Anupama will be successful only when she comes out of relationships

prachetas2211 thumbnail
Posted: 1 months ago

Anupama simply refuses to learn from her mistakes. This is because she fails to come out of this vicious circle called Relationships. While Anupama was right in saving Kinjal and Pari 1st in that fateful car accident 5 years ago, whatever Anuj spoke is also right. I will blame Anuj for the mess he has created for himself. He should not have married Anupama who was always a red flag. Vannu accuses Anupama for that unfortunate car accident and calls her Panauti (A bad omen). Anupama is heart broken as the family whom she has served for 26 years despite Baa and Vannu's abuses. Even after marrying Anuj she shamelessly chooses to be a maid to the toxic Shah family. Some instances where Anupama chose the toxic Shah's over the selfless Anuj and CA aka Aadhya.

01. Anuj is in the wheel chair after a terrible accident involving him and Vannu but Anupama helps Kinjal in her labour. Kinjal should have gone with Rakhi ji during her pregnancy. Rakhi ji would have taken the best care of Kinjal.

02. CA aka Aadhya is excited about dance function in her school but Anupama prepares khichdi for Baa. Can't Baa hire a maid for cooking khichdi or order khichdi online leading to Anuj's frustration which is perfectly justified. Why should Anupama prepare khichdi for Baa who had always abused her for 26 years?

03. Anuj is heart broken after seeing CA aka Aadhya go with Maaya. Anuj wanted a thorough background check on Maaya. Blind fans of Anupama (Including Devika) accuse Anuj of walking out of his wedding with Anupama but it was the latter who was at fault. Anupama celebrates Holi with the toxic Shah's

04. Toshu suffers a paralysis stroke. Rakhi ji suggests hiring a nurse for Toshu which was the right option (Allowing Kinjal to focus on her career), both Kinjal and Vannu approve Rakhi ji's idea of hiring a nurse for Toshu. But Leela being Leela runs to KM to beg Anupama to take care of Toshu.

Anupama should learn some thing from Rakhi ji. Rakhi ji just focused on her business without being bothered about the outside world. I like the following things about Rakhi ji.

01. Her refusal to becoming a bechari even though Pramod cheated her.

02. Being a good and caring mother for Kinjal even though Kinjal turned to be an ungrateful daughter.

03. Being the most practical, logical, sanse, sensible, well educated and a rich business woman.

04. Being a thorough professional when it comes to business. Her focus on her business led her to becoming a successful business woman.

05. Her intelligence when it comes to guaging the true colors of Shah's especially Toshu.

06. Not being involved in the vicious circle called Relationships. She had cared for Kinjal even though Kinjal stayed far away from Rakhi ji.

Anupama will become successful if she comes out of this vicious circle called Relationships and takes a leaf out of Rakhi ji's book.


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prachetas2211 thumbnail
Posted: 1 months ago

And Kinjal should not be blamed for Anuj and Anupama's wedding ending in a divorce. Kinjal did not force Anupama to marry Anuj. It was Anupama's personal decision and Kinjal supported her in her decision. At least Kinjal should have urged Anupama to think twice before marrying Anuj.

Historia thumbnail
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Posted: 1 months ago
Anupama can't handle family or any realionship with her friends.she should stay alone and focus herself only
Bodhianveshika thumbnail
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Posted: 1 months ago

Rakhi proves that relations are not a hurdle in one's independence. Rakhi raised a family by herself. She took help when needed in terms of hiring a staff. She knew when to step in for new relations and when to watch through the sidelines.

Relations are one's support system. They do Not demand losing oneself to the relation.

Take Kanta for instance, she raised an independent daughter. She led an independent life, she stood by her daughter through her lowest and encouraged her to re-start, she gave timely advises and guidance (it's another matter that Anupama did not heed to it and considers Leela her mother) and protected her while making her independent.

In case of Anupama, she doesn't know when to draw the line and has this liking of people being dependent on her. She perhaps fears people leaving her if they are no longer dependent on her.

So, relationships are not the problem, her insecurity and need to be in control of the relationship is.

kooki07 thumbnail
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Posted: 1 months ago

Well known of the Mahanta Devi jee Anupma
