The Devil in the Dark Thread 2||Chapter 59 & 60 pg 12||Updated 30/06 - Page 14

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coderlady thumbnail
Posted: 2 days ago

chapter 59

Its good to see Geet back in action after surviving the attack. Her training helped a great deal. The other women do need that like she says.

coderlady thumbnail
Posted: 2 days ago

chapter 60

Siya and Vivaan have spent too much time just living next to each other but not with each other. Hopefully Vivaan will make it right now.

khwaishfan thumbnail
Anniversary 16 Thumbnail Visit Streak 500 0 Thumbnail + 7
Posted: 2 days ago

Hi there! 

hope you and your family are fine.

grateful for the updates

Chapter 59

Geet was pleasantly surprised seeing Maan cooking

there are indeed things that Geet does not know about Maan

no wonder Maan learnt how to cook

hate his dad

of cos Maan wants to postpone the opening of the fitness centre

Geet clearly refused

but Maan was adamant

Geet raised valid points

Maan indeed did not want to budge

Geet's arguments were reasonable

Maan's concern was justified

great that Geet assured Maan 

she was correct that the women need to be able to defend themselves

finally Maan relented 

however will increase the security around the center

pleased seeing Maan and Geet so happy

Geet's thoughts about Aleena's marriage was anticipated

at least Aleena will be attending the fitness center opening

good that Geet is on the road to recovery

agree with Aleena regarding Maan's possessiveness of Geet

well Geet questioned Aleena about her marriage

Aleena's response was apt

so Geet opened up to Aleena regarding Antara

feeling for Geet

she is a tough situation with Antara

not surprised that Maan wants to know was behind the attack on Geet

dismayed with Dev's comment about Geet

Maan's anger was understandable

ahh he warned Dev

Maan's thoughts well portrayed

wonderful that Geet changed everything

loved that Maan will do anything for Geet and will always protect her

liked that she his strength and not weakness

khwaishfan thumbnail
Anniversary 16 Thumbnail Visit Streak 500 0 Thumbnail + 7
Posted: a day ago

Chapter 60

immensely proud of Geet

loved the name of her fitness centre

glad that she is making a difference

great that the women are becoming stronger and empowered

pleased that Maan assigned eight of his best soldiers to lead the self defence classes

well the women also have a view of Luxure

so anyone outside the Familia are also allowed access to gym

of cos their access is limited 

as expected the gym is well equipped

the cafe is indeed buzzing! 

wonderful that the women from the Familia also work at the cafe

all thanks to Geet and Maan

nice that Antara visited Geet at the gym

wow Siya is already 7 months

at least Vivaan is working from home

feeling for Siya

her thoughts are reasonable

sad that she feels alone

her frustration was anticipated

dismayed that Vivaan does not spend time with her

Siya's outburst was justified

good that she questioned Vivaan

ahh she cannot blame Vivaan

this marriage was forced on them

hmm Siya needs Vivaan especially now

aww Geet admiring Maan

enjoyed the banter

passionate moments

hope they get to go on that weekend away

Antara's concern for Siya was understandable

oh Palak revealed she saw Vivaan at Temptation Lounge

Siya was certainly angry

not surprised she confronted Vivaan

however he cleared everything and assured her

Siya's thoughts were well portrayed

she does have feelings for Vivaan

can understand Vivaan's fears

but he is hurting Siya

nice that he apologised to Siya

she was direct with him

liked that Vivaan wants to bridge the gap between them and be there for Siya and their baby

perhaps love will find its way between them

update soon
