What if Anuj never came to Anupamaa's life ?

1100572 thumbnail
Posted: 1 months ago

What if Anuj Kapadia never came to Anupamaa and Adhya's life or may be they only had a brief encounter ?? In a parallel Anupamaaverse may be this is how things would have unfolded for better. smiley36

Vanraj and Anupamaa have turned into best friends. Anupamaa starts working for the café. As long as a more powerful, seemingly better-looking (debatable though, looking at V now) man hasn’t entered her life, Vanraj doesn’t feel threatened. After Bapuji convinced Anupamaa to stay back at Shah House, Baa is also content that the caged bird, even though now peeping beyond the veranda due to divorce, won’t fly too far away. Even if she learns to flutter her wings like a butterfly, she won’t go too far from the household, where solving the problems of its members is the elixir of her life.

Anupamaa, with her nest at an arm's distance, is more relaxed and focused at work. With the dance academy nearby, she has bettered her skills. Vanraj, while supporting her in running the café, often argues with her about dancing which inspires Samar also to do so, hence corrupting his mind. Anupamaa flaunting her singlehood status gives back in “Aapko Kya” style at the dance academy, while both cooperate to take the café to greater heights. Anupamaa innovates some more tastier dishes that are appreciated by the customers. Since her mind isn’t perturbed by unnecessary phone calls from a random Majnu, her dishes are never contaminated with any kind of insects.smiley16

Tosu and Pakhi create regular ruckus, for which Mata and Pita come together. Kavya sometimes cooperates and at times complains that the regular fuss hinders her romantic time with her V. She expresses to V that she wishes to stare at his handsome face the whole day, but the unnecessary drama hinders her romantic life. Vanraj, feeling elated at being considered handsome, asks Anupamaa to handle the café alone more often so he can fulfill his newly wedded wife's desires. This gives him the opportunity to become the sole authority at the café. Considering that the land belongs to her pujniya Bapuji, she makes sure that not one mistake is made by her. She works twice as hard, thinking that if the café prospers, Baa might shower her blessings upon her. She interacts with different kinds of customers on a daily basis and faces troubles interacting with wannabe English-speaking customers and also lawyers when they try to explain rules regarding protecting the café’s name, logo, recipes, dispute resolution, food safety regulations, filling forms, etc. Troubled by the thought that V is busy giving more time to his wife and Pakhi is getting more attracted to Kavya because of her language skills and more confident personality, she decides to learn the English language and presentation skills so that her children at least don’t get too attracted to Kavya. She works day in and day out to learn the language.smiley16

Then one day, deciding to surprise Baa, Anupamaa goes to Baa to demonstrate her newly acquired skills. Baa, on the face, appreciates her hard work, which makes Anupamaa so happy, causing tears of joy to flow from her eyes. Then Baa asks her to make breakfast for everyone and cut vegetables for lunch, and only then leave for her café. Anupamaa happily does as ordered. Baa feels troubled internally, though. In the absence of Vanraj's attention—who is sometimes busy vacationing with Kavya, sometimes romancing her in his office—Anupamaa is slowly upgrading her skills and might soon end up controlling a major part of the household finances. Baa’s utility for Anupamaa lies in her ability to control her unrestrained children, not money.smiley36

Baa summons Vanraj and informs him about the situation with regards to Anupamaa, which is going out of hand. She asks him to keep a check on his ex-wife, keep taking regular visits to the café, and restrict her authority to making dishes only, not letting her expand her exposure. The ground shifts beneath Vanraj’s feet, realizing Anupamaa's growth in such a small span of time. Anupamaa, in the meantime, starts contemplating taking orders online as suggested by Kinjal and Samar. The next day, Vanraj visits the café and asks Anupamaa about the condition of the café.

She confidently tells him about things. Thinking he might appreciate her, which is still very important for her, she feels elated within her heart. However, Vanraj starts finding faults in her work and management. He asks her to remain limited to the recipes, and he will take care of management, asking any officials or lawyers to deal with him directly. Anupamaa’s whole world feels shattered. She feels discouraged.smiley38

She still loves him. He is no more hers. She has accepted the reality. But why is it so difficult to say even a few nice words for her and her hard work? After all, she is doing all this for their family. Their encouragement means the world to her. Thinking how life is so unfair to her, she gets drunk for the first time in her life.smiley28

Edited by InsaneDivine - 1 months ago


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1100572 thumbnail
Posted: 1 months ago

A fine-looking, middle-aged gentleman enters the café. He is a little frustrated as he has suffered some losses in his business. He orders a chocolate fudge. Anupamaa, in her inebriated state, ends up messing with the dish a bit, by adding some rum into it. She serves it to the gentleman. He has it and loves it. He gets emotional about it as, in the past few months, this chocolate fudge is one of the first sweet things that has happened to him. He introduces himself as Anuj Kapadia. In his intoxicated state, he praises her dish and tells her how perfect it is. He tells her that he was as perfect as her dish when it came to judging people. But somehow this time he made a mistake and incurred losses. He always thought that he was flawless, which is why men and women all admired him. But this experience has shaken his belief in himself. She has all the time in the world that day, so she patiently hears him. She tells him she understands his pain, but perfection is not a never-ending attribute; it is an ongoing process. When she started learning to cook, she made a lot of mistakes as well, but over the years of practice and failing, and also under Baa's strict monitoring and her panache for good taste, she now thinks she has become a better cook. Despite that, there are times when ingredients don't end up in correct proportions. But now she has a better judgment and she knows whether the dish needs to be prepared again or if some amends would be sufficient. Anuj feels there is some weight to her words and feels a little attracted towards her.smiley16

In her emotional state, she also shares with him that no matter how well she prepares every dish, people very close to her heart never feel touched by it, and while they enjoy what she makes, they never appreciate it or her efforts, and in fact, always demean it. He tells her if she knows that her recipes are her strength and enjoyed by others while never getting acknowledged, it’s better that she negotiates things better with such people. They should know, or at the very least be made to believe, that they would lose the joy of savoring the delicacy if they don’t give it the adequate respect. The message needs to be given to such people. She too feels a little attraction towards him hearing those words.smiley10

In that tipsy state, in the heat of the moment, they kiss each other. Anuj then offers to drop her home. Thinking that if she goes back home in this drunk state, Baa might curse her. She cannot even think of coming in front of Bapuji like that. He is her father, her God. That home is her temple. So she decides to drop by her mother's house and stay there for the night. Anuj drives her to her mother's home. Both bid goodbye to each other. Kanta feels shocked seeing Anupamaa drunk. Kanta scolds her. Anupamaa tells her that she wishes to sleep well as she needs to resume her routine at the café and Shah house again the next day. Kanta prepares the bed for her. She goes to sleep.smiley3

The next morning, when both Anuj and Anupamaa wake up, they think of the previous night's events. Anupamaa feels a little shocked at her action. Anuj is okay, but he feels a little déjà vu. Long back in college days, he used to love a girl, a classical dancer but a reserved girl. But she got married to someone else. He had to catch on with life, his further studies, and the business that would soon need his attention. So his focus shifted, he forgot about the girl, and besides, he found other relationships in life. He loved his freedom and had responsibilities towards securing his sister's future, who is also a single mother, so he never got married. He thinks he should have at least asked the name of the lady he met in the café. But then his GK Kaka calls and asks him to return to America as soon as possible. He always complies with GK's orders, so he wraps up all the pending work in India and takes the earliest flight back to America.smiley16

That night, a customer has also lost her diamond ring in the café. So she asks for the CCTV footage from Anupamaa, so that she can know where she lost it. Anupamaa offers to help. But Vanraj is also there, who doesn’t want Anupamaa to mix much with outsiders, so he offers to help instead. While going through the footage, Vanraj sees Anupamaa and Anuj kissing each other in an inebriated state. He feels the shock of his life. He knows who the man is. He has always thought of Anupamaa as someone below him. He has managed to attract beautiful Kavya into his life, but how could Anupamaa attract someone like Anuj Kapadia? All hell breaks loose for him. He asks Anupamaa to come back to the Shah House as early as possible. He shows the footage to Baa. Baa, after looking at the video, washes her eyes with Gangajal. She berates Anupamaa and calls her characterless. Vanraj, even though he has cheated on her in the past, shames her. Anupamaa feels her world crumble listening to their words. But just then she remembers Anuj's words. She knows her services matter to them and they matter to her no matter what they say. Baa is her mother and culinary Guru. However, it is time they are put in their place. She has significant exposure in the café now and also an emotional hold over Bapuji. The café is also an important source of household income. Anupamaa tells them that there are a variety of recipes that she has innovated for the café cum restaurant and lent to the restaurant free of cost. But if they don’t give her the due respect, she will get her recipes registered as a trade secret and end up partnering with some other restaurant. Since she is under no legal agreement with Vanraj, sharing the details of her recipe would not be illegal. In fact, if they use her recipe against her will, she would indeed file a case against them. As far as kissing someone is concerned, she is a free bird now, a single woman, so Vanraj needn’t feel jealous.smiley15

Both Vanraj and Baa stand there shell-shocked. How could Anupamaa reply back to them like that? She is not the Anupamaa they know. Back in the room, Anupamaa thinks that no matter what, Vanraj is the father of her children and Baa is her mother. Even though she has threatened them, she needs to cool things down sooner. She has to live with them. Shah House is her nest. Baa and Vanraj think that Anupamaa is going too far. Kinjal joins them and tells them that she loves her mummy the most. She is pregnant and needs her, and even after that, to raise her kid. If Vanraj and Baa don’t change their ways, one day mummy might leave the house and go. She is not a legally wedded wife of Vanraj anymore. Baa ponders upon it. Kinjal is right. They won’t be able to handle the kids alone without Anupamaa. Anupamaa would do all this lovingly and without any expectation. Kinjal, Kavya have jobs. Tomorrow Samar will get married and have children. They will need Anupamaa's help. Anupamaa is rebelling. They need to soften their tone towards her else they will end up in loss.smiley7

The next day, Anupamaa serves hot ginger tea to Mishter Shah and offers to massage Baa's knees. While massaging Baa's knees, she tells her that she loves her the most. She reiterates that Baa is a Goddess to her whom she worships. But doesn’t a devotee deserve some respect in return? Baa's words of appreciation and blessings matter to her. Anupamaa politely tells her that if she doesn’t shower her love upon her now after 26 years of service she has given to her house, she will snatch her share of love from her now. She has her rights on her affection and she shall have it. It’s better if Baa gives it to her willingly. Baa feels Anupamaa has gone mad. But she still tells her that she would try to cooperate. After all, needs define actions.smiley15

Vanraj again starts drifting away from Kavya and starts giving attention to Anupamaa so that she does not decide to leave the house. He also tries to keep her in check, but every time Anupamaa threatens him with one thing or the other. Vanraj has to pacify her. He showers her with praises for her dishes so that she does not feel rebellious. He buys spices for her, even though he hates their smell, so that she does not have to go to the market in high temperatures. Anupamaa starts enjoying his attention. Vanraj keeps getting more and more occupied with Anupamaa.smiley4

One day the café catches fire. Anupamaa and Vanraj both get stuck. Anupamaa risks her life to save Vanraj. Vanraj, looking at her dedication, feels guilty for cheating on her and not realizing her worth. He apologizes to Anupamaa. Both Vanraj and Anupamaa return back home. He cries in front of her and asks her never to leave him and go. She reminds him that he is a married man now. However, Vanraj’s intensity of words and his eyes full of love for her cloud her judgment, and they cannot help but satiate their desires. Both Anupamaa and Vanraj decide to keep it a secret from everyone, including Kavya, and not break the house.

Kavya, however, keeps getting insecure. She diverts her attention to work where she starts excelling, whereas Vanraj keeps on falling short because of his lack of focus. One day Kavya decides to confront Vanraj about his growing relationship with Anupamaa. He tells Kavya that she is the mother of his children and they shall always be related no matter what, and he owes no explanation to her. Kavya accuses him of cheating on her with Anupamaa. Vanraj is shocked to realize that Kavya knows. Kavya tells him that Sarla and Vimla have seen both Vanraj and Anupamaa in an intimate state when they were keeping an eye on the daily drama of the Shah House. Kavya just wants Vanraj and Anupamaa to come clean to her, but they don’t. Kavya decides to divorce Vanraj. She leaves the Shah House. Vanraj feels a little sad. He has two wives, but now he is again left with one. smiley38

Anupamaa feels mixed emotions though. However, she is happier now. She can now have Vanraj again all for herself. Slowly she makes her place back again into the Shah House. All of them, including her children, have to respect her, at least on her face, as she holds a significant chunk of finances. Baa makes peace with the fact that they need Anupamaa, and Vanraj makes peace with the fact that even though he hates the smell of her spices, she is an integral part of his life, the mother of his children, and maybe now even the love of his life. He wants her back. Baa asks him to delay and get married again to Anupamaa.

Anupamaa, even though she agrees to the proposal, this time makes Mishter Shah and Baa sign an agreement that she will be respected in the house, Baa will allow her to go on Sundays to meet with her friends, Vanraj will take her with him to his office parties and dates. Baa will never curse her and always talk politely to her. If they fail to comply with the above conditions, the café’s ownership will be taken over by her and she will leave the Shah House forever.smiley15smiley16

Thinking that everyone has to make compromises at some point in time in life, both Baa and Vanraj agree to her conditions and sign the agreement. Vanraj and Anupamaa get remarried. Her happiness knows no bounds. Their children are happy. Vanraj does not need anything more apart from his children's happiness. Anupamaa has got everything in her life. Her energy levels double. She works even harder to expand her café. Vanraj, looking at the profits the café is making, decides to leave his job and help Anupamaa. Tosu and Pakhi also decide to help. Bapuji and Baa feel elated as their original family gets complete. After breaking up with Nandini, Samar turns into spiritual pursuits and eventually becomes a Bodhisattva.

Back in America, Anuj decides to reflect on his mistakes with respect to trusting the wrong people that end up in him incurring losses. He remembers Anupamaa's words that perfection is an ever-going process and only through trials and errors can a person decide whether he has to start a process again or make small amends. Anuj decides to replace the entire top-level management at the unit of the company that is making losses. They were anyway there because of the nepotism of his trusted partner who has betrayed him. He throws everyone out and takes the recruitment of appropriate people in high positions into his hands for some time. Over a period of time, he is able to bring things back on track and find responsible people for the job. He is perfect again.smiley16

The prosperity of the Shah Family after Vanraj and Anupamaa's remarriage reaches its zenith. They expand their café, start taking online orders, recruit new staff, and introduce new products into the market like Shah Masaale, Shah Noodles, Shah Samose, Shah Aloo Bhujia, etc. Soon their business turns into an empire.smiley17smiley16

Everyone lives happily ever after. Anupamaa and Anuj never meet again in this life, while a young 6-year-old keeps growing in an Ashram, with her eyes brimming with hope and an optimistic outlook towards life.smiley9

Edited by InsaneDivine - 1 months ago
strancho thumbnail
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Sarcastic Chatterbox

Posted: 1 months ago

DKP rip it off. Do give credits though.

Just show that everything was a dream and go back in time and restart.

Arshi67 thumbnail
Posted: 1 months ago

This trip into the realm of what_if was a lovely read. The way you dealt with Baa felt particularly satisfying. Sarla Ben and Vimla Ben ka thenk you the end game was realised before too long #AnuRaaj4Ever

As always, I see pujniya Bapuji is missing when any action kicks off!

kamaal_ho_gaya thumbnail
Visit Streak 30 0 Thumbnail Group Promotion 2 Thumbnail


Posted: 1 months ago

Ms. Writer I want this to happen in the show anyhow,anyhow,anyhow❤

Better late than never... 😍

kamaal_ho_gaya thumbnail
Visit Streak 30 0 Thumbnail Group Promotion 2 Thumbnail


Posted: 1 months ago

Originally posted by: InsaneDivine

A fine-looking, middle-aged gentleman enters the café. He is a little frustrated as he has suffered some losses in his business. He orders a chocolate fudge. Anupamaa, in her inebriated state, ends up messing with the dish a bit, by adding some rum into it. She serves it to the gentleman. He has it and loves it. He gets emotional about it as, in the past few months, this chocolate fudge is one of the first sweet things that has happened to him. He introduces himself as Anuj Kapadia. In his intoxicated state, he praises her dish and tells her how perfect it is. He tells her that he was as perfect as her dish when it came to judging people. But somehow this time he made a mistake and incurred losses. He always thought that he was flawless, which is why men and women all admired him. But this experience has shaken his belief in himself. She has all the time in the world that day, so she patiently hears him. She tells him she understands his pain, but perfection is not a never-ending attribute; it is an ongoing process. When she started learning to cook, she made a lot of mistakes as well, but over the years of practice and failing, and also under Baa's strict monitoring and her panache for good taste, she now thinks she has become a better cook. Despite that, there are times when ingredients don't end up in correct proportions. But now she has a better judgment and she knows whether the dish needs to be prepared again or if some amends would be sufficient. Anuj feels there is some weight to her words and feels a little attracted towards her.smiley16

In her emotional state, she also shares with him that no matter how well she prepares every dish, people very close to her heart never feel touched by it, and while they enjoy what she makes, they never appreciate it or her efforts, and in fact, always demean it. He tells her if she knows that her recipes are her strength and enjoyed by others while never getting acknowledged, it’s better that she negotiates things better with such people. They should know, or at the very least be made to believe, that they would lose the joy of savoring the delicacy if they don’t give it the adequate respect. The message needs to be given to such people. She too feels a little attraction towards him hearing those words.smiley10

In that tipsy state, in the heat of the moment, they kiss each other. Anuj then offers to drop her home. Thinking that if she goes back home in this drunk state, Baa might curse her. She cannot even think of coming in front of Bapuji like that. He is her father, her God. That home is her temple. So she decides to drop by her mother's house and stay there for the night. Anuj drives her to her mother's home. Both bid goodbye to each other. Kanta feels shocked seeing Anupamaa drunk. Kanta scolds her. Anupamaa tells her that she wishes to sleep well as she needs to resume her routine at the café and Shah house again the next day. Kanta prepares the bed for her. She goes to sleep.smiley3

The next morning, when both Anuj and Anupamaa wake up, they think of the previous night's events. Anupamaa feels a little shocked at her action. Anuj is okay, but he feels a little déjà vu. Long back in college days, he used to love a girl, a classical dancer but a reserved girl. But she got married to someone else. He had to catch on with life, his further studies, and the business that would soon need his attention. So his focus shifted, he forgot about the girl, and besides, he found other relationships in life. He loved his freedom and had responsibilities towards securing his sister's future, who is also a single mother, so he never got married. He thinks he should have at least asked the name of the lady he met in the café. But then his GK Kaka calls and asks him to return to America as soon as possible. He always complies with GK's orders, so he wraps up all the pending work in India and takes the earliest flight back to America.smiley16

That night, a customer has also lost her diamond ring in the café. So she asks for the CCTV footage from Anupamaa, so that she can know where she lost it. Anupamaa offers to help. But Vanraj is also there, who doesn’t want Anupamaa to mix much with outsiders, so he offers to help instead. While going through the footage, Vanraj sees Anupamaa and Anuj kissing each other in an inebriated state. He feels the shock of his life. He knows who the man is. He has always thought of Anupamaa as someone below him. He has managed to attract beautiful Kavya into his life, but how could Anupamaa attract someone like Anuj Kapadia? All hell breaks loose for him. He asks Anupamaa to come back to the Shah House as early as possible. He shows the footage to Baa. Baa, after looking at the video, washes her eyes with Gangajal. She berates Anupamaa and calls her characterless. Vanraj, even though he has cheated on her in the past, shames her. Anupamaa feels her world crumble listening to their words. But just then she remembers Anuj's words. She knows her services matter to them and they matter to her no matter what they say. Baa is her mother and culinary Guru. However, it is time they are put in their place. She has significant exposure in the café now and also an emotional hold over Bapuji. The café is also an important source of household income. Anupamaa tells them that there are a variety of recipes that she has innovated for the café cum restaurant and lent to the restaurant free of cost. But if they don’t give her the due respect, she will get her recipes registered as a trade secret and end up partnering with some other restaurant. Since she is under no legal agreement with Vanraj, sharing the details of her recipe would not be illegal. In fact, if they use her recipe against her will, she would indeed file a case against them. As far as kissing someone is concerned, she is a free bird now, a single woman, so Vanraj needn’t feel jealous.smiley15

Both Vanraj and Baa stand there shell-shocked. How could Anupamaa reply back to them like that? She is not the Anupamaa they know. Back in the room, Anupamaa thinks that no matter what, Vanraj is the father of her children and Baa is her mother. Even though she has threatened them, she needs to cool things down sooner. She has to live with them. Shah House is her nest. Baa and Vanraj think that Anupamaa is going too far. Kinjal joins them and tells them that she loves her mummy the most. She is pregnant and needs her, and even after that, to raise her kid. If Vanraj and Baa don’t change their ways, one day mummy might leave the house and go. She is not a legally wedded wife of Vanraj anymore. Baa ponders upon it. Kinjal is right. They won’t be able to handle the kids alone without Anupamaa. Anupamaa would do all this lovingly and without any expectation. Kinjal, Kavya have jobs. Tomorrow Samar will get married and have children. They will need Anupamaa's help. Anupamaa is rebelling. They need to soften their tone towards her else they will end up in loss.smiley7

The next day, Anupamaa serves hot ginger tea to Mishter Shah and offers to massage Baa's knees. While massaging Baa's knees, she tells her that she loves her the most. She reiterates that Baa is a Goddess to her whom she worships. But doesn’t a devotee deserve some respect in return? Baa's words of appreciation and blessings matter to her. Anupamaa politely tells her that if she doesn’t shower her love upon her now after 26 years of service she has given to her house, she will snatch her share of love from her now. She has her rights on her affection and she shall have it. It’s better if Baa gives it to her willingly. Baa feels Anupamaa has gone mad. But she still tells her that she would try to cooperate. After all, needs define actions.smiley15

Vanraj again starts drifting away from Kavya and starts giving attention to Anupamaa so that she does not decide to leave the house. He also tries to keep her in check, but every time Anupamaa threatens him with one thing or the other. Vanraj has to pacify her. He showers her with praises for her dishes so that she does not feel rebellious. He buys spices for her, even though he hates their smell, so that she does not have to go to the market in high temperatures. Anupamaa starts enjoying his attention. Vanraj keeps getting more and more occupied with Anupamaa.smiley4

One day the café catches fire. Anupamaa and Vanraj both get stuck. Anupamaa risks her life to save Vanraj. Vanraj, looking at her dedication, feels guilty for cheating on her and not realizing her worth. He apologizes to Anupamaa. Both Vanraj and Anupamaa return back home. He cries in front of her and asks her never to leave him and go. She reminds him that he is a married man now. However, Vanraj’s intensity of words and his eyes full of love for her cloud her judgment, and they cannot help but satiate their desires. Both Anupamaa and Vanraj decide to keep it a secret from everyone, including Kavya, and not break the house.

Kavya, however, keeps getting insecure. She diverts her attention to work where she starts excelling, whereas Vanraj keeps on falling short because of his lack of focus. One day Kavya decides to confront Vanraj about his growing relationship with Anupamaa. He tells Kavya that she is the mother of his children and they shall always be related no matter what, and he owes no explanation to her. Kavya accuses him of cheating on her with Anupamaa. Vanraj is shocked to realize that Kavya knows. Kavya tells him that Sarla and Vimla have seen both Vanraj and Anupamaa in an intimate state when they were keeping an eye on the daily drama of the Shah House. Kavya just wants Vanraj and Anupamaa to come clean to her, but they don’t. Kavya decides to divorce Vanraj. She leaves the Shah House. Vanraj feels a little sad. He has two wives, but now he is again left with one. smiley38

Anupamaa feels mixed emotions though. However, she is happier now. She can now have Vanraj again all for herself. Slowly she makes her place back again into the Shah House. All of them, including her children, have to respect her, at least on her face, as she holds a significant chunk of finances. Baa makes peace with the fact that they need Anupamaa, and Vanraj makes peace with the fact that even though he hates the smell of her spices, she is an integral part of his life, the mother of his children, and maybe now even the love of his life. He wants her back. Baa asks him to delay and get married again to Anupamaa.

Anupamaa, even though she agrees to the proposal, this time makes Mishter Shah and Baa sign an agreement that she will be respected in the house, Baa will allow her to go on Sundays to meet with her friends, Vanraj will take her with him to his office parties and dates. Baa will never curse her and always talk politely to her. If they fail to comply with the above conditions, the café’s ownership will be taken over by her and she will leave the Shah House forever.smiley15smiley16

Thinking that everyone has to make compromises at some point in time in life, both Baa and Vanraj agree to her conditions and sign the agreement. Vanraj and Anupamaa get remarried. Her happiness knows no bounds. Their children are happy. Vanraj does not need anything more apart from his children's happiness. Anupamaa has got everything in her life. Her energy levels double. She works even harder to expand her café. Vanraj, looking at the profits the café is making, decides to leave his job and help Anupamaa. Tosu and Pakhi also decide to help. Bapuji and Baa feel elated as their original family gets complete. After breaking up with Nandini, Samar turns into spiritual pursuits and eventually becomes a Bodhisattva.

Back in America, Anuj decides to reflect on his mistakes with respect to trusting the wrong people that end up in him incurring losses. He remembers Anupamaa's words that perfection is an ever-going process and only through trials and errors can a person decide whether he has to start a process again or make small amends. Anuj decides to replace the entire top-level management at the unit of the company that is making losses. They were anyway there because of the nepotism of his trusted partner who has betrayed him. He throws everyone out and takes the recruitment of appropriate people in high positions into his hands for some time. Over a period of time, he is able to bring things back on track and find responsible people for the job. He is perfect again.smiley16

The prosperity of the Shah Family after Vanraj and Anupamaa's remarriage reaches its zenith. They expand their café, start taking online orders, recruit new staff, and introduce new products into the market like Shah Masaale, Shah Noodles, Shah Samose, Shah Aloo Bhujia, etc. Soon their business turns into an empire.smiley17smiley16

Everyone lives happily ever after. Anupamaa and Anuj never meet again in this life, while a young 6-year-old keeps growing in an Ashram, with her eyes brimming with hope and an optimistic outlook towards life.smiley9

Very well written 👌👍❤❤❤

God! Please pour in some sane divine power to Serial writer's brain and make the story like our IF Aspiring and Inspiring Writer InsaneDivine. 🫶

Edited by kamaal_ho_gaya - 1 months ago
ShahH8er thumbnail
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Posted: 1 months ago

The story and execution!!! Loved it smiley27

Thoo thoo Shahis and their talentless team could never....

Bodhianveshika thumbnail
Visit Streak 500 0 Thumbnail Visit Streak 365 0 Thumbnail + 5
Posted: 1 months ago

Hamesha ki tarah, Apratim. If only the creatives sneak in to implement some ideas, and acknowledge.

Mystic_Muse thumbnail
Rainbow Reign Pride Participant 0 Thumbnail Anniversary 10 Thumbnail + 6
Posted: 1 months ago

Why don't you join the cvs . You are best for this . I actually get inside it.

Thank you for this. smiley2
