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Team Kavya

Posted: 2 days ago

The episode starts Rajiv helping Kavya pack her food.Kavya ask Rajivi about Anjali Rajiv answer she come back soon.Rajiv asks Kavya why hasn't the car come till now. Kavya says the car will not come for the secretariat post. Rajiv says to her that Adi did really wrong with her.Driver comes to Kavya's house n tell her Adi send car to take her office. Kavya say to him call Adi n kavya tell Adi she will not get into his car n if he sends car again then she will burn down the car n driver along with it. Kavya doesn't listen what Adi say n cut the call. Kavya asks Rajiv to drop her at the office. Rajiv agrees.

Netaji asks Seema why did she bring him here. Seema says to Giri that she wants to show him something n asks Giriraj to follow her Giri follow her.

Kavya comes to the secretariat. Kavya learn from the attender that MLA Sahab asked him to take special care of her. Kavya say no need. Adi comes n asks Kavya why did she come in an auto. Kavya asks Adi to come into the room again after knocking on the door. Adi knocks on the door. Adi repeat the question. Kavya just ignores Adi.

Kavya secretary came with files n say this files need urgent signature.Kavya make fun comment of this that annoyed Adi. Adi leave from there.

Seema brings Giriraj to somewhere n says this is a factory. Seema says these are all Govt med that are sent to Govt hospitals n they will steal these med before they reach the hospital n sell them to private hospitals by changing the label. Giriraj asks Seema what will she do if anyone finds out.

Kavya asks Srivastav for B village files.Kavya see files carefully n asks him that if these many medicines are going to B village then y there so many deaths becoz of not having medicine. Kavya recalls seeing expired med strips on the side of the road so she decides to do surprise inspection.

Giriraj asks Seema what will she do when the people on the road side find the expired strips. Seema asks a worker about it. Seema scolds on him n asks him to clean those strips right away as if anyone sees those expire strips that will be a problem.

Seema learns from her man that Kavya is visit to B village for surprise inspection. Seema asks her man to buy the driver n stop security's car n make sure Kavya is alone.Kavya's security car gets stopped due to trouble in the car.

Kavya's car gets attacked buy some goons. The goons ask Kavya to give him everything she have in her purse. Adi comes n rescues Kavya from the goons. Adi makes sure Kavya isn't hurt and lashes out at her for breaking protocol and getting into danger.

Seema says to Giriraj that Kavya has backed away now n now Adi himself stopped Kavva to do anything becoz of his own fear.

Thanks for reading sorry for mistakes.

Do comment guys for forum rating.


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rakeshopg thumbnail
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Posted: 2 days ago

Thank you for your efforts and written updates.

rakeshopg thumbnail
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Posted: 2 days ago

An ok episode. Nothing new in the story, the same old planning/plotting of Giriraj (and the only new change Seema, a replacement of Anurag/Amma). Adi seems to be falling in their trap as they know his weakness and using it to their favor, and continue to make same mistakes. Kavya being at loss in all this as always.

Hopefully the makers/writers realize that, they have almost ruined the show now and bring in some changes at least for the viewers, before its too late.

rakeshopg thumbnail
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Posted: 2 days ago

So disheartening to see Kavya losing all her power/reputation/facilities. All her dreams to do something for the people/society are completely shattered and all because of Adi. 

Sadly, she cannot even defend him anymore, in front of Rajiv/anyone who curse/insult him badly. In fact, she ended up going against/insult/hurt him in front of others. That must be extremely painful for her.

rakeshopg thumbnail
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Posted: 2 days ago

It looks like Anjali need to brought back badly here. It looks like, the mothers will play their role bringing back Adi and Kavya together again. There seems to be already an indication of it.

Sadly, everything seems to be just a repeat of old tracks.

rakeshopg thumbnail
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Posted: 2 days ago

So good to see, how Kavya is determined to teach Adi a lesson/make him realize his mistake. That was the best part of the episode. Its so needed, even if both gets hurt in the process.

Although, its quite sad to see now after coming this far. All this could have been avoided through proper communication and now being brought down to a level where they hurting each other and themselves too.

rakeshopg thumbnail
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Posted: 2 days ago

Kudos to Kavya for focusing back on her work and willing to fulfill her promise she made to the lady in the village. Its really commendable to see, how quickly she bounces back every time.

It was a good example of no matter how much people try to keep her away from the truth, she always finds her way back to it. 

Cannot wait to see, Kavya exposing the medical scam soon.

Edited by rakeshopg - 2 days ago
rakeshopg thumbnail
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Posted: 2 days ago

Seema seems to be more dangerous than Giriraj as of now and having her own agenda against him. A repeat of Anurag/Amma's character here. Looks like, she will make Giriraj the scapegoat and may be Kavya will save him in the end.

The only refreshing part in this track seems to be like Giriraj is being used by someone badly, for the first time.

rakeshopg thumbnail
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Posted: 2 days ago

No words for Giriraj and his thinking. He is only bothered about heir and not even his son. He is ready to do everything possible, just for the money for his MP ticket.

First time, Giriraj's character looked so weak, who had been so vicious, seems to be falling into someone's trap badly.

rakeshopg thumbnail
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Posted: 2 days ago

It looks like, this track may go to an extent of Adi being attacked by Seema (same as Amma/Anurag attacked him) and Kavya may save his life once again. And Giriraj may blame himself this time, as it will be all because of him.

Every track is just a repeat of an old track. Sadly, the writers have completely failed here, they have nothing new to offer.
