Somewhere Over the Rainbow #20 With Prats in Our Hearts - Page 50


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nn027 thumbnail
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Posted: 6 years ago

Hello friends πŸ˜Š
Sneha.Love thumbnail
Posted: 6 years ago

Originally posted by: Avyakta

Hello friends ,  hope all is well at everyone's heart and home ! πŸ€—
Madhu is doing fine , still, the slight temperature is there, but recovering from the procedure discomfort. 
So happy to see our Branka back without sneezing anymore!❀️
Very wise advice Padmaja , yes have to accept what is in store for us and , try to recover from every shock and sickness to walk forward. 
Read the reviews of PV , very interesting, but have no time to watch now , will watch later.
Thanks Nado for the links . Hope Dragice is doing fine .
Wise quotes from Branka and Vimaa . Thank you all .
Image result for hope quotes with flowers

Hello Avi, my dear πŸ€—

Thank you for informing us about Madi β€οΈ I am so happy that she is on the path to recovery.
I am eagerly waiting (just like all of us here) to see soon her sweet face here in our place.
Please convey to her our love and best wishes for recovery, when you'll talk with her.
Tell her that we are all praying for her . 

Thank you for this beautiful Quotes, I love this last one so much. β­οΈ

Hope that you and your family are fine. I am sure that Abhi is discovering new interesting things every day and that you enjoy in his facial expressions and smiles πŸ˜Š
Love you both, take care.πŸ€— πŸ€— And keep warm. 

This is so cute..and need this outfit.

Sneha.Love thumbnail
Posted: 6 years ago

Originally posted by: cygnet9

Good Morning Rainbow friends😊

Very much releaved to see Branka's smiling face, Branka please follow as Jelena says. Rest properly. I guess all the stress you took while travelling to your mother's place, the festivities that followed, and so on affected your health. But then that was your responsibility same as taking care of yourself and listening to your daughterπŸ˜† Don't stress upon too much, ok.
Wonderful quoteπŸ‘

Also releaved to know about Madhu, hope she also recovers soon.

Now Ivony, hope we get to hear about her and or see her here.

Nado, Avi, Vibha and Natty you girls also do take good care of yourselves. Good day all of you.

Thank you Padmaja for your care and concerne. πŸ€—

I decided to take this challenge. Though I do some of this things already, like: 1, 3, 5, 7, 10,11, 12,13, 15, 16, 17, 20

I do not have a routine (2) I just do what comes to my mind at the moment...And I tried to be silent, but there is no way...I always admired Seetha, she used to spent every Friday in silence, not talking...I tried at least in the morning, as I sit in my garden and watch a sunrise, but there were always some interuptions...Will continue to try, though...

Planning to do:  4, 6, 8, 21...And what the heck is a capsule wardrobe???😲

Edit to add...I can not do 9...I am to much addicted to this place to give up on my PC (I could be without TV, no problem)

slow living challenge hygge ideas

Edited by Sneha...Love - 6 years ago
Sneha.Love thumbnail
Posted: 6 years ago

Originally posted by: nn027

Hello Branka. Good news. 
Listen to the doctor's advice now you can easily get a new virus again. Take care dear πŸ€—

Rezultat slika za littlle baby and littlle dogs

Thank you Nada πŸ€—

I will listen to your (and doctor's ) advice, will stay at home and avoid viruses. πŸ˜Š
Such a cute Picture. πŸ˜Š

Thank you for links of PV, will watch it this days and will translate WU. 

I decided to listen some good advices...πŸ˜ƒπŸ˜†

Self-care is not selfish.

No issues today

I hope one day I will be able to do this...It is true, I really plan to do that...😊

Break time. #Yoga
Sneha.Love thumbnail
Posted: 6 years ago
Have to go now, will be back later..😊

Hope that Dragica is fine and that soon we'll see her here again. πŸ€—

Hope that madi will recover fully soon and will go back to her home. πŸ€—
I know her boys miss her so much.πŸ€—πŸ€—

.Love you all.  β€οΈ

nn027 thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Group Promotion 8 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 6 years ago

Originally posted by: cygnet9

Good Morning Rainbow friends😊

Guys relax, go slow. Take good care of your health. Do drop in once in a day just to share your feelings and emotions. For few days don't stress much, then slowly every thing will fall into place including health. At present I am doing the same. Nothing in our hands. To be honest what ever we plan or stratazize it back fires so lets live life this moment.

Good day all of you😊

Hello Padmaja. 
Thank you for your good advices  πŸ˜Š

Rezultat slika za good day
Edited by nn027 - 6 years ago
nn027 thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Group Promotion 8 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 6 years ago

Originally posted by: vibraj

Good morning!

I too am so busy with travel preparation, was unable to catch up on the episodes of Prithvi Vallabh, hopefully will do so after I return! but the trailers I have seen seem magnificent and of epic proportions!

Branka, glad to know your lungs are clear, now get all right a hundred percent.πŸ€— Simply loved the quote on self belief by Rumi, absolutely superb!πŸ‘πŸΌ

Waiting for all to be well and back together!

Tommy Ton - GUCCI CRUISE 2016

Have a good day everyone! Some random quotes!

Inspirational Picture Quotes...: Be humble in your confidence yet courageous in your character.

Lovely quote Vibha πŸ˜Š
Enjoy the upcoming journey πŸ˜Š

Rezultat slika za Enjoy the upcoming journey
nn027 thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Group Promotion 8 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 6 years ago

Originally posted by: Avyakta

Hello friends ,  hope all is well at everyone's heart and home ! πŸ€—

Madhu is doing fine , still, the slight temperature is there, but recovering from the procedure discomfort. 
So happy to see our Branka back without sneezing anymore!❀️
Very wise advice Padmaja , yes have to accept what is in store for us and , try to recover from every shock and sickness to walk forward. 
Read the reviews of PV , very interesting, but have no time to watch now , will watch later.
Thanks Nado for the links . Hope Dragice is doing fine .
Wise quotes from Branka and Vimaa . Thank you all .
Image result for hope quotes with flowers

Thank you Avy β€οΈ

I am pleased that our Madi successfully recovers. Give her our good greetings.
A great embrace for our Abhi. 

nn027 thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Group Promotion 8 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 6 years ago

Originally posted by: Sneha...Love

Thank you Nada πŸ€—

I will listen to your (and doctor's ) advice, will stay at home and avoid viruses. πŸ˜Š
Such a cute Picture. πŸ˜Š

Thank you for links of PV, will watch it this days and will translate WU. 

I decided to listen some good advices...πŸ˜ƒπŸ˜†

Self-care is not selfish.

No issues today

I hope one day I will be able to do this...It is true, I really plan to do that...😊

Break time. #Yoga

Hello Branka.  πŸ€—

I'm looking forward to seeing the series together. πŸ˜ƒ

cygnet9 thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail Commentator 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 6 years ago
Hello Rainbow friends😊
Dear friends whatever I am writing is not advice, but it is the realisation I gained again. You know after my father's demise I am scared of loosing someone or other. I became this damsel in distress which otherwise I am a strong person. 

Guys I don't know it is fortunate or unfortunate to know ourselves because by virtue we tend to become overconfident or cowerd. In my case of late I became cowerd who is scared of a slight sound or incident. 

So just to make myself see reality writing those words which otherwise seems to be an adviceπŸ˜†

Praying for Madhu, Ivony and all of us's wellbeing.

Good Night Rainbow Friends.