MG SS- Partner Of Life - Chapter 27 PG 122 Jun 13 - Page 128

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ArhamRizwan thumbnail
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Posted: 2 days ago


tellyme thumbnail
Posted: 2 days ago

Originally posted by: Mouser1

Can i get the chapter 15 link 

Welcome to the story smiley31

Thanks for commenting of the parts.

Part 15 - Placed it here. You can read now. smiley1

Mouser1 thumbnail
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Posted: 2 days ago

Thank you for the link i think geet is slowly opening up and feeling free to enjoy her life as it comes her friend maan always there to support her whenever she needed his support and megha her best friend is always with geet to support her

Mouser1 thumbnail
Group Promotion 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 2 days ago

Hope geet and maan accept their feelings and maan not think that he is using geet as a medium to get back his daughter geet is irrevocably in love and adore maan and his simplicity and his family wants geet and maan as a couple 

Mouser1 thumbnail
Group Promotion 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 2 days ago

How maan explains her and how she accepts it without hesitation i want them to confess their love for each other their life is giving them the chance to be together for ever

Mouser1 thumbnail
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Posted: 2 days ago

That ashish does not match the maan persona nor he has a heart like maan their kiss is the opening of their feelings what they have been yearning for each other its the love and submission of their feelings towards each other 

Mouser1 thumbnail
Group Promotion 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 2 days ago

Their feelings and their love towards eachother and the attraction towards each other all say that they have to be together maan and geet belongs to each other no matter what is in their hearts 

Mouser1 thumbnail
Group Promotion 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 2 days ago

How cheap and cunning sameera is she made allegations that geet is with maan due to his status and money infact sameera is the one who cheated maan in marriage and how dare she point out finger at geet

yakub thumbnail
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Posted: a day ago

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Mouser1 thumbnail
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Posted: a day ago

What a beautiful family maan has and how much they bring joy to geets life she also want to be the part of the family that she yearns from childhood
