FF - Passion of Love - Ch 152- Pg 56 - Page 45



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coderlady thumbnail
Posted: 1 months ago

chapter 124

Kamla is a kind soul and she understands the equation between Prithvi and Vasant. Avantiks will never get it.

coderlady thumbnail
Posted: 1 months ago

chapter 125

Poor Vaishali. She had no future but she did not even get to live a life.

coderlady thumbnail
Posted: 1 months ago

Well Prithvi, you are crazy in love and obsessed at the same time. You just never completely realized the depth of it.

coderlady thumbnail
Posted: 1 months ago

chapter 126

Virochana is a mean evil person through and through.

Bhadradev has recognized the name. If he sees her, he will recognize the eyes too.

coderlady thumbnail
Posted: 1 months ago

Avantika loses again. The promise and the proposal will likely remain unfulfilled.

MidnightLibrary thumbnail
Anniversary 4 Thumbnail Group Promotion 3 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 1 months ago

Chapter -118

Interesting and also very intriguing ๐Ÿค—๐Ÿ‘

Numerous conspiracies can be inferred from Vaishali and Lakha's actions.

Although Prithvi had cause for anger, he also needed to consider Vasantmira's reason for leaving for the battle.

So Samagra was in love With Vasantmira and Kamla had an notion about his feelings.

Prathana was worried about her sister-in-law that showed caring side of her towards Vasantmira.

MidnightLibrary thumbnail
Anniversary 4 Thumbnail Group Promotion 3 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 1 months ago

Mini chapter -

Complaint from that woman hit Prithvi from inside out and give him some sense.

Her husband is too stupid but also very insecure..

Well written chapter .

I believe Prithvi will abandon his plans to wed Avantika. 

When Vasantmira finally took off her veil, everyone was taken aback. It seems natural that her father is genuinely proud of her.

Vasantmira is undoubtedly a skilled fighter and deserving of being called chief queen๐Ÿ‘‘. 

MidnightLibrary thumbnail
Anniversary 4 Thumbnail Group Promotion 3 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 1 months ago

Chapter -119

The aspect of this section that I found most interesting was how Vasantmira, a member of their community and intelligent, was able to easily reach the Akramak and defend them. ๐Ÿ’ช๐Ÿค›๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘

Prithvi is the object of Avantika's obsession; she did not give a damn about his feelings; she only needed him for herself.

Kamla had developed enough maturity to discern Prithvi's feelings for Vasantmira.

It is very sweet to watch, as Paratha gave birth to a boy and Prithvi was reflecting on the time he spent with his wife and realized how important she was. 

MidnightLibrary thumbnail
Anniversary 4 Thumbnail Group Promotion 3 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 1 months ago


Whoa , Prithvi had also suspected Vaishali's behavior. Varochana sounds like an intriguing characterโ€”a mastermind's dice.

Prithvi is both concerned and enraged with Vasantmira at the same time.

Let's see what happens next.

MidnightLibrary thumbnail
Anniversary 4 Thumbnail Group Promotion 3 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 1 months ago

Mini chapter -

SO they finally attacked Akramak but it seemed He was also clever to give his men fake news regarding his departure.

He was too obsessed with Vasantmira ๐Ÿ™‚

Let's what happens next.
