Rani ruins another roundtable - Page 7


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RaniPreityAish thumbnail
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Posted: 6 months ago

Originally posted by: MrChatVsNorway

even if it’s true then it’s govinda who gave the apartment inspite of being married , why not blame the man for once ?

Both are equally culpable. But this thread is about Rani last time I checked. Feel free to start your own about Govinda.

And there is something especially diabolical of one woman breaking up another woman's home. But this is the same woman who thinks young girls who cannot fight off five grown male attackers or rapists is at fault for the assault. Perhaps you should tell Rani to blame the men for once.

RaniPreityAish thumbnail
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Posted: 6 months ago

Originally posted by: MrChatVsNorway

yes exactly , the same energy which Ashu jainu gave to the world when she snatched Abhishek from Rani , ruined her relation with the bachchans , used and dumped Vivek and destroyed his career . The same energy is now coming back to her , I mean look at her botched face haha . Her home is also broken . You are right ! Look at Rani ! She’s soaring high as ever and as always .. haha 

Others posted more in-depth about Rani's equation with the Bachchans. They informed me that Big B was against Rani as she was seeing Abhishek while with Adi. Deepika can be hated for dating multiple men pre-marriage but Rani dating multiple men, one who is married, is alright? Bachchans had problems with Rani long before Aish came into the picture and Kjo confirmed that Abhishek told him he loved Aish while filming KANK. Rani was right there with two Bachchans so what was wrong with her? Aish was not even on that film set to meddle.

Because Rani's home is so wonderful, created on the ashes of a broken home that she helped burn down? It did not take long for karma to bite her as Vaani Kapoor can attest to. Abhishek, for all his faults, has never cheated or slept around like Adi who is hardly some looker that I would consider Rani blessed to wake up everyday to see his face (that is when he's not waking up next to Vaani or whatever other starlet has caught his eye) 

RaniPreityAish thumbnail
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Posted: 6 months ago

Originally posted by: MrChatVsNorway

oh dear , you seem to know everything about adi’s first marriage Aishu janu fan .. adi’s marriage was already broken when Rani came in .. in an interview post marriage, Rani clearly mentioned that both of them came out of broken relationships and found solace in one another 

yeah you are still drinking the Koolaid like I did when I used to believe Rani's ridiculous stories.

At the end of the day, who is a global superstar renowned all over the world as the most beautiful woman in the world? Rani herself admits that her looks and voice were enough to scare most men away as she makes a joke out of #metoo that no men would want to harass her. Very funny joke not insensitive at all. Too bad nobody at the roundtable laughed as no one thought it was funny.

MrChatVsNorway thumbnail
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Posted: 6 months ago

Yeah yeah Aishu Jahannum I mean janu fan 

Every negative rumour about Rani is true.. even the most ridiculous imaginative rumors that you are spilling .. 

Rani is not beautiful, your 3 rd fav actress ROFLMAO , someone give me G .. is worlds most beautiful and innocent actress who can do no wrong .. please don’t make me laugh anymore .. 

Beautyful_Mess thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 7 Thumbnail + 8
Posted: 6 months ago

Originally posted by: MrChatVsNorway

Change your username plz ash fan disguised as fake Rani fan 

So as a fan they can’t express their displeasure with one of their favorite?? You don’t have copyright to being Rani fan so don’t tell people who they should stan and definitely don’t tell them what to do with their UN 😳Live and let live 

MrChatVsNorway thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Visit Streak 90 0 Thumbnail + 4
Posted: 6 months ago

Originally posted by: Beautyful_Mess

So as a fan they can’t express their displeasure with one of their favorite?? You don’t have copyright to being Rani fan so don’t tell people who they should stan and definitely don’t tell them what to do with their UN 😳Live and let live 

have you seen her posts ? Please check everything before u comment . She’s clearly a hater 

Terenaina thumbnail
Anniversary 18 Thumbnail Group Promotion 7 Thumbnail + 4
Posted: 6 months ago

I recently saw bunty aur babli because of sid and regretted watching the film because of rani, she looked and acted so bad. Why rani aged so fast when there are other actresses older than her looking better than her. Before bunty, last film I saw of her was talaash and I watched it because of aamir and kareena. It's safe to say use to be a fan of rani 10 years ago but not anymore. 

Filmistan thumbnail
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Posted: 6 months ago

Originally posted by: Bekind

I haven't watched the video yet nor plan too..who has 2 hours?smiley36

But why bring Iranian cinema all of sudden? Is it because one of their music was in movie Animal? Karan johar is such a people pleaser. I would agree with Rani. Why not appreciate indian cinema? So many amazing movies are being produced in India, why does he not give a shoutout to them? So Glad Rani spoke her mind, she is not a people pleaser. Go Rani!!smiley20

Bollywood and Indian Cinema crave Western validation. Those interviews RRR team gave during Oscar season was embarrassing. Instead of standing firm and taking pride in India's own cinematic aesthetic, they wanted to fit in the Western mould so bad. They were worshipping Hollywood and the Oscars.

Iranian Cinema is accepted in the West because most filmmakers there cater to European sensibility. South Korean cinema is accepted in the West as S.Korea is basically an American vassal.

Everytime someone mentions Indian Cinema, Westerners comment about the song and dance. And, Indian filmmakers start blushing—talking about it like it's wrong.

There was a time when KJo tried chumming up with these Europe-obsessed Indian filmmakers. But good for him, he realized the type of cinema he wanted to make. And, this is a total anglophile KJo we're talking about who even wanted half-white kids.

You just observe the likes of Masand and Anupama. Whenever talking about or interviewing a star or a filmmaker from the West, they're so giddy.

India has enough muscle to create an ecosphere of cinema for the global south. But filmmakers, journalists, and all here are so obsessed with Western validation. Bollywood starkids pride themselves on the fact that they can't speak fluent Hindi!

Martin Scorsese has always talked about his Catholic roots and how it has influenced his filmmaking. But God forbid, a Rajamouli, he has to make sure that he lets them know that he's not a Hindu, he's a secular, when promoting his movie in the West.

This absurd inferiority complex amongst the elites of Indian Cinema is quite baffling. Forever the colonized attitude.

VimalPanMasala thumbnail
Group Promotion 3 Thumbnail Anniversary 2 Thumbnail
Posted: 6 months ago

Originally posted by: MrChatVsNorway

have you seen her posts ? Please check everything before u comment . She’s clearly a hater 

I think OP is very reasonable. Rani was embarrassing in that interview and someone of her stature should know better. She's busy parroting her own struggle story from 30 years ago (which is fine) but then refusing to listen to other mindsets. She's not some nonactor but speaks like she is one. Not explanation of the craft and how it can grow for the better, but stubbornly insisting all faults are not on her friends. Even KJO knows better than that. 

Clochette thumbnail
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Posted: 6 months ago

Originally posted by: Filmistan

... Everytime someone mentions Indian Cinema, Westerners comment about the song and dance. And, Indian filmmakers start blushing—talking about it like it's wrong.


This absurd inferiority complex amongst the elites of Indian Cinema is quite baffling. Forever the colonized attitude.

Sadly... all the lobbying (and money spent) brought them an Oscar exactly for  t h a t...a song&dance smiley1
