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MansiP23 thumbnail
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Posted: 29 days ago

Great update. Glad that Sahiba is giving it back to himโ€ฆ Canโ€™t wait to see where the next chapter leads. 

Reader17 thumbnail
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Team #SaHan

Posted: 29 days ago

Lovely update, Poor Angad is trying and trying to appease his angry wife.

This hubby-wifey is such a talented duo.

Angad met with an accident, ab woh biwi apne aap hi maanjaayegi.

mirai07 thumbnail
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Posted: 28 days ago

Excellent work! ๐Ÿ‘ Brilliantly written! ๐Ÿ˜ป

Reader1419 thumbnail
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Posted: 27 days ago

Chapter 35

Sahiba was angry and restless. She had started having expectations from Angad, was getting too used to his company, though not sure why, what was there to get used to, he was a grizzly bear half of the time.....but still.

Before their marraige he had insulted her in worse ways but she was never this upset and now, even though he hardly said anything, her temper was refusing to dampen. She did not want to face him or listen to his lousy sorry so had come to monga house. She expected him to call the entire evening but there was not a single call or message. This made her even more upset. She was so angry with him and herself for constantly looking at her phone that she finally switched it off. 

Her parents had been very surprised to see her and a bit worried too. Had asked her if everything was fine and she had confirmed yes, she just missed them. She spent a good evening and dinner with mummy, papa, taaiji and Param. She had really missed them, so determined to have a good time, she put her switched off phone in one corner and spent some good quality time with her family. 

It was quiet late in the night now, almost midnight but she was very restless. No matter what she tried, she could not sleep. She kept having this sinking feeling that she could not relate to. She was In  her old room, in her old bed but was just tossing and turning, unable to sleep. Her mind again drifted to Angad, she wondered what he was doing, if he had eaten properly, how was his project going on.....aaahhh, upset with herself, she punched her pillow, willing her mind to not think about him and go to sleep. Just as she decided to forget about him....there was a knocking on her door and Param walked in.

"Sahiba Di.....Sahiba....are you awake"

"What happened Param, all ok"

"I don't know, where is your phone, Garry jiju has been trying to get in touch with you for so long  but your phone is not reachable" 

Sahiba felt a pang, she had switched off her phone in anger and forgotten about it.

"Here, he called on my phone finally to speak to you"

"Is everything ok" She asked, her sinking feeling worsening further....

"I don't know....he did not tell me anything"

Sahiba urgently took the phone from Param's hand and got out of the bed..

"Hello Garry"

"Sahiba! We have been trying to call you for so long! Where is your phone!" Garry said forcefully. Sahiba was a little shocked, he had never spoken to her like this ever...

"What happened, is everything ok" She asked nervously

"Ya, listen don't panic listening to what I am going to say.....Angad..."

"Angad what!" Asked Sahiba, her feeling getting worse

"Angad met with an accident."

Sahiba felt a dizzy spell, Angad...Param caught her..

"What happend, how is he" She asked faintly, sinking on to her bed...

"The doctor is with him, we are at the city hospital, I have been trying to reach you for so long, please come, don't panic but I think you need to be here"

"Ya ya, of course....I will come right away" 

"What happened Di" Param asked her worriedly, looking at her ashen panicked pace...

"Param, Angad met with an accident, I need to goto city hospital right away, I need to see how he is" She said, rushing out of her room

"Di wait, I will take you, let me grab my bike's keys...don't worry, everything will be fine" 

Fear was eating at Sahiba, she constantly prayed for him to be fine, she could not think otherwise. She refused to think anything else but she had never been so scared ever in her life....Angad.....last year similar time if someone had told her that she would be dying with fear for Angad's safety, she would have laughed in their faces.....but now...unknown to her, he had become an Integral part of her life....

Tears were flowing down her face throughout the way to the hospital....she hopped off the bike as soon as Param drew to a halt and ran inside. 

"Angad singh Brar..." She asked the receptionist and was guided to a room no. She ran all the way there and burst into the room ...

Angad was on the bed, his right hand in a sling, he had removed his outer pag and his forehead was covered in a big bandage....she ran to him and sat down on the bed beside him to give him a tight hug....tears streaming down her face....

"Angad...." She said and started crying, holding his face in her palms and checking for other injuries...."Are you ok..." She was very hyper, touching his face and arms everywhere to check for further injuries and then she again hugged him and would not let go..

Angad had blacked out at the accident site, with a head injury and a very bad sprain in his shoulder and arm. He had a concussion and had suffered small small cuts from the broken glass. He had blacked out but some of the people around him called for an ambulance. Some individual had handed over his phone to the hospital staff and when mama called on his phone to check about his whereabouts, they had informed them about the accident. 

He had been unconsious when his family arrived and they had gone into a panic....but he gained consiounes soon and the doctor had declared him to be fine. But he had a concussion so was required to be in the hospital for a day or so for observation and his arm was in a sling as he could not use it for few days. His whole body ached with hurt from the the jolt that he had suffered but was as such ok with God's grace. 

Everyone, other than Garry and Seerat had  just left for home when Sahiba burst into the room. She was inconsolable, hugging him....holding his face in her palms, crying....hugging him, Angad could not see her crying like this but felt very nice thinking she was so worried for him...hugging him, touching him. She had never touched him like this before....

Garry and Seerat had stepped out of the room when she came, to give them some privacy. 

"'s fine, I am fine" he said, putting his better arm around her and trying to console her but she was inconsolable, crying and hugging him. Angad felt so at peace holding her like that, all his aches and pains forgotten. He held her with one arm and rested his cheek on her head. He felt at home, her presence a balm to his soul. They just held each other like that for sometime, lost in their own feelings, listening to each other's heartbeats. 

They were like that for sometime when Sahiba moved a bit, hurting his arm inadvertently.

"Owww" he said

"Oh my god, I am so sorry, did I hurt you" Sahiba lurched away, to Angad's dissapointment.

"No, its fine, don't worry. Now stop crying please, I am fine...hmm...stop, I am fine" he emphasized again, wiping tears from her cheeks.

Sahiba wiped her tears and took a tissue from the near by table, sniffing. 

"What happened, how did this happen" She asked, none or her earlier anger or irritation present. 

"I was driving and then suddenly the brakes were not working and I came across a pedestrian crossing so had to take a sudden sharp turn to avoid hitting the pedestrians" 

"Why were you driving and where were you driving so late in the night" She Scolded him, her voice coming out sharper than she had intended in her worry. 

Angad was sheepish....and did not answer.

"Why did you not take the driver with you and answer me, where were you going so late in the night!"

"I....I was coming to pick you up" he said quietly, shocking her. 



Before they could speak further, there was a knock on the door and Garry, Seerat and Param walked in. Sahiba hurriedly got up from the bed and moved to Angad's side. Cleaning her face with a tissue, still sniveling from her tears. Seerat came and gave her a hug, making Sahiba cry again. 

"Shh, everything is fine now, he is fine" Sahiba calmed down and asked

"What did the doctor say Garry"

"Don't worry Sahiba, Angad is perfectly fine with God's grace but needs to be here overnight at least for observation as he hit his head quiet hard. They will do some tests tomorrow to ensure there is no Internal injury or something and if all fine he can go home tomorrow" 

Sahiba felt a little better. She had been so scared, but seeing him and listening to Garry she felt much better. 

"Angad, I wanted to ask you what exactly happened. Did some other car hit you" asked Garry

Angad explained about the brakes and how they were not working. 

Garry got upset "I will speak to the driver, how dare he leave the car at home in this condition and not inform. He should have informed if there was a problem with the brakes" 

"No, but when I started from home there was no problem with the brakes, in fact I stopped at the florist in- between and they were working perfectly fine" Angad said, not realising.

"Florist, why did you stop there" asked Sahiba

Angad was suddenly uncomfortable, all of them were staring at him "I...I was buying some flowers for you" he said quietly, stunning Sahiba...making her feel warm and making her blush

Garry found this very amusing but he did not want to tease Angad in front of everyone and went on to question him further..."So when you stopped, they were fine"

"Ya, I got off also and the car was in a perfectly fine condition till then. When I started driving again there was an issue" said Angad. 

"I think it just happened, it was not the driver's fault for sure" added Angad further

"I better get all our vehicles checked and serviced" said a worried Garry.

Angad looked at Sahiba, she looked really upset and still had tears in her eyes. 

"Garry, it's getting late, why don't you send Seerat and Sahiba home and you stay back with me" Angad did not want Sahiba to stress, so thought it was best if she went home and rested. 

"Of course" agreed Garry

"No, I am not going anywhere. Garry you go home with Seerat Di, I will come back home with Angad only" said Sahiba firmly

"But you go home and rest, Garry will stay with me" said Angad

"No, you guys go. And please send my things in the morning" Sahiba continued to discuss the logistics with Seerat and finally convinced all of them to go home for the night. 

Just then the nurse came in to check on Angad, ensuring that he was in any pain or anything and left them alone after some time. Sahiba was silent, still grappling with her feelings. Angad had become someone very important in her life, this accident definitely established her feelings for him, even if she had been unaware before. She was trying to digest these feelings at the same time grappling with her fear, which was taking some time to abate. She made her bed on the couch and then went to check on Angad as she sat down on the bed next to him.

"How are you feeling, are you in pain, do you need anything" She asked worriedly

"No, I am good" it did not look as if Sahiba was angry with him, so of course he was better! 

"Angad, why were you coming so late in the night to pick me up" she asked....unable to keep the question to herself

"I....I knew you were upset and I knew I was at fault, I wanted to say sorry and try to ask you to forgive me" said Angad tentatively, shocking Sahiba

"I...I was going to take you for a golgappe date and try to change ur mood. Seerat told me that was the best way to make you get rid of your anger" 

"You were going to pick me up and take me for golgappe" asked an amazed Sahiba.

Feeling something like shy, an unusual feeling for Angad Singh Brar, he said 

"ya...You have been so angry with me for past couple of days and I am so used to your chitter chatter now, I just could not take your silence anymore....I wanted to say sorry and try to make you forget your anger" 

Sahiba could not believe her ears, seeing his behaviour for past week or so, she had least expected this.

"And the flowers..."

"That was just a spontaneous decision, I know you like white lillies, so thought I will use those to my advantage too" 

"Sahiba, I have been wanting to say sorry to you for past couple of days..."

"Now forget all that, there is no need to say anything" Sahiba interrupted him. When she had heard that he met with an accident, the fear of something happening to him had overshadowed everything else...she did not care about anything else now and was just grateful that he was fine. 

"No, let me speak. I am generally not very good at this....communicating.....but let me. Sahiba I am sorry I did not listen to you when you shared your views...I belittled you and looked down upon ur ideas. In fact you have in the past also helped me so many times but I did not acknowledge it. I could not have got this deal without you....thank you"

Sahiba could not explain what she felt listening to was true that he had never acknowledged any of her efforts in the past, she had not done it for recognition....she had helped because she could, but listening to him acknowledge it made her realise how much she had craved his acknowledgement, his appreciation. She really admired him as a businessman, his commitment towards his work, what he had done for his business and his family and had heart of hearts wanted him to appreciate her and recognize her work and efforts. She felt warmth trickle through her.

"Also, when Daarji suggested that we work together, I was not sure. I thought what if we clash while working together and it effects our relationship...I did not want work to cause any rift between us....but I was wrong on that too. I am sure if we, if I...make enough efforts, we can work as a great team without tearing each other" he tried to joke. 

Sahiba heard him and realised that his doubts were also genuine but instead of sharing their thoughts with each other and clearing the air, they both had ended up arguing. They really needed to work on their communication. 

"So....Sahiba, I know you told Daarji you need time to think about it, but I don't have patience....Will you partner with me on this project and help me as you usually do?" Asked Angad

A joy spread through Sahiba, she had been wanting to hear this...but now that he asked She had her own doubts now...

"Sahiba..." Angad probed

"Well....I want to work as your partner on this, not as your subordinate....and I want my artistic freedom not to be curtailed...." 

Angad gave it a thought and said..."Yes, you will be my partner but I want to clear all designs before we finalize them and all final decisions would be mine after due discussions" 

They got into a discussion on how they would proceed further on their partnership and their expectations. Finally Angad gave his right hand to her, while still in the sling and said .... "partners" 

"Yes!" She said giving him a handshake....a little too enthusiastically..


"I am so sorry, so sorry....." Saying that she started fussing over him. Fluffing his pillows, giving him water....and Angad did not stop her....he really enjoyed her fretting over him....she had been giving him the cold shoulder for last 2 days and it felt great to be the centre of her attention now, to be pampered....he let her molly coddle him and enjoyed it throughly 

"Sleep now..." Sahiba bossed over him, forcing him to shut his eyes and try to sleep. 

"You also rest"

Sahiba went and laid down on her couch and Angad, under the effects of drugs, fell asleep soon. Sahiba heard the sound of his even breathing and fell asleep too, much happier than what she had got up in the morning. 

Sahiba was up early in the morning and freshed up once Veer came with her things and breakfast. She then laid a plate for Angad and started to feed him. His right arm was hurt and he would need help for the next few days. It seemed the most natural thing to do and she did not give it a second thought also, completely at ease. 

It was Angad who was feeling something, Sahiba sitting so close to him on his bed and feeding him his breakfast was something he was really enjoying. She was like a motherhen, fussing over her chick and he felt amazing, he had never thought he would like someone pampering him like this, taking care of him. Veer helped him freshen up and Sahiba went with him for further tests. Inder and Manveer also joined them at the hospital, unable to keep away from Angad. 

"Kaisa hai puttar" asked Inder, kissing Angad on his forehead. 

"I am perfectly fine papa. In fact the doctor said i can go home now"

"That's great news"

"Yes mama, but he has to rest for few days and has to come back in 4 days to get his hand checked. The doctor has given me his entire medication details and also assigned a physio to come home and help him excersize his hand" said Sahiba

"Do you have any idea how much you scared us" scolded Manveer before giving him a brief hug. 

Veer and Inder completed the diacharge formalities and soon they were ready to leave. Everyone at home was anxiously waiting for Angad's return and welcomed him home enthusiastically. 

Sahiba soon took him to the room to settle down and got him a glass of juice. As his hand was hurt she proceeded to help him drink. She knew he could use his left hand but she wanted to. It was so good to be back home with him and she was not going to leave him for one minute also! 

Sahiba took care of him throughout the day, feeding him, helping him with small small things and he even joined everyone on the dining table for Dinner, where Manveer decided to feed him herself. Post Dinner everyone dispersed to hall and Angad looked at Sahiba for confirmation and she nodded.

"Daarji, Sahiba has agreed to partner with me for the upcoming launch. So she and I will be working together on this project" Angad shared the good news. Everyone cheered at the good news, hugging sahiba and wishing her good luck on her new journey. 

Angad and Sahiba retired to their room for the night and she knew he will need help to change. She helped him remove the sling gently and remove his t-shirt. Initially Sahiba used to be afraid of any nearness to Angad, then had came acceptance and indifference but now, with time, she was extremely aware of him. Having realised that she cared for him more like her husband than only a friend, was giving rise to feelings very unknown to her.

Touching him, helping him change, seeing him in his state of undress made her heart beat go fast, her fingers tingled everytime she touched his back or shoulders while helping him. She was extremely aware of him and could not help but admire his physique. He maintained himself really well. Sahiba was extremely flustered. She tried to be quick about it and then disappeared into the bathroom for some privacy. 

Sahiba was never into guys, she had somehow been oblivious to the entire chemistry, happy in her own world. But with Angad, she knew now that she had crossed all emotional boundaries, she no longer hated him and for sure had crossed all boundaries as friends. He meant something to her, something a lot for sure. Her fear of being near him had also abated, her heart started racing at the thought of being near him........

Reader1419 thumbnail
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Posted: 27 days ago

Posted chapter 35

Amanita09 thumbnail
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Team Critic

Posted: 27 days ago

๐Ÿ˜Š I hope she finally overcomes her fear of intimacy cause I NEED to see Sahan consummation. 

Angad is really enjoying not being able to move ๐Ÿ˜‰

Reader1419 thumbnail
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Posted: 27 days ago

Guys I wanted to ask - dobu guys think storybis moving slowly? Not the pace at which I write but the pace of the story. I am delaying their confession as there are so many scenarios I want to write on it getting boring?

Poojajain36 thumbnail
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Posted: 27 days ago

It's not boring you are gearing  up our interest to read your story. Really  very interesting by finishing this  chapter I always got excited  to read the next chapter.

Edited by Poojajain36 - 27 days ago
Amanita09 thumbnail
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Team Critic

Posted: 27 days ago

Originally posted by: Reader1419

Guys I wanted to ask - dobu guys think storybis moving slowly? Not the pace at which I write but the pace of the story. I am delaying their confession as there are so many scenarios I want to write on it getting boring?

Not at all,if I'm being honest I check everyday to see if you have updated

apuni88 thumbnail
Anniversary 14 Thumbnail Jimmy Jab Games Season 6 0 Thumbnail + 4
Posted: 27 days ago

No definitely not! Itโ€™s a perfect slow burn. Loving it