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revatijoshi thumbnail
Visit Streak 30 0 Thumbnail Group Promotion 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 3 days ago
yup....now all viewers are only watching K-A scenes....FF the rest.........that one tiny itsy-bitsy scene of less than 2 min also....FK and DS did fab job.........even though it was only facetime and not face to face scene.........
kavitha thumbnail
Posted: 2 days ago
Please change story writer
divine_16 thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Visit Streak 180 0 Thumbnail + 3
Posted: 2 days ago

Episode was okayish for me nothing to drool about or a rewatch...not even Arshna scene. 

Glad for a fraction of second Mohini was in a doubt how could Arshna be so good to help her from the trouble....and then back again with the thought of taking revenge from them.The way Krishna knocked down the head of the goon on the table...reminded me of the fierce Krishna from Dwarka. Arya being so supportive to Krishna and making her to ease out and make her guilt free.So,human trafficking scenario has also been shown to frame Mohini and get her arrested but later saved by Arshna.But had a doubt in my mind...is it a prelude which will take a full course plot in future episodes also ?? Bcoz framing Mohini and arresting her doesn't serve any purpose if it doesn't have a reason to show something related to in future episodes.May be Krishna/Aarya will be trapped ...there was a kind of foreshadow in today's precap where Krishna says about crossing the hurdle and reaching out to Aarya.

The precap was disgusting...how much can a person tolerate the creepiness of Mohini?? Can't that towel scene be featured on Arshna??I hope Aarya tells Krishna about Mohini's creepy acts and throw her out of the house.Aarya was so angry and disgusted with that girl!! Now toh the goon has been arrested and there is no danger for Mohini to stay in  a hotel.If Krishna is so worried about her better make arrangements and send her off from the house.

revatijoshi thumbnail
Visit Streak 30 0 Thumbnail Group Promotion 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 2 days ago
K-A scenes were so magical b4...now looks forced.....feels liked they skipped bunch of steps---1.A needed to realize love should b self less(they way he was counting favors that he did and asked K to choose him over M....totally bad).2. K needed to find out real reason for A's transphobia and help him out of it just like he helped her out of depression of M's fake death....3.K needed to realize that she too loves A...right now seems like she just accepted the relation since all elders asked her to!!
kavitha thumbnail
Posted: 2 days ago
Can anyone tel me who gave the Gundam money for acting like that,when mohini and sid are unaware of it.even sid was tensed that how did it happen.?
divine_16 thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Visit Streak 180 0 Thumbnail + 3
Posted: 2 days ago

Originally posted by: revatijoshi

K-A scenes were so magical b4...now looks forced.....feels liked they skipped bunch of steps---1.A needed to realize love should b self less(they way he was counting favors that he did and asked K to choose him over M....totally bad).2. K needed to find out real reason for A's transphobia and help him out of it just like he helped her out of depression of M's fake death....3.K needed to realize that she too loves A...right now seems like she just accepted the relation since all elders asked her to!!

They have skipped the most important parts just to fit in Mohini's lame revenge plot.Y'days Arshna scene would have made a wonderful impact if they had shown Krishna's feelings or has given an insight to her thoughts.Everything regarding Krishna have to be interpreted. They have shown Aarya's falling in love process beautifully but didn't bother to explore Krishna's.Suddenly we see Krishna admiring her patidev...wants to go out on a romantic date and on the other hand she is ready to leave everything for the sake of Mohansmiley29If someone is so much in love with a person then how come she even think about leaving everything for her brother??smiley6 These things are so confusing and vague.Transphobia ki baat toh chod hi do...seems like the writers have conveniently forgot about that track...though I'm keeping my hope alive to see Aarya's transphobic nature is addressed and this time Krishna being his true saathi.
divine_16 thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Visit Streak 180 0 Thumbnail + 3
Posted: 2 days ago

Originally posted by: kavitha

Can anyone tel me who gave the Gundam money for acting like that,when mohini and sid are unaware of it.even sid was tensed that how did it happen.?

I think may be this will be extended in future episodes.They haven't even shown the person's face who gave the money to goon.It's kind of mystery they kept. May be this person will harm either Aarya/Krishna(guessing by Krishna's dialogue in the precap) .I might be wrong .
Thorn.Princess thumbnail
Posted: 2 days ago

Mohini is an abomination. Typical Colours BS smiley13

What have they done to the storyline? smiley19

Arshna are nice, but their track also seems to be hurried to establish the new premise, I am more of a fan of slow burn romances tbh. 

SidNi is coming across so creepy, we did not ask for it in this manner smiley14

Where did the trans-community angle disappear? Like hello, that was the whole point of this show smiley44 

LookatTheStars thumbnail
Visit Streak 180 0 Thumbnail Visit Streak 90 0 Thumbnail + 3
Posted: a day ago

Debattama looked so pretty in this scene! smiley42


divine_16 thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Visit Streak 180 0 Thumbnail + 3
Posted: a day ago
Pooji.. she is looking the best in this show. Her styling and costumes after marriage has been good.