LizzieBennet thumbnail
Posted: 5 months ago


Scene # 1



The lights are dim, and the decor is posh and understated. Voices are heard chattering loudly, waiters are bustling about carrying trays, the faint strains of Mozart’s Eine kleine nachtmusik can be heard above the chatter.

The heavy glass door swings open, and a young man and woman walk in. SHARAN, 29, well-groomed, light stubble and nattily dressed in an expensive navy blazer, grey pants, and shoes has his hand over MALVIKA's eyes and she’s laughing. MALVIKA, 27, wears a knee-length, sleeveless black dress paired with high heels. They walk into the restaurant, stumbling slightly since SHARAN is still covering MALVIKA's eyes.


Can you let go now, you ridiculous man?



Not yet. Hold up.

Gestures to the maitre’d who smiles and leads them to their table. He pulls out a chair and SHARAN guides MALVIKA to it and takes his hands off her eyes.


(blinks and takes in her surroundings)

Wait! No! It can’t be!

(turns to SHARAN who has now taken the chair opposite her)

You brought me to Tony’s Kitchen? I’ve been wanting to go FOREVER! You… you… complete …jerk!

She flicks a napkin at him with a fond smile.


It’s been 6 months since we started dating. I thought it was the occasion for something special.


(somewhat subdued, her initial exuberance dimmed)

Yes, well, but….this is not…


(looking down at the menu)

Drink first?

A waiter appears.


Your best house wine. We’re celebrating today.

The waiter nods and disappears.

SHARAN reaches across the table and grabs MALVIKA’s hand.


Isn’t this a bit over-the-top?

He pulls her hand up to his lips with a smile and places a kiss on her knuckle.


That’s the way you like me. No?



Shar, there’s something I need to tell….



It can wait. First, some wining and dining.

He pats his pants’ pocket where the outline of a small, square box can be clearly seen.

SHARAN (Contd.)

And later, I have a surprise for you too.


Mal, is that you?

MALVIKA’s head whips around, her eyes settle on a young, attractive woman the same age as her, DHWANI. Her hair is cut short and stylishly, and has purple highlights. She’s wearing a tank top and distressed jeans, she has several tattoos on her arms, and several piercings on her nose and upper ears that are fitted with rings. She’s wearing chunky bracelets on her bare arms.


(in a high-pitched tone)

Dhwani. OH MY GOD! It’s been years!

She stands up with a wide smile and the two women hug tightly just as a young man, LAV draws up behind them. He looks younger than his age, more like a teenager and is dressed in a loose flannel shirt and jeans and has a backwards baseball cap on.


Do I get a hug too?


(letting out a tiny shriek)

Lav! You …you…pie-faced idiot! Where the heck have you been? You totally disappeared on me!

They hug tight and sway side to side, laughing. There is clearly deep affection between them. MALVIKA lets go and turns to SHARAN, who has a bewildered expression on his face.


Shar, these are my friends from Uni, Dhwani and Lav.

(turns to them)

Guys, this is my… umm… this is Sharan.

They smile and nod at each other and there is an awkward silence for a beat.

The waiter appears with a bottle of wine.


(very awkwardly, almost dragging the words out, clearly doesn't want to say them.)

Uhh… would you like to join us?


Oh no. We just finished dinner and were on our way out!

(turning to Malvika)

Oh Mal! I missed you and your beautiful face! I’m not gonna let you go this time now that I’ve found you.

LAV leans to kiss MALVIKA lingeringly on the cheek while SHARAN looks clearly peeved.


(swatting him playfully on the chest)

Well, you stop playing Houdini and you’ll miss my face a lot less.

SHARAN straightens in his chair, still not getting up, but is shooting daggers at LAV with his eyes


(tugging on Lav’s sleeve)

Let’s go, bud. We’re interrupting the love birds! See ya, Mal. Don’t be a stranger.

They pull out their phones and swap numbers.

LAV and DHWANI walk away. DHWANI turns around to face MALVIKA, walks backwards mouthing & gesturing ‘call me’ as MALVIKA waves back at her with a smile.


(watches them go out the door)

Mal, huh? I thought you hated your name being shortened?


(shrugs, sits down)

It was a long time ago. Pune, Uni, you know?


(takes a sip of his wine)

Shall we order?

(Looking up at the waiter, who’s waiting)

I’ll have the spaghetti carbonara and a vegetarian lasagna for her.


No actually, I’d like to have the gnocchi.


(looks surprised)

Oh, but you always have….

Stops suddenly as if realizing his blunder and nods at the waiter, handing him the menu card.

There is silence for a beat as MALVIKA first fidgets with her napkin, then takes a large gulp of her wine. SHARAN stares at her intently.

They both speak at the same time.


Are you ok?


There’s something I need to tell you.

A longish pause.


Ok. Go on. I’m listening.


(not making eye contact, still looking into her wine glass)

It’s about Dhwani & Lav.


Your friends.


(takes a deep breath)

Not just my friends, Shar.

She lifts her gaze to his.


We used to date.


(looks confused, brow furrowed, speaks slowly pausing after each word)

You used to date, the…guy? Lav?


Used to date them both. At different times, of course. Lav wasn’t Lav then. He was Lavanya. That’s his deadname now. He’s a trans man.


(Completely thrown, leans back on his chair, hand slipping from his glass)

You dated him when he was... a woman?


(nods slowly)

That’s what I’ve been meaning to tell you, Shar. I agreed to go out with you because our parents have been wanting us to hook up for years. And now I really, really like you and I think we have something good.


But I know my parents pushed me into this just because they wanted me to have a ‘normal relationship’ with a ‘normal guy’. Because they couldn’t handle the truth about me.



What…what.. are you saying, Malvika? What truth?


(with a resigned look)

What I’m saying, Shar, is that I date all sorts of people. Regardless of their gender. What I'm saying... (pause and deep breath) that I’m pansexual.

Sharan looks stunned.



This is written in a typical script form. I've tried my best to be faithful to the format.

1. Scene openings are depicted with FADE IN and FADE OUT

2. Character names are capitalized. Dialogues are center aligned,

3. Stage and scene backdrop and descriptions are left-aligned. Character descriptions and bigger actions appear as separate paragraphs.

4. Brackets are used for actions in between speech i.e. smaller actions.

That being said, you don't have to strictly adhere to this, this is supposed to be fun and not stressful. But if you're so inclined, do continue to follow this format for consistency and also so that everyone understands what each character is saying or doing etc.

Because this is a script and not narrative, the challenge could be that everything the character is thinking or feeling cannot be conveyed as literally as a narrative story. More emphasis is laid on a character's actions and speech. This is more show than tell and while that can be challenging, it can also be fun.

It also means that you can interpret what a character says and does your own way, since it's not explicit in the descriptions, unlike a narrative. For eg. In the scene above, Sharan is patting his pants pocket and there is a square box in it. It could imply that he has a ring in it and is planning to propose. Or it could be anything else you can come up with.

Since scenes take longer to build and establish, we will allow a little more leeway in terms of word count.

You don't have to write an entire scene, you can write part of the scene and the next writer can choose to continue the same scene from where you left off, or they can start with a new scene.

When you start a scene, please tell us the setting first: Whether it's Interior (INT) or Exterior (EXT), what time of day it is, then describe the surroundings. You could describe a character if they are being introduced for the first time. And other times too.. what they're wearing, how they look etc. Basically, write everything that you would see if this was a movie or a play or a TV show you were watching.

The first person to pick up this prompt will be the creator for this Queerchain.

Please number the segments as Scene # 1, Scene # 2

If you're continuing a previous scene, retain the scene number and label it Part # 2. Eg. Scene # 3, Part # 2

For more details, check out the Queerchain thread for Rules on how to participate.

Edited by LizzieBennet - 5 months ago


Last reply









Frequent Posters

coderlady thumbnail
Posted: 4 months ago

Mal has just revealed something huge. Sharan had no idea. He might have taken it better if she had an ex who was a guy. But then we don't know how understanding he is.

Edited by coderlady - 4 months ago
ExoticDisaster thumbnail
Posted: 4 months ago


Edited by ExoticDisaster - 4 months ago
ExoticDisaster thumbnail
Posted: 4 months ago

Scene #2



SHARAN walks faster then his normal pace while MALVIKA follows him trying to match his pace.


Sharan wait, listen to me.


(Stops and looks at her)

Listen what, Malvika? What else is there to listen? Is there still anything left to be listened?


I know I should have told you this before, but I didn't know how you would have reacted...



Might have been better how I am reacting right now. I can't believe you hid this from me! It's been 6 months we have been dating damn it!


I know, and I am sorry. I were good that I.. I never... The thought didn't cross my mind.


Oh, come on Malvika. Who are you kidding? You have dated girls before, and that thought didn't cross your mind even once whenever you made our with me?


(Getting angry)

What the hell are you saying, Sharan? Why would I think of my ex when I am with you? And did we ever talk about exes? If we had, I would have told you about them. You also had a past, I didn't judge you on that!


My past, and your past are different. There is nothing to hide about in my past. But you hid your ast from me. And that... That I cannot accept.





Look Malvika, there is nothing wrong in being pansexual. It's not like am not against of it or something, but.. it's just that it's a huge revelation for me. I don't know how feel right now, but I am also at my worst. So, let's take a break.


(Tears starts rolling down her eyes)

I really like you a lot.


I like you a lot too. Everything between us was beautiful, Malvika.

(Cups her face)

That's why I am not breaking up with you. I just need time. You knew I was going to propose you tonight, right? We both need to think about it. I am not in a state of mind to decide my future right now. You have to understand this. There is nothing wrong with you, I need to clear my mind, that's it.

MALVIKA just nodded.


Come, I'll drop you.


Edited by ExoticDisaster - 4 months ago
coderlady thumbnail
Posted: 4 months ago

He does have a point. Six months dating is not too short a time to reveal something huge. But he is just dealing with the shock of it right now.

oh_nakhrewaali thumbnail
Posted: 4 months ago

Scene #3



The clinking of silverware and whispers are heard with occasional notification sounds of three different iPhones.

GAUTAM, 58, checks his phone which irks his wife, KAVITA, 56. She swats his arm to the amusement of their daughter, SHRISHTI, 25.


Mr. Ahuja is really upset. He had hoped that Shran would propose to Malvika soon.

KAVITA sighs.


Shrishti, did you speak to your brother?

SHRISHTI (shaking her head)

He said he needs to figure out some things.


He was so excited last week. I wonder what happened at the restaurant.

Faint sounds of footsteps approach the dining room. The three share a look and focus on the food.


Good morning.




Good Morning. It's Pancake Day!

KAVITA: (kindly)

I thought you might need some cheering up.

SHARAN smiles a small smile and joins his family. The family has breakfast in silence until SHRISTI lets out a loud groan.


Bhai, can you drop me off at the boutique? The stupid driver canceled the ride.

SHARAN nods and after a few more bites, the siblings bid their parents goodbye and leave.

EXT. Busy traffic in Mumbai. Sounds of traffic, horns, and hawkers are heard with BTS' Butter playing in a posh car. SHRISHTI is bobbing her head to the music and SHARAN is drumming his fingers against the steering wheel.


Why is there so much traffic? Uggh!

She checks her phone.


It says here that there'll be traffic because of a parade. (Her eyes go wide with realization) Of course, it's June, there is a Pride Parade in Mumbai.

SHARAN shifts uncomfortably in his seat.


Wish they had picked another time, I need to get to the Boutique, KIARA MATHUR is coming for a fitting and I cannot be late. These f...

SHARAN: (interrupting her)

SHRISTI, behave.

SHRISHTI: (offended)

I wasn't being homophobic, I have gay friends too. Why are you behaving as if I called you a... (SHARAN stares at her sharply) That...

SHARAN shakes his head. His eyes catch the rainbow flag passing, as loud music and chats approach them.

People are dressed in vivid-colored clothes, holding flags and slogans. His eyes catch a slogan

"Love knows no gender"


Khatam, tata, goodbye, gaya... I have no idea what I wrote

Edited by oh_nakhrewaali - 4 months ago
LizzieBennet thumbnail
Posted: 4 months ago

Kuchh toh likha! Yehi bohot hai smiley36

But, nice one! Good to see Sharan doing some introspecting (hopefully)

coderlady thumbnail
Posted: 4 months ago

They were all expecting him to propose, but none know the truth Malvika surprised him with.

LizzieBennet thumbnail
Posted: 4 months ago

Scene # 4 (Part 2)


EXT. The same posh car pulls up outside a row of shops.

INT. The car. SHRISHTI is in co-driver's seat, in the midst of a conversation on her phone as SHARAN watches her.



What do you mean she canceled? I just got here!

A long pause and then SHRISHTI hangs up angrily and shoves her phone in her purse, banging the back of her head on the headrest in frustration.


Sorry, Dimples. Wish I could've gotten you here sooner.

She shrugs and then with a deep sigh, reaches for the door.


Well, now that I'm here, let me do some work for my less wealthy, less eccentric, and more considerate clients! Kiara Mathur can rot in hell for all I care!



Hey, before you go, can I ask you something?

SHRISHTI's hand stops at the car door. She turns to SHARAN and waits expectantly.



Ummm, let's say, you have a close friend. I mean you're really close and she means the world to you and you've known her a long time, and then you find out something shocking about her that...that... shakes the very foundation of your relationship....

His voice falters towards the end and there is a long silence as he gazes out the window refusing to look at SHRISHTI while she is giving him a long, clearly surprised look.


Wow. Where is this coming from? Is this about Malvika?



Ok. Bye. Sorry I asked. Have a good day.


No. No. wait. Okay. Did you hear this soul-shattering news from the person themselves or from someone else?


No. From them. Straight from the horse's mouth.


Well, then I would say least they told you. Perhaps something was preventing them from telling you earlier? Did you bother to find out?

SHARAN simply stares at her dumbly.


(Shaking her head resignedly)

That's what I thought. Men can be so dumb. Go talk to her, bhai.

Gets off the car and bends down, looking through the window, shakes her head at him again mouthing "dumb" and walks away.


Scene # 5

FADE IN. EXT. A residential street in suburban Mumbai outside an apartment building. It's late evening, and darkness is just about setting in. MALVIKA stands outside the gate, hesitating and glancing up. Then looks down at her phone as if reading a text. With a determined gait, she strides inside the gate and walks in through the entrance.

INT. A tiny studio apartment, but immaculately clean and well- kept. DHWANI is in the kitchen, stirring something over the flame and humming aloud and swaying to "That's the way I like it" by K.C & The Sunshine Band which is playing on her Alexa when the doorbell rings.


Alexa, stop!

She turns down the gas and walks to the door, opening it and grins at MALVIKA, stretching her arms out for a hug that MALVIKA returns with a relieved smile.


Sorry to barge in like this on a weekday. I know you must be swamped.


Are you kidding? I just made dinner. Let's eat. Oats upma & Salad ok with you?

MALVIKA nods and DHWANI gets two plates out. They sit at a tiny round breakfast table, enjoying the food in silence for a while.


So what's up? I know you didn't just seek me out two days after we serendipitously met after all these years just on a whim. So spill.


(Looking a bit guilty, places her fork down on her plate with a heavy sigh)

It's not like that, Dee. I did want to see you too. But actually I really want your advise. Because I think only you would be able to help with what happened with Sharan.. the guy I was with the other night when we ran into each other?


Oh yeah! He seemed really into you. What? Are you marrying him or something?

(Chuckles and then freezes at Malvika's serious expression.)

Jeez, I'm sorry, Mal. Me and my no-filter mouth. Just ignore me.


N..nnooo , you're not wrong. Things were getting serious between us. He...he.. told me he meant to propose before... before...




Before I told him about me.


That you're...?


That I'm Pan, yes.

DHWANI is silent. She picks up another mouthful of salad with her fork.


I thought he should know. I really like him and I thought this was going somewhere. And at last I thought I could make my parents happy. But.. it all backfired terribly and now.. now, he wants a break.

MALVIKA looks distressed, her face crumples as if she's going to cry. DHWANI puts her fork down and gets up, walking round to her side of the table and bending over to hug her.


Hey. It's okay.


(pulling away from the embrace)

It's not okay! I had a hard enough time with telling my parents and now Sharan... and...and... I could lose him, Dee!

DHWANI pulls her up and walks her to the couch, handing her a box of tissues. MALVIKA wipes her eyes.



What exactly are you upset about, Mal? The fact that Sharan wants a break? That he didn't propose? The fact that you're Pan and you hid it from him? The fact that your parents want you to make a match of it with him and now you're going to be disappointing them again? Or ...

(takes a long, dramatic pause)

The fact that the man you thought you were in love with did not show even a little bit of understanding when you came out to him?

MALVIKA stares open-mouthed in silence at DHWANI.

DHWANI (contd.)

That's what you did, Mal. You came out to him. Coming out is a deeply personal choice. And you have the right to choose the time and the person to tell. He doesn't get to tell you you should have told him sooner. This is your truth, Mal. He can't make it about him!



It's not like that. Sharan is not homopho .. umm, he's very open-minded.. he's...


I'm not saying he isn't. I know these things are hard for anyone to accept immediately. Lord knows I had trouble with my family too. But now Ma and Nani are Ok with it. But it's different with me. I've always known I was a lesbian. But took a long time to understand your sexuality and come to terms with it. And I know you had an even harder time telling your family and getting them to accept it.


(nodding shakily)

Even now I don't think they do. They dismiss it. As if its a fad I'll get over. And now that I'm seeing a guy, a guy of whom they approve, they pretend like it never existed. But it does, Dee! This is me! And they refuse to accept me as I am. And now.. now...


And now you're afraid Sharan will do the same.

MALVIKA silently nods, picking apart bits of tissue paper that fall to the floor.

DHWANI leans forward and grabs her shoulders, forcing her to look up at her.


Listen to me, Mal. First, you've got to stop feeling guilty. You did nothing wrong. You came out to Sharan. That's huge for you. You showed him a level of trust that he should have cherished and felt humbled about. He doesn't get to be butthurt because you didn't tell him ages ago when you first started dating or whatever. It's YOUR choice! So stop feeling guilty and cut yourself some slack. In fact, you should be proud of yourself for owning your truth without knowing which way things would go!

Second, if Sharan wants time, give him time. But in the meantime, you've also got to evaluate how you feel about this whole thing. His reaction. Your reaction to his reaction. I think you're looking at this all wrong. It's mixed with your parents expectations and disappointment, your own feelings and Sharan's. You've got to take everyone else out of the equation and look at only what YOU feel. Get it? Ask yourself what YOU want to do. This is about you. F*** everybody else!

MALVIKA nods shakily, takes a deep breath, her face clears as if a great cloud has lifted from above. Then she looks down at the mess she created, strewn tissue paper bits on the floor, messing up the tidy space and begins to giggle.

DHWANI joins her and they dissolve into a helpless fit of giggling.


Ok, now how about some Netflix and chill with some ice-cream?

MALVIKA nods enthusiastically.


Thanks, Dee!

DHWANI just smiles.


Edited by LizzieBennet - 4 months ago
coderlady thumbnail
Posted: 3 months ago

scene 4

Women are generally better at communicating, asking questions. His sister gave him the right advice. Ask.
