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Team Kavya

Posted: 3 days ago

The episode start kavya upset with Adi n leave without him.rajivi ask kavya what are you doing she say we went Bansal house not Pradhan house.adi stand on road look worries. they enter in Bansal house rajivi asked kavya what is going on. kavya stay silent shub come n ask kavya is she okay.she says she needs rest. rajivi asked Shub what happened shub inform him that Adi leak information of village scene.adi come there n ask kavya what happened rajivi

angry on him n said you destroying my daughter career. anubha parents ask her where is shub? she says maybe on work I call him.

Rajiv asks Kavya to send Adi away. Shub asks Adi to leave from here. Adi says he came here to talk to his wife. Kavya asks Adi if he is the one who got her transferred to Sachivalai. Adi asks Kavya how does he know about it. Kavya asks Adi if he thinks she is a did a reporter in Delhi know what happened in village n what kind of a coincidence it is as the reporter is friend of Adi. Adi says to Kavya that he only took this decision thinking about her and their baby. Adi remind Kavya of what happened in the village n says he was just trying to protect her. Kavya says to Adi that he betrayed her n he took her right away from her. Adi says to Rajiv

that he is not strong that he will be able to handle the pain of losing of his baby or Kavya. Adi leaves from there. Kavya thanks Shub for helping him and asks him to leave as Anubha might be waiting for him. Adi enter in Pradhan house Malini asked him where's Kavya he say her father home.

Malini calls Kavya n asks Kavya y you r not coming here. Giriraj comes to Adi and praises Adi for transferring Kavya to Sachaivalai. Malini overhears it n apologise to Kavya for what happened n cuts the call.

Adi says to Giriraj that he did this only protect his kid n wife. Malini hearing it slaps Adi n says to Adi that he doesn't have any right to take decision for Kavya in her career. Malini says Kavya's career will be affected due to his decision. Giriraj argues with Malini about Adi's actions. Malini says to Adi that he should have supported Kavya in her decision n you r same as you father what he did to me you do with kavya. Rajiv help kavya to preper bed n say bad things about Adi. Kavya asks Rajiv to stop it and sends him away. Adya thinks about eachother n whatever happened n cries.

Thanks for reading sorry for mistakes.

Do comment guys for forum rating.


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rakeshopg thumbnail
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Posted: 3 days ago

Thank you for your efforts and written updates.

rakeshopg thumbnail
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Posted: 3 days ago

Good episode. The intentions, realizations and mistakes everything highlighted for every character clearly. 

Have to wait and see, how the story unfolds from here. Most importantly, what will be Kavya's professional growth from here and how does she find her way out to get back to DM/Collector's post from here.

rakeshopg thumbnail
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Posted: 3 days ago

The makers failed to make it clear here that Adi was never aware of the consequences/effects of his actions on Kavya's career. All the while, when Kavya confronted/blamed him or when he took decisions in the village, he was only apologetic about forcing his decision on her/going against her decision to stay back in the village.

It looked like, he understood Kavya's actual loss, only after Malini explained (the dark spot in her career/how it effects in her professional growth).

rakeshopg thumbnail
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Posted: 3 days ago

Not understood the reason for creating this transfer track by the makers. Was it to highlight Adi's weakness/mistakes OR was it to highlight medical scam OR was it showcase Kavya's loss/sufferings OR was it highlight lack of support of the family in her life OR was it to expose Shubh later OR was it to highlight the villagers problems...what exactly the track was about? Nothing seems to fit here properly.

Most importantly, none of the reasons justify to create rift between Adi and Kavya here, when they are to be reunited.

Hopefully, there is something more to this track and the makers explain everything before reuniting them.

Edited by rakeshopg - 3 days ago
rakeshopg thumbnail
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Posted: 3 days ago

As of now, it looks like, this track was created only to highlight the flaws of Adi or how he destroyed Kavya's career, or he is not a supportive husband.

If its so, then it was not at all necessary to highlight the villagers issues/sufferings OR medical scam OR Shubh's involvement..etc here.

It could have been achieved without all this and most importantly the "super husband" sequence was a waste too. 

Also, if it was to highlight Adi's mistakes only, then they should have made him a villain and end his role with Kavya taking revenge for destroying her career.

rakeshopg thumbnail
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Posted: 3 days ago

There must be some reason behind why Adi repeatedly inquired about how Kavya found the news of his involvement. Otherwise, it looks so meaningless for asking her that question, when she clearly meant she knows the truth and he clearly knows what he did.

Hopefully, there is some thing more than what is being shown here. Looks like, Shubh had planned all this to create the rift between them.

rakeshopg thumbnail
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Posted: 3 days ago

What a terrible loss for Kavya. Most importantly, she lost her reputation completely, which is very difficult to get back again. It was not worth to bring down Kavya's character to this level, for whatsoever reason. The makers failed miserably here.

There could have been challenges created in her professional life/office to highlight her sufferings and how she wins back everything, than to make her character look so vulnerable like this.

What was the need to highlight her strength/focus/determination and jazbaa/junoon..etc., when she had to be brought back to do a desk job in the end.

If at all, it was to show her sufferings from her personal life, the suspension/2.O track was enough and already did solve the purpose, why this track again?

rakeshopg thumbnail
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Posted: 3 days ago

Rajiv was justified here to confront Adi for whatever Kavya had to go through professionally, after years of her hardwork. Though, Adi looked like had no clue about Kavya's career loss at that time.

Also, Rajiv failed to understand Adi's intentions even after so much of confrontation/arguments. That looked a bit weird.

Most importantly, not understood how did he conclude Adi was selfish here. Was it because, Rajiv thought Adi did it purposely so that, he wanted prove his superiority over Kavya professionally (the same which he mentioned when Kavya got pregnant)?

Its quite clear now, Rajiv will never accept Adi in this life. Its better Adi should not try to win him over or even blame him for hating him anymore, as it will look meaningless.

rakeshopg thumbnail
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Posted: 3 days ago

Shubh's intentions were made very clear here, especially how he ignored Anubha's call/his promise to be there with her. It will be a terrible mistake for Anubha to still trust/proceed to marry him from here. 

After being an IPS officer and very clearly mentioned by Kavya, if she still goes ahead with this relationship she will have to blame herself later.
