Friday 23 Feb ..Epi (Maro Goli) starring : Anum Fayyaz , Hassan Niazi and others.
It was a beautiful episode with strong message.. Anum plays a married woman . she suffers from her husband's ill treatment, and contiuas threats of talaaq.
Another track of a needy man who is turning a goon to get a living. it is quite funny, and it is good to see the story palanced between this track and the other one which is quite sad.
Anum and Hassan did gr8 performances , so did the goons . 😃
Loved the bonding between Anum and her mom, The stories about the family and zevar. before Anum took every piece of jewelary to give to her husband. but in her way she met with the goons. 😲 Rest is just amazing. ⭐️