Prithviraj Chauhan - A New Turn

Reincarnated.. thumbnail
Posted: 14 years ago
About many centuries ago, there were many parts of India separated into states and in those many states, there was one located in the South West of India named as Rajasthan. Rajasthan was the largest state of India consisting in many cities including Ajmer. Rajasthan mostly encompassed deserts but also was famous for the huge palaces carved within the cities..

Although many palaces were recognised with respect, the palace of Ajmer was known for Prithviraj's bravery and the stories which spread hundreds of miles away to the state of Uttar Pradesh located far from Rajasthan in North East. In Uttar Pradesh, Prithviraj's cousin, Jaichand ruled a city famous for tobacco, perfume and rose water and more especially the beauty which lived inside the palace of Kannauj and who was the daughter of Jaichand, Sanyogita..

Prithviraj had heard many stories of Sanyogita and he was well aware of the fact, that she was the daughter of India's biggest traitor and Prithviraj's rival cousin, Jaichand but yet he craved to see a glimpse of her but as years went by he forgot that someone named Sanyogita even existed until one day, he was bound to obey his mother's request..

"Prithvi, I want you to go on the Koteshwar Mandhir Yatra.." announced Kamalawati only to her son's fear as he raised his eyes from his sword.

"Ma, Koteshwar Mandhir Yatra? Isn't that held in the boundaries of Kannauj..?" he asked horrified at the sight of him entering Kannauj with his titled name 'Prithviraj Chauhan'. He sighed remembering when Jaichand had broken all ties with Ajmer and joined hands with Gujarat to Prithviraj's disbelief.

"Prithvi, this Yatra is very special, it's best known for any wish you beseech comes true.." rejoiced Kamalawati quickly changing the topic at the mention of Kannauj.

"But Ma, it's held in Kannauj.." replied Prithvi tired of thinking to going to Kannauj. "I can't go to Kannauj, we broke our ties.."

"Prithvi, I really want you to go on this Yatra once in your lifetime.." she implored. "What else could I ask from you at your age..?"

"Ma, if you say, I'll definitely go but..I am a little concerned whether I will be allowed to pass through the boundaries of Kannauj.." he smiled feeling the victory already. But Kamalawati was determined to make Prithvi forget his worries and drown himself in deities..

"Prithviraj are famous for changing your name and identity so I assume it won't be a harm to do it in this matter as well.." she smiled teasingly feeling the victory back to her.

"But Ma," he stopped as he spotted Pratha making her way across the elegant red carpet. She reached to Prithvi's waist and tugged at his shirt.

"Bhaiya, where are you going?" she asked a frown appearing on her face. The thing she hated most was when her brother would leave the palace and her..

"Pratha, Ma wants me to go on a Koteshwar Mandhir Yatra.." he smiled sitting down on the couch as Pratha sat beside him.

"But you just came.." she protested feeling hurt sensing her mother's movement as she stroked her head.

"Pratha, Prithvi will come back.." and with that she reluctantly took away Pratha for her regular activities. Prithvi watched them leave and laid back feeling tired, he ran his finger over his fair face wishing he could avoid going to this Yatra..


"Sanyogita! Rajkumari Sanyogita!" cried a stiff and worried voice. "Maharani, where is Sanyogita?"

The queen who was knitting an embroidery dress for her daughter looked up to find her husband looking at her with rage filled eyes which made her to look away and whiten..

"Maharaj, she left for the Koteshwar Mandhir Yatra.." stammered the queen knowing that Jaichand could stoop to any esteem for his decision to be approved.

"What? After my warnings, she still neglected them and went away alone.." he raged grabbing a vase nearby and throwing it at the floor.

"Not alone Maharaj, with her Dasi's.." quivered the queen thinking that somehow this might calm the King but to her disbelief it winded him up more.

"Just as bad! I can't expect anything from my own daughter.." he sighed getting tired and laying back on his couch while the queen sat on the floor forbidden to sit on the couch.

"Maharaj, how is everything in the markets?" asked the queen quickly changing the topic as Jaichand sat up and looked at her with disappointed eyes.

"Traders who come from other states have started complaining about the prices being too high, I recently discussed it with the Prime Minister but he has his own conditions, he wants his son married to Sanyogita for the prices to be lowered.." Jaichand feared as he thought of the sight of losing Sanyogita in a contract marriage.

"Maharaj, maybe you should ask help from Chittor as they are quite keen on settling such affairs with ease.." suggested the Maharani relieved at seeing the condition calmed.

"Take help from Chittor? Maharani, have you lost it?" he fumed at the mention of any city who was involved with Ajmer. "Forget Chittor, I won't take help from any city in Rajasthan let alone Chittor.."

"Maharaj, I didn't mean to hurt your feelings, I know you are sensitive on the matter of Ajmer.." she stopped as Jaichand's face hardened at Ajmer's mention.

"Maharani, you should keep your useless advices to yourself, I don't like women interfering in works such as handling a city.." said Jaichand rising from his futon couch. "I am going to ask help from Gujarat..they own us a lot.."

And with that he left the room, leaving a relieved Maharani yet a little hurt one seeing Jaichand in such state and remembering Ajmer..


"Look at that great temple, Chamki!" exclaimed Sanyogita pointed at the white granite rock temple who stood in front of them as Sanyogita jumped up and down to get a glimpse of the shrine and the deity.

"Rajkumari Sanyogita, do you know how angry Maharaj must be at Maharani?" asked Chamki not paying attention to the temple as she had seen it more than a thousand times when she had gone on Yatra's with her family.

"Chamki! I am talking about this temple! And we are only here to have fun," she rejoiced back running up the steps and finally getting the sight of the shrine and the deities. Her hands went together as she only asked for one wish for her Yatra to be successful without any interruptions..

As she turned to go, the priest held out blessed sweets called Prashad to Sanyogita as she gave him a puzzled look.

"What is this?" asked Sanyogita innocently as the priest gave a little laugh.

"Beti, this is blessed food, it's called Prashad.." he smiled. "Haven't you ever had it?"

"No, in my palace, food was never left in front of deities to be blessed as Pitajee always believed that god was in our hearts and he blessed food for us royal people.." she replied back innocently as the priest's look hardened.

"Rajkumari Sanyogita..?" he asked puzzled as in years he had never heard Sanyogita coming out of the palace.

"What are you doing here, Rajkumari?" the priest asked ignoring all the other pilgrims. Sanyogita noticed this and indicated the priest to offer the Prashad to other pilgrims as well. The priest was shocked at her kindness and returned to his job as the Rajkumari ran down the steps to her Dasi.

As she happily passed the stone vehicle which was built just a little far away from the steps, she approached her Dasi's in await.

"Rajkumari Sanyogita, please let's return to the palace.." implored Chamki as Sanyogita halted and sighed. Why was Chamki, her own friend becoming the biggest interruption in her first and maybe last Yatra.

"Chamki, I know I did wrong by not telling Pitajee but if I would have.." her voice dropped and she made a dead face cracking up a laughter between many Dasi's and Chamki herself.

"Besides, all that Pitajee talks about is how to plan to destroy Ajmer.." sighed Sanyogita sitting on a bench type seat nearby.

"Rajkumari, please don't be sympathetic for are not allowed to have bonds with Ajmer.." replied one Dasi only fearing that her Rajkumari would be a prey of Maharaj's anger.

"But I've heard a lot about Maharaj Prithviraj Chauhan, if only I could meet him once.." she stopped midway as Surali, a strict caretaker of Sanyogita walked up to her.

"What am I hearing, Rajkumari?" she asked with rage. "You broke out of the palace with your Dasi's in a get up tricking all the soldiers.."

Sanyogita giggled and nodded as Surali shook her head in pity just like her father did sometimes which brimmed her eyes with the remembering tears. However she managed to blink them away and remember the faces of the foolish guards..

"Rajkumari, you didn't do a wise decision," warned Surali. "Now don't come crying to me when you are barred from leaving the palace again.."

"Barred from leaving that lonesome palace!" she shivered at being trapped in the palace forever. "Surali, I can't live in that boundaries of a Rajkumari! I want to be free.."

But Surali simply gave her another lecture of that she was blue blooded and so she must stay in her boundaries. They walked away far from the temple not knowing that they won't ever return back to the temple with the same happiness at least not Sanyogita..


Prithvi peered from one pilgrim to another. All were the citizens of Kannauj and he wished, he had asked one of his friends to accompany him on this Yatra which had five stops. He stopped nearby to spot a man dressed in army clothes with a symbol of Kannauj..

Prithvi wondered what he was doing here but suddenly he collided with a petite and fragile figure as he sensed, that the collision had pushed her to the ground. Turning his eyes to face the angry figure who lay on the grass angrily waiting for an apology.

As he gazed into her deep lush eyes who seemed to have a mystery and pain clearly shining in them, he managed to offer a hand to the astounded beauty who was only a few inches away. As Sanyogita nearly raised her hand to place it in his palm, she spotted the soldier approaching them and with the ultimate force she picked herself up managed to quicken her steps away behind the crowd.

Prithvi watched as the figure disappeared away, he also managed to part to his way only to stop and recognise the same girl whom he had collided, trying to hold the sword upright in a stand nearby. A girl who was teaching her how to hold it looked quite strong in front of her. Finally resting the sword on her shoulder, Sanyogita managed to keep it in the air far from the ground.

"Rajkumari, that is not right.." the girl responded taking the sword from the exhausted girl. "If you want, I can personally come to your mansion and teach you sword fighting.."

But Sanyogita shook her head sadly looking glum, her eyes deepening with more agony. "Forget it, Pitajee will never allow me.."

And with that she walked off leaving the girl disappointed. Prithvi approached the trainer who was now arranging the swords in a correct order.

"Which Rajkumari was that?" he asked.

"Are you new to Kannauj?" she asked as he nodded. Then she replied surprising him. "That was Rajkumari Sanyogita, daughter of our great majestic king, Jaichand.."

His eyes widened in shock, the beautiful Rajkumari was no other than Sanyogita. He finally managed to gaze at her..
Edited by Reincarnated.. - 14 years ago