Posted: 6 months ago


Tere bina zindagi se koyi, shikwa, toh nahi

Tere bina zindagi bhi lekin, zindagi, toh nahi

I have no grouse against a life without you

But a life without you is hardly a life



Kaash aisa ho tere Kadmo se,

Chun ke manzil chale aur kahi door kahi

Tum agar saath ho, manzilo ki kami toh nahi

Tere bina zindagi se koyi, shikwa, toh nahi

Wish we could tread our journey with your steps

Pick our destinations afresh and walk someplace else, far far away

When you walk along with me

There’s no dearth of places to be

And though I have no grouse against a life without you…


Jee mein aata hai, tere daaman mein,

Sar chupake ham rote rahe, rote rahe

Teri bhi aankho mein, aansuo ki nami toh nahi

Tere bina zindagi se koyi, shikwa, toh nahi

All I wish to do is seek refuge in your aanchal

And keep crying; keep crying

Aren’t those tears too that I detect in the moistness of your eyes –

A life without your is hardly any life



This song is about lost love and regrets which suits ak perfectly as abhi had all good memories only but ak had memories of her past baggage. Abhi did his own set of mistakes but he realised where he went wrong set his mistakes and closed his past baggage so he has only good memories whereas ak has all blames on head with all promises which she could never fulfill.


Both said I love you  to ak and their souls bid farewell to her. It is sad and feels bad that abhir too gone with abhi.



When abhira wanted to marry again mimi gave naira veil to ak which abhi and ak held and folded together talking about how they wish to raise their kid.


Ab said as we r not raised properly staying with parents or without parents we love abhir more to give him perfect life and family

Ak asked r we not selfish

Abhi said if u get an option of staying with parents and not with abhir sath ak said nooo

Abhi came from a toxic family where they were all busy overpowering each other everyday. Ak with loosing parents at young age was caught between step factor and siblings fights everyday. So they wanted to always give best to their son.

Ak kasauli life was for these very same reasons for ak to give a toxic free life to her son. Next when ruhi said I hate you abhir she immediately took her son and decided to leave. Isn't this the same ar ak rivalry where ar said I hate you to ak and always said whenever I see you all I can remember is my mother death but ak in her zidd didn't give space to ar. What she can't do with her sister ak did with ru so that she can save both kids from that hate factor.

When ak left abhi after Neil death she came empty handed with no baggage nothing and she gave her son the very same life never letting him know the sad side of his parents life. Wd, bus day, black day every single day was kept away from abhir so that he can know and experience only the good side of life.

Neither did abhi left his son again alone so that he could have suffered in step siblings factor next like kairav and aarohi were kv bent his most of life to aarohi in gratitude to sirat.  He took his pyaar ki nishani away not giving future suffering to their kid.

Aarohi words of star crossed lovers happily ever after suits abhira living together but can't able to marry because of various situation but getting small moments of time to fulfill their long lost wishes.



Naira saved from bus was caught in landslide and fell off cliff saving karthik from their and today abhi abhir was said to be caught in landslide. Seems naira is done with her beti and her endless uljhal (confusion) in life and pulled abhi and abhir from aks never ending mind vs heart confusion.



In resort ak closed eyes and asked as a question can I get a happy life with nav. Hogya destiny kicked her confusion with nav death.

Next when manish started dashi talks ak was confused for ar ru. Ar the permanent haddi in abhira love triangle was taken away by clearing another confusion of ak along with that ruhi too gone.

Her final confusion for dashi with abhi kicked with abhi and abhir goodbye.

Destiny is like akshu don't suffer everyday with heart vs mind I will kick one away for you. You enjoy with the other.


Before I officially close my iccha kund with birla cements.

Abhi wished only for ak and said she is his solution for all his problems. Abhi problem is his toxic family and their never ending demands. If we see abhi was fine even when he left birlas as he was in touch with them but where he was lost himself was when he saw maniu who got parth home after knowing he didn't change a bit. From that day ab face had more tiredness which shows he is physically done only his soul was holding.

Today it's done and he got his wish of ak is enough as he spent his one month happily with ak and their son.


Ak wishes of family happiness and feelings for abhi. She gave all of hers to ruhi which is also what swarna wants and feelings for abhi her shouting for abhi over abhir is enough for us to know her hidden love for abhi over these years.

Aarohi wishes done as she happily took her last breath in the very same hospital where she wanted to achieve big things and the very same place where she had best moments with Neil as their love story started their.

Ak is shown physically done today with the never ending blames and Upar seh abhi abhir death. Even after this if we see her in s4 ak must be the real iron woman of India. 

Ak took ar pic while leaving house as past baggage. Abhi gave Mukti to his beta from his maa ka baggage. We know who carries maa ka baggage next. 🫣

Edited by hari15 - 6 months ago


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Team AbhiRa (Gen 3)

Posted: 6 months ago


Abhira went to Ranikhet a hill stn in uttarakhand. 


Abhi got a home for them which is big and they cleaned on their own with yrkkh song playing on them. 


Indras court room pic is here so ego of ak on gvs there as they didn't trust her. 

Abhi kept ruhi abhir pics with him at home.


Edited by Mehersudha - 6 months ago
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Team AbhiRa (Gen 3)

Posted: 6 months ago


Ak made tea and for sugar she remembered arohi. Abbi ak gets memory of past deaths and people πŸ€—


Abhir abhi didn't let her do any work. This is the royalty abhu gives her. See the house and managing immediately everything for his family instead of making jams and cleaning vessels like maid. 


Ar death is on ak head because its all her khaands again  small mistake like she describes but she destroyed ruhis childhood totally ek baar baap ek baar maa.πŸ€—

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Team AbhiRa (Gen 3)

Posted: 6 months ago


Abhir is got admission in new school immediately amd abhi gets a job too. 

Growing bond in between abhira is shown on wall. Both are matured and understanding.


Abhi asked ak to continue her profession and he got a case home too πŸ€— as usual old abhi during initial times. 

Ak ego is shown behind her when abhi takes her decisions. πŸ€—πŸ™

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Team AbhiRa (Gen 3)

Posted: 6 months ago


Abhi got a name plate for their house. 

Abhir asked is it birla or goenka or sharma 

Abhi showed A the house as its Ashiyana of abhira abhir. 


Surname is cut so only abhimanyu, akshara and abhir the souls left here. 


Sath rehne ki need for abhira abhir is shown in end of the episodes. πŸ€—


Abhi dreamt of his home with ak and his kids and shared to manju in orev episodes and finally in last its shown for his happiness to stay with abhir his son and ak. 

Ak got song of  when they are keeping the name plate for their house. 


She got menories of her shadi fixed with abhi by manish and her return to manish after 6 yrs. Ak is missing gvs and remembered how her life around abhimanyu. 


Ak returned to udaipur in the name of mimi bday to check her position back with birlas no doubt. The bits shown confirm it. And mata ar Kicked ak away and gvs cant support her nor they recognised abhir as abhis son. 


Edited by Mehersudha - 6 months ago
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Team AbhiRa (Gen 3)

Posted: 6 months ago


Its a month in that house abhira abhir settled. With abhir staying in his room. And ak abhi in different rooms. 

There was no lust in abhi as motto to be after ak they showed it clear against allegations done by few they got their answer πŸ€— and how pure abhis love is any day. 


Abhira fight as usual with no time pass aa abhi spilled juice on ak papers.  and abhir comes from school . He makes them buddhoo he failed later he shows all A plus report. Ak is very happy that after changing many schools abhir is very good at studies. 

Abhir is total abhi ka son they made him perfectly. 


Abhi wanted ak to call manish as its a month now. Ak ego still there as she is expecting that call. 

She sat in kasauli same way 6 yrs until she saw abhi didn't go to meet him or contact.

Abhi asks her to keep family pics instead but she says she becomes weak and runs to them instead of giving ruhi good life. Ek bahana to run away πŸ€—

Edited by Mehersudha - 6 months ago
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Team AbhiRa (Gen 3)

Posted: 6 months ago


Abhir told that he prayed god for his wishes. And ak checks for her office papers see a letter near kanhaji by abhir. 

Maa beti pic is kept near god this is for ak and her beti. 


Behind abhi kanhaji yashoda pic is kept so he is yashoda to ak kid now. πŸ€— Role reversal


Kanhaji is glowing with orange marigold which is a bad omen . generally marigold or its petals is used during deaths. Lets see if this is for akaharaaa or abhir abhi .

Abhir wrote his wishes for his mumma daddato marry and be a happy family together. 


Abhi overpowered kanhaji pic so lets see if abhis love will pull ak out in her delivery time and dies or she stays 1000 yrs strong after so many deaths .

Edited by Mehersudha - 6 months ago
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Team AbhiRa (Gen 3)

Posted: 6 months ago


Abhir prays kanhaji that he asked him for their shadi and Happy family but it's left in gods hands what he gives. 

Abhir is fed up of asking for dashi and everytime some problem is coming because of ak nonsense or abhis side. 

Coochikoo birds and tabla man are there near god so abhira near talks for shadi is coming in next episode. 

Whereas abhira are in conflicts. Abhi does not want to force his love on ak nor deny his kids wishes. Ak is in her uljhan as she can't come out if it any day out as she is made of that mitti only confusion ki bhandar when to hold people, when not to ,whom to hold ,whom not to , she gets nothing on head until she loses it completely. 


That nariyal kept is for the girl coming with marigold flowers around. So this girl is surrounded by all deaths next and raised πŸ™

Edited by Mehersudha - 6 months ago
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Team AbhiRa (Gen 3)

Posted: 6 months ago


Abhir is dreaming for a family pic of abhira abhir and his sister. 


In dream he got them in with marigold petals dropped on them. So satyanash πŸ€— if its rose Petals it's for selfless love and well being. 


His dream of taking family pic is shown with a woman left alone pic on wall..

So abhir abhi will leave ak and she is left single. And family pic of abhira abhir behind abhi is blurred. πŸ™

Abhirs dream of sofa is gone with criss cross.


Religious connotations edited out 

Edited by Sutapasima - 6 months ago
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Team AbhiRa (Gen 3)

Posted: 6 months ago


Abhi says they should stay like this setup and not marry and kids will understand their relationship once grown as they are like parents loving their kids. 

Abhi has ar death on head and ruhi hating ak. Abhi has sense that they can't build a happy family against ruhis hate or tears or ar death. So his words sre justified.

Ak remembered abhir words you need to be happy by marrying dadda, swarnas words of blames for ruhi , surekha saying ak snatched everything from ar even her life, matas worda my son will leave you and your kid come to me. This is her thoughts clearly shown she wants to make a family against everyones pain and tears like she did before for abhir too.That time god saved abhir . Ak karma hits her badly no doubt. 

Though abhi and ak had same types of scenes they have their own decisions. 

Next day abhi is getting ready for shadi so madam asked him to marry. Its to safe secure that unborn kid as abhis kid her intentions are super vile and clear. 


Three feathers shown are abhira and abhir in abhis room. So its his responsibility to uthavo these three for their karma 😜

Ak is asking him did he get varmala for shadi as she arranged for pandit ji and saman. 


Empty blank frame shown near dressing table is the mirror of her life next she is left empty with none loving her nor near her. 

This is the same saree used by naira in her mandir shadi where kartik waits for her in mandir and naira is diagnosed with clots and so shadi cancelled.

Naira is fedup of akshu so she will do justice next as her viel is given through abhira. 

Edited by Mehersudha - 6 months ago