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EmptySky thumbnail
Posted: 12 days ago
I can't believe I am reading this masterpiece just now. What a beautifully painful story. I especially love the fact that before she could entirely move on from the past, the last thing unknown to her was unfolded. She connected the dots on her own and she realised how everything has been a lie since the very beginning. The minute detail of her hands shaking due to the anxiety and exhaustion, is a something I specifically appreciate because that portrays to what extent she was affected by all the harassment and abuse, that she could physically feel the tremors. This story gave me the catharsis that I think I needed after watching the disappointing track in the show and the cruelty they subjected a young girl to. Thank you for writing this, for giving Abhira a new beginning, that she deserves, a new life in Delhi and for writing it so realistically. The part where she is brooding so much that she forgets to get down and then the little hope that a stranger sprinkles upon her, was so poignant and so beautiful. I am looking forward to what more you have for her. I hope you update this sooner or later. This is too good to be left incomplete.
Gurveen thumbnail
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Posted: 11 days ago

Please update next part soon 
