EuphoricDamsel thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Visit Streak 180 0 Thumbnail + 7
Posted: 1 months ago

It was okay, better than expected. Way better than the book. I do not like Polin's book to be very honest but show came through. The build up wasn't much, even though they are going with half-and-half release which should have been an advantage to show more things, more slow burn. Colin's predicament felt shorter somehow? 

I guess they'd be focusing on the fall out after getting to know Pen is actually Lady W! The jealousy scenes could have been much better, Kathony jealousy scenes were BOMB last season!!! 

Imma writing my thoughts / rant / views / expectations down in points cos it's easier and I'm tired after work today lol

  1. BARE Kathony crumbs. You don't find them beyond episode one, they are set to make an appearance in part 2 of the season and rumors that we can have hints of little Edmund then. 
  2. Too much "make an heir" talk in the minimal time Kathony were there (until they decided to extend their honeymoon lol). Maybe cos Kate's 26 they are showing it that way. I don't know! 
  3. Cressida has been given due credit and shown in an entirely different light. Refreshing I must say! 
  4. Eloise had a personality change I did not expect! Her usual spark is still there but only the hints come through during the episodes.
  5. The friendship fallout between the girls is shown beautifully!
  6. Chemistry is okay. I did not feel as sus as I did in the books. 
  7. Umm...the heroic Hot Air Balloon scene? UNNECESSARY! Lol. It was funny max.
  8. LOVED Francesa!!! Trulyyyy...BUT I do not find a good casting with John Sterling. I know I might be the only one because people are already so emotional over his upcoming end...but he didn't feel right for the actress. He looks younger than her, which I don't remember from the book. I don't think he was younger in age than Franny? Was he? I don't know.
  9. DID NOT LIKE VIOLET THIS SEASON! Yeah...I found her super meddlesome and forcing her mind upon Fran. She was also kind of hinting her disappointment of Eloise's failed last season...which didn't sit well with me. Something was off with her!
  10. I missed Benedict though really is a champ who brings happiness on screen. Got less scenes. That's it.

Yeah That's about it! Bye bye lol.



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LizzieBennet thumbnail
Posted: 1 months ago

Thanks for the review, Ritu! Sorry for the late response but after I noted you’d tagged me, the next time I tried to find your post it was buried under hundreds of notifications and I couldn’t remember which forum it was in. smiley36

I haven’t watched and I’m not going to until part 2 is out if at all. I don’t even have Netflix subscription right now lol & don’t feel like giving my money to them yet..smiley36

I remember liking the book the first time I read it and really rooting for Pen in the book. She was so much more likeable than Pen in the series. Second time I read I wondered why I liked it because it was soooo boring! lol. Nothing happened in this book apart from some long-winded conversations. And I disliked Colin so much in this book. 

About Kanthony crumbs.. yeah should’ve expected it. Atp it just feels like even having them in the season is just clickbait to get their loyal fans (of which there are plenty!) to tune in! And I’ve heard some of the showrunner’s take on their presence (or lack of) and I eyerolled so hard! 🙄🙄  

I just wish Pen hadn’t been shown to be such a girlboss gatekeep gaslight type (like Edwina last season). I just wish Colin had more of a personality. I just can’t bring myself to feel interested in their love story smiley26, but I might tune in to watch Frannie and John! 

Edited by LizzieBennet - 1 months ago
EuphoricDamsel thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Visit Streak 180 0 Thumbnail + 7
Posted: 1 months ago

Originally posted by: LizzieBennet

Thanks for the review, Ritu! Sorry for the late response but after I noted you’d tagged me, the next time I tried to find your post it was buried under hundreds of notifications and I couldn’t remember which forum it was in. smiley36

I haven’t watched and I’m not going to until part 2 is out if at all. I don’t even have Netflix subscription right now lol & don’t feel like giving my money to them yet..smiley36

I remember liking the book the first time I read it and really rooting for Pen in the book. She was so much more likeable than Pen in the series. Second time I read I wondered why I liked it because it was soooo boring! lol. Nothing happened in this book apart from some long-winded conversations. And I disliked Colin so much in this book. 

Yeaaahhh I did NOT like their book lol. Colin was such cutie in ALL the books except his own. 

About Kanthony crumbs.. yeah should’ve expected it. Atp it just feels like even having them in the season is just clickbait to get their loyal fans (of which there are plenty!) to tune in! And I’ve heard some of the showrunner’s take on their presence (or lack of) and I eyerolled so hard! 🙄🙄  

Total Clickbait lmao. All in first episodes but nothing beyond. 

I just wish Pen hadn’t been shown to be such a girlboss gatekeep gaslight type (like Edwina last season). I just wish Colin had more of a personality. I just can’t bring myself to feel interested in their love story smiley26, but I might tune in to watch Frannie and John! 

I do not like Pen's character in the show. I know lot of people absolutely LOVE Nicola...and she is a pretty decent actress. But for me in Bridgerton? She feels misplaced for some reason. I know this is only me...somehow I already know this is only me in the universe but as per a period drama character - Nah. There's something lagging in the personality portrayal or overall way she is carrying the character. For me I mean.

I am excited for Fran-John but again the casting is putting me off...Fran is looking elder than the guy which I don't think is accurate and meanwhile I don't care much for it is a little off putting. I loved her character individually though, like really...the quite introvert who feels most comfortable in silence and has social anxiety. Resonated with her. smiley27

LizzieBennet thumbnail
Posted: 1 months ago

Oh babe, I feel the same about Nicola.

Yes, she is a decent actress but somehow she feels off to me. And not just here. After the first season of Derry Girls I did not like her much there either. Her character, Claire, was a bit annoying, yes, but she was still funny in Season 1. After that, I felt some of Nicola's acting choices did not work for me. She just seemed to be screaming the dialogues when she needed to be emphatic.

I feel the same in Bridgerton - like the last scene with Eloise in S2, the way she says - "At least i did something", that came across as bitter and spiteful instead of wounded. Similarly, the small clip I saw of this season where she's calling out Colin for supposedly feeling ashamed of her, again the acting choices felt off to me. 

I know people love her, and she is good in some of her scenes, especially the ones with Colin, because lbr, she is the better actor among the two, lol - (sorry for being mean smiley9). But put her in a scene with Eloise or any of the better actors on Bridgerton (JB or LT) and her flaws become apparent (at least to me).

About John and Fran, yeah I know it's pointless to get attached and them looking right together / chemistry etc, because the more you do, the more hurt you'll be because of what's coming later. But maybe they cast John keeping in mind precisely that? That although they seem compatible nature-wise, and do have one kind of love, there are other ways to love and she's gonna find that with Michael? Idk.

EuphoricDamsel thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Visit Streak 180 0 Thumbnail + 7
Posted: 1 months ago

Originally posted by: LizzieBennet

Oh babe, I feel the same about Nicola.

Yes, she is a decent actress but somehow she feels off to me. And not just here. After the first season of Derry Girls I did not like her much there either. Her character, Claire, was a bit annoying, yes, but she was still funny in Season 1. After that, I felt some of Nicola's acting choices did not work for me. She just seemed to be screaming the dialogues when she needed to be emphatic.

I feel the same in Bridgerton - like the last scene with Eloise in S2, the way she says - "At least i did something", that came across as bitter and spiteful instead of wounded. Similarly, the small clip I saw of this season where she's calling out Colin for supposedly feeling ashamed of her, again the acting choices felt off to me. 

I know people love her, and she is good in some of her scenes, especially the ones with Colin, because lbr, she is the better actor among the two, lol - (sorry for being mean smiley9). But put her in a scene with Eloise or any of the better actors on Bridgerton (JB or LT) and her flaws become apparent (at least to me).

About John and Fran, yeah I know it's pointless to get attached and them looking right together / chemistry etc, because the more you do, the more hurt you'll be because of what's coming later. But maybe they cast John keeping in mind precisely that? That although they seem compatible nature-wise, and do have one kind of love, there are other ways to love and she's gonna find that with Michael? Idk.

My God I thought I was the only one!!! Thank you for being in this ship with me lol. 

I don't remember watching anything of Nicola before but she just feels very off to me as a period drama character. The way she carries the role, her stance, her way of dialogue delivery feels very...Gen Z for some reason. I mean there's a solid chance I feel this way because I have grown into a 24 year old feeding on period drama pieces like P&P and Belle. smiley9smiley36

It is MY JAM. I a staunch fan on Keira Knightley...and would fight anyone who says she doesn't carry herself well in period pieces. She is the standard for me. From Violet to the New Franie everyone feels a fit... even Eloise though her character is supposed to be having a rebellious nature but Nicola doesn't get into the mix very wellsmiley36

I don't mind Colin nearly as much as I mind Pen in the show. smiley37

Currently I am waiting for my second fav Bridgerton's story - BENEDICT. I liked his book the most after TVWLM and yeahhh I also like the comic character he is in the series. Would love to see what they do with him in the show. 

LizzieBennet thumbnail
Posted: 1 months ago

Originally posted by: EuphoricDamsel

My God I thought I was the only one!!! Thank you for being in this ship with me lol. 

I don't remember watching anything of Nicola before but she just feels very off to me as a period drama character. The way she carries the role, her stance, her way of dialogue delivery feels very...Gen Z for some reason. I mean there's a solid chance I feel this way because I have grown into a 24 year old feeding on period drama pieces like P&P and Belle. smiley9smiley36

It is MY JAM. I a staunch fan on Keira Knightley...and would fight anyone who says she doesn't carry herself well in period pieces. She is the standard for me. From Violet to the New Franie everyone feels a fit... even Eloise though her character is supposed to be having a rebellious nature but Nicola doesn't get into the mix very wellsmiley36

I don't mind Colin nearly as much as I mind Pen in the show. smiley37

Currently I am waiting for my second fav Bridgerton's story - BENEDICT. I liked his book the most after TVWLM and yeahhh I also like the comic character he is in the series. Would love to see what they do with him in the show. 

About Keira Knightley ..I won't say anything because I don't want to get in a fight with yousmiley36. But seriously, I have no opinion on her carrying herself well in a period piece though. I haven't thought about it much, but she didn't feel off to me. I'm a fan of Colin Firth and Jennifer Ehle from the BBC P & P & I will fight anyone who says that isn't an accurate portrayal because they lived and breathed Lizzie & Darcy from JA's P & P. But I know a lot of Gen Z/ Millenials identify more with the Lizzie & Darcy from the movie, and that's ok. I did like Matthew MacFadyen's interpretation of a softer Darcy though.

But with Bridgerton - I don't even know if we can make that argument because the show itself isn't an authentic period drama. I mean, American writers and producers (Shondaland is as American as it can get!) writing a British period piece?!! Forget that, the og writer, Julia Quinn, herself is American. The only people that bring some authenticity to the show are the actors and perhaps the sets and even then not always. I watched a review that said while Simon looked like he's seen iPhones before, Colin looks like he knows about TikTok and Ozempic! I laughed so hard at that! smiley37Even the costumes aren't authentic. For me, it's more of Nicola's acting choices than her being 'off' in a period piece, though perhaps her being Irish and not British could creep into her accent at times. 

Colin and Pen both rub me the wrong way and for different reasons. Colin is just so blah - I don't find a single thing interesting about him. And from whatever reviews I've read/ seen of this season so far, it still remains the same - he exists just to prop up Pen's character and serve her interests in terms of finding love & finding herself.  And Pen - well, she's just unlikeable for me. And don't give me that "my family is so cruel to me and so is the rest of the ton and I'm so ostracized, ridiculed etc etc that I have years of trauma" spiel because I'm not buying it. Portia is a shit parent, true, but then so is Violet most of the time (I won't forgive how terribly she treated Anthony in S1 & most of S2). And that last bit in S2 when she tells Cousin Jack she loves her girls and won't leave him clearly proves that she cares. She just has a weird way of expressing it. And from what I’ve seen Pen’s just been mostly ignored and is a wallflower. So yeah. 

Luke Thompson is  very good and he's managed to make Show Ben a lot more interesting than Book Ben for me, because I do not like Book Ben. The book was okay, I did find it better on second reading but I do not like Book Ben at all! My fave after TVWLM is probably IIHK. Hyacinth is such a character! I loved her! 

Edited by LizzieBennet - 1 months ago