MG FF - Silent Whisper - Chpt 14 - Pg 93 Jun 20 - Page 95

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Posted: 4 days ago

Geet surprised by his persona and helpful nature and happy that he keeps track about her life and opposite geet has no idea about him but geet also want to know her husband maan intrigued by his persona and simplicity 

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Posted: 4 days ago

Geet is changing her thoughts about maan and his simplicity attracting her to him she wants too build a relationship with her husband 

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Posted: 4 days ago

They are perfect for each other none are less than other but in marriage some one have to move forward and try to work for it here geet is trying but her ego and maans straight forward nature are clashing 

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Posted: 4 days ago

Geet really want to have a husband wife relationship with maan she learnt about his insecurities and want marriage work for both of them she is irrevocably in love with her husband 

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Posted: 4 days ago

I don't know when do maan opens his heart for geet and when do geet wins his heart as as a wife but not as geet handa

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Posted: 4 days ago

I want the maan and geet lower their guards and think as husband and wife Beyond their individual status 

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Posted: 3 days ago

Thanks for updating and pm

Chapter 14. Incredible part. Love how Maan and Geet are slowly bonding. Geet is playfully challenging Maan to smile while flirting with her. There is subtle shifts in their relationship now. Geet is noticing changes in Maan's demeanor and pondering the impact of a past night. Maan's calm and confident handling of baseless allegations impressed Geet.

        Maan and Geet reach home and going to their separate rooms. Glad that she disrupted his work to spend more time with him. This was playful and flirtatious. Geet can't hide her affection anymore. Like that Geet is able to express her vulnerability and seek Maan's guidance on her failed project. Maan’s words regarding Geet's project is raw yet insightful. Geet can see her husband is an intelligent man. Looks like she has finally got someone to share the burden of that huge empire of her father.

         So a candid dinner date. Like how Geet wants to dress according to Maan. And Maan wants her to be herself. Geet told him she didn't have a boyfriend. Liked them having open conversation about their relationship. Geet, not just Geet handa this time but Maan's wife cleared things so nicely from her side. Waiting for next. 

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Posted: 3 days ago

Love is in the air for geet she actually imagines him consciously also but what about maan is he feels the same or jjust he attracted physically to her or he thinks he is a show piece to her to be in public display with her

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Posted: 3 days ago

Maan is also affected by geet he is not sure about geet feelings and the media they thought that they insult maan but his persona affected them badly and geet feels sorry for maan

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Posted: 3 days ago

Commented on ur blog
