FF - Passion of Love - Ch 144- Pg 53 - Page 53



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coderlady thumbnail
Posted: 2 days ago

Shaurya is a person of true class. He is a fine character indeed.

coderlady thumbnail
Posted: 2 days ago

Spoke too soon. Shaurya would not marry a commoner? And there he is smitten with Aparjita.

coderlady thumbnail
Posted: 2 days ago

Shaurya and Aparjita are direct parallels of Vasant and Prithvi. Will their path be forever the same?

NostalgiaLove thumbnail
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Posted: 2 days ago

Chapter 140

Aparajita reached the gates of Meluha's palace but the guards stopped her.

Aparajita- I am sister of Queen Vasantmitra, let me in.

One guard laughed- Thousands like you come every day, yesterday someone came claiming himself to be father of Queen Vasantmitra just because he wanted to see the queen as he had heard a lot about her beauty. Go away or we will arrest you. 

Aparajita thought it was futile to argue so she went away. She saw some female slaves were taken into the palace. She disguised herself as a slave and entered the palace. 

Aparajita thought- I must meet Didi soon. 

The slaves were taken to a large bathroom take bath and dress themselves up. 

Prithvi- Shaurya, I am furious on Lakha. I want him dead or alive. 

Shaurya- Don't worry brother, he won't be able to accomplish anything. We will crush him.

Prithvi- Samagra, I have got the news that Lakha and Suryadev's men together attacked our western borders and choas has been created. You must go there as soon as possible and control the situation. 

Samagra- I will do my best Prithvi, don't worry. He thought- Western borders huh? It's a good way for me to execute my new plan to trap Virochana. Samagra left the room. 

Prithvi- So Shaurya, did you meet mother? 

Shaurya- Yes brother I did and I also met your fiancee, our friend Avantika. 

Prithvi had a blank reaction on this. 

Shaurya- What happened brother? I thought you would be very excited to marry your childhood love but here I am seeing you getting irritated on her name. 

Prithvi with angry eyes- You don't know what she did to me Shaurya.

Shaurya- What did she do brother? 

Prithvi told him everything.

Shaurya- Bhaiya, probably it was a misunderstanding , she's our friend, forgive her. 

Prithvi shouted- You don't know how it feels to get betrayed Shaurya.

Shaurya- Fine Bhaiya, don't be angry, but then why are you marrying her? 

Prithvi didn't want to tell him about his complicated equations so he said- Just forget everything for now. You have come here after a tedious journey, just relax. 

Shaurya was confused a lot, he thought- Prarthna looked irritated and sad, Bhaiya is also sad, what is happening? And Vasantmitra Bhabhi looked sad too. What the hell is going on? Ah....I need some rest. He left for his room. 

Avantika in her room was choosing her dress for her engagement.

Avantika with her new maids....

Avantika- I like that red one...

One maid- No Rajkumari, that silver one looks so beautiful.

Avantika- Dhatt, who wears silver in engagement. I need pure red one, it's a passionate colour and will make everyone see how much I love my king. 

All maids giggled and Avantika blushed, suddenly Vasantmitra entered the room. 

Avantika had a victorious smirk on her face. 

Avantika- Well , well looks who's here, a great dacoit cum Maharani 

Vasantmitra shouted- Ekant

Maids were frightened 

Avantika- How dare you these are my maids. 

But the maids quickly ran away as they knew how favoured she was in the palace. Avantika was shocked.

Vasantmitra- I came to give you this necklace, I knew every queens gives a gift to would be wife of the king. Kamla gave me one, I am sure she has given you her gift, here's from me. 

Avantika saw the necklace and it was absolutely gorgeous.

Avantika now felt awkward and she simply said- Thank You. 

As she was about to go....

Avantika- Vasantmitra.....

She turned back

Avantika-- Congratulations on your news, I.... forgot to properly congratulate you. 

Vasantmitra However looked sad and said- Thank You, may god bless you with a son soon after you get married. And she left.

Avantika had tears in her eyes and she thought- Why suddenly I felt a warm feeling for her in my heart. She's not related to me, she's my rival.

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Posted: 2 days ago

Chapter 141

Kanak to servants....

Kanak- My darling son Shaurya has arrived, I want a beautiful girl for him. Servants brought few girls in front of Kanak. Aparajita was one of them. She thought- What the hell is going on? Why am I here in front of this Rajmata? 

Kanak was examining girls one by one...

Kanak- This girl doesn't have beautiful eyes...

She went to next girl...

Kanak- Send her in service of my daughter in law Kamla. She went to third girl- Send her in service of Vasantmitra, she needs care nowadays. She saw fourth girl- Send her to my favourite daughter in law Avantika. And then she came to Aparajita who lowered her eyes just to stay out of suspicion. She thought- Why couldn't this old lady send me in service of Didi.

She touched chin of Aparajita and examined her carefully. She said- Marvellous, beautiful girl. Her eyes are like ocean, fair skin, she is only slightly less beautiful than Vasantmitra. Prepare her and send her in service of Shaurya. 

Aparajita who was not very bright when understanding customs thought she would do chores for Shaurya. 

Aparajita thought- Oh now I will cook and clean for Prince. Never, I will straight run to Didi's room. 

Servant room Aparajita to get dressed....

Prithvi was very tired so he went to meet Vasantmitra and when he entered the room he saw Vasantmitra was examining a sword. He panicked and came to her. He snatched sword from her hand. 

Prithvi- What the hell were you doing? 

Vasantmitra- I was just examining it. 

Prithvi- You shouldn't be around dangerous things. You are to be a mother soon. 

Vasantmitra smiled- Well no one is here to tell me about things. 

Prithvi- Where are your maids? 

Vasantmitra- Forget about it, what brings you here? 

Prithvi- Can't I come in my dearest wife's room. 

She smiled- You can but.....I thought you would wanna spend time with Avantika now. 

Prithvi laughed and said- Your jealous face is so tempting. He leaned to kiss her but she stopped him. 

Prithvi- What? 

Vasantmitra- I heard about Lakha's attack. You don't share your problems with me anymore. Wasn't I your warrior first then your wife. Why don't you include me. 

Prithvi- I don't wanna stress you. 

Vasantmitra- I understand but I am your queen. Neither Kamla not Avantika are capable to understand these things. Whom will you talk to then? 

Prithvi- Even now you are thinking about war. Just relax youself. He kissed her forehead. 

They talked for quite some time and then he fell asleep. Vasantmitra was admiring him thinking- No matter what, I love him. She gave a gentle kiss on his forehead and fell asleep besides him. 

Lakha got a news....

Man- We have successfully ravaged a whole village, Prithvi is falling into our trap, he is sending Samagra here. 

Lakha- Brilliant.....now our plans will properly start. He evil smirked.

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Posted: a day ago

Chapter 142

Aparajita was being made to wear a really beautiful dress along with jewellery and perfume. 

Aparajita- Why are you guys decking me up in these girly dress and jewellery? 

Servants giggled.....

One servant- Tonight you are gonna serve Prince Shaurya. 

Aparajita confused- Serve like what? Food? 

One servant- Oh yes food and drinks too and then you will sing a lullaby to him to make him sleep. 

Aparajita thought Shaurya was a child- Oh so this Prince Shaurya is a child and I am being sent as a babysitter. Oh but why such jewellery, oh maybe so he doesn't miss his mommy. But Rajmata Kanak is a dowager queen, whose son is this Shaurya? Baba told me Maharaj has a son and a daughter. So maybe I am being sent to babysit the prince. Oh it's such a boring job. 

Suddenly head of harem came and looked at Aparajita. 

Head- Beautiful, absolutely gorgeous. Only if she was as beautiful as Maharani Vasantmitra, Rajmata probably would choose her for Maharaj himself and she evil laughed.

Aparajita- It's weird, Maharaj needs Babysitter? 

Head slapped her...- How dare you? 

Aparajita got angry and slapped the head back....everyone was shocked. 

Head took a stick and she was about to beat her when Aparajita took that stick from her and twister her hand really hard. Guards came and head said- Whip her thousand times but one servant said- Rajmata has chosen her for the Prince. We don't have time to find a new girl. We will punish her later. Guards took Aparajita forcefully away to Shaurya's room.

Shaurya was sitting all alone lost in Aparajita's thoughts when a servant came...

Servant- Rajkumar, Rajmata has sent a slave for you.

Shaurya was not in spirits but he didn't wanna refuse gift of his step mother and Rajmata. 

Shaurya- Let her in...

Shaurya was looking outside the window when Aparajita was forced into the room and Guards locked the door. He was drinking,he knew the girl entered but he didn't care.

Aparajita looked at Shaurya's back and she said- Hey, you are not a child, why do you need a babysitter you idiot. 

Shaurya got angry and he turned and shouted- How dare you? But as soon as he saw Aparajita, he got very shocked and stared at her with open eyes in shock. Aparajita looked confused. She blinked twice to make him blink but he was staring at her like a statue. 

Aparajita- Are you ok? Do I call someone? 

Suddenly Aparajita remembered him.....

Aparajita - Oh I remember you, you fought those malicious goons with me. Thanks haan. 

As she was about to leave the room he grabbed her hand and was breathing heavily. He hugged her. Aparajita was shocked. 

Shaurya- I knew I would meet you again. I can't believe you are my new concubine. I am so happy mother chose you for me. 

Aparajita got shocked- Cccc....cc.... Concubine, what, he pushed him away. I am not a concubine. 

Shaurya- What? Then why are you here? 

Aparajita- Your servants told me I am gonna feed you food and sing you lullaby. I thought you were a child.

Suddenly Shaurya busted out laughing........he was laughing like anything...

Aparajita- What's so funny? 

Shaurya- No, I...I was just trying to imagine you singing me a lullaby. It's so funny. 

Aparajita also laughed- Its nice meeting you Prince Shaurya but you are mistaken I am not a concubine. 

Shaurya- Then who are you? 

Aparajita- I am sister of Maharani Vasantmitra. But the palace guards weren't letting me enter the palace so I entered through slaves. They took me to Rajmata and she chose me. I didn't understand why but now I understand. 

Shaurya- Sister of Bhabhi Ma? 

Aparajita- Ah didi is there years younger than you but sure, a Ma. 

Shaurya- I am sorry these guards and servants mistreated you. I sincerely apologise.

Aparajita- None taken, hey I like you. You are so fun. We shall be good friends.

Shaurya came towards her and said- Yeah friends. 

Aparajita- Can you help me?.

Shaurya- I can do anything for you. 

Aparajita looked at him with amusement, they stared at each other for a while, Aparajita broke it and said- I want to meet Didi , Can I meet her? 

Shaurya- Such a simple thing, let's go right now. 

Aparajita- let's go..

They both came outside together and the servants were highly confused. They straight went away to meet Vasantmitra.

One servant- Where is Rajkumar going with this slave? She was supposed to serve him tonight. 

Another servant- I don't understand.

They all were shocked.....

Prithvi and Vasantmitra were sleeping and the guards informed that. 

Aparajita- It's not nice to wake them up. 

Shaurya- Ah you can stay in my room, I will stay in another one. 

Aparajita- What if I stay in another room and you stay in yours. It's a palace. 

Shaurya thought- I wanted to have your scent. Oh yeah, common sense right.

Aparajita- But it's very uncommon. She laughed and he was just admiring her. He thought- Her laugh is so cute. 

In the middle of the night Vasantmitra woke up as she was thinking about many things and was concerned. She was tensed about Lakha's situation and Avantika and Prithvi'z wedding, side by side she was tensed about her Child's future. She went to balcony and was looking at the moon. She touched her belly and thought- I never imagined I would marry for love and now I am with my child. What's in the future for me. Will I stay like a wallflower in this big palace? Slowly getting neglected as my beauty fades away and Prithvi moving on to younger beauty. Is that my fate? Tears started coming out of her eyes. Should I just leave everything and live alone with my child? She looked at Prithvi sleeping. No, I can't do this to him. As long as he needs me I will be there for him, as his love, wife and warrior. I can't leave him in distress. I love him. 

As she was lost in her thoughts someone hugged him from behind. 

Vasantmitra- Why are you awake? It's midnight. 

Prithvi- Why are you crying? 

Vasantmitra- Nothing, just some thoughts were coming in my mind.

Prithvi- If you are worried about upcoming war, don't be, you are a warrior yourself, why are you so afraid.

She caressed his face- I am afraid of losing you and myself. She hugged him- I love you Prithvi, will all my heart. 

He smiled and kissed her head- Calm yourself my dear. 

Vasantmitra- I want you to destroy Lakha and Bhadradev. They have tried many times to destroy you. It's enough. Specially that Bhadradev, Baba Hates him, you Hate him so I hate him. He's a terrible guy. 

Prithvi smirked- I will bend their knees  in your feet. 

Vasantmitra kissed him..........and the moon was once again witness of their love.

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Posted: 22 hours ago

Chapter 143

In morning, Vasantmitra came out after taking bath and was having her hair dried when suddenly a dasi came...

Dasi- Maharani, Prince Shaurya wants to meet you. 

Vasantmitra- Let him in

Shaurya entered- Pranam Bhabhi 

Vasantmitra- Pranam, how are you Shaurya? So early? Don't you have to go to court? 

Shaurya- Yes I do but first I want you to meet someone.

Vasantmitra- Who? 

Shaurya- Close your eyes.

Vasantmitra- What? Why? 

Shaurya- Please do it. 

Vasantmitra- But ....

Shaurya- Please......

Vasantmitra smiled- Okay and she closed her eyes.

Aparajita entered the room and she got all emotional seeing Vasantmitra decked up as a queen, she looked even more beautiful than before. 

Aparajita in tearful voice- Didi...

Vasantmitra got shocked and opened her eyes.. tears started flowing from her eyes.

Vasantmitra- Aparajita?

Aparajita ran to Vasantmitra and hugged her.

Vasantmitra and her started crying, even Shaurya got tears seeing this emotional reunion. 

Shaurya- You two talk, I will leave..

Vasantmitra- Aparajita, why are you here? Who let you in?

Aparajita told her the story

Vasantmitra- You shouldn't have come here, Rajmata and Prithvi won't like you are here. 

Aparajita- Why not Didi? I am your sister, you are not a slave, you are a queen. Why can't you meet your family? 

Vasantmitra- It's complicated 

Aparajita- Nothing is complicated, reality is that that cunning King has trapped you here for his own pleasure. He married you just so that you could be trapped here.

Vasantmitra- Don't say things like this, he loves me and I love him. 

Aparajita- If that's so why doesn't he make you his Mukhya Maharani, why are you not allowed to meet your family and why that old lady hates you? 

Vasantmitra- Aparajita I won't listen anything against my husband and his mother. 

Aparajita- Why not?

Vasantmitra- Because they are royals. It's so easy to blame their decisions but very tough when you put yourself in their shoes. You are forgetting we are not commoners, dacoits. Who respects us? Tell me. His reputation will be ruined because of me. I don't want to force him to ridicule because of me. 

Aparajita became silent

Vasantmitra- I know it's cruel but....but I love him Aparajita, with all my heart and soul. I can't bear to see him sad. 

Aparajita- Fine, he can't reveal your identity but why is he stopping you to meet your family? 

Now Vasantmitra became silent and lowered her eyes

Aparajita- If he loves you so much why don't he shut his mother up, why can't he stand with you against his mother? Above all why is he marrying again? You should have been his last choice if he loved you so much. You have been trapped Didi in most cunning way possible. I am here to reconnect you with your family. Here, these are the letters Baba wrote to you. 

Vasantmitra took the letters- Aparajita leave please, before it's too late. Rajmata won't tolerate another dacoit in this palace. 

Aparajita- No, I am here to fight for your rights. 

Vasantmitra- I am capable myself Aparajita, good or bad I love Prithvi, I don't want to create problems for him. I don't want any rights, only his love. 

Aparajita- this is not you, what happened to you? 

Vasantmitra folded her hands and said- Don't try to break my home Aparajita I beg you, please. 

Aparajita had tears- But....

Vasantmitra- I can handle myself now leave....

Aparajita felt pain in her heart seeing Vasantmitra like this- Baba was right, you are blind. 

Vasantmitra- When you will fall in love, you will understand me better. 

Aparajita- You are mistaken Didi, I will never fall in love and certainly not like this.

Aparajita left for her room which Shaurya gave her to pack her bags......she left her room tearfully....

Vasantmitra started crying loudly......

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Posted: 3 hours ago

Chapter 144

Aparajita went to her room in anger and started packing her bags already. She started throwing her clothes in the bag blabbering- I wanted  Didi to fight for her rights and here she is being a servant. If she wants her life this way who am I to object. I was stupid to come here...ah...I ....she had tears in her eyes. Shaurya suddenly came...

Shaurya- Why the hell are you packing your bags? You just came here.

Aparajita- I met didi now I willl leave. 

Shaurya-No please 

Aparajita confused

Shaurya- I mean stay here for a while, have fun here, there is gonna be a marriage here. You will have a lot of fun here, I promise. 

Aparajita - Explain me fun, what's fun in seeing the king marrying for like infinite time, it hurts my didi so it hurts me.

Shaurya- ahm.....ahm....

Aparajita - ahm what? 

Shaurya- Your didi will be very upset so she will need your support. She will be all alone, she needs to stay happy. 

Aparajita- But she doesn't want me here, rajmata won't like me as I am a dac....commoner. 

Shaurya-  I know Rajmata is not very fond of Bhabhi but you are as a guest here. Maa does not insult guests. Come on, please. 

Aparajita- Why are you so adamant for me to stay here? 

Shaurya- Because I want to see Bhabhi happy, it will give her great pain to see Bhaiya and Avantika marrying each other. With you here she will have a support. I am sure Bhabhi wants you here. 

Aparajita- I don't like to stay as unwanted guest. 

Shaurya- I told you, you are my guest here, please....(He made puppy eyes)

Aparajita- okay fine but only for didi and you will tell her I am staying in your request. If someone insults me, I won't hold back. 

Shaurya- Agreed , he thought- I wish I didn't have to go to court today. I want to spend whole day with her.

Aparajita thought- I must stay careful, I can't trust this weird family. 

Shaurya left the room unwillingly while Aparajita was anxious for Vasantmitra. Shaurya went to Vasantmitra's room and told her the situation. 

Vasantmitra- Shaurya I am fine, let Aparajita go. 

Shaurya- Bhabhi you eyes have swollen from crying. You are greatly distressed. With your sister here you will have an emotional support. I know Mukhya Maharani is your friend but in the end she is your rival afterall. You need someone who genuinely cares for you. 

Vasantmitra- You are here na shaurya, for me.

Shaurya- I know Bhabhi but I have been brought up by Rajmata, I am indebted to her as my mother was a concubine, I never saw her in my life. I don't even know if she is even alive or not. I won't be able to stand up for you even if I want. That's why I want Aparajita here to take care of you. She will care for you on my behalf as well as because she is your sister. Also, Avantika is my friend too, we have been great friends since childhood. How can I take sides? 

Vasantmitra- Oh shaurya, you care for me so much, you barely know me. 

Shaurya- You are my brother's wife, it's excuse enough for me to take care of you. 

Vasantmitra had tears in her eyes- The princess who will marry you will be the luckiest girl in the world. He blushed and thought- I and the lucky one, I will marry Aparajita. Vasantmitra didn't think at all Shaurya liked Aparajita as she thought he would not be interested in a commoner. 

Samagra had went to the place of fighting....he had gained some success in eliminating the enemies. In night he was sitting in a tent when a lady entered his tent.

Samagra- I was waiting for you.

Lady- What's my new mission Rajkumar.

Samagra- It's a very dangerous mission, are you prepared? 

Lady- I am loyal to you Rajkumar, tell me.

Samagra explained the lady the whole plan..

Lady- Considered it done

Samagra smirked- Virochana, your game will be over soon and Vasantmitra will get all her rights as Princess of Mahishmati and Chief Queen of Meluha. 

Prarthna was sitting with her son with Kanak, Kamla and Avantika. They were looking at the jewellery to wear on engagement day. 

Avantika- Maa this emerald necklace, it's so beautiful. I want to wear this with my dress.

Kanak- As you wish dear. 

Prarthna was lost and Kanak asked- What happened Prarthna? Why are you so sad and lost?

Prarthna- It's nothing mother , I am tired.

Kanak- Caring for a baby is a tedious task indeed. She called some servants and they took her son away. Come on daughter, choose a dress and jewellery for yourself. 

Prarthna- I am not feeling well mother. Can I escape this whole ceremony? 

Kanak- Absolutely not, why would you? It's your brother's marriage with his actual love. 

Avantika blushed and Kamla looked extremely bored but concerned as Prarthna was being too expressive with her pain. 

Prarthna- Fine mother, I will choose. She chose a jewellery half heartedly. 

Kanak- This ceremony will be so grand it will pierce heart of Vasantmitra. She evil smiled. 

Kamla- Maa , Vasantmitra needs care, perhaps she shouldn't be tortured much. 

Kanak- Who is torturing her? She must have known about this before marrying Prithvi. Besides, I care for all my grandchildren. She shouldn't be too much attached with her child anyway. After it will be born, the child with stay with me and willl only remain with Vasantmitra till the baby needs care. I won't let my grandchild stay a dacoit.

Kamla was shocked- Maa, it's too cruel. 

Kanak-No child of a concubine will stay with his or her mother. 

Kamla- Vasantmitra is not a concubine, she's a queen. 

Kanak shouted- She is not a queen for me and Prithvi agrees with it. 

Kamla had shock of her life- What? 

Kanak- Maharaj can't do this, he loves her..

Kamla- Love or no love, he agrees his children should be brought up with better people not Dacoits. Kamla had tears in her eyes. She thought- If Vasantmitra knows about this, she will be greatly distressed. She might try to escape. This is too much. Separating a child from his mother. I felt sad on Vasudha and other Concubine's conditions as well but couldn't do anything to salvage their situation. This is too much. I must talk with Maharaj. 

Kanak- Kamla why are you so stressed? I won't snatch your child from you. You are a princess and chief queen of Meluha. She caressed her face. You are like my daughter my dear. Kamla fake smiled. 

Kamla thought- Thank you mother, you are very kind. She thought- I won't let Vasantmitra suffer this fate. 

Kanak- You shouldn't worry about Vasantmitra at all, she's your rival and co-wife, you should be angry on her instead that she tricked Prithvi in marrying her. She is actually ambitious and won't think once before killing your son so she could become next Rajmata. 

Kamla was blank faced and trying not to show any emotions. 


