FF - Passion of Love - Ch 158- Pg 57 - Page 44



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coderlady thumbnail
Posted: 1 months ago

chapter 120

Did Vasant take the battle too far? If attacking the fort is tricky, she may need reinforcements.

Edited by coderlady - 1 months ago
coderlady thumbnail
Posted: 1 months ago

Akramak knows Vasant well too. He is using her weakness against her. Vasant will be trapped.

coderlady thumbnail
Posted: 1 months ago

chapter 121

She won the battle for him, won the fort which he thought she would not, and she is unhinged?

coderlady thumbnail
Posted: 1 months ago

Vasant had her act together. Akramak thought he had the upper hand, but she had him under her control the whole time.

coderlady thumbnail
Posted: 1 months ago

chapter 122

The secret that saved the day was only known to Vasant. But she should not have revealed to Akramak that she knew about it.

coderlady thumbnail
Posted: 1 months ago

chapter 123

What will he do upon their return? Move her to a better room or follow what his mother wants? He put himself in a mess.

coderlady thumbnail
Posted: 1 months ago

Hope Rupa will realize who her friends are. Vasant was the only person who looked out for her. No one else did.

NostalgiaLove thumbnail
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Posted: 1 months ago

Chapter 124

After two days

In Morning 

Prithvi and Vasantmitra were still there in their cosy palace. They decided to leave but couldn't do it as they wanted some alone time together. Vasantmitra came back from temple and saw Prithvi was sleeping. 

Vasantmitra- Oh God, how can he sleep? The Sun rose long ago. 

She came to him and ran her hand on his back. She kissed his head and said- My King, it's time to wake up. 

Prithvi- I am too tired my love, let me sleep.

Vasantmitra- No get up

He pulled her on the bed and said- I want to drown myself in your beauty and love. 

Vasantmitra- Accha? 

Prithvi rubbed his nose with hers- Yes

Vasantmitra- But I don't want your work to get delayed because of me. Hurry up. Besides I want to Prarthna's baby. 

Prithvi caressing her shoulder while he was hugging her tightly in his arms- Fine, we shall go back. But when are you giving me a son? 

She blushed and lowered her head with a smile...He took her chin and made her look at him. Prithvi smiled and kissed her forehead. She hugged him. 

Avantika was on top of the world as she thought Prithvi is going to abandon Vasantmitra and marry her. She was staring at her ring again and again with a smile. 

Avantika thought- I will make Vasantmitra fade away from his heart and recapture my place in it. She was on top of the world. 

She came out to meet Kanak when she saw Kamla ordering some servants, she went there to tell her the good news and make her feel jealous. When she came to her...she heard - And for Maharani Vasantmitra, this room should be grander than everyone. 

Avantika shocked, she asked Kamla- Vasantmitra? Prithvi has abandoned her right? 

Kamla smiled- I knew he couldn't do it, yesterday I got this letter from Maharaj. He said he is at Vasant Griha with his beloved Queen and he told me to give my room to Vasantmitra and I should shift in her room. 

Avantika- What? That's an insult to your position. You are Mukhya Maharani. That room should be assigned to you. 

Kamla smiled- I don't mind it at all, this room belonged to Vasantmitra and she used to live there. And I hope Maharaj also makes her Mukhya Maharani. 

Avantika- Are you crazy? You are leaving your rights? Why? And Prithvi proposed me, she showed her the ring. 

Kamla shocked - He proposed you? 

Avantika- Yes...she had tears in her eyes...She ran to her room. 

Kamla- Oh no Prithvi what the hell did you do. 

Vasantmitra and Prithvi got ready got ready to come back to the palace. They were on their horses. In night it started raining and there was nothing but a big cave nearby. They decided to spend the night in that cave. 

Prithvi lit the fire, in light of fire, Vasantmitra looked absolutely gorgeous. He grabbed her by the waist and said- Even nature doesn't want us to go back tonight. She looked at him with love and admired his handsomeness. She touched his face and said in husky voice- My King, I can even die for you. 

He placed his finger on her lips and said- Don't say that...he ran the finger on her neck. He grabbed her waist and pulled her closer, she tightly grabbed his shoulders and hugged him. 

Prithvi in her ears said, you are my life. 

She hugged him more tightly and in front of fire they vowed to always love each other. 

Samagra was involved in some work when Vaishali came to meet him. 

Samagra- Vaishali? 

NostalgiaLove thumbnail
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Posted: 1 months ago

Chapter 125

Samagra- Vaishali? 

Vaishali came near him and said tearfully- I met a servant of Virochana. 

Samagra- Okay and ?

Vaishali- He told me to kill you and put the blame on Prithvi. 

Samagra shocked and said- This guy is never gonna stop plotting it seems. 

Vaishali tearfully- If I don't kill you they will kill me for failing again and again. I think Virochana understands I am betraying him.

Samagra- Don't worry we will save you. 

Vaishali left tearfully......

After some time someone again knocked on his door......

Samagra opened it and Vaishali came inside...She was wearing yellow Saree of Vasantmitra and adorned jewellery like her. 

Samagra was shocked- What is this Vaishali? 

Vaishali- My last wish to be your wife in every sense with your consent. Accept me.

Samagra- Vaishali no one will kill you, you are just being scared. 

Vaishali- Please Samagra I beg you. 

Samagra angry- Are you a Vishkanya? 

Vaishali- Call guards and make them check me. This is genuinely my last wish. 

Samagra- I can love no one other than .....

Vaishali- I know, that's why I am dressed like her.

Samagra- Vaishali you have lost you mind in fear. He grabbed her shoulders and kissed her forehead. You are a brave woman. Don't be scared. 

 But Vaishali was sad and suddenly blood came out of her mouth....

Samagra shocked- Vaishali.....she fell in his arms......

Vaishali- Maharaj Bhadradev ordered me to kill you and blame it on Prithvi. I...I couldn't do it. I wanted you to love me before my death but it seemed my sins got to me and I couldn't have my last wish. 

Samagra started crying- Vaishali, please don't.....

Vaishali- Samagra, save my sister from that conspiring Virochana. He really wants to destroy Meluha. He has some hidden hatred for the kingdom. Here....she gave a diary of secrets to Samagra. It has many secrets of Virochana which I wrote. I genuinely loved you Samagra, in next birth I will marry you....peecha nahi chodungi...and she smiled and died. 

Samagra shouted- Vaishali...........and he started crying.............

Everyone gathered there, seeing Vaishali dead made Avantika shocked...she shouted- Vaishali....and started crying.

Prarthna was shocked and sad but relieved as well. Kanak had no effect and said- Inform Maharaj Bhadradev of this sad news. 

Next Day

Prithvi and Vasantmitra were in the cave together lying together and loving each other.

Vasantmitra- I wish we were a normal couple, that way we could be together all the time. 

Prithvi smiled.......He got up and said- Let's go. But this time Vasantmitra pulled him down. She grabbed his hair real tight and said- Not only Maharaj, his queen can be really passionate as well. Prithvi smirked and said- Are you challenging me? I never lose.

Vasantmitra caressing his face said- Prove it....

Prithvi laughed and pulled her in his arms.....

Vaishali was cremated with full honours the very next day. Samagra was very sad as he lost a companion whom he never trusted. 

Samagra thought- Vaishali, May your soul find peace. 

Prithvi and Vasantmitra returned in mid night......only Kamla was awake to greet them. Prithvi saw Kamla and asked her with eyes that if the room was prepared and she blinked to tell him everything was okay. 

Kamla took Vasantmitra to Chief Queen's room ....

Vasantmitra- Kamla this is your room, but why is it filled with my stuff? And why it's even grander when I used to live in it. 

Kamla- Vasantmitra, this is your room from now on. 

Vasantmitra- But? 

Kamla- No but....this is the your rightful place. You belong here as Chief and only queen of Maharaj's heart. 

Vasantmitra entered her room and Kamla left. 

Vasantmitra thought- I am unable to bear so much love and happiness. My husband loves me, I am so overwhelmed and she had happy tears. 

Prithvi- What? 

Samagra was crying and told him what happened. 

Prithvi- Unbelievable.....Vaishali was indeed our side? It's our loss. She didn't have to kill herself. 

Samagra- A tinch of loyalty towards Bhadradev was still in her heart so my love also couldn't make her leave him. So she decided to end her life as she didn't want to kill me. 

Prithvi- What pathetic conspiracy, trying to create rift between Meluha and Durgpura. I hate this Virochana and Bhadradev. 

Samagra- Prithvi here it is, diary of secrets. 

Prithvi- It can be very useful for us Samagra. I am surprised how love can make someone such a fool. 

Samagra remembered Vasantmitra and a tear fell from his eye. He said- You are one to talk Prithvi, you married a dacoit due to love. What happened to your so called bragging of leaving Vasantmitra. You have returned even more in love with her.

Prithvi smirked- I know, I have realised my love for her is more deep than I thought. She was threatening to leave me but she doesn't know she can't leave me unless I want it. He smirked. Samagra, there is something about her which I can't explain in the words. Anyone can become her slave just by looking in her beautiful eyes. 

Samagra- Yes her eyes are really beautiful. 

Prithvi looked at him in shock..

Samagra- I meant she has nice eyes. 

Prithvi- As I was saying, I am not obsessed, I am crazy for her.

Samagra smiled.....

NostalgiaLove thumbnail
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Posted: 1 months ago

Chapter 126

In Morning 

Vasantmitra got to know about Vaishali and went to meet Samagra and Prarthna. 

Vasantmitra- I am so sorry for your loss Samagra. You must be feeling awful. 

Samagra- I am indeed feeling sad, she deserved better. 

Prarthna- Yes it's very sad but what could we do, it's all fate. 

Vasantmitra- I never really interacted with Vaishali but with her gone I am feeling very sad, like my sister  left me.

Samagra looked at her sadly and said- She was indeed your sister. 

Vasantmitra and Prarthna shocked....

Samagra- I mean you are so kind towards everyone, everyone else is like a sister to you. 

Vasantmitra sadly smiled and said- I hope you will be able to cope up with the pain. And she left after talking for few more minutes. 

Prarthna wasn't saying much to Samagra as he genuinely looked very sad. 

In Mahishmati 

Bhadradev threw his vine glass in anger. Sujata and Virochana were sitting and drinking. Sujata looked at Virochana with disappointed eyes. 

Bhadradev- Again, again we lost this battle. Why? Why? First Akramak was defeated and now Vaishali is dead. Loss after Loss, why? 

Virochana- Prithvi's new queen is responsible for this otherwise Akramak wouldn't be able to get defeated. 

Bhadradev- Kamla? 

Virochana- No, the name was something....what was that.....ah...... Vasantmitra.......

Bhadradev- Vasantmitra? 

He remembered......

Bhadradev- What you will name our daughter my love?

Lachi- Vasantmitra............she smiled and he hugged her ..

He came out of his thoughts ......

Virochana looked at Sujata and smirked...

Virochana- Maharaj I have heard she's extremely beautiful, like an Apsara. If you are successful in killing her, you can have her as your....

Bhadradev shouted- VIROCHANA....his eyes were red with anger....any girl with this name is like a daughter to me. Bhadradev started feeling fatherly feelings for Prithvi's new queen instantly, just after hearing her name. He has tears in his eyes and it felt like Lachi was back. 

Bhadradev- Even if we defeat Prithvi, this queen of his will be utmost respected and honoured, understood Virochana. 

Virochana confused- Understood Maharaj....

Bhadradev left...

Virochana- What's got into him? Why he wants to respect a queen due to which he lost.

Sujata bored- Whatever bhaiya, I don't care. She drank in one breath. 

Virochana- Your daughter is in Prithvi's palace for so long and you don't care. 

Sujata- That girl chose this fate. She's crazy for him. I don't care for her anymore. I have left her on her fate. 

Virochana- He can use Avantika. 

Sujata- I tried to save my daughter but she was hell bent on destroying her life. What could I do.  

Virochana thought- Alas! Bhadradev doesn't care for Avantika otherwise it would be a brilliant way to defeat Prithvi. Vaishali failed in killing Samagra and create rift between the two kingdoms. Sheesh.....

In Meluha

In night Avantika came to meet Prithvi. He was very stern faced this time. She came towards him and put her hands on his shoulder and said- Shall we finish we couldn't last time. 

Prithvi removed her hands and said- I am sorry Avantika, I was upset so I did irrational things. 

Avantika- Prithvi I am not a toy, you proposed me.....

Prithvi- I am ashamed Avantika,  I can only say I am sorry. 

Avantika shouted- You liar, you betrayed me again. 

Prithvi- Avantika pack your bags and leave Meluha. 

Avantika shouted- No I will not, I came here to be with you forever. The ball's in your court now. 

Prithvi- I don't want to marry again, my mother had promised Kamla so I did it. 

Avantika- Prithvi, Pitashri can use your abandoning me and go to war against you. 

Prithvi- He would do that anyway. Leave. 

Avantika- See this ring, you placed it in my finger promising me to marry me. 

Suddenly a glass fell on the floor and Avantika turned....It was Vasantmitra who had brought a special milk for immunity booster which she prepared from jungle herbs, the recipe for which only she knew. 

Vasantmitra had tears in her eyes and said- Badhai Maharaj, Bahut Bahut Badhai and she ran away...

Prithvi shouted- Vasantmitra...

He was about to run after her when Avantika grabbed his hand and said- Maharaj you cannot back down now. 

Prithvi saw her with angry eyes and grasped her neck tightly but Avantika this time didn't look afraid. 

Prithvi- You think you can separate me from her?

Avantika- You were boasting about abandoning her and she doesn't mean anything to you and what not. Is she really such a good lover that her one look made you forget she betrayed you, I did in anger she did deliberately. Still you are running after her.....this is not Prithvi I knew. 

Prithvi released her and said- She is epitome of my passion. His eyes were red with anger and said- Avantika......this is not kitchen politics and Vasantmitra isn't your co- wife, always remember hurting her means hurting me....always remember......

Avantika was now scared to see such an obsessed Prithvi..he left to meet Vasantmitra. 

Avantika was left in tears- Prithvi has changed and for worse. His obsession is turning into a slave of Vasantmitra. 
