Rani ruins another roundtable - Page 2


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RaniPreityAish thumbnail
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Posted: 6 months ago

Originally posted by: Maroonporsche

The best remedy for this is to not give rani the attention. Even when she does something good. Back in August she did an interview and she made some jokes at Karan’s expense and this place treated it as cat nip. But Rani always manages to loose that goodwill quickly 😂 

Kajol gets a lot of flack around her for being very loud, rude and aggressive but Rani is just a slightly more passive aggressive version of that. Not as loud as she is dominating and controlling. And Rani acts even more self-important.

Maroonporsche thumbnail
Posted: 6 months ago

Originally posted by: RaniPreityAish

Kajol gets a lot of flack around her for being very loud, rude and aggressive but Rani is just a slightly more passive aggressive version of that. Not as loud as she is dominating and controlling. And Rani acts even more self-important.


give them both flak. Give all of them flak

MaxMayfield thumbnail
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Fashionista Circle

Posted: 6 months ago

I honestly found the director to be rude..we dont need to emulate Iranian cinema..you dont need to be nasty to mainstream cinema all the time..there is room for every kind of cinema..! Also I felt KJo handled it with lot of dignity..Rani was direct but she was not annoying this time..

MrChatVsNorway thumbnail
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Posted: 6 months ago

Some people cannot handle a strong and opinionated woman I guess .. if it was Vanga then celebratory reels would have been made by his fans 

MrChatVsNorway thumbnail
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Posted: 6 months ago

@OP you clearly seem to be an Ash fan 

Shaitan-Haiwan thumbnail
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Critique Crusaders

Posted: 6 months ago

I guess I’m the only one who enjoys Rani nowadays ? I find it refreshing. Also it’s sad Ash isn’t on these round tables considering she gave 2 hits recently and a good performance 

Edited by Shaitan-Haiwan - 6 months ago
Bekind thumbnail
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Posted: 6 months ago

I haven't watched the video yet nor plan too..who has 2 hours?smiley36

But why bring Iranian cinema all of sudden? Is it because one of their music was in movie Animal? Karan johar is such a people pleaser. I would agree with Rani. Why not appreciate indian cinema? So many amazing movies are being produced in India, why does he not give a shoutout to them? So Glad Rani spoke her mind, she is not a people pleaser. Go Rani!!smiley20

loginidran thumbnail
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Posted: 6 months ago

It’s indeed hard to handle an opinionated woman. If it were a guy it would’ve been shared around like as if it were pearls of wisdom. 

Shaitan-Haiwan thumbnail
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Critique Crusaders

Posted: 6 months ago

Originally posted by: loginidran

It’s indeed hard to handle an opinionated woman. If it were a guy it would’ve been shared around like as if it were pearls of wisdom. 

So true. Be it the Khans, Ranbir or even Karan himself, they’ve made lots of strange statements in their careers and no one bats an eyelid for it 

loginidran thumbnail
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Posted: 6 months ago

Originally posted by: Shaitan-Haiwan

So true. Be it the Khans, Ranbir or even Karan himself, they’ve made lots of strange statements in their careers and no one bats an eyelid for it 

It’s not about making strange comments. It’s like there is an unspoken rule about how and how much a woman can speak. 

Edited by loginidran - 6 months ago