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Team Yash

Posted: 29 days ago

Originally posted by: shaleenadmires


Yuvika's eyes gleamed with determination as she gathered her team in the conference room. "We can't let Talwar Enterprises get the upper hand," she said, her voice firm. "We need to execute Plan B."

Her team nodded, familiar with the strategy. They had been preparing for this moment for weeks.

"Rohan, can you hack into Talwar's system and disrupt their communication channels?" Yuvika asked, turning to her tech expert.

Rohan nodded, his fingers already flying across his keyboard. "I'm on it."

"Akash, can you spread some rumors about Talwar's financial instability?" Yuvika asked, turning to her PR expert.

Akash nodded, a sly smile spreading across his face. "I'll make sure the news hits the headlines tomorrow."

Yuvika turned to her lawyer, Raj. "Raj, can you find a way to tie up Talwar's assets in legal battles?"

Raj nodded, his eyes gleaming with excitement. "I'll file a lawsuit by the end of the day."

Yuvika smiled, satisfied with her team's responses. "Let's move, people. We can't let Talwar Enterprises win."

Meanwhile, Yash was facing his own challenges. His team was working around the clock to secure their project, but Mahajan Industries' sabotage was taking its toll.

"Rohan, can you trace the source of the leak?" Yash asked, his eyes scanning the room.

Rohan shook his head. "It's like they have a mole inside our company."

Yash's eyes narrowed. "Find out who it is and fire them."

Just then, the door burst open and one of Yash's employees, Nalini, rushed in. "Sir, I have some bad news. Our biggest investor just pulled out, citing financial instability."

Yash's jaw clenched. "Get them back on the phone. We need to convince them to stay."

But it was too late. The damage was done. Talwar Enterprises' stock prices were plummeting, and Mahajan Industries was gaining the upper hand.

The battle between the two companies was far from over. In fact, it was only just beginning. Who would emerge victorious? Only time would tell.

Yash's eyes narrowed as he thought about the possibility of a mole within his company. He couldn't shake off the feeling that someone was feeding information to Mahajan Industries.

"Rohan, I need you to do something for me," Yash said, his voice low.

"Of course, sir. What is it?" Rohan replied, looking up from his computer.

"I want you to investigate our employees. See if anyone has been acting suspiciously or has any connections to Mahajan Industries."

Rohan's eyes widened slightly, but he nodded. "I'll get started right away."

Yash watched Rohan leave, his mind racing with possibilities. Could it be Nalini, who had just delivered the bad news about the investor? Or maybe it was Akshay, who had been acting strange lately?

Just then, his phone buzzed. It was an unknown number.

"Yash Talwar," he answered.

"Yash, it's Ramesh. I have more information about Mahajan Industries' plans."

Yash's ears perked up. "What is it?"

"They're planning to make a hostile takeover bid for Talwar Enterprises. They've already secured funding from a rival investor."

Yash's eyes widened. This was getting serious.

"Thanks, Ramesh. I owe you one."

Yash hung up the phone and immediately called an emergency meeting with his team.

"We need to act fast," he said, his voice firm. "Mahajan Industries is planning a hostile takeover. We need to secure our investors and prepare for a fight."

His team nodded, determination in their eyes.

But little did Yash know, the mole was closer than he thought. And they were watching his every move...

The meeting adjourned, and Yash's team scrambled to secure their investors and prepare for the hostile takeover. Yash, meanwhile, couldn't shake off the feeling that the mole was still out there, watching and waiting.

As he walked back to his office, he noticed Rohan typing away on his computer. "Rohan, have you found anything yet?" Yash asked.

Rohan looked up, a hint of frustration in his eyes. "Not yet, sir. But I'm close. I've been going through the employee records, and I think I've found a suspicious transaction."

Yash's ears perked up. "What kind of transaction?"

Rohan hesitated. "It's a payment to an offshore account. And the recipient's name is...Nalini."

Yash's eyes widened. Nalini, the same employee who had delivered the bad news about the investor?

"Get me Nalini's file," Yash demanded. "Now."

Rohan nodded and quickly pulled up Nalini's file on his computer. Yash scanned it quickly, his heart racing.

And then he saw it. A small note at the bottom of the file. "Nalini's husband works for Mahajan Industries."

Yash's eyes locked onto Rohan's. "It's her," he whispered. "Nalini is the mole."

Rohan's eyes widened in shock. "What do we do now, sir?"

Yash's jaw clenched. "We confront her. Now."

But as they turned to leave, they were met with a surprise. Nalini was standing in the doorway, a sly smile spreading across her face.

"You'll never stop us," she said, her voice dripping with malice. "Mahajan Industries will take over Talwar Enterprises, and there's nothing you can do to stop it."

Yash's eyes narrowed. "We'll see about that."

Nalini's smile grew wider as she pulled out a small device from her pocket. "You see, Yash, I've been playing a little trick on you. This device has been transmitting all your company's secrets to Mahajan Industries."

Yash's eyes widened in horror as he realized the extent of Nalini's betrayal.

Rohan sprang into action, trying to grab the device from Nalini's hand. But she was too quick, and she tossed it to the floor, shattering it into pieces.

"It's too late," she sneered. "The damage is done. Mahajan Industries has all the information they need to take you down."

Yash's face twisted in anger. "You're fired, Nalini. And I'll make sure you pay for your betrayal."

Nalini just laughed. "You can't touch me, Yash. I have protection from Mahajan Industries. And soon, I'll be running this company."

With that, she turned and walked out of the office, leaving Yash and Rohan stunned and furious.

But Yash didn't waste any time. He immediately called a meeting with his legal team to discuss their options.

"We need to act fast," he said, his voice firm. "We can't let Mahajan Industries get away with this."

His legal team nodded in agreement, and they began brainstorming strategies to take down Mahajan Industries and protect Talwar Enterprises.

Meanwhile, Yuvika Mahajan was watching the scene unfold from her office, a satisfied smile on her face.

"It's working," she said to her assistant. "Talwar Enterprises is crumbling from the inside out."

But little did she know, Yash Talwar was not one to give up easily. He was planning a counterattack, one that would take Mahajan Industries by surprise...

(Next chapter is going to be interestingsmiley36) Just comment how is it??

(I don't know much about this app so, if anyone want to ask me something you can dm me on insta with same username @shaleenadmires_ )

Eager to see how yash will give it back.....
shaleenadmires thumbnail

Team Yash

Posted: 27 days ago


Yash's eyes blazed with determination as he strategized with his legal team. They needed to move swiftly to counter Mahajan Industries' hostile takeover bid.

"Raj, can you file an injunction to block Mahajan Industries' takeover attempt?" Yash asked.

Raj nodded. "Already on it, sir."

"Akshay, I need you to rally our investors and reassure them of our stability," Yash continued.

Akshay nodded, grabbing his phone. "I'll get started right away."

Just then, Rohan burst in, a triumphant smile on his face. "Sir, I've managed to retrieve the data Nalini deleted. And I found something interesting."

Yash's eyes locked onto Rohan. "What is it?"

Rohan hesitated. "It seems Mahajan Industries is planning to use a shell company to funnel funds for the takeover. But I managed to trace the shell company's ownership...and it leads directly to Yuvika Mahajan's personal account."

Yash's eyes widened. This was the ammunition he needed.

"Get me Yuvika Mahajan on the phone," Yash demanded.

Rohan nodded, dialing the number.

Yuvika answered, her voice dripping with confidence. "Yash, I hear you're struggling to keep your company afloat."

Yash smiled, relishing the moment. "Actually, Yuvika, I have a surprise for you. You see, we've discovered your little shell game."

Yuvika's tone faltered for a moment before she regained composure. "I don't know what you're talking about."

Yash chuckled. "Don't play dumb, Yuvika. We have proof. And I'm going to make sure everyone knows about your dirty tactics."

With that, Yash dropped the bombshell, leaking the information to the press and exposing Mahajan Industries' shady dealings.

The media erupted, slamming Mahajan Industries for their unethical practices. Investors began to backpedal, and Mahajan Industries' stock prices plummeted.

Yuvika's face turned white as she watched her plan unravel. Her eyes narrowed, fury burning within.

"This isn't over, Yash," she spat.

Yash smiled, triumphant. "Game on, Yuvika. Bring it on."

The battle between Talwar Enterprises and Mahajan Industries had just reached a whole new level. Who would emerge victorious? The stakes had never been higher.

Meanwhile, Nalini, now exposed as the mole, was taken into custody by the authorities.

As Yash watched the news unfold, he couldn't help but feel a sense of satisfaction. He had countered Yuvika's attack, but he knew the war was far from over.

"Rohan, keep digging," Yash said, his eyes never leaving the screen. "I want to know everything about Mahajan Industries' plans."

Rohan nodded, already typing away. "You got it, sir."

The game was on, and Yash Talwar was ready to play.

Yash's triumph was short-lived. As he turned to congratulate Rohan on a job well done, he noticed something peculiar.

Rohan's eyes flickered, and for a split second, Yash saw a glimmer of guilt.

"Rohan, what's wrong?" Yash asked, his instincts on high alert.

Rohan's expression returned to normal, but Yash's suspicion lingered.

"Nothing, sir. Just tired," Rohan replied.

Yash's eyes narrowed. Something wasn't right.

He called Akshay into his office. "I need you to dig into Rohan's background. Now."

Akshay nodded and quickly got to work.

Within minutes, Akshay returned, looking grim.

"Yash, Rohan's clean records were fabricated. He's been working for Yuvika Mahajan all along."

Yash's world crashed around him.

" can't be," he whispered.

Akshay nodded. "I'm afraid it's true. Rohan's been feeding Yuvika information, helping her plan the takeover."

Yash felt betrayed, his trust shattered.

"Get him in here. Now."

Rohan walked in, a smug expression on his face, but it faltered when he saw Yash's fury.

"You're under arrest, Rohan," Yash spat.

Rohan sneered. "You'll never win, Yash. Yuvika will crush you."

The police arrived, handcuffing Rohan and leading him away.

As Rohan was dragged out, he locked eyes with Yash.

"You'll never take down Yuvika," Rohan snarled.

Yash's anger boiled over. "We'll see about that."

With Rohan's betrayal exposed, Yash regrouped his team.

"Listen up, everyone. We've been blindsided, but we won't back down."

His team nodded, determination etched on their faces.

Yuvika watched the scene unfold from her office, a mixture of anger and shock on her face.

"How did Yash find out?" she demanded, slamming her fist on the desk.

Her assistant trembled. "I-I don't know, ma'am."

Yuvika's eyes narrowed. "Fix this. Now."

But Yash was one step ahead.

He leaked Rohan's betrayal to the press, tarnishing Mahajan Industries' reputation further.

The battle had just intensified, with Yash more determined than ever to take down Yuvika and protect Talwar Enterprises.

The question remained: what would Yuvika's next move be?

And would Yash be ready?

Yash returned to his office, his mind still reeling from Rohan's betrayal. He needed a break, a moment to clear his head.

Just then, his phone buzzed. "Sia's here to see you," his secretary announced.

Yash's face softened. His younger sister, Sia, was the one person who could calm his storms.

"Sia!" Yash exclaimed, opening his arms as she burst into his office.

Sia flung herself into his embrace, her bright smile a balm to Yash's frazzled nerves.

"Hey, big bro! I heard about Rohan. I'm so sorry," Sia said, concern etched on her face.

Yash sighed, releasing tension. "It's been a long day."

Sia pulled back, examining Yash's face. "You look exhausted. When did you last eat?"

Yash chuckled. "I think yesterday?"

Sia rolled her eyes. "Typical Yash Bhaiya. Come on, let's get you some lunch."

Yash nodded, grateful for the distraction. As they walked to the cafeteria, Sia chatted about her own day, her university projects and friends.

Yash listened intently, feeling his tension ease.

Over lunch, Sia asked pointed questions about the takeover bid and Rohan's betrayal.

Yash filled her in, his frustration resurfacing.

Sia's expression turned serious. "You'll get through this, Yash. You always do."

Yash smiled, touched by her faith.

"I wish I could be as strong as you, Sia," he said, meaning every word.

Sia's eyes sparkled. "You're stronger than you think, big bro. And I'm here for you."

As they finished lunch, Yash felt rejuvenated, his focus renewed.

"Thanks, Sia. You always know how to put things into perspective."

Sia grinned. "That's what little sisters are for."

As Sia left, Yash returned to his office, ready to tackle the challenges ahead.

But just as he sat down, his phone buzzed again.

"Yash, we've received a surprise visit from the Securities and Exchange Board," his secretary announced.

Yash's heart sank. What now?

"Send them in," he said, steeling himself for the next battle.

The representatives from the SEBI walked in, their expressions stern.

"Yash Talwar, we've received allegations of insider trading against Talwar Enterprises..."

Yash's eyes narrowed. This was Yuvika's doing.

"Let's get one thing straight," Yash said, his voice firm. "We'll cooperate fully, but I assure you, these allegations are baseless."

The battle had just intensified. Would Yash emerge victorious, or would Yuvika's tactics bring him down?

Sorry for late update but how is it??? any comment on rohan's betrayal??

luvzindagi thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail + 4
Posted: 27 days ago

This is awesome 👌🏻

Please please update soon

naaheean thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Visit Streak 90 0 Thumbnail + 4

Team Yash

Posted: 27 days ago

The update was amazing...❤️❤️❤️

Why Rohan showed the guilty emotion on his face? Was he feeling really guilty for betraying Yuvika or for betraying Yash? Why was he taking a stand for Yuvika so confidently even after getting exposed infront of Yash? Does Rohan also have his personal motive behind betraying Yash?

It seems to me that, even if Yuvika has any valid personal reason to despise Yash, but she is getting very nasty against Yash & Talwar industries. I'm so very much curious to know what is her reason behind doing all these nasty things.

Please do update soon & if it is possible then please try to tag/pm me from the next time since I'm not being able to know whenever you're updating.

shaleenadmires thumbnail

Team Yash

Posted: 24 days ago


As the SEBI representatives began their investigation, Yash and his team worked tirelessly to gather evidence and defend their company's reputation. Yash knew that Yuvika would stop at nothing to discredit him and Talwar Enterprises.

"Raj, can you pull up the records for our last quarter's financials?" Yash asked his CFO.

Raj nodded and started typing away on his computer. "Already on it, sir."

"Akshay, I need you to review our communication records with Mahajan Industries. See if you can find any discrepancies in their statements," Yash instructed his legal advisor.

Akshay nodded and started scanning through the documents.

Just then, Yash's phone buzzed. "Sia's here to see you," his secretary announced.

Yash's face softened. "Send her in."

Sia walked in, a concerned expression on her face. "Yash Bhaiya, I heard about the SEBI investigation. What's going on?"

Yash filled her in on the details, his frustration evident.

Sia listened intently, her eyes sparkling with determination. "Don't worry, Yash. We'll get through this together."

As they discussed strategies, Yash's team presented their findings. Raj revealed some discrepancies in Mahajan Industries' financial reports, while Akshay uncovered a suspicious email trail between Yuvika and one of Talwar Enterprises' former employees.

Yash's eyes narrowed. "This is it. We have the proof we need to take down Yuvika and clear our name."

With renewed confidence, Yash and his team prepared to face the SEBI representatives and defend their company against Yuvika's allegations.

But just as they were about to present their evidence, Yuvika walked in, a smug smile on her face...

Yuvika walked in, a smug smile on her face, and a folder full of documents in her hand. "Ah, Yash, I see you're still trying to defend your company's questionable practices," she said, her voice dripping with condescension.

Yash's eyes narrowed. "What are you talking about, Yuvika? We've done nothing wrong."

Yuvika chuckled. "Oh, really? Then why did your company's stock prices surge unexpectedly last quarter? And what about the suspicious transactions between Talwar Enterprises and that shell company in the Cayman Islands?"

Yash's team exchanged worried glances. They had been so focused on defending against Yuvika's allegations that they hadn't noticed these new accusations.

"Where did you get this information?" Yash demanded.

Yuvika smirked. "Let's just say I have my sources. And I have proof, Yash. Irrefutable proof that will bring your company down."

The SEBI representatives looked at each other uncertainly, clearly influenced by Yuvika's confident demeanor and the seemingly damning evidence she presented.

"Yash Talwar, it seems we have a lot to discuss," one of the representatives said, their tone stern.

Yash knew he had to think fast, or risk losing everything he had worked for. He glanced at Sia, who gave him a reassuring nod.

"Don't worry, Yash Bhaiya," she whispered. "We'll get through this."

With newfound determination, Yash began to counter Yuvika's allegations, point by point, using his team's research and evidence to debunk her claims.

But just as it seemed like Yash was gaining the upper hand, Yuvika dropped a bombshell...

"Yash Talwar, I have one more thing to show you," she said, a triumphant glint in her eye. "A recording of your conversation with a certain someone, discussing the very practices you're denying."

Yash's heart sank. What conversation was she talking about? And who could have betrayed him like this?

Yuvika played the recording, and Yash's voice was clearly audible, discussing a plan to manipulate the stock market with someone. The room fell silent, and Yash's team looked at him in shock.

"That's not what it sounds like," Yash protested. "That conversation was taken out of context."

Yuvika smirked. "I think the regulators will be very interested in hearing this, Yash. You're done."

But just as Yuvika was about to leave, Sia spoke up. "Wait, Yuvika. I think you'll find that the recording you have is fake."

Yuvika turned to Sia, incredulous. "What are you talking about?"

Sia smiled sweetly. "I've been analyzing the audio file, and I found some inconsistencies. The frequency patterns don't match Yash's voice. You've been set up, Yuvika."

Yuvika's face turned red with rage. "How dare you!"

But Sia continued, "And I think I know who's behind this. Someone who wants to take down both Yash and Yuvika. Someone who's been playing you both from the beginning."

Yuvika's eyes narrowed. "Who are you talking about?"

Sia leaned forward, a sly grin spreading across her face. "I think it's time we had a little chat with Rohan, don't you?"

The room fell silent again, and Yash's eyes widened in shock. What did Sia know about Rohan? And how was he involved in this?

Sia's revelation sparked a chain reaction of shockwaves in the room. Yuvika's face turned ashen, while Yash's eyes narrowed in suspicion.

"Rohan? What are you talking about, Sia?" Yash demanded.

Sia leaned back in her chair, a confident smile on her face. "I've been digging into Rohan's background, and I discovered some interesting connections. It seems he's been playing both sides against each other, feeding information to Yuvika while pretending to work for you, Yash."

Yuvika's eyes widened in outrage. "That traitor! I'll kill him!"

Yash's expression turned icy. "Not if I get to him first."

The SEBI representatives looked at each other uncertainly, clearly out of their depth in this corporate espionage game.

"Wait, what about the recording?" one of them asked.

Sia shrugged. "Like I said, it's fake. Rohan must have created it to frame Yash and further his own agenda."

Yuvika slammed her fist on the table. "I want Rohan brought in here now!"

As the tension in the room escalated, Yash's phone buzzed. He glanced at the screen and nodded to Sia.

"It seems Rohan's already on his way here," Yash said, his voice dripping with anticipation. "Let's hear what he has to say for himself."

The door burst open, and Rohan walked in, a smug smile on his face. But as he saw the looks on their faces, his expression faltered.

"Ah, Rohan," Yash said, his voice dripping with sarcasm. "So glad you could join us. We've been discussing your... extracurricular activities."

Rohan's eyes darted between Yash, Yuvika, and Sia, before settling on the SEBI representatives.

"I don't know what you're talking about," he said, but his voice lacked conviction.

Yuvika sneered. "Don't play dumb, Rohan. We know all about your little game."

Rohan's smile returned, but this time it was laced with desperation. "I think it's time I took matters into my own hands."

And with that, he pulled out a small device from his pocket and pressed a button...

...and the room was filled with a loud, piercing noise. The lights began to flicker, and the air was charged with an electric tension.

"What is this, Rohan?" Yash demanded, his voice rising above the din.

Rohan's eyes gleamed with a manic intensity. "This is my insurance policy. You see, I've been playing both sides against each other, but I knew eventually, one of you would catch on. So, I prepared a little surprise."

The noise reached a fever pitch, and the lights started to strobe wildly. Sia covered her ears, while Yuvika stumbled backward, her eyes wide with fear.

"Rohan, stop this!" Yash bellowed, but Rohan just laughed maniacally.

Suddenly, the room was plunged into darkness. The noise ceased, and an eerie silence fell over the group.

When the lights flickered back on, Rohan was gone. But on the table, a small note remained:

"You'll never take me alive."

Yash's eyes narrowed. "This isn't over, Rohan. We'll find you."

Sia nodded in agreement. "And when we do, you'll pay for what you've done."

Yuvika, still shaken, nodded in agreement. "We need to work together to take down Rohan and put an end to this once and for all."

And with that, the unlikely allies formed a pact to bring Rohan to justice and restore order to the corporate world.

But as they left the room, they couldn't shake off the feeling that Rohan was still watching them, waiting for his next move...

..and as they stepped out of the building, they were greeted by a sea of reporters and camera crews.

"Yash, Yuvika, what's going on?" one of the reporters shouted.

Yash smiled wryly. "Just a little corporate espionage, nothing to worry about."

Yuvika rolled her eyes. "Yeah, right. Let's just say we're taking steps to protect our companies and our interests."

Sia nodded in agreement. "We're not going to let Rohan get away with this. We'll do whatever it takes to bring him to justice."

The reporters began to fire off questions, but Yash, Yuvika, and Sia were tight-lipped.

"We'll make a statement when the time is right," Yash said, ushering the others into a waiting car.

As they drove away, Sia turned to Yash and Yuvika. "We need to come up with a plan to take down Rohan. And fast."

Yuvika nodded. "I have some ideas. Let's get to work."

And with that, the unlikely allies began brainstorming their next move, determined to bring Rohan to justice and restore order to the corporate world.

But little did they know, Rohan was watching them from the shadows, a sly smile spreading across his face.

"This is far from over," he whispered to himself. "The game is just beginning."

And with that, he disappeared into the night, leaving Yash, Yuvika, and Sia to wonder what their next move should be...


naaheean thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Visit Streak 90 0 Thumbnail + 4

Team Yash

Posted: 23 days ago

Wow....the chapter was excellently crafted with the twist, which may or maybe not unite Yashvika for life...🙂. I really liked this twist & Siya being the enlightener for both Yashvika.

Is Rohan the main villain of this story? Did Rohan have any past grudge against Yashvika? For instance, Rohan liked Yuvika in past, but, Yashvika were in love from before, and so, Rohan created serious misunderstanding between them which ultimately lead them into this nasty break-up as well as the war like business rivalry afterwards.

Or, Rohan is working for some other main villain, say, DJ or his father Dhanraj?

Tnx for the pm. Keep writing & entertaining us like this...✍️✍️✍️

shaleenadmires thumbnail

Team Yash

Posted: 23 days ago

Originally posted by: naaheean

Wow....the chapter was excellently crafted with the twist, which may or maybe not unite Yashvika for life...🙂. I really liked this twist & Siya being the enlightener for both Yashvika.

Is Rohan the main villain of this story? Did Rohan have any past grudge against Yashvika? For instance, Rohan liked Yuvika in past, but, Yashvika were in love from before, and so, Rohan created serious misunderstanding between them which ultimately lead them into this nasty break-up as well as the war like business rivalry afterwards.

Or, Rohan is working for some other main villain, say, DJ or his father Dhanraj?

Tnx for the pm. Keep writing & entertaining us like this...✍️✍️✍️


luvzindagi thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail + 4
Posted: 19 days ago

Its getting more interesting now

Is this Rohan from another business family?

And what will happen to Yash and Yuvika's rivalry? Will they fall for each other?

Please update soon

shaleenadmires thumbnail

Team Yash

Posted: 19 days ago


As they arrived at Yash's office, Siya immediately got to work, hacking into Rohan's email accounts and tracing his digital footprints. Yuvika, meanwhile, started making phone calls, rallying her allies and gathering resources for their fight against Rohan.

Yash, meanwhile, sat at his desk, his mind racing with strategies and counter-moves. He knew Rohan was cunning and ruthless, but he also knew he had the upper hand. He had Sia and Yuvika on his side, and together, they were unstoppable.

Just as they were getting started, Siya let out a triumphant cry. "I've got something!" she exclaimed, her eyes fixed on her computer screen.

Yuvika and Yash rushed over to her side, peering at the screen. It was an email, sent from Rohan's account to an unknown recipient. But what caught their attention was the attachment - a confidential document, detailing Talwar Enterprises' latest project.

"This is it," Yash growled. "This is how he's been leaking our secrets."

Sia nodded. "And I think I know who he's been leaking them to."

She clicked on another tab, revealing a shocking revelation. The recipient of the email was none other than Mahajan Industries' CEO, Yuvika's own cousin DIGVIJAY.

Yuvika's face went white. "No," she whispered. "He wouldn't betray me like that."

Yash's expression was grim. "We can't trust anyone now. We have to assume everyone is working against us."

Sia nodded. "I'll keep digging, see if I can find any more evidence."

As they continued their investigation, they knew they were running out of time. Rohan could strike at any moment, and they had to be ready.

But they were determined to bring him down, no matter what it took.

And so, the game continued, with Yash, Yuvika, and Sia on one side, and Rohan on the other. Only time would tell who would emerge victorious...

Yuvika's eyes blazed with fury as she stared at the screen. "Digvijay," she whispered, her voice trembling with rage. "My own cousin."

Yash's expression was grim. "We can't jump to conclusions, Yuvika. We need proof."

But Siya was already on it, hacking into Digvijay's email account, searching for any evidence of his betrayal.

Meanwhile, Yuvika's mind was racing. How could her own brother do this to her? They had grown up together, fought together, and he was working against her.

Just then, Siya let out a cry of triumph. "I've got it!" she exclaimed, her eyes fixed on the screen.

Yuvika and Yash rushed over to her side, peering at the screen. It was an email, sent from Digvijay's account to Rohan, detailing Yuvika's plans to take down Talwar Enterprises.

Yuvika's face went white. "It's true," she whispered. "My own cousin is working against me."

Yash's expression was grim. "We need to confront him."

But Yuvika shook her head. "Not yet. We need to gather more evidence. We can't let him know we're onto him."

Sia nodded. "I'll keep digging. See if I can find any more proof."

As they continued their investigation, they knew they were taking a risk. Digvijay was a powerful man, and if he found out they were onto him...

But they had to know the truth. They had to bring him down.

Just then, Yash's phone buzzed. He glanced at the screen, his expression darkening.

"What is it?" Yuvika asked.

"It's Rohan," Yash growled. "He wants to meet."

Yuvika's eyes narrowed. "What does he want?"

Yash shrugged. "He didn't say. But I think we should go."

Sia nodded. "We need to know what he's planning."

And so, they agreed to meet Rohan, knowing it could be a trap, but determined to bring him down.

As they left the office, Yuvika couldn't help but wonder what her cousin was thinking. Did he really think he could betray her and get away with it?

She smiled grimly. Oh, Digvijay. You have no idea what's coming for you.

They arrived at the designated meeting spot, a deserted warehouse on the outskirts of town. Rohan was already there, a smug smile spreading across his face.

"Yash, Yuvika, Siya," he said, his voice dripping with sarcasm. "So nice of you to come."

Yash's eyes narrowed. "What do you want, Rohan?"

Rohan chuckled. "Oh, I think you know. I want Talwar Enterprises. And I'm willing to do whatever it takes to get it."

Yuvika stepped forward, her eyes blazing with fury. "You'll never get it, Rohan. We'll never let you."

Rohan shrugged. "We'll see about that. You see, I have something you want. Something that will give me the upper hand."

Sia's eyes narrowed. "What are you talking about?"

Rohan smiled. "Digvijay. Your precious cousin, Yuvika. He's been working with me all along."

Yuvika's face went white. "No," she whispered. "That's not true."

Rohan chuckled. "Oh, but it is. And I have the proof right here."

He pulled out a folder, filled with documents and recordings. Yuvika's eyes widened as she saw the evidence.

"No," she whispered again. "Digvijay, how could you?"

Rohan smiled. "He was easy to manipulate. And now, he's mine."

Yash's eyes narrowed. "What do you want, Rohan?"

Rohan's smile grew wider. "I want Talwar Enterprises. And I want Yuvika to step down as CEO."

Yuvika's eyes blazed with fury. "Never," she spat.

Rohan shrugged. "Then I'll make sure everyone knows the truth about Digvijay. And Yuvika's precious reputation will be ruined."

Sia stepped forward, her eyes flashing with anger. "We'll never let that happen."

Rohan chuckled. "We'll see about that."

And with that, he turned and walked away, leaving Yash, Yuvika, and Sia to ponder their next move.

But they knew one thing for sure. They would never give up. They would fight to the end to bring Rohan down and clear Yuvika's name.

The game was far from over. In fact, it was just beginning.


Edited by shaleenadmires - 19 days ago
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Team Bhidur

Posted: 19 days ago

Gotta catch up on quite a few chapterssmiley36 will be back soon
