Best Superhero Hairstyles to get INSPIRATION from!

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Superstar Chris Hemsworth will don the role of Superhero God 'THOR' seven years in a row and Thor Ragnarok will see the actor in quite a different avatar!

Fans were pleasantly shocked to see Thor lose his blonde locks and sport a sleek rugged cropped hairstyle!

Thor endures some changes in the story, as Chris Hemsworth explains, "There are a few physical changes with the character in this film. The first one is he loses his hair. He's in a gladiator world where part of their processing is to chop the hair off, which happens off screen. And he turns up with his hair hacked off. It certainly gave me a different attitude. Different costumes, different weapons, different, cast of characters to work off give you a different energy. And so as simple as having a different haircut can affect the way you move" the actor concludes.

Thor's latest hairstyle moves away from the classic grunge era style, and shifts to a more textured short cut that works well for all hair types.

Well while we wait with bated breath to see Chris Hemsworth aka Thor in his new hairdo, here's a quick recap of the best Superhero hairstyles that we can take style inspo from!

Scarlett Johansson as Black Widow: Black Widow a.k.a. Natasha Romanova makes our list based solely on her stunning colour alone. Her fiery shade of red is one hot colour to show off!!

Gal Gadot as Wonder Woman: Gadot and her majestic windswept locks stole the show during last year's Batman V. Superman: Dawn of Justice. Now, she'll be the first female superhero ever to front her own film (Wonder Woman, out June 2).

Halle Berry as Storm: As X-Men's resident weather expert, Storm, her bright white pixie haircut has become as iconic as her character and it suits supermodel Halle Berry to a T!

Hugh Jackman as Wolverine: Hugh Jackman's manly beard and masculine hairdo, complimented his rippled physique and added oomph to his macho avatar as Wolverine.

Captain America's Clean Gentleman Hairstyle or Superman's Hairdo:

Jason Momoa aka The Hot Long Locked Aquaman!

The trailers of Justice League have given super-fans a sneak peak into Aquaman's majestic, sun-kissed locks and wolfish beard, making the already hot 'Khal Drogo' fame actor even hotter!

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