What inspired Rahul Bose to make a film on Poorna!

See what inspired actor Rahul Bose to make a film on the journey of the 13-year-old girl, Poorna Malavath!

Rahul Bose has made an inspiring and motivational film on the journey of the 13-year-old girl, Poorna Malavath, who created history by turning the world's youngest person to scale the Mount Everest on May 25th, 2014.

However, very few people are aware of the reason that inspired Rahul Bose to make a biopic on Poorna.  

A few years ago, Rahul Bose had hosted a mountaineering series called 'Everest Rising' on National Geographic. The actor had been intrigued with this topic ever since.

Rahul Bose was certain about making a film however he was still searching for the subject of his film when he came across the inspiring story of the 13-year-old Poorna who had become the youngest person to scale the Mount Everest.

The first reaction is usually the purest and Rahul's  first reaction on garnering information about Poorna and her victory was a variety of emotions flowing through.

The actor-director shares, "It was a combination of shame and wonder.Shame because it was unbelievable I hadn't heard of Poorna's achievement before. I pride myself in being pretty well read on both, social subjects and sport and had completely missed this story because it hadn't been reported to the extent it should have been. Wonder because you couldn't write a mainstream Bollywood script better. A poor, uneducated, tribal girl shatters the world record climbing Everest at the age of 13. Fantastic!"

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