FF - Passion of Love - Ch 150- Pg 56 - Page 46



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Posted: a month ago

Chapter- 121 

I had assumed that Samagra and Prithvi would also fight, but Vasantmira was successfully defeated Akramak on her own. 

Apart from being a risky dacoit , Akramak lacked moral qualities being a human.

Prithvi was angry with Vasantmira.

Let's see what happens next..

NostalgiaLove thumbnail
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Posted: a month ago

Chapter 127

Vasantmitra entered storming in her room and started packing her bags. Prithvi ran after her and hugged her from behind and grasped her tightly. 

Vasantmitra- Leave me

Prithvi- No I will not, please listen to me. 

Vasantmitra removed herself from his embrace and turned, she was in tears- You proposed her, that means you first said the truth. I was stupid to think that you were only making me jealous.

Prithvi- Vasantmitra I did it all in anger, I am really sorry my love.

Vasantmitra- So if I am angry with you, I should propose someone else, just to hurt you.

Prithvi shouted- Shut Up

Vasantmitra- Why? You have hurt me so much. 

Prithvi came close and said- Few days ago you gave her permission to marry me and now you are so angry, why? 

Vasantmitra- Because..... Because......she's your former lover. She hugged him and said-I fear I might lose you. 

Prithvi- My love you cannot lose me. I am all yours. Don't worry I have told her to pack her bags already. He wiped her tears and said- No one can separate me from you. 

Vasantmitra looked at him and suddenly kissed him, he was unable to take a breath she was that much in love. They fell down and continued their love game. 

Avantika was crying in room and started throwing her things around, Rupa was with Lakha and she wasn't there to soothe Avantika. One dasi told this to Kanak and she came to meet Avantika. 

Kanak- Avantika, stop, what the hell are you doing. 

Avantika- Maa, everything ended. Prithvi refused to marry me and now he is sending me back. What face I will show to my parents. I have lived here for so long and everyone knows about my past. My reputation is ruined. She hugged Kanak and cried real bad. 

Kanak- Don't worry my child, Prithvi has gone mad in love with that dacoit, she looted our peace and made my son her slave through her antics. She wants to be chief queen and rule over this Empire but I will never let her get success in her mission. She wiped her tears and said- Prithvi will be forced to marry you. She gave an evil smile to Avantika.

Rupa arranged for a meeting of Lakha with Suryadev. They secretly met in a jungle. 

Suryadev- Ah Rupa, longtime no see ha...he came towards her and pulled her by the waist in front of Lakha who evil smiled. He gave a kiss to Rupa. 

Lakha- Seems like she was your favourite as well. 

Suryadev touched her lips and said- Oh she's the best. Why did you want to meet me he said while Rupa was kissing him on the neck. 

Lakha- I want to make a deal with you. 

Suryadev- What deal? 

Lakha- You attack Meluha, I will initially help Prithvi but in crucial moment will back down.

Suryadev- What will you gain from this? 

Lakha- I only want Vasantmitra, Prithvi's new favourite, that's it. I don't care to rule the Empire. I will be happy as some Samant. 

Suryadev- Are you playing any game with me? Trust me Lakha the consequences will be dire of this. 

Lakha-  I can do anything to have Vasantmitra as my slave. 

Suryadev- Is she that beautiful.

Lakha- Don't you dare to have her. She's mine only. 

Suryadev laughed- Lakha, you can have your toy. I am more interested in Kamla. After killing Prithvi, I will get Kamla. 

Lakha evil laughed.....

Suryadev took Rupa to his tent and said- I will return her soon.

Lakha evil smirked and signed Rupa to trap Suryadev.

Samagra was reading Vaishali's diary and was shocked to know more details of Virochana's villainy. He showed the diary to Prithvi and they were shocked. 

Prithvi- I can't believe this Virochana is that evil. He's not only against my Empire he's even duping Bhadradev. What is this? 

Samagra- Only Virochana can tell us what exactly he wants. I wanted to use Vaishali to extract the information but seems like she wasn't ready to betray Bhadradev so she killed herself. 

Prithvi- Hmm.....Let us play his game his own way. 

Samagra- How? 

Prithvi- He sent a girl between us, we will do the same.

Samagra- Who? 

Prithvi- Dekhte jao...and he  smirked.

In Morning 

Vasantmitra met Kamla and said- I am sorry Mukhya Maharani, Prithvi forced you out of your room. 

Kamla- Vasantmitra please don't call me Mukhya Maharani, I am your friend Kamla. 

Vasantmitra smiled- Fine Kamla

Kamla and Vasantmitra were going to Mandir together. They reached the temple and did Puja. After they were leaving, they saw some children coming to them for food. They looked malnourished. Seeing them both queens felt really bad and they asked their servants to give them food and good clothes. 

Vasantmitra- How can these children be malnourished in an Empire which does so much work for poor? 

Kamla- I know, I have sent some people to give me report about this and find the reason for that. 

Vasantmitra- We must do something for them. 

Kamla- I agree

Samagra was coming towards them 

Kamla hugged him- Bhaiya, I missed you. 

Samagra- I missed you too and he kissed her forehead. 

Samagra saw Vasantmitra with sad eyes- How are you Maharani? 

Vasantmitra saw here and there- Maharani? Where? Am I not your friend? 

Samagra laughed and said- Fine, Vasantmitra, How are you? 

Vasantmitra- I am very well, is Prarthna alright?

Samagra- Yes she is.

Vasantmitra- I am going to play with your son. She giggled and left. He saw her leaving with sad eyes. 

As he was about to go Kamla said- You really love her don't you? 

Samagra turned and was shocked- What do you mean? 

Kamla- I know you have feelings for her. 

Samagra- She is Prithvi's wife Kamla, how can you say such a thing.

Kamla- I know you loved her even before Prithvi fell for her. 

Samagra got shocked- How you know this? 

Kamla- It was all in your eyes. You can hide your pain in front of everyone but not your sister. 

Samagra angry- What I feel or felt doesn't have any relevance, she's Prithvi's wife and you must respect the relationship. I don't want to talk about such things for someone else's wife. 

Kamla- Fine Bhaiya but I feel sad for you. 

Samagra- I don't need anyone's pity. And he left in anger. 

Kamla had tears in her eyes and said- Why are you so sacrificing Bhaiya? You could have been happy but you sacrificed your happiness for others. 


Edited by NostalgiaLove - a month ago
NostalgiaLove thumbnail
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Posted: a month ago

Originally posted by: MidnightLibrary

Chapter- 121 

I had assumed that Samagra and Prithvi would also fight, but Vasantmira was successfully defeated Akramak on her own. 

Apart from being a risky dacoit , Akramak lacked moral qualities being a human.

Prithvi was angry with Vasantmira.

Let's see what happens next..

Thanks for replying dear 😊 

NostalgiaLove thumbnail
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Posted: a month ago

Originally posted by: MidnightLibrary

Chapter- 121 

I had assumed that Samagra and Prithvi would also fight, but Vasantmira was successfully defeated Akramak on her own. 

Apart from being a risky dacoit , Akramak lacked moral qualities being a human.

Prithvi was angry with Vasantmira.

Let's see what happens next..

Prithvi needed to see what Vasantmitra is capable of. 

NostalgiaLove thumbnail
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Posted: a month ago

Originally posted by: MidnightLibrary

Chapter -119

The aspect of this section that I found most interesting was how Vasantmira, a member of their community and intelligent, was able to easily reach the Akramak and defend them. πŸ’ͺπŸ€›πŸ‘πŸ‘

Prithvi is the object of Avantika's obsession; she did not give a damn about his feelings; she only needed him for herself.

Kamla had developed enough maturity to discern Prithvi's feelings for Vasantmira.

It is very sweet to watch, as Paratha gave birth to a boy and Prithvi was reflecting on the time he spent with his wife and realized how important she was. 

Prithvi's children are born from his concubines who are alive. Vasudha is mother of his son. Vasantmitra is his first legally wedded wife. Kamla is second wife with tag of Chief Queen.

NostalgiaLove thumbnail
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Posted: a month ago

Originally posted by: MidnightLibrary


Whoa , Prithvi had also suspected Vaishali's behavior. Varochana sounds like an intriguing characterβ€”a mastermind's dice.

Prithvi is both concerned and enraged with Vasantmira at the same time.

Let's see what happens next.

I have kept the story grey shaded. Because TV Serials type whitewashing of characters is just too boring. 

MidnightLibrary thumbnail
Anniversary 4 Thumbnail Group Promotion 3 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: a month ago

Originally posted by: NostalgiaLove

I have kept the story grey shaded. Because TV Serials type whitewashing of characters is just too boring. 

I don't watch TV serials..I therefore have no idea what was shown in historical series.

When I was a kid, my family and I used to watch a few TV series...

Among them I like one Bengali serial it a crime thriller suspense family drama...based on The famous Private Detective..Feluda novels..πŸ™Œ

MidnightLibrary thumbnail
Anniversary 4 Thumbnail Group Promotion 3 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: a month ago

Originally posted by: NostalgiaLove

Prithvi's children are born from his concubines who are alive. Vasudha is mother of his son. Vasantmitra is his first legally wedded wife. Kamla is second wife with tag of Chief Queen.

Yes I know It was just a typing mistake I didn't rechecked it ..

Prathana was his sister....

I was trying to say..As Prithvi learned the name of the medicinal plant, he could not help but think of Vasantmira. He missed her during that process. 

NostalgiaLove thumbnail
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Posted: a month ago

Originally posted by: MidnightLibrary

Yes I know It was just a typing mistake I didn't rechecked it ..

Prathana was his sister....

I was trying to say..As Prithvi learned the name of the medicinal plant, he could not help but think of Vasantmira. He missed her during that process. 


NostalgiaLove thumbnail
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Posted: a month ago

Originally posted by: MidnightLibrary

I don't watch TV serials..I therefore have no idea what was shown in historical series.

When I was a kid, my family and I used to watch a few TV series...

Among them I like one Bengali serial it a crime thriller suspense family drama...based on The famous Private Detective..Feluda novels..πŸ™Œ

I have only watched Ishti Kutum, a Bengali serial and god I regretted it, they tried to justify Forced marriage, bigamy, cheating and what not πŸ™„

Historical TV serials are pure mess 
