make him acknowledge it. Because accepting that you have done wrong, that you've lived wrong, isn't easy for any human being to hear and accept. It's like telling a mother that she's a bad mother and hasn't raised her child right.
In shows, I want to see a person take that journey toward becoming a good and positive person. It's what shows me that people can change, that struggles can be endured, battles won, and that despite all the bad choices you've made - there's hope for redemption. I need to see Arnav do wrong, realize it, feel remorse, and redeem himself. I need to know that, despite all his wrongs, he won't go to Hell because he redeemed himself.
5) For the love of God, what went on in Arnav's head when he decided to blackmail Khushi?
For starters, I'd like to point out that Arnav is entirely aware of the fact that his blackmail is hurting Khushi. It's also an evident fact that he doesn't find any pleasure in causing her this pain. His eyes, the tone of his voice was enough proof of that.
He blackmailed Khushi because he needed to shut Shyam up. He blackmailed her because he could not form one coherent retort to throw back at Shyam. The snake left him speechless. Shyam humiliated Arnav, humiliated his sister, and Arnav could say and do nothing. Arnav realized, in that moment, that he has no idea who/what Shyam is or what the man is capable of, or even how the man thinks.
How do you blackmail someone who is so confident, smirking at you over your sister's shoulder, as if he doesn't fear anything? Shyam laughed in Arnav's face. He disrespected both him and Anjali. He dared. Arnav doesn't know a thing about Shyam - he cannot tell the mindset of his enemy. Here's a creep who doesn't fear being exposed - in fact, Arnav fears the truth being exposed at a time when Anjali is so vulnerable. Shyam emotionally blackmailed him. Arnav, despite his ability to access a situation rationally, had experienced way too many hits in one night and took a step out of emotional distress as well as calculative reason. This doesn't excuse his actions, but it explains them.
When Arnav asked Khushi if she would do anything for her sister - he was indirectly hinting that he would do anything for his sister, that he was about to do something that he didn't want to do, but felt he had to do for his sister. It's as much as an apology that you'd get out of ASR in a situation like this.
When Shyam tossed away his mask and revealed himself, he shocked Arnav beyond words and action. Arnav understands that there's much more to Shyam than meets the eye. There's a man behind that mask who is the complete opposite of the brother-in-law that Arnav has always known. This is a huge shock to his system.
Imagine knowing a man for years, trusting him with your sister, admiring him like a father or brother, ask him for advice, respecting him like family - only to find out that it's all a lie, a pretense, and that when confronted with it, the man laughs in your face and humiliates you and your sister without any signs of remorse.
6) Now what?
Now, we wait. Before we call Arnav a rapist and mark him as a wife-beater, we wait and see where the story takes him and Khushi. I have analyzed Arnav from my own observations and thoughts as well as I could and I refuse to believe that he'll physically damage Khushi in any way. In fact, I don't even believe that he'll mentally damage Khushi. He might hurt her, unintentionally, because he's hurt and frustrated too. But right now he's focused on his sister and Shyam. Let's give the man a break.
Edited by Elysia - 12 years ago


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true-blue thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 2 Thumbnail
Posted: 12 years ago
Will come back!

Can I tell you I love you? πŸ˜† Yes...? You won't think me too forward? πŸ˜†πŸ˜†
On a serious note, you are brilliant in your analysis of Arnav Singh Raizada. In real life, I would have stayed clear of him, but in fiction, I cannot help myself hopelessly falling for his tortured soul and waiting for him to find solace. **sigh**

1. I have always thought that Arnav Singh Raizada is just like the jalebi Khushi loves. He is twisted and complex. His life has been no less than the fryer. Somewhere in there, I believe he does have a sweet center...just need to bite into him to find out! πŸ˜†
He is unyielding, law unto himself, a man who deals with only cold, hard facts, one who believes that everyone has a hidden agenda and that selflessness is just a sham that people hide behind. I agree with everything you said - especially the bit about being in control and not showing his weakness to anyone!

2. Arnav and Khushi, IMHO, are similar and yet dissimilar in dealing with their past. Again, IMHO, neither have done a great job. Both have buried the fear deep inside, only to let it consume them in moments of extreme distress (referring to Babuji's and Anjali's accidents).
While Arnav has become emotionally detached, distrustful and cold towards his surroundings, Khushi is exactly the opposite! She trusts everyone, believes in giving them second chances, her friendly exterior spreading warmth wherever she goes. The brilliance of the characters is that NEITHER one is right completely. Just see how Khushi gets taken advantage of by the people around her, including Arnav! And look at how spectacularly brilliant mistakes he makes, including all things associated with Khushi!!

5. I am jumping straight to this point, because I LOVED **seriously gushing here** what you wrote about Arnav's blackmail of Khushi. You are so right, that when he asked the question, "Tum apni behen ke liye kya kar sakti ho?" - this is the closest we'll ever come to an apology and explanation from Arnav for the time being.
The guilt was there. He knew what he was asking of Khushi was not right and that he hates seeing her hurt. But it had to be done. In the last couple of days, people on the forum have been asking, was this the only solution for Arnav? I say, for the person he is shown to be, YES. And you have linked it fantastically with Shyam!
Arnav was a man drowning. Especially when Shyam silently taunts him, in Anjali's presence, knowing that his sister is Arnav's only weakness and that Arnav is helpless to do anything about the newfound knowledge of Shyam's betrayal.
If that wasn't waving the red rag to the bull, I don't know what was!!! Arnav retaliated, in the only way he knew and that was to grab Shyam's weakness - Khushi! He took a gamble on Khushi's weakness for her family and it paid off! Although, somewhere deep down, I think his respect for her went up, knowing that she did not give in easily. I am sure, when he gets around to thinking about Khushi, he will realize this.
Like you rightly stated, Arnav does not know a thing about Shyam and now he is going to play his cards, gauge Shyam and his reactions, with the hope that he'll find something else that will help in kicking him out of his sister's life.
Khushi, unfortunately, is collateral damage. There is no denying the fact. She is paying for loving her sister, her destiny being written by a man who loves his sister.
Like you, I refuse to believe that Arnav will physically damage Khushi in any way. Even thinking about it leaves a bad taste in my mouth.
Isn't life all about the choices, we as humans, make. Every one has to deal with the consequences, be it Arnav or Khushi.

I am not ashamed to admit that I am chomping at the bit, trying to see how the story unfolds.

Again, loved you for penning your thoughts! Hope you'll continue to write, so I can comment. Take care!

Edited by true-blue - 12 years ago
hanab29 thumbnail
Group Promotion 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 12 years ago
Wow! Brilliant analysis! Seems like there is a lot more to the character than what I see everyday! 😲
sree07 thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail + 5
Posted: 12 years ago
I am not saying much. This is the most rational post, I ever read in the forum. Feels good reading it. Respect for Asr went a notch up
adeeti10 thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 3 Thumbnail + 4
Posted: 12 years ago
Beautiful... I'm giving you a standing ovation right now!! πŸ‘

I couldn't agree more with the words you've chosen to describe this character... he's 'flawed' yes, but so are we all, at some level.
mpks1 thumbnail
Posted: 12 years ago
@TM, thanks for this post and an awesome insight into ASR's character. I loved this. I am positive that ASR will not rape and or physically harm Khushi that will leave permanent mark in her life. It will be more of a emotional one where he might give her cold silent treatment and not trust her at all until he knows the full truth. I am also sure CVs will have a track where he repents his action and ask forgiveness from Khushi for what all he put her through. I am ready to wait and watch before jumping to any conclusions and let the cvs show what they actually want to.
Anjudreamz thumbnail
Group Promotion 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 12 years ago
Bravo Ana,
Amazing I must say. Beautiful thought , well defined and very interesting use of words. No doubt I am huge fan of your posts. I was surprised the way people for last two are predicying about Arnav like rapist, he will force her to the bed, somebody even posted a newpaper article that channel broadcast will never allow domestic violence. All are going hysterical even they dont know what is coming up in next episode. Do mind giving me a break for jesus christ. Are meembers in this forum so immature or they just want a mushy love story and does not want to understand the characters or what.
Dont have to write on ASR and Khushi chareacter any more as you have very nicely put it up in bestest way. I hope people understand that they both are FLAWED characters and thats what make them beautiful and interesting. These CVs really have logical for even action. We need to give them time and bail them out sometimes as well.

After GH incident Khushi said ' Not only your anger but your whole life is based on wrong foundation'.
Thats sums up many things.
Please guys sit down and enjoy the JOURNEY of their hate, FAULTS, apologies, stubborness, ego, and of course LOVE.

lovekkg thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 2 Thumbnail
Posted: 12 years ago
Thats the most elaborate analysis of a character I have seen from so little information.. Brilliant work πŸ‘πŸΌ
ASRism thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 12 years ago
Thanks dear..these are exactly my thoughts about ASR behavior..thanks for putting it out so wonderfullyπŸ‘
nyxx thumbnail
Anniversary 15 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 3
Posted: 12 years ago
Well said, and a big hug to you for bringing this forward!πŸ€—
Youve done a brilliant job at not only observing Arnav Singh Raizada but also looking through his ways, his feelings, his actions, or the emotions he is surfacing right now. He will not hurt or "rape" or physically abuse Khushi, gosh why would he? He loves her and though he may not show that right now, but its there, and it will come out one day or the other. He may hurt her unintentionally, yes he will, but at the same time, he will be hurt the same, maybe even more. The man's broken, shattered, and right now, his focus is on Shyam!!
So for now, Arnav Singh Raizada, go get Shyam and make him pay for all the wrong he has done to you, to youre sister, and to you're love :)
Also, the writers have really developed Arnav's characterization really well, and Im sure in the future, it will be just the same. He will perhaps hurt Khushi, give her the silent treatment, and perhaps not trust her, which is justified because duhhh he did see her hugging Shyam (though she didnt hug him back...but he doesnt know that)...but when he does discove the truth, he'll have to make it upto Khushi. Whatever it maybe, Im ready for whats to come :)
P.s Im glad I read this, especially since all weekedn I refrained from coming out in the forum, and yours is the first post I read. πŸ˜‰
Edited by nyxx - 12 years ago