Raghvi FF- BROKEN- Chp 9 Updated Pg 9 - Page 3


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MissMichelle thumbnail
Posted: 2 years ago


Raghav sat at the psychologist office with Farhad. There’s 15mins to his appointment. He sighed remembering the struggle he had this morning convincing the others to stay at the hotel. Everyone wanted to accompany him. He heard Farhad trying to stifle his laugh and turned to him.

“I know exactly what you’re laughing at, I should’ve left you home also. A bunch of crazy people I traveled with  and you all think I’m the one that needs help.How would it look if I showed up with 6 people to this appointment?” Raghavsnapped at him.

Farhad couldn’t stifle his laughter anymore seeing his Anna's reaction and said “It was really funny how Amma actually hid in the car.”Raghav glared at him, but a small smile adorned his face.

“Mr. Rao, the doctor would see you now" the receptionist sitting a few feet away informed.” Raghav got up and looked at Farhad. Good luck Anna, I’ll be right here waiting on you.” Raghav nodded,while passing his phone to him and entered the door.

Pallavi finished organizing the last room. The Ashram had a section that would cater for guest accommodation overnight. However there was only 4 bedrooms there. Ramaswamy had informed 2 of the rooms would be shared, so they would require 5 rooms. Which left 1 room short. She decided to use her room, as it was adjacent the terrace and was slightly bigger than the rest except the Rathore’s room. She would sleep with Saira for the night. With all things set, she sent an email letting Ramaswamy know all arrangements have been made for his  visit. She then went down to help with planning the itinerary for tomorrow.

Raghav couldn’t believe when his hour was up. It felt like he had just entered the office. He always had the thought that psychologist office would be dark and dreary, with some aged doctor. However as soon as he stepped inside he was taken aback. The walls were painted blue and yellow, with very comfortable cream sofa lining the wall. It was huge and could very well hold atleast 6 persons comfortably. He cant let his family know this though, he internally smiled. His doctor was a 40 year old man named  Manish Veer. They started the session discussing about his background, his business and his family. In other words Dr.Veer got to know Raghav Rao. In the last 15 minutes they touched on Raghav's panic attacks.


“So Raghav, tell me about the reason you’re here?” askedDr.Veer.  

“I’ve been having panic attacks for the past 2 years. It started off mild, with just a slight difficulty breathing, but during the years the duration increased until I started becoming unconscious when I get them.The most recent instance which was last week, I was unconscious for 3 days. Apart from this, I’m unable to sleep more than 4 hours most nights. A reoccurring dream always wake me up.  My family is very worried about me. They insisted it’s time I get help. So here I am” replied Raghav.

“Do you want help Raghav? Because I see no sense in beginning this journey with you, if you don’t want it yourself. You see mental health is not something that can be improved if a person doesn’t put all his efforts into becoming better. You must want it for yourself not for anyone else.”replied Dr. Veer.

Raghav though for while before answering. “To be honest doctor, I think of these panic attacks as my punishment for the wrongs that I have done to someone. Yes, I want to ease my family’s worries, but somewhere Ithink I deserve what’s happening to me, hence the reason I did not try to get help before. My guilt and my family's happiness are 50/50 here. In order to make my family happy, I have to let go of this guilt. But then what about theperson I have wronged? What justice do they get?”

“Tell me something Raghav, would this person approved ofyour method of punishing yourself?” asked Dr. Veer.

Raghav eyes became teary. “Before I took everything away from them, no. But now, I really don’t know doctor.”

“You have been avoiding saying this persons name, or what relation you share with them. Take a minute and think about it. If  we are to continue this journey, you need tos6hare this information.”

Raghav sat quietly for 5 minutes. “Pallavi Deshmuk” just saying her name took so much effort from him. “Before I defamed  her she was just an opponent to me. However now, she’s my first thought as well as last thought of each day. I would give my life if it meant undoing all the wrongs I did to her. How do you name this relation?”

Dr. Veer ended the session when Pallavi's name was mentioned. “This we will find out in our next appointment which is 10 days fromnow. I’m prescribing you some sleeping tablets. I want you to try these until our next visit. “

Though it was his first session, Raghav felt a sense of calm. “Thank you doctor, I’ll see you soon then.” It indeed felt good to speak of your inner turmoil , without being judged.

 He came out of the office and saw Farhad sitting nervously. “Are you worried about me?” He asked taking Farhad by surprise. “Anna you’re finished. I did not notice you coming.How was it?” asked Farhad.

“Good. My next appointment is in 10 days, so we’ll see how it progress from there” he gave Farhad a slight smile. “I’m hungry let’s get everyone and go out to lunch. Then we’ll visit the Lakshmi Narayan temple as per Amma's wish.

Farhad decided not to press for details of his session. His Anna needs his space to deal with his demons alone. “Ok Anna, he’s your phone to inform them. They have been calling every 5 minutes. Also the Ashram sent an email confirming all arrangements have been made for tomorrow’s visit” Farhad informed while they walked to the car.  

“Good. I’m looking forward to seeing the couple that manage this Ashram here in Bhopal. Due to my issues, we haven’t met in 2 years. Do you have the file on the Ashram I asked you to bring?” asked Raghav.

They both sat in the car and buckled their seat belt. “Yes Anna, here you go" Farhad took the file from the back seat and passed it to Raghav before starting the car. Raghav made a call informing his family ofthe afternoon’s plans before he started reading the file while Farhad drove.

Raghav was impressed while reading the file. All the Ashram were given a fixed amount of funding. With varying ages of the  children, there’s additional funding set up to be accessed when needed. However for the past 2 years, this Ashram has not used any of the additional funding. They also have the most amount of adoptions, and intake during this time also. The older children are taking extracurricular activities. This must come at an expense, but they have not taken money from the additional funding.

“Farhad, during your monthly check ups, have this Ashram raised any issues? Raghav asked while flipping through the pages.

“No Anna. We normally correspond via emails. Any problems would ’ve been brought to your attention and noted in their file as well. Why do you ask?

“I’ve noticed they don’t use the additional funding, but they have more occupancy than the rest. Also, the children are doing moreextracurricular activities, which is definitely an additional expense. I’mcurious how they are meeting the additional expenses. Well I guess I’ll get all my answers tomorrow” Raghav said and closed the file.

When the itinerary was settle for tomorrow, they all had lunch at the Ashram. Then Pallavi had a dance class with some children from thearea. She was happy that she can use her passion for dance to help others. After she took permission from Mrs Rathore to visit the temple. She wanted to make an offering to ensure tomorrow’s function goes well. Saira and Aryan also accompanied her.

Raghav listened as his family chatted on the drive from the restaurant to the temple. They took 2 vehicles. He was driving 1 with with Vijay Deshmuk, Sharda ji and Amma. Kerthi and Harish was with Farhad in the other vehicle. He couldn’t remember  when last he saw heard his Amma chat like this. They all may seem happy to the outside world, but if you look closely you’ll realize their smiles do not reach their eyes. Only one person can bring true happiness back to these 2 families. An angel who left 2 years ago. He looked at himself in the mirror, if only this devil didn’t destroy that angel, how different would things have been?

He stopped the car at a the traffic light, with Farhad on his left. On his right an auto rickshaw pulled up. Within sat 2 ladies dressed in white, with an infant in between. The occupants of the three vehicles continue to converse among themselves, unaware that very soon their lives are going to become entwined with each other.

“What hurts more than the feeling of being wronged?                                        

  The feeling of realization of guilt”

MissMichelle thumbnail
Posted: 2 years ago

Originally posted by: I-Got-You

Beautiful 😭❤️

Thank you ❤️. Chapter 6 updated😊

CottonCandyy thumbnail
Posted: 2 years ago


Interesting update 

Want to know how will they meet now 

Fariha9283 thumbnail
Posted: 2 years ago

It will be further updated or not?? waiting for so long

MissMichelle thumbnail
Posted: 2 years ago

Originally posted by: Fariha9283

It will be further updated or not?? waiting for so long

The story would be updated. I use my free time to update, but as my work schedule has been hectic recently, i am unable to do so. 

ReemShah thumbnail
Most Comments (June 2021) 1 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail + 3
Posted: 2 years ago

this is really good

excited for upcoming updates

Yumlal112 thumbnail
Posted: 2 years ago

Just loving this plot so much....please update soon

hatelove2012 thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Visit Streak 180 0 Thumbnail + 5
Posted: 2 years ago

Read all chapters in one go. Very well written. Can’t wait to read more. 

MissMichelle thumbnail
Posted: 2 years ago


Raghav and Farhad stopped at the steps of the temple, to let the others out before proceeding to park on the other side. While exiting Amma said “make sure and come up Raghav, I’ll like to offer prayers with my entire family”. He nodded and drove off while the others went to purchase the necessary items needed.

The auto pulled up a few mins later. Pallavi took Aryan in her arms as he had fallen asleep and with Saira at her side they went ahead to the stairs. Since they walked with all the things needed for the offering, there was no need to visit the stalls.

The place was crowded today, and it became difficult for Pallavi to make her way through with aryan in her arms. When they reached the stairs, they decided Saira would stay with Aryan outside, while Pallavi went ahead into the temple.

Pallavi was accustomed with the stares she received because of her white sari. Some looked at her with pity, while others looked at her like she was cursed. On most days she ignored it. However for some reason today, she felt odd.

As soon as she stepped into the temple, she felt a chill run through her body. She looked around expecting to see people starring, but no one was paying particular attention to her. She shrugged it off, rang the overhead bell before joining the line with the other worshippers. Meanwhile, Amma and the others were almost to the front awaiting Raghav & Farhad.

Aryan had awoken, and was making a fuss when he didn’t see Pallavi. “Aryan baby, Didi will be back shortly. Please don’t cry" Saira cooed trying to ease his cries, while walking back and forth. She wasn’t paying much attention to her surroundings, and when she moved to turn direction she bumped into someone and stumbled forward. This caused Aryan to become loose from her hands. A scream of panic left her mouth as she saw Aryan falling forward, her arms unable to grab him to her. However before he hit the ground a pair of arms clothed in a jacket caught him. A pair of hands also was holding her from the back, which prevented her from falling forward.

The arms at her back steadied her. She looked at Aryan who was  looking at the man intently, his cries gone. He lifted his tiny hands and pulled at the man’s beard, to which the man chuckled. “In about 20 years you’ll have one also" the stranger said to which Aryan giggled as if he understood.

“Thank you so much. I don’t know what I would’ve done if he was hurt. It was irresponsible irresponsible of me to not look where I was going” she said to the man holding Aryan.

The man at her back came and stood next to the one in front of her. Both were dressed in suits. The one that saved her wore a black suit and tie with a white shirt. He had a serious look on his face, he didn’t even glanced at her once. The man that held Aryan was wearing a 3 piece suit minus the tie. His chest was visible through his open buttons of his shirt.

 Did he not know he was in a temple, she thought.

“That’s ok. Be careful in the future” he said while coming forward to pass Aryan back to her. Aryan however refused to leave his hand. He turned and hugged the man around his neck.

Raghav felt something, he couldn’t quite place the feeling when the little guy wrapped his tiny arms around his neck.  “What’s his name?” he asked the woman in front of him.

“Aryan” she answered. Raghav observed her. She looked quite young, maybe early twenties. Her white attire told of her widowhood. “And yours?” he asked. “Saira Abdul” she replied.

She was a Muslim. He pulled the little guys hand and brought his face to his. “Aryan wont you go to your Ammi” he said while again trying to pass him back to his mother. However the little guy refuse to budge. “No Saira” he said shaking his little head.

Raghav looked at her. Her face was flushed with worry. “Is he not your son? He’s calling you by your name”. Raghav could tell she was hesitant to reply because of the way she bit down on her lip.

“No, he’s not my son, but that does not mean I think of him as anything less.  Both of us stay at an Ashram not far away. We are here with another occupant. Aryan fell asleep and because of the crowd I stayed back with him, while she went up to the temple. I’m sorry for this inconvenience, but Aryan is a little fussy when he awakes. There’s only one person that can calm him down immediately and she’s inside" she said while trying again to take Aryan from his hands.

“Aryan, come on Didi is waiting for us. Let’s go to her”. At the mention of his “Didi" the little guy let go of Raghav’s neck and went to Saira. Raghav can see how his face lit up. He must love his Didi a lot.

She looked at him and Farhad. “Thank you both for saving us. Say thank you and goodbye Aryan”.

Aryan stretched to Raghav and gave him a wet kiss on his cheeks. “Bye" he said to Raghav smiling, who in turn ruffled his hair.

“Bye little guy. Be good to both of your Didi ok".

Raghav watchas she strolled off carrying Aryan. They went to a nearby stall, where she purchased some snacks and drinks. She sat with him on a bench and started to feed him.

“Let’s go Farhad" he said while he turned towards the stairs. Having gotten no response, Raghav turned and observe Farhads’ gaze on Saira and Aryan. “Farhad” he called again a little louder. This got his attention, and he turned to Raghav his face flush with embarrassment.

 “Sorry Anna" he said. Raghav looked at him with a knowing smirk. “If you found her interesting, why did you not introduce yourself.”

This caused Farhad’s flushed face to turn a darker shade. “Its nothing like that Anna” he said softly. “But why didn’t you ask her what Ashram. It could be yours.”

“I did think to ask, but I’ll know tomorrow anyway right. Come now, let’s go, the others must be waiting”.

The others reached the front of the line, but Raghav had not showed up. With the Pundits approval, they stood to the side awaiting Raghav, while the other worshippers took their turn.

Pallavi was almost to the front when she felt that weird  feeling from before. Her heart rate picked up. What was happening to her? She placed her hand on her chest and took some deep breaths. “Was she having a heart attack? She wondered.

Sharda Deshmuk saw her first. She looked at her daughter, dressed in a white sari. Her long hair flowing down her back. No jewelry except a pair of plain earrings. He face almost completely devoid of make up, except for some mascara that lined her eyes. She was holding a tray of items for her offering. Sharda blinked to ensure she wasn’t hallucinating.

Her beautiful daughter, dressed in a widow’s attire. Flashes of Pallavi dressed in colorful clothes and laughing danced before her eyes. Tears began to make it’s way down her face. She grabbed her husband’s hand.

Vijay Deshmuk looked at his wife when she grabbed his hands and saw the tears. “Sharda?” he questioned worried. When she didn’t move an inch he followed her vision, and was left shocked when he saw his daughter. He looked at her clothing and flashes of her wedding and the day he threw her out moved before his eyes.

Jaya Rao, getting no response from Vijay Deshmuk to further the conversation they were having, turned and saw his gazed fixed somewhere. She followed the direction and gasp. There stood Pallavi. However, it wasn’t the Pallavi she knew 2 years back. Gone was the twinkle in her eyes, the lines of laughter on her face & her colorful sari. The confidence in which she carried herself was also missing.

There stood before them was a shadow of the person they all knew. Kerthi and Harish also stood silently watching her.

Vijay Deshmuk was the first to come out of the trance, and started walking towards her.

After taking a couple deep breaths to still her racing heart, Pallavi moved ahead in the line, only to stop abruptly. There stood in front of her was Vijay Deshmuk!

She stood still looking at him. Her eyes then shifted to his right and she saw the others. Pallavi felt the tears building, but she fought to keep them at bay. He took a step towards her , but she took two steps back and put out her hands motioning him to stop.

She felt as though a hand was squeezing her throat. Stopping the air from flowing. This did not stop the images of the man standing in front of her, dragging and throwing her out unto the dark streets. She needed to get out of here, in order to breathe. She turned and ran out the temple. She heard her name being called by many, but she did not stop. She reached the stairs and without looking continued to run down.

She was halfway down when she felt as if she had hit a wall. The impact sent the tray of items into the air. She closed her eyes and grabbed onto the surface she hit, and felt the material bunched in her hands. She felt something being sprinkled on her, at the same time she heard the tray hit the floor.

Pallavi took a few seconds before she opened her eyes. She had to blink a few times as a powdery substance coated her eyelashes. She realised she has grabbed onto someone. She unclenched her fingers from the person’s clothing and went to move back. However a hand came around her waist and prevented her from moving away. She looked up and her breathe caught in her throat.

There stood Raghav Rao, his face covered in sindoor, holding her tight. Pallavi felt her strength leaving her body, she fought the darkness when she heard a tiny voice cried “Didi". However, it soon won as her world turned black.

nooriex thumbnail
Group Promotion 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 2 years ago

They finally meet 😆 superb chapter!