FF - Passion of Love - Ch 150- Pg 56 - Page 52



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coderlady thumbnail
Posted: 5 days ago

chapter 135

Kanak is hell bent of ruining the peace for Vasant. This woman will never learn her lesson.

coderlady thumbnail
Posted: 5 days ago

chapter 136

Vasant is pregnant. But this child has no future until the truth is revealed.

coderlady thumbnail
Posted: 5 days ago

Exactly how was Prarthna planning to get rid of Vasant? Now she is another thorn to deal with.

coderlady thumbnail
Posted: 5 days ago

Prithvi has revealed his true intentions and Kanak is more than happy hearing that. None of these people deserve Vasant.

coderlady thumbnail
Posted: 5 days ago

Shaurya meets his own beautiful dacoit. Another headache for Kanak? She might not care that much since Shaurya is not Prithvi.

coderlady thumbnail
Posted: 5 days ago

chapter 137

Avantika said the truth. Prithvi might not like to have it thrown at his face, but it is what it is.

coderlady thumbnail
Posted: 5 days ago

chapter 138

Aparjita may hate royals but she is about to encounter one herself. She already has.

coderlady thumbnail
Posted: 5 days ago

Kamla is wise and sweet. She is one of the few who truly stand behind Vasant.

NostalgiaLove thumbnail
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Posted: 5 days ago

Originally posted by: coderlady

Kamla is wise and sweet. She is one of the few who truly stand behind Vasant.

Samagra and Kamla are very wise, both are royals in true sense, Samagra's arc might look complicated but it's just a guy having feelings but also knowing his limits, not wild and stupid like Lakha. Prithvi and Samagra are flawed Characters and that's why gives realistic aura to the story. Tired of those unrealistic fictional men who are perfect in every way. This is how Jane Austen wrote her men, they were flawed too but not evil. Samagra and Prithvi are not perfect, Prithvi is very complexed character. 

Edited by NostalgiaLove - 5 days ago
NostalgiaLove thumbnail
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Posted: 5 days ago

Chapter 139

Shaurya reached the palace and Prarthna welcomed him along with Kamla. He touched feet of Kamla.

Kamla- Rajkumar what are you doing, I am two years younger than you. 

Shaurya- I know Mukhya Maharani but you are my Bhabhi and Bhabhi is like mother. 

Kamla smiled and blessed him. 

Prarthna thought- Atleast one person in this house knows sanctity of relationships. 

Shaurya- Bhabhi, I want to meet my other mother. 

Kamla- Other mother? 

Shaurya- Maharani Vasantmitra, my another Bhabhi so another mother. 

Prarthna- Huh, atleast look at her beauty first , you might regret your words. 

Shaurya confused 

Kamla- Ah....let's go Shaurya.

Prarthna was still very upset with everything though on Kamla's advice she was trying to stay silent but her sarcastic comments weren't going unnoticed.

Shaurya came to meet Vasantmitra....

Kamla- Vasantmitra, this is Rajkumar Shaurya

Shaurya looked at Vasantmitra and was shocked....

Shaurya touched her feet....

Vasantmitra- Why did you touch my feet? 

Shaurya- I wish my mother was so beautiful, then I would have been handsome too. Well, atleast I have a new mother who is so beautiful.

Vasantmitra- Mother? 

Shaurya- Bhabhi is like mother and I see my father in Bhaiya. 

Vasantmitra amused and smiled- Pagal, well, you are very handsome too Shaurya. 

He blushed.....

Kamla- And this handsome Rajkumar might soon get married too. 

Shaurya blushed more...

Vasantmitra- Oh ho, look at him, blushing......

Kamla- Have you find yourself the one? 

Shaurya- Bhabhi please......

Vasantmitra- No , no, tell us, don't be scared, we will get consent of Prithvi. 

Shaurya remembered Aparajita......

Shaurya- I am waiting for my the one...

Vasantmitra and Kamla laughed.....Shaurya went away smiling

Vasantmitra- Look at Shaurya and Lakha, poles apart. 

Kamla- Forget about that traitor. 

Vasantmitra- But I hate to see brothers fighting each other.

Kamla- This is life Vasantmitra.

Suddenly a dasi entered the room...

Dasi- Mukhya Maharani Kamla, Maharani Vasantmitra, this invitation is from Rajmata, she talked with Rajpurohit and Maharaj and Rajkumari Avantika's engagement will happen after five days. 

Kamla looked at Vasantmitra who suddenly became distressed. 

Dasi left 

Kamla took her hand and said- Vasantmitra, for your child's sake please, don't be sad. 

Vasantmitra- Will Prithvi leave me for another beautiful woman? 

Kamla- What? 

Vasantmitra- He fell in love with my beauty, and now he is marrying Avantika for his mother. What if someone more beautiful than me enters his life, would he also want to make her his concubine or perhaps marry her. You know he would never marry me if I had given into our desires. 

Kamla- Vasantmitra, as far as I know Maharaj, he might marry thousands of women, but they can't replace you. 

Vasantmitra- You are delusional Kamla..... Vasantmitra left the room in agony. 

Kamla thought- The intensity of Maharaj's feelings for you even he doesn't know Vasantmitra, I pray for the day when you both will realise what's hidden by you two. 

Shaurya went to meet  Prithvi

He touched his feet and Prithvi hugged him 

Prithvi- My dear brother....

Shaurya - Congratulations Bhaiya, two wives in just one year and now marrying Avantika whom you always wanted to marry. We all were such good friends in childhood. Vasantmitra Bhabhi I must say Bhaiya, you got goddess of beauty. 

Prithvi proudly said- I know, I love her very much. 

Shaurya- Of course you do otherwise you won't marry a commoner. I certainly would not. I thought you would make her a concubine. 

Prithvi thought- Shaurya thinks she's a commoner, he doesn't know she was a dacoit. He sighed- Your Bhabhi didn't agree to enter Antahpura and I don't like to keep women out of force even though I am a king, it's so repulsive. Do you have any concubines? 

Shaurya- Only one or two but I am still waiting for love of my life. He remembered Aparajita and thought- Please god, just make me let me meet her even for once, even if she's a commoner, I will offer her to enter my Antahpura, I am sure she won't reject me like Bhabhi did to Bhaiya. 

Aparajita was riding her horse to Meluha's palace thinking- Didi you were such a fool in love, I will never be such a fool and will never accept a royal. There is no man in this world I can love so much so that  for whom I will leave my Baba and freedom. 

Shaurya- God, if she's the one please make me meet her again. I will belive it as my destiny. 
