Site Updates and Issues Discussions #7 DT note: 122 - Page 45

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bloomie thumbnail
Visit Streak 365 0 Thumbnail Anniversary 10 Thumbnail + 8
Posted: 10 months ago

Originally posted by: pareshif

This issue has been fixed. Please check now.

Yes thank you!!!šŸ’

Asvi22 thumbnail
Posted: 10 months ago

Hi my questions please answer Admin and moderators because Iā€™m really eager to know the answers: 

Can members from rank of goldie become Moderators?or do you need specific number of posts?if so minimum how much?

Do You need be an older member of the site like 2005 to 2010s year to be Moderator? Or can recent members who joined the site this year but will be active on forums also become moderator after few months ?

Will filling form be enough or any other procedure like messaging moderators or anything else ?

Edited by Asvi22 - 10 months ago
firewings_diya thumbnail

Helping Hands

Posted: 10 months ago


I am requesting a feature for people who has warning level. I feel it is very unfair to give warning to people based on just one forum. A user must be active on 10 forums. In one forum if there is any issues and he gets warning that should not be considered solely to judge his or her behaviour in other forums. 

A person must be very jovial and friendly in 9 of his other forums but in one of the forum there is always a fan wars. Restricting the user from posting in other forums is really injustice because of his or her behaviour in 1 forum. 

I heard that some ppl can only  make 15 posts per day. If they are active on 10 forums they will eventually loose interest in forum activities and fun games and even the waiting period of 3 months is very long.

My suggestions for the above issue.

1. Wl should limit the post counts to 50 to 100  instead of just 15. 

2.Warning should be given to specific to forums. If an user wants to play games in Forum B then warning given in Forum A should not be considered. As that would make them  miss out on many forum activities and eventually they will loose interest. They will end up either leaving IF permanently or they will forced to make mids as using mids gives them more posts than with wl. 

Please do consider this request. Thank you!

Posted: 10 months ago

Originally posted by: Phir_Mohabbat

"The only reason akshara is getting synpathy is because pranali is playing her/ she has a pretty face . Switch her with Karishma and then we will see"

"This is hilarious people are bothered about making joke about death when for months people are posting sensitive issues like death domestic violence physical abuse mental trauma like they are some expert. If tomorrow abhi dies will that be a karma or we will get to see synpathy for him too? It's like synpathy is extended to only one character in serial "

I don't speak for the DT, I've never flattered anyone on the DT, I've never posted in that forum, and I don't know anything about that show and its characters. However, I can readily see what's wrong with the posts you've shared as examples, and I've marked the offensive parts in red to help you.

When you analyze and mock other members, you are picking a fight. Analyze and mock the show instead.

Instead of claiming that other members could only have silly reasons to feel "synpathy" (sympathy) for a character, just state why YOU don't feel sympathy for the character.

Instead of calling other members' outrage "hilarious" or sneering at their "expert" opinions, and complaining that they don't extend sympathy to enough characters, just post that YOU don't find that death joke offensive, or YOU would/wouldn't feel sad if this character died, or this post about domestic violence is inaccurate according to what YOU know.

Two years ago, it was my first week on India Forums, and just because I observed that a certain character drinks and drives, someone PM'ed me to complain that I'm biased. I ignored the provocation to fight, and many more over the years; I simply went on posting who did what in which episode. I never needed to involve the DT.

When I first ventured into the Fan Fiction forum and section, someone left a series of agitated comments on my stories, sneering at me for describing my characters' classical music and dance when my knowledge is limited. I ignored her personal digs at me, just in case she really was an expert from whom I might learn something, and I politely pointed out the mistakes and contradictions in her criticisms until she gave up. The FFDT have offered to delete whichever comments an author doesn't like, but why would I be so petty? I left the comments visible for what they're worth.

I hope my comments were helpful to you.

DevilHere thumbnail
Visit Streak 180 0 Thumbnail Jimmy Jab Games Season 6 0 Thumbnail + 7
Posted: 10 months ago

Constantly getting service is unavailable

Can someone please check what the issue is 

DevilHere thumbnail
Visit Streak 180 0 Thumbnail Jimmy Jab Games Season 6 0 Thumbnail + 7
Posted: 10 months ago

Also I raised this issue some time back to 

The search suggestions for members don't work for me in PM it shows result not found for everything

Can't PM anyone unless I go on their profile nd press the message option

This way I can't send PM to more than one person at a time

Posted: 10 months ago

Originally posted by: DevilHere

Also I raised this issue some time back to 

The search suggestions for members don't work for me in PM it shows result not found for everything

Can't PM anyone unless I go on their profile nd press the message option

This way I can't send PM to more than one person at a time

We will look into this.

Minionite thumbnail
Posted: 10 months ago

Originally posted by: Phir_Mohabbat

Just want to understand what's the criteria of moderation where randomly posts are getting edited for no apparent reasons yet vile threads like this exists. The TM is repeated offender who is stuck on Oedipus complex and how fl was in love with an abuser - something the serial never told us through any of dialogue. It's an interpretation. 

Regarding post edit by mod - two mods are repeatedly doing this. Sometimes there is no change in post so what they are actually editing? Punctuation issues? I posted a comment other day which had below line cut out post moderation

"The only reason akshara is getting synpathy is because pranali is playing her/ she has a pretty face . Switch her with Karishma and then we will see" 

There was no bodyshaming acting shaming IF coc violation from this line. It's a known fact in yrkkh fandom that people just don't like Karishma the actress's role and her acting hence I made that point. 

Just 10 mins back I posted following line 

"This is hilarious people are bothered about making joke about death when for months people are posting sensitive issues like death domestic violence physical abuse mental trauma like they are some expert. If tomorrow abhi dies will that be a karma or we will get to see synpathy for him too? It's like synpathy is extended to only one character in serial " 

Where is the lie in this. Go back to last 100 pages in forum and topics i have mentioned is repeatedly discussed. Mods are already contacted privately and they have mentioned its fine if one section call abhi abuser, it's just discussing. Meanwhile pranali/Karishma comment can't be posted however people can be like "lol hc horny fangirls stanning for the abuser character due to his acting ". I want to understand how things are seen by other party. Just because one section spend their 247 reporting posts mods will automatically remove them? Is there no other criteria to judge a post? 

This is really disappointing when repeatedly one section of people who have been loyal audience of serial wants to discuss in this platform yet people are so unsupportive. There are 7 mods in the forum yet nothing has changed. Mods repeatedly bows down to one party cause vocal minority is there - eg banner contest. Just because 10 people had day and night posted their issue the bc was supposed to be held in another 3 months in place of 6. Was other people participating in forum considered in this? No I guess cause they don't matter. Same with the link I have posted above. It just gets a DT. Meanwhile posts gets locked down without any warning for other side of fans. Mods are personally reached out already before I made this post, kindly provide a resolution for this instead of trashing this again. 

Hi Phir_Mohabbat,

Can I know which mod you chatted with in PM before making this public? We have said many times that moderation issues have an escalation chain and I don't remember chatting with you at all about this before you posted this publicly. I will respond to you once here and then after that I will discuss any further issues in PM.

If you see a post being edited without a mod note posted, then understand that the moderator took out a problematic quoted post, they did not edit anything in the actual post by that new member. Any time any of the moderation team edits a post, they will add a "mod note" under that edit to explain what was removed. Something like "DT Edited: namecalling".

As for your posts, the first one you indirectly said Karishma isn't beautiful and that does fall under bodyshaming not to mention that you are making assumptions about what other people are thinking or liking about the show, and the second one you indirectly targeted forum members and their discussions. Just because something is a known fact or isn't a lie doesn't mean that it will be allowed in the forum even if it is breaking IF rules. There are ways to say the same thing without it breaking rules. For example, for the first post you could have said "The only reason Akshara is getting sympathy is because Pranali is playing her and she has a pretty face. If Karishma was playing her, then people wouldn't have liked her as much as she isn't a good actor." Additionally you could have simply stated your opinion "I feel like Akshara is getting sympathy because Pranali is playing her and is a pretty face. Karishma isn't as pretty and wouldn't get the same sympathy."

As for the "if one section calls abhi abuser", I like that my PMs are being discussed publicly like this, but it seems that you didn't read what I wrote properly or maybe it wasn't shared properly, so here, let me share the words I actually wrote. My response was this.

As an example, the post you provided above is not breaking any rules. Namecalling would be if people replaced Abhimanyu's name with Rotlu or Shithead or stuff like that. Simply saying that Abhimanyu is an abuser is not against rules. That is someone's opinion and we are not going to remove or take action against such posts.

Given no explanation was asked, I assumed that JustFan13 had understood, but since you have misconstrued it, let me explain further. If I write "Abhimanyu is an abuser" that is my opinion based on the same show that you are watching. It is not against IF rules to make an opinion like that. I could have said "Abhinav is a crybaby" and that is also my opinion and not against IF rules. But if I said, "That Rotlu is such an idiot" then that is namecalling and is against IF rules. Maybe next time instead of making your own assumptions, ask the person PMing me to clarify the point. Then that way you can complain properly about us in this thread.

Finally, as I have stated many times before and as we get accused of being biased all the time, I don't feel like your last paragraph needs a response. The banner resolution was not us bowing down, but rather moderating and solving the issue.

I will not respond to any further replies to this post or to this issue. As I am around, I will be glad to discuss this in PM format. And be patient when you PM me. Most people on IF are in India, but I'm in Canada, so there is a difference in time zones. You will get a response within 24 hours of most PMs, but sometimes it may be more than that.

Edited by Minionite - 10 months ago
MochaQueen thumbnail

Creative Minds

Posted: 10 months ago

Why is it still showing my old UN in my old reactions?

Satrangi_Curls thumbnail

Detail Spotters

Posted: 10 months ago

Originally posted by: MochaQueen

Why is it still showing my old UN in my old reactions?

old UNs show up in old reactions and quotes. I've never seen that change.